The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 9 Feb 1872, p. 2

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\ GIBSON,. UWib3Ja. Mr. MERRICHK said that it appsared b; the present B M that t3 Qovernment, were \ asking that the power conterred by ths lato Registration Aet on the Govet:nm_ent to divide kidings into recistration districts, be repealed; and he saw NP particular object in . this, as ths President of the Council hadt stated that in the event of good cause being shown any membr cou'!d inatroducs & Bill to the House asking that such shouli be dons, ancd if the Government thought it nscessary they would assist in passing it. Now, of courge, without their consent no euch Bili could pass ; and, therafore, If the Exesutive themselves thon¥ht such registry office re-- gnired they could, under the present law, irect the same to be done. The Hon Prest dent of the Council also statoed that it was bietter thas the registry offices should be in the county towns only, whore the sheriff s and treasurer's oftices were also situatsd | Now, in his (Mr. \Merrick's) own riding the 1 registry oflice was not in the county town, ' but was twelve milss from where the shariff's EV CC * 00e office is now situated, so that ie C > ceug -- ((QVOTADCU ed had baken place. Th dovertth es also proposed to introduco 4 soparate MC+ uro to deal with the question of iss \Ir. CAMERON contended that tho §°0*° ations of the Registry Oflises . o oo Ap ® y AP w PBAPITAY > h" suro Lo ucal wawik mR®M O$ CCC 0 0000 1\ir. CAMERON contended that the sepat. ations of the Registry Offises which 11:'4 taken plase under the late Government x been porfectly jastiGable. The Goverams" seemed to bo atra{a of themgelvyes. Ho dic not object to the sccond readiag. o uis ... ce wer eWAE n 1Ir. MACDONALD (Lee: the remark of the Premtor t \{Fee should be located ia th \fr, WOOD said the impt vailed throughout the 94 separation of the offic<s whis terred to bad tiken placa, Icoal party suppors (des 'phly concurred in the view t ofhice should be situated in 4 ind was guro +*% incmber fo also aproeea with tho rtn}grk ent of hat th stablishmn After & and t in that case 1 It had also } feeliing was #NOL i4 r. FAREW KLL Mr. BLAKEC 1 The discussle I t of the Counct and conve _A 110 M +A 'OROXTO, SIMCOR axp MUSKOX A JUNCTION RAILWAYy, | \r. CAMERON moved the second reading t? the Bilito amalramate the Toronto, Simese snd Muskoka Junction Rallway Company, and the North Grey Rallway Company, under the name of Tae Northern Extontion Rall-- way Company, Carrled, REGISTRY OFFICE3 IN RIDINGS, The debate on this Bill was resumed, Aiter some forther remarks from Mr. Cameron, Mr. Ferguson, and Mr, MceCall, Mr, MACDONXAtLp (Cornwall) defended the gonduct of 'the lato Counennunan 1 uns whak _ K¥ s a%12 poses of the Presbyterian tion with the Church of auihorize said trasteos i; a pertion thereof,--C arrig the whole on Mondav V4 After AMLAZ LJY L L\ 1 Ul'l'ICSS IN RlDINGSo The debate on this Bill was resumed, Aiter some forther remarks from Mr. Cameron, Mr. Fergnson, and Mr, McCall, Mr, MACDONXAtLp (Cornwall) defended the conduct of the late Covernment, and stated that petitions had poured in from the county of Middlesex in favour of the change which his Administration had made, Mr, MACKEX7z7 q denied thiy statemont, ard added that the county counclis wers adverse to the chm.,,,, """"" Comuc! aaverse to of -- thae ho alluded F _ |, _ KA 60 HELV<H moir, 5 55 iy, Enguire inso the titles, and 23 miles another way to reglater their ingtry ments. 'The presont Bill was for the purpos» of remedying an inconvenience urder which the whole country laboured, af ~iy, "" ,"At* change, of -- thae inconvenienee he alluded to the caso of Delawarc,. the peopls of wp 25 miles to erqurire into miles another way ta ~--._; Mtr. ROBINGoX denled thg Astortion 9 the member for Oornwali that the bsople of Kingaton had petitioned in favour of tho late measure. He knew that the menbor for Cornwa'll had sout ftor tha bresent rogis-- trar of Kingstor to come to him to Toronto, (Cheers and hnghfiel' ) Mr. Porry and M# Farewe}] $uDpOrted the Bill, which 'u_'thnn read q lec.sndpti?l:',lgnd referred to a Committee 9 the whol3 on Monday. _ T CAdmesek u AADNECAE NC e in his (Mr. Merrick's) own riding the ry office was not in the county town, as t welve miles from where the shoriff's reasurer's office is now situated, so that ut ease the argument was not applicabls ' w C .22 XuL. *4 .. n U 0 ounby C ara th v ds in the tor the C RH¥T mining € »1 ons!? I¢ a oved the Incsormyra LTER moved the to asppoint trust { Frontenasc, t a village of P ingaton and I ir. Galbraith | [ALD (Leeds) eencurred '" a Prem{or that the reglst oorted in the county £)¥4 id the {aspression bkad pro ut tha coun:y that the '"'ta--« whirh bad b:oa ts nds 100 h moved the second roaading ppoint trusteos for certalc n of Belleville, for the pur-- abyterian Church in connsc place, to socure suiu' (Hear, hear.) H. ; view that lhe regis*.r}' ed in t** o_uabty 1998 mnber for E338 Toronatso remarks of the Pro®'. No ons eoth' thow nday J dd L Irom i Mi. * y V EAUaaw s whic coart 0 yO IM i vild AYSente OI lc :sord reading of the the Or:rtarlo Mineral » * Mr L}\_L' BR sCoTL (&rey) iaued by in conasction wit i Port Hope, to se a io ridin amittes--Ms bilil to enaol iA NDS MiNNG Scotland, and to borrow monmsy on L. Comn'tteq of nosd by th« 02 Ofi tLao I'resovy. ;,, «</® 'Poople 0t in fflVflur of the E,h" the Menrbor couaty of ols at amnD j rmerdmsoat tH r390 1J bye-- t ball V & YADvUL in AU -- Wilt blic & Mr. McCALL objecied to the insrease o' the Speaker's salary from $1,000 to $1,500. Mr. BLAKE sald thas the Government believed the BfilAl'{Ol the Speaker was in adcquate. They believed the salary of tne Speaker of the sole House in the Province of Ontario ought to be more than $1,000 a year, especiglly.when the salaries of each of the Speakers in the Local Parliament of Quebsc was $2,400 por annum. (Hear, hear.) The Speaker was the first commoner in the Pro-- vince, and, in addition to this, was ex-- pected to eztend hospitality to members, and to distinghhed strangers. The House ought to be informed that the increaso in the salary cost the country nothing; and it The House went into Committes of ply on the Estimates; Mr. re ,'°._ Sup. in the chair. ; Mr. Wood (Victoria), was in this way. The salary of thae late Attomei-Goneul was $4,000 & year; but the salary of the presext Attorney.General was only $3,200 a year. The nfiry was thus reduced $800, and the half of it given to the Speaker, In other words, six Ministers now cost less than five formerly; and of the say-- ing of the $800, the half wont to tha Spesker. And thus there was no loss to the public. (Hear, hear.) Mr. CAMERON said the late Attornsy-- General's salary had baenincreasod to $4. 000 becauss he had to fulfil the duties of Premisr. He did not wish to speak with any ill fecling towards the kon. gentleman who held the ot-- fice of Spesker, but the law provided thas that gentleman should receive $1,000 a year He considered him one of the best.--paid offi cers in Ontario. He should not bave ob jected to any proposal to incresse the salar les of mivisters to more than $3,200, besause they had onerous duties and large responsl-- bilities. \ir CUMBERLAND thought the Clark of the House ought to have received a largs \ir. CUMBERLAND thought the Clerk | &\ of the House ought to have r%ceivedea l.::lf'""' [« ML _\I'\C.KE'::Z"': sald it was evident } ralary. g% that the policy of the Opposition was dela; Ms) MeCALL s and obstruction. * r. MCALL sartd there was & in Mr. CAMERON a cresse of over $3 000 to the total f Cbo Snesrinps hy bad aprerm imesprassondly | departments and the mh"nmwu:r the fve pas tlo us Cor :rn;fi: ;ct:'wral times previously | Mr, MACKEXNZ'E pointed Seyoral membe i1 | a{ ts out that. i rs epoke, while others t'l'x'e Department of Agriculture aud ::bli: the Oppcuition side throw paper mi:gu%: &:!E:iil:. ::d fa,d.-leg1 ruore than ©3,.000 uo 40048 th* benches, s for ofi $ mt Sn fop sntorg io the degarinent bet ww At fone retuntes Pb c n6 _ ' salaries did pot appear in tho estlmates bet] Mir, MACDONALB (Leeds), asked it fore, as they were charged to the particular | was in order to sit on Saturday. works on which they wore engaged -- In the The CHAIRMAN ruled that it was in Al:::mey-(}fll\neula Departmens there was a order, ons Shesey. aud $1St c ceablishmeat of| -- Mr. CAMERON wished to appes! to the a law library, and $151 over expenditure, | Speaker (Cries of * N i pxa" der." for which they had to take a vote of gredi1 * % beof **No, mo, ~Aant' O" or.") Ir the Secretary and Registrar's office ther'e The Opposition side of the House besams was also a esmall sum :vendnwh, and an. meost disorderiy. other of $1$9 for the Public Works offise Mr. CAMERON, at ten minutes pas There was also the salary of .\Ir'Bridgeland, m':h;:.;'moved that the committse report k 0oL e s % Mir. MACKENZ'E pointed out that. in the Department of Agriculture aud Public Woerks, he had added more than %5,000 to the estimates for officers who were really & very efficient officer, whose salary did appear at all in the estimates last year. there was a very considerable decrease in estimates instead of an increase. * Mr. BLAKE said there was also an item of $1,000 tor extra writers, appointed to en-- «ble the Government to comply with the re-- quirements of Sist Vict., cap 20, see 82, an *Act which had not been carried out before, it reemed, and which required thig extra stail to prepare Gdocuments and furnish information _ The memoer for Algoma hat dlagJayed his ffeual earnestness in his spocch He (%ir. Blake) thought that gontleman nad mistsken bis vocation He was boron for the stage (Loudlaughter.) He had said something 'hout stagesmanship _ Well, if this was the ) We Th ---- .ltgt.esmanahip gentiomen opposit» org 3(";'.&:8";:';:'1;, it this was whas theyv * gorr Aha them rally to their hearts' 333%?! np(fl&:'::f hear ) They would not get another wor. npgon this subject from Ministers, _ Mr, CAMERON procesded to question 'nearly every item under the head of leogisla-- --_ tlon, the discussion of which occupled a great __; length of time, _ Mr. BLAKE, at the conclasion -- of |-- | Mr. Cameron's remarks, said ho Wwas bir. E. B. WOOD said It was quite trus, as the Treasurer bhad stated, that cortain nersons were employed in the Pablic Works Department at a salary oft $5,000. _ Thais was never submitsted to the Council. The names of theso persons should certainly be put in the estimates. Mr. CUMBERLAND--Why did you no' put them in the estimates * Mr. WOOD--I was not told about theu by the Commissicner; and would not gorourd all the departments taking stock, \Ur, CUMBERLAND--Why did you n find them ous as the presont Treasurer h aone ? NALF, -- Y¥0Q0UiJ----IRO -- VJ MSiNASiQULUOE -- HYYVO told me \UIr. ELAKE--Bus our Commissioner tol« \is. WOOD sald the itoms conserning i these $5,000 would be found in last ye&a** accounts, 'The aimerence between tho late Comm!loner and himselft was that he (Mr. Wsod) beld that these persons shoald bo paid through the Troasurer's office by cheque. Mr. CARLING expls ined ----The offisers to whom allurion had been mado had not bsen put on the permanent stafl of his depart ment, and were paid by the day, and the charge mado to the different works on which they were employed. The amounts pald to these ofhcers were returned to the Treasuror cnee a mosth, ard had appeared in the Pab-- lic Accounts of last year. Mr. CUMBERLAND attacked Mr, E. B Wood, and advised the Goverament to bs ware lest thore might be amongst their aum ber an Iscariot. (Cries of order ) _ Mr. WOOD denied indignantly that he had any wish to cast blame upon his late col-- leagues, In its financial arrangements the late Government was altogether without blame, and its history in that respect would go down with credit to posterity, The im-- putation that had been thrown upon him by \ir. Cumberland--that he had not dealt tairly by his lato collgnguea:;w?\st s{'baso 18, tairly by his lato collengues--was & base calumny, and he threw 1t back in Mr., Cam-- berland's teeth. (Applause ) Mr. FAIRBAIRN deprecated the sorkt of recrimination which had taken placs Was it always to go on ? He thought it was time for it to cease. The conduct of the member for South Brant had been of the most manly charaster. . Tho wealthy | Province of Ontario was well able to pay its public ofticers handsomely. WOO>--Ths Commissioner nev SUPPLY. to question not the astoni as1onisned _to lind, aftér the acutes observation displayed on the other side of the House, that the hon, gentleman had not noticed an extra charge of $3 for the three messengers, He would explain, They were paid $1 a day each, and it was Leap--year. (Lavughter. ) The item for legislation, amounting in gross to $116,0940 60, was passed after some iu:ther discussion. On the item for Colonizition Roads--$73, 705 40, Mr, CAMERON complained that the length of ecrtain rouds was not given, Mr, BLAKE poicted out that these roads were unex})lored, aud the vote was for the purpose of exploration. The fength of unexplored roads it was somewhat difiicult to give. A Mr, SCOTT (Oitawa) exglainsd the de-- tails of the item. o , Mr, LAUDER, in a long sgesch, indalged in persoral abuse of the Goverament., Mr. CAMERON asked the Goverament for explanations, % Mr. SCOTT (Ottaws) relterated explana: ticns several times. \ir, CAMERON wished the debate on this item adjourned. Mr BLAKE could not see the necessity {or this course, for all neceseary explanations bad been fully given, and there was nothing more to discuss with any profit to the House. Mr. CAMERON, at twenty.--five minutes to twelve, ross to speak against time, Mr. COREBY eaid that rather than this item passcd, he would sit ther morning. (Cries of '"Oh !") Mr. RYKERT, at twonty minutss &o twelvo, attempted to obtain a 'count--out," but falled, as a quorum was present. ~ the House. * | _ The House | tweive. Mr. CAMERON, twelve, moved that progress. | _ > tll\lSlwn-c Mr, GIBSON appealed to the member for I's% Toronto not to keep members walting cust of their beds any longer, The item for colonization roada Was then passed, and reported to the House,. Mr. BLAKE moved the adjournment of Tourned juarter pa hay

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