The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Feb 1872, p. 3

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.. r.BLEEE-mf y, amen. t ' - ., law relating to feesof Ilegistry0mces e tltti " "I a; , , . _ ' " C "mm " - I 'Pep. ? .m - l t, - Mr. TOOLE Ir-drill to amend the M on the House. _ - . ' f r.hAi 1,3,4, ulCipal Act. ll- Mr. PRINCE was not,tswarp that this _ 29.1, .hir. HoUuL?.iir--ull respecting the) Question of representation had excited . _ C. i. _ seizure and attachment of ccuita'ne l, ', much attention in the Provmce-(bear, . " s" teresig. 1- '4 1'1- liear,)--howcver, he dil not think that any . , . '. FREE tl RAN? L ANDS reason why the House should not deal with . ' N _ Hon. Mr. scori moved the iollowin the WSW". But, first of all, they should - . resolution :--That in the opinion of [big endiure why it was that the change was to . House, it is expedient that the Lieutenant- )ehilnade. , , _ ' Governor in Council should have autliorit r . SI.), DEROCHE thought it was for the l 1.0 1'01?"th sums due to the Crown I); itrh'gisst/oufg,,t)1,hri','Jl1tt dual rcpresel1- __ may ids settlers still in or I, ' is- ' .- b' , . , .rk JO I?" . T landsin all the Free (,'t'.,cgt,m1,ii,)1wtfsuits.'.i", Coir. .R) KEIIT 31"" he saw, that the (save and except the Townships of ALE; )d,iil1i"nii'i'L'ifjf of Crown Lanrs and the t . - . 1 Grafton, Jriibc'i:/brcc and Allende)" and" to 'df) Tim} u for nouth Tictot"m, who 7 '. place suchsc'ttlcrs in the same position as 1 wordy Opposed this measure, had now those who settled in the Free Grant Town: Ctlanlgel the" minds, and he could under- ships under the Free, Grant Ilezulations isnanc it") {038,138 which they had for so do- il 1'nat itisrsperlient to provide "that it"; in? C e that the reason, why the . 'r'e Lieutenant-tir-in-ice in Council may b , l the, s),,"?,,'?,,",','),'),',.,., of Public ll orlu was 51} an. order in Council, confer noon the Cd') 1rgs113ntgilé ILSunieaisure waslthat he had an 1 r',,) tuislsionerlol' Crown Lands "authority to which his c,tiij)i1tfeij,oslt',,ajl"Lfi?: 61:55:31 , _ _ _ r"),, ma " sun 1 rrmissions as aforesaid subject their seat: He sh 1d r - . ' ' to the prrovisiotrs of these i'esolutidns and he alwa 'mh d l on 999950 the-Bill as - -, suhlrct to such provisions, if any, not in- ble'had {in ditttone' htlieving that the Peo- _ T consistent with tpuv,ercsvl io . a , - g o @0056 fyr themselves be embodied in order in 01:31:33, Ire may leietoir1)2e,r,efgrt move 'm amthncm.t: . , The motion Was carried. P,ill 1,111,115 10) 0511.1110'1 of '11:" Hoyle the said 1 1 Mr. DRAGON 11:ch notice that on the 1:)- on] incris Milli the "guts of the peorln (t House going, into Conwnittedesn these re- 'i1'i'11ci',1ji1'".,' I rr.','.l,5ft',e,l1,l'ri,t,il'.fs, as. 11.1 their l c solutions 1,ufr,lt,ould move as an anicnde lincibii%i§o{(§1?§.twi"~1'11""0'3the" ititerest i it" mint that, the words " save and except the and int; living 71') Il RIB-Of the 1",H.Pfre, l ' ii' 1"ownships of Alice, Grattan, Wilberforce pcdicnt Irirltin: ri/s.,,',),),"',?,"::'),,'-")).,',,'",,'," mud , and Mention" be omitted. [jam li, 'di,1fii/,')1ll",11i'l",,i' 3" take away any: t ' nun PxriPit'cyiriNTAT'd)N. winmui LS at {119.11% 2"} by the. pet.ple, 1. lion. in. Men ELLAll moved the second u not (snag; I' 11'?" Cet'ic/?,y lhis.Wyy.e , "r.,i' rpatllilng of the Bill to render members of Bill i'.P-in It , proceed further with this . - I iil tie oust: of Commons ir.eliaible I . ' , t t "3, ' lion to the 'isegislaticc ASsctr'nblyfoorf L133:- . ti,t,irt',i5frry1,1/i,iit1i'pi,'ro,f,i/v,":-,t the Bill. The p. turn; and in doing fir? said he admitted that lultwudenw oi tho ELM" rcquired that _ _ .'." , some incocircuicnce would result to the "iihflt1a, llfcmhers should be excluded. ' b." Ad:muistrution if the Ishii were passed; 13:11? yy.),fii1ytclg,_L., also supported the _' however a great principle was involved" 31 , 11:11:11 SWI- that thelate Government ad. ',r. and therefore the Iri;lj..etrttryl "M" be: night. its principle by cscluding senators . fl conic law - trua ., front that House. ' In reply is, A". Ilyynw!. Me" TI! Mr. .WOOD said that there was one t" Hun. Mr. Elli-Ali}; sril, 111,111 the Jiill 5:113}: Iowa ich neutrality towards the Do . 1 would apply to 1mmlwy.s. mi that Assembly tll/n/d," parliament; wa? a total impossibii . . r l ilfll'r the dismlution. " y,' 1r.1?.t Wily lines in the Dominion and . '. Mr. MACDONALD theCs', oycru,c;rr't 31'3" P,roy.iutiarl, Houses must be the same. ii? the L'ill,whichliec,ursileurl /lj'voi.'i'..,iidl/rri . 1.17.1399" states "WWW"remarkable T t character and an interference with the i/list,:'),).":.,',')' 91.11"" same yvndof,i,lr'nog: T310 _ riglitsot' electors. One important reason 1il,','fji',?,y'd,"/,l,) of Qatar") CONN living; il ..' why it :liould not, pass was that under -tiiC, (f,,',), U 111561?) a"! m itllianc3 with 0'" ltr op-l, ' l, present liw tin-.39 best acmrainted with the Ill;',";"..";,",',':,",:" .) ) "it? (i'y/,e1',n.11t.e/it of the Dmuin' 1E parliamentary 533330111 of Ontario were (',i,"i/.',,jrr,,'"l', 13mm"inmvuluzm1'1-le-nmw'ergl (," enablcd to protect its rights at Ottawa. vii. "it" . '/1'.r's/1".y-1i.t hm} th.e riglit, and it . 1:; The r.ncmbcrs of the Administration who this 1.12.". tltriy lo r"uyryort ly Poli I on 1 1 came within the SCtlIlC of this Bill, had iti"cl2,"ytt, (if 1ij,rl)om,i/ityry.l,1,iel1, they be- _ taken care to frame it in such a way that 'Ji'.)),-')..',. ff 'f "1-91-31 "fl nought thtre were _ j they would be able to occupy their seats i;p3::f.'.'l'1itlw.c";magi"."711"?"il'mghibcvcl')' . through the second session of that Assein 11.5.1 'r",' y,','?,.'., t." dig} WWW"? " an old Par. ( bly; he thovyht they thus took an unfair yi,")])"',,),)")),".,-") l! tusp, Hamil i itiiiec to have , advantage. if the (S-wcrnmcnt really 1r\,,'s1j1r,"r.)osi,,,ti'11j),,: Ira l thstt 11'1"." been , . 'l, wish the Gill to pass, they should have neviirul'n So in: as'he knew, there had _ * provided that the election of a member to the ir, $13,311:}, . him")? adianee between l. the Moment Commons should vacate his "111.15er- li',"),'":',' of (Hi",'? and the Ihre. 1 seat in tho Assembly. awn-":1 /,l-1,'rl?,ey.11.'tyr,. ll-I should vote "- Mr. FERUL'SUN ul:o opposed the 13111 "(31.1 161p???" reading. ' Is, an undue interference with the rights of Bill L. CLI, (IKE (Nort"ivl,k') supported the1 l Lie mop C. The free will of the countrI .. , y , - . _ ( should he untratntnrllc'l. "Flu-re was lllfl wle,1,1r-/,1,"d1,"o,y),,lf1i"u' rclieisy'd theargut"ai'."ntrcl, . petition or demand foi'eucli a measure. ',511y.-'11tr,1ytxiu/l, by the h<)[].1lnle)C[S for! . What are the Dunedin expected to result Hum. Grey, 1 Lincoln and Eie.,t Tm'onto; l ". from its adoption .' 11nd piocccdeu to remark that an . Mr. fiEXTON said tlitrsx had been no .1821 been "no? 10111.9 absence o? petitions, 1 petitions against the llill, whence it might 'll) hu, (Mr. BM?" 11""!!!"1; tlrat the people _ . he safely argued that the country was in the?) "it? less lil "591131111" cxprcssmg - 1fuvor of the measure. Ite had not heard {fir waxes by 'yW1.iPs., and that _1.lrey _ ""'*" l any argument of i:nytrctvm-'c brought plate-trod toleave it}? their representatives i, ; against the measure. P. cirry out their Wisncs. .11 ith rcspectto 1 l Dr. nocnrnu 'uclluyard mum: to in- 11imsclf,motivcs had,1l, t.o him I " iducc hizn to cliauIrc his opinion G this as to. the course he would pursue in the i, l . -sf tt .t '3'- . ' . N Denim; m Parliament- but all he had to . l , subject. The principle oi dual represents; - L 1, t , 1 I , M. " 5 tion wiv, recognized in the municipal insti- say was, .'Yy,' at Ottawa It shoi,ilflfi?r.i,.'y',1lif . tutions of the countrv. The Bill was astep to s1Tp'o11.1.lto h.nn: inenioer tl,"), no SI lcd ' 1 in the wrong direction i he should thercfore the Oppori'dvn in the [louse of commons. ' vote awaiust it. The late {government in an Act to better I, DILiAUDEii saidtlie arguments now secure the imlep1urh-'r:t'eoi' ilsuryv21'yt had y . urought forward in support of this Bill o,1,i.syee,ly.,iti'l s'"""",'?":".? 'rr', election'To pe , Were widely ditl'ercnt from those used on l _ryYir.tty,t1rij't',,'i1yir1it't1r( 1cy,.1.e?.'ji'?,ii.i,1i'; .. previous occ:rrims. Jlrrmerly Ottawa In- the r)'nnc1l)le (ll thin: 11.1.: 'reaip/.,r,ivj,l),i,e,e:,11. 1 Human had been talked about, but now It was iicvcssary tor than _ mu: it snou.d t that was dropped and the House was told have all lil'r'ICi't-L'ndfeol immature. , , t lthat it was too much to ask any man to Tlic 1louse divided o'", MT. hi'ki'i'is . 1 " sacrifice, the time rupiirtd for attendance mucrr:huent, when the manners Wct"d, yous, . in both Houses. it); new, 3:? The amendment his tlrryc- l lion. 1,Niv.thty1Eflo'2; liadbccn surprised iore 105:1 I it 1 .r8 . Ce 1. Cod h l . . . q t . C'd.,u-. ~ss".. l :I, I' Ir- . .- ' p, c, 11., ' eteeur----r-- _ - zz:zzxzzSex aFacaaarr"ai-"""-"r""""" -' _ at the ilippa.nt Wltfr Ill whicl1 tyis mcas.urc vita;Cinn'iuqflund37¢{11:1'1;(;1lx11.1{"it,2:5llllln'flk.'81}"if"a, 'c, - . - had been introduced on this occasion. Hamilton, Lauder, .iilirihuu,1tatwiontil'd (Leeds), " l,' ti ll? {19.1111 0 titgt'aplt. According to his Conservative views the Merrick, l'rilltto,dil;l(rri, Strut, Mir)", Wiiltittns _ -t , _jjCl_1-..----r---f------- ------- people should not be deprived of any 'v/,11"ylll. ti,'i,1Q'.0ij"/tl/1,t,iicr".i,),, 132nm" Bethuw (-,i,i--i-i--,ji--j;-,-,-t. --- -r-rc-,-rrr,--,r,-rr-rrr,r.,T,rT,-TC- iorivilege they posscyscr) unless that) pr1v1- Blair'sTbh'rlfsbtiQCClartrf(Norfolki,Clarkc'G'Vclltng: T011054 U), v, litry' l y,'iJA1 . l 'pill. 1 l, i"?, lcge had been abused. Those who an thalt1 ton), meme"? cg"; f,iot7J.'; 93112;} $616113?" ), . - _---------------" Home made tucn1sclvcs acqurtiuty wit L'mnks,Cr0Siy. encom trf1c!1e, 'arrlrtirn, are; 34"" ' ..-rm. ._.. ... . . . _-..-, 7v. J , ihhorts,Gibson, w, 1 u I Ittl 'l',',':? ' I Ifi'sl NCS. the Views of the provmce of Ontario were 2V1.1111131"?!figfggggiéhd'gsigl'girl'rihnitogjii? ideal}; 3 the best mento rtrprcscnt the provitlce '.tt McCall, McCtraig, McKellar, Mae ennie Me 1m, _ I ___ ---i--------. _ Ottawa. He believed the people of Untario ycLtytr1rfslr.y2,11cC, Monk), Monteith, Olchr, Par- f 1 TL use". Feb. I:',, 18. l I Wire in favor of dual representation, why 213131312311);g:§1?nn'51n°cr§i'r Itit,1h, $311,106? T 11'; bl _ L l is] ill took the Lhilll at ,I- Irr.lthrn Shlliild they be, depripll'cd 012th rlgllato ll'oolcy. Webb" i'i/iiii'iiid ifii'iiiii'vrrj" 'iir'i?cdrrr,Wl;ii', , q "' Fr', . ' om the ' chose. "no ouse It a victtJrin.)--rM. ., "r , _.. 1'1'1'1110'1' _ (11,9t.\;4111,,,\-C gimp, weiurhtrcr reasons why ( The Bill was then read a second time Tiw following "we presented; rlt1-lii'u ' , '.., v =1 ".s, _ elttat , . Co ittee 01 thc Whol , , ' I immune involx ed in this Bill stiould and referred to cmmr cc c 3 c lion. Mr. GUW ---Frm1 the County tire, 1, t (i He p. t uite satisiitd that to-morrow. Council of Wellington, for the devising be ",ty'(y.',c',.c.","',: , te "151 (111,131 stc)kt00 far I THillD READINGS. . of a system of arbitration in disputes as to 11,10 _..i'x?,r,11,11,ee'i,-)t, ),r'li' il')., _',i/1,'i1f/'vrpit11i,. , . . , l . t . construction of drainS. dc. Ilicir (any rcaaln 11ft 1999134,. .1, choc: The, ft,] ""5155 Ell; were 1inci a hum - Also -From South Wellington Horti. l), $55,111:: ot,j,'eii,11,'r1t'uc" l, LAW . tr, M ' tiTriut1),1 1'iii.:si'i,ii'.r, oror; in tort Ising . - , " sud, r .S,.3- "us, turf." I; I . " M i tomato ur iei'01' 'is. - C yg . _ y'..',,,",),',:".:,),.'" rctcty, n l Pt ting Igricultural '1 he 1iouiie, took thi'usual "we" the election of members to the Legislative _ l o . l (X h (a ttyi-- Jro . . . , mm- 'rcu', w..'.,,, 'itt'u' Assembly. . 7 . 1 ("30131111111 5132(1): it": -i,fe1yi1ii,'t11,sl12 .,,1)'e'ej"..'ilf'1" on Dual 1mcpriesei1s'uiu'11 "a. veil,. to (i"i"t,ri"ii"j,i,)' 11,t,ci,if,/.5,,ry11v0't I f 'or 'I D . IT'.riu tt "T, . .. a.'., I,.., w; indsay am '0 caygeot1rt"tl my. . 1 1 shapc. ciple 01.11115 b'ill 11.53"} slic'i,1,i't'i'i'i':'i'atfi,1 l' (i) lands at Béileville' for the Presbyterian; 'I Mr. 1Nt1NCli---Frono the Town Coun- yyy,T,vj,c.'f, "Pa #11:" '.'tiel'a'oiytsuoe, peoplt 9113"" in councctton with the Churo of, ' cils of Windsor and Sandwich and others .cu, 131111?" 1 le, 1'11")", 1",. iiiiii beetlunu. n" q , . _ - - r , ... ' . t in his constituency v. as in favor 0 tue l ' PE p1TitjN 01, RIGHT. _ that the Sandwich and Windsor Street _ F . . " Nf . d ent, " . il ' . Bill ' " _ lie tisougllt it would g1ve 11.0mm ep I'l n Hi "N went into Committee of the / Itai way I , may f,11s.: 't dence to the House, and that there was .n '3 ' $50 . 'd", , . he" , tue, Mr. McLryNJ---r'roru ll. tncuut and l rr. " ~bltImentorc reeent,tvonctitu"nc"' 1vhoi,11r.I'arpeea,i? the c fur, op .9 1 others, of Clarke, for restricting»: in the 1a0('111;,51,,,.,.1 'J)ff,)') in. _ Bill to provide 'tor the institution ot suits _ sale of spirituous liquors. "iii/irc iLlillI characterised the Bill against the Crown by 1 ctition of Right, , Mr. Mcttii [.ii-FI'Ulll Township Coun- as fl i',v',",l/i(i" the lihcrties oi the péopie; if) and respecting procedure in Crown suite. 5 all of Wtdsinghom, for amendments to "1(1), chocdto elect the same representative The report on the Billas amended was . . 1 _ Elie laws rtlating to the sale of land for to both Houses, iii, thought, they should be ordered to 1qefif1pehe,'i?fl,T." , 3X03. 'tt I , t 1 t' , " I', . ' A .' 1 Mr. PERRY-From W. Brown and 1f,v;tots1,iil1.iity,,lf" had much pleasur m The House went into Committee of the s others, of Blenheim), respecting the powers Mr. HALTER was satisti:d that the Whole on the: Bill P, further pbroiddo1 1:1; t of the Council y,!, l ubhc Instructlou. country was in favor of this measure ', and the Registration of (Jo-partners ip am _ . F ' Mr. icLri)Irviirrl'. roni Ayr, that no his hon. friend the Premier and his col, F other "1510033 ttrms. si A t red to be further territory be granted to the Long inan'ues were pledged to it. (Hear, hear.):, The Bill was reported and 01W" " ' d Point CO- , iii. SCOTT (Grey) said it this Bill be.. read a third time to-nrimrow'. , N 1 it Pr, s1uTli-r-J(ron1 y:t1yyeo,t,e? Y1.d'l, came law, the most able men in Ontario 1tEG1STRN OFFLLES. . 3- others. of Adelaide, praying for tne divi l would be unable to represent them at Ot- The House went into Lfomtniltet? l d sion of )thc county of Middlesex. .-. 1 tawa. The Province of Quebec would of the Whole on the Bill respecting at Mr. 1toBrNrl0"N---1j'ry? Geo. A. Kirk. continue to send its best men there and the Grabiishmerltof registry omccs P rid- , , . ' t ly patrtck and others, of Kipgston f.or cer- thus Ontario would be taken at a disad- in"; and to amend the Registration of to tam amendments to the (lame Eii now vantage. 'i'ftil (Ontario) Set ibeforc the House. . D fl,, ,', d _ h 11t:ltil . '.'2, -. d n d the L'illor- lie. , , . - , , Mr. WOO (Victoria) ha been nine The report was leceite an it' BILLS INTRODUCED. pleased with the way in which the Bill dared to be read a third time tomorrow. ., , Mr. RYKER t'---Bill to amend the Ile- was introduced, for if there was one ques- _ COMMO'T bCHOOL LANDS. ' - rut gtrtry Act. . tion on which the people had made up l I ed the second" t _ Kw lion. Mr. Gow-Bill to establish Mu- their minds, it was on this matter of dual lion, Mr. sqp.,T 1310'? to arrears due' 1 Ts 1:," in nicipal Institutions in the district of Parry representation, and therefore he was glad readingr of the Bill re along d old g/ -. bl uti sound" . - ru -- ftind that thenton. Comma-loner had upon U0"Inwardschool! m s f) .p, l cctai1iiiivi5 . ,i. m-e . _. » As ,. ._.'. _ Ill. " . ' »'.,Vv'..: , l. 'I .'iitlt /a'.'ik& 1.": tc q " . _ 5_d M' A " bi, T "I- , ..-" i it; 3"" " Th dLc

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