The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Feb 1872, p. 1

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By Mr. Ardsgh, the petition of Willlam Millar and others, of Oro, praying for cer. tain amendm<+uts to the School Law; also th« petition of he Reverend J G Sanderson ard others of Oro, praying for certain re-- strictions io the sale of spirituous liquors. By Mr. Farewell, the petition of James Mogrlen and others, of Ontario, praying that the Departme=nt of Education may be author-- issd to sup 1y maps, &c , to schools. By Mr. R,kert, the petition of the Town Council of St. Catharines, praying that ths Bill relatins to the equalization of assess-- By Mr Read, the petition of Rosbert D. Rogers and others, of Peterborough, praviag that the Bi!! to incorporate the Gall Water« improvemset Company may rot pass. StGOND Pas By Mr. " ilson, the petition o! the Town Council of St Thomas. praylog that the Bil! for the reiif of the first mortgege hond. hoiders of the Londoa and Port Stantey Railway m»y not pass. Wepxespiy, Feb. 14 The Spesker took the chair at taree o'clock. t TORONTO, THURSDAY, FEB. 15 Che C®lobe. :iaMEN!------t[RS$T $+88 08 PETITIOXNXS. ment rolls may not pass ; also the pstition of the County Council of Linooln, praying that the Bli relating to corrupt practices at municipal elections may pass ; also from ths same, prayiog for the repeal of sectiou 71 of the Amessi=ent Act; also from the same, ylog for certain amendments to the Ednlge Act. BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr, Pirdee.--To enable certain railwiys to provide the n:cessary accommodation for traffic, and to amend the Railway Act of the late Province of Canada. LEAVE OF ABSENCE Mr. PAXRDEE moved that leave of absence for a week be granted to Mr. Boultbese on account of illness. Carried. SaAW MiLLs IN T4E LUMBERING OI3-- TRICTS. mMy, CORBY erquired of the Mioletry if It was tf;oir intentton, during the present seg zlon, to dev':© A0Y fkzme vo enable parties who have e:ec'®4 &z now own saw mills on streams in IvmB%iog districts--said mills supplying a groat want to the inhavitants of the d{.trlntn. but owing to the present timber policy of the Government, in granting large timber limits to the exclusion of the small mill owners the sald grants seriously retard the local improvements of the country. these, * " FEAP PWE FEED & $3 HTo enable t]be corporation of the City of * Lat amilton to close cercain atrests in the said of Lffi'acgfifl.y"'g.:u 33 :;n(lli ::n'lg' pg _city, and to vest the same in the corporation had confiGernco in the present Govern! of the city of Hamiiton. £ ment that they would briog in a mire To lncorporate the Tricity College School liberal policy than that carried out by thq . To authorize the Courts of Queen's Bench, late Administration. _ He believed the fires Common Pleas and Chancery, in Untario, to throughout the country were owing to th¢ admit James Fleming to practlce as an attor-- olashing of the interests of the big lumber| ney and solicitor therein. men and the settlers. He belioved thy To close " Rosina street," in the town o' Commissioner of Crown Lands would brin Dundas, in the county of Wentworth, and !ti!own a measure which would satisfy all par] to vert the sams in the corporation of the LCs town of Dandas After a few remarks from Mr. Harringto To amend the Aot passed in the thirty. Mr, DEACON thought it only right thaf fourth year of Her present Majosty's reign, the Government, it they granted the land| chaptered thirty--eight, intitated " An Act #to the settler, should reserve the tim>er] to incorporate the Credit Valley Railway The settliers would never acknowledgd Compary" and to extend the powers con:-- themeelves satisfied with the Goveroment] ferred upon the said Compainy. If everything was to be given to the settler To amend the several Acts relating to the where was she money to come from for 1M] Toron;o Grey and Bruce Railway Company. proving thexosds? The iunmbermon were * PUBLIG BILL great benefit to the country, and provided the market for the settlers, ~The CGiovernment The House went nto Comrpitte;a onhl s were obliged to grant licenses to cut thd following Bill, the third reading of w d° timber preserved from firs. _was orderod for to--morrow :--To amend an Mr. SGOTTE would have no 6bjection y ~%, * _ 1*"HC reSCing to-- morrow, $ furnishing troe return, He pointed out th boT° :lmond the charter of the 0"""".1.0."" the Government bad pursued a most libera °0P O Company, Hamuton, Ontario. Third policy towards the scttlers in the free grau| "**0!* & to worrow. territory. They bad brought down a mea To authorize the corproration of the city | ure remit&ing to them any baiances whict of Kwgston to neg itiate a loano for fouar han. they owed to the Government,.and had asket 9 +d and seventy 'thourand doliars, to con-- | for a very large vote for colonization roada *clidate the city debs by the issue of deben. { But the Government could not undo the act) tures, and for other purposes. Third read of Yormer Governmenrts He founrd tha 'tg to--morrow. $320,000 had alrcady been spont in that tor -- To amend an Act intituled au Act to in-- ritory, amuch larger sum than the countr corporate the Fenclon KFalis Railway Com-- had drawn*out of it by way of bonuses an pany. timber dues,. 4 8ECOND READING3. Mr, WOOD (Brant) defendei the lat The following Bills were read a second CGovernment,. If the Government were wil time, and ord--red to be referred to Commi{ts-- ing to do all they could to assist immigrantg tee of the whole to--morrow :-- to give them the soil, and timber for buil To authorize the Cobourg, Peterborough -ln? purposes, and then sought to get som and Marmora Ratiway and Mining Companry Ihin»out of tho tmhar Khaw annmnnt w«a uD ' rahsiaray | avi 'my al A * Mr. DEROCIE believed his election was owirg to the illiberal conduct of the late Government in this matter. Ho wantel to Mr. SCOTT sald the Government wonld exdcavour, as far as possible, to mest any local warts in the distriets in question, in res;ect to sawimille. PINE LANDS IN THE FREE GRANT DISTRICTS. Mr. RE +D erquired of the Ministry if the Government intended to sot aslis or re-- serve a prrtion of the pine lands in the free grant districts for the supply of the local waunts of ths esuntry. Mr, SCOTYPC sgaid it was not the inten-- tion of the Gisvernment the prasent session to bring down such a schemoe. Bat the sub-- ject would raceive the consideration of the Governmert attor recegs. & HORTCULTURAL SOCIETIES, Mr. CLARKE (Wellington) enquired of the Ministry whether it was their {stention to propose, duing the present session, such an amendment to the existing law as will place Horticultur®=! Societies in insorporated villa-- so upn the sams footling, with regard t> overnment aid, as similar societies in towns and citles thing out of the timber, they could not b accused of iiliberality. The present Go ernment were going on augumenting the action in the direction of libera'ity. Mr, BOULYER considered the policy the Government a fair one. Btill, the se l:;en had hardsbips. He gave insiances o thege, bir, BLAKE said it was not the intention of the Go--erpment to bring down such a cheme this seseion,. 'TIMBER DUES. In reply to Mr GRANGE, Mr. SCOTT sald it was not at presont the Intention of the Government to increase the timber dues. HOSPI¢°ALS§, POOR HOUSES, &0 Mr. CLARKE (Norfolk) moved for the appointment of a select committee on the aubject o0° hospitals, poor-- housees, aad housos of ocrrection srd refuge. Carrled. TIMBER BERTHS IN THE FREE GR2ANT DISTRICT. Mr, ARDAGH moved an address for a sopy of the OrGer in Council of the 4th October lsst, under which certain timber bortbs in toe Free Grant District were sold or sffered for sale ; together with a return giving the vnames of the purchasers ; ths amount paid by way of bonus on each berth or limit respectively ; the dues reserved be paid on said timber under the licens granted or to be grauted ; the term fo which said license is to remain in force, an the conGitions therein (if any) respecting th rettlement under the Free Grant Act of th land embraced in said timber borths ; also copy of anv report, statement or informatio In the possessiou of the Crown Lands Depart; mont, showing the quality and probab\( evuantity of pine timber and average pe entage of land fit for settlement in eas erth, In supporting his motion, Mr _ ARDAGH complained that Gover saeut did not seem to be willing to pars a liberal policy in regard to there berths, far as the settlers were concerned. -- > To amend the several Acts relating to the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company. PUBLIG BILL The House went nto Committee on the following Bill, the third reading of which was orderod for to--morrow :--To amend an Act of the Provinos of Ontario, intituled, "'An Act to amend the Agricultural and To close * Rosina street," in the town o' Dundas, in the county of Wentworth, and to vert the sams in the corporation of the town of Dandas To incorporate the Toronto Oil Works As. ecciation, Arts Act." To authorize the Cobourg, Petorborough and Marmora Ratiway and Mining Companry to extend its line of railway, and for other purposes. To incorporate the Toronto General Trusts Company. To amend the charter of the Ontario Car-- bon Oil Company, Hamuton, Ontario. Third reagirg to morrow. To authorize the corporation of the clty of Kwgaton to negotiate a loan for fouar hun. ¢red and eeventy 'thourand dcoliars, to con-- sclidate the city debs by the issue of deben. tures, and for other purposes. Third read itg to--morrow. Mr, MoMANUS thought thore wers other intereate to be considered besides luamberers and millowrers, He thought settlors ought to have all the timber on their land. Mr. McCALL belleved the manopoly of \the lumbermen was a grievarce . He ns-- |lieved there was goad agricaltural land from the Obtawa River to the Georgian Bay, azo even to tte hoad of Lake Suporior. Mr, MONK thought the laombermen hal be:a vndu!» asused in that Houss, FThsy ware a benidi® to the country. Mr. PERRY hoped the Goversament worl4 give the sert'ers on sgricul:ursl lands ths v'imber on theirs land, Mr GRANGE saii the Ilumberors bail a ' moropoly and an inflaence similar to tas% of t% Eotoriorsa Grensd Trant, and they gone. raily nsed their inflaesscoe. Ho thouchtloaad Mr, McCALuUM did not believe the late Government had done any good to tho coun-- try by raising the stumpage. Hoe hoped the Goversmert would grant ro mors timber liwits, and ho believed ths CGovornment would, in a few years, have to buy out the lumberm--n To authorize the maintenance of certaia ~amws on the salmon R ver, in the Cownship of Kenpebec, avud for cther purpseos herein mentioned, Thiro reading to. morrow. To incorporate the Trustees of the First Evangelical Lutheran St. John'sCongregation of the township of Eilice, in the county of Perth. Third resding to morrow. To amalgamate the Torouto, Simcos and Muskoka Jarotion Railway Company, aad ibe North Grey Rail«ay Compauny, under «be name of the Northero Exteusion Ratl way Uompany, Third reasving to morrow. Mr. McCUAIG said they were bound to | keep faith with persons coming to this ; country on large enterprises; but he hoped the Goveroment would pursue a restrictive policy so ftar es onnsistent with this good . faith with lambermen, The presentGovers-- ment cou}d not be expected, in so short a time, to bring down a policy to settle this ausstion, ard he was disposed to give thom another year to consider it. _ The settlers could take uns timber licensges if they pleasoed. l To incorporate the Superior Silver Islanis Mining Company -- 'hira reading to morrow. Mr OLIVER considered that tor much was made o+ this aubject allogether, It was nucessery for tho Goversment to derive a revaenue from the forestsof the country, Ha believed the schkeme which the present Con:« missioner wes charged with, proprsing to give tho Inmb>esmen leases for a certain 2o m ber of yea«, was the proper way toa sett's t--o questina The House went into committee on the 'cllowing BHil.s :-- ALer recers | The House reosived &4 e :o jorg of the son« 1 witt es on the following biils :-- | To ircorporats the North Shore Silver Micing Company. To inco porate the Shuniah Silver Maing Com peny To incorporate the Ewt Shuniah Silver Miwirg Company. To incorporate the Woert Shunish Silver Minirg Company of Canada To incorporate the International Silyer Mining Company § HOUSE IN COMMITTEE, f fit tor , 8ttlemert should be s'-H: an t t h at 'be [( o'unL-'len' 'hould reserve thfl tim 7CF, Af: 7 be motion w * carsied it being six o'cloo.": the Touse rose, PRIVATE W@ILLY%. id the lumberaors ba flaense simllar to tas id Trant. and *the»go

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