The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1872, p. 1

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TORONTO, SATURDAY, FEB. 2 House of C« # mt Jn fenged to si onge 0 ( Parliament of Ontario, s«4>} SECOREC PARLIAMENT ----FIRST 3:;3308 By Mr. Farewell--Frcm the Town Cou«. 40¢ £0 into the proceod eil of Whitby, praying against t?\e Bil u:o' as it would create a pri ?E:ld the charter of the Port Wa'tby ana be taken advantage of, Pon prrry Ruilway; also from J. M T. Mr. RYKERT also eff:ct; neo s n::::)?q-' ;'; ":s'll:{tby to the sam : sion of the Committee' :t.?tli.llhmen;iot an ine'bxisge u(;?;zi.r :'[1113 :: r t Mr'h%MER%N ky i ) i ure assed an We r:.r" ctions en the sale of spirituon: powers. ® * The SPEAKER took the chair at three ©' clock. By Mr. Clarke (Wellington}--From Rob: ert &chnne and cthers, against tke repeal of the superannustion clause in tke School Act. Other petittions for an inebriate asy-- am, and for restrictions on sale of liquors, BILLS INTRODUCEU. Mr. Camberlaad--An Act to amond the Act 16ih Vic, cap. 80, entitled " An Acs relating to the University of Toromto. K w & , Baxter-- Che CBlobe, PETITIONS. An Act to amend the -Oatar".o Frivay, Foeb. LEAVZE OF ABSENCE FOR MR PAR-- DEE, Mr. PRINCE said that in consequence of the serions illness of Mr. Pardes he would move for leave of absence for that gentloman, both from the House and from the Proton Committee, and that Mr. Farewell bs ap-- pointed in his stead on the said Committeo. Mr. CAMERON said he did not ofer any epposition, but it was evideot that the Gov-- erpoment must attach much importance to this Committes, or they would not have com-- pelled Mr. Pardee to remain till his successor was appointed. « Mr. BLAKE repolled the insionations of Tiunk Rarlway of the memberfor East Toronto. The Govern powers to construc ment were not so inhuman as to compel Mr.: lage of Doon to the Pardee to remain on the Comailites enable the said C on their account, when ho was lasbouring rallway from Berlin under severe iiness Mr. Pardes, he was loo, and to legalizs sorry to say, was now s0 serilously lil that it out an agreement c was questionable if he could now go homs, _ satd Corporation ar Mr. H. S. MACDONALD hai no objse -- To incorporate t} tion to the resolation, and only regretted Railway Company. that there was occasion for it (Hear, hear.) P AIT He had no objection to Mr. Farewell, but + , the Government should not desire to fill up 'I;k;:e °"§ef, of the Mr. Pardee's place. \g':"'( Pe I;\f';*" :f'rfi Mr. WOOD hoped the hox. member would ,\, not go into the proczodings of the Committes, t., as it would create a precdedent, which might KLG BMA BV UV JEU NAULL . WY .. ANE s . Je AOL NA NV WICIy URELE T the Government should rot desire to fil up The order of the day for resumiug debate Mr. Pardee's place. \on zbf I-:filmy Aid Resolations was then Mr. PRINCE said he hai reason to know Lfi:}s;flf 3;10 person TiSng 19 address th. that the statement of Mr. Cameron that Mr the Hous %.Y ine (",_md nays were ca'led, aad Pardee had beea compsiled to remain on thh poseq puse divided upon the amendmont p--o-- €ommittee was incorrect, po by ASit. Grange, which is as follows:;-- otik That all the words after '"That," be strus' Mr. LAUDER had no Ob']ectlon to the mo \out, and the f(_.nowing words b ,s J' ::. rer tion, nor to Mr, Farewell on personal therefor--"csonsidering that gh: s.,h ;&;l"f"l grounds; but on general grounds. Mr Fare 'ard a half million Aollars has been 'dr .':'1} it must be said, had not heard all ths sct apart from the fund of this Provincs in evidence, md of railways under the Act of last s i8st :-:" The motioh was passed. :gd ccx}sxde;li'ng that tthe Dominion of Can . s, of which we form no incomsideras} A QUESTION OF PRAIVILEGE, part, bave invested in railways avbout forty Mr. CAMERON asked the leader of the seven million dollars, anit hkhave siven vernment if ho proposed to take any tur pledge of one hundred million dollars Tor th-- er steps with reference to summoning the |proposed Pacific Railway, and whereas man nees Mr. Dwight, and compelline him of the connties, while large contribusors tc produce the telegrams belfore the Proton |the Exchequer, will not in the least derive ommittee? The privileges of tha Houss any beneft for railway allstment, and con: ere peculiarly in the keeping of the Govera. | sidering the fact that many of the count m ment, and the means of compeliling Mr. 'believe that any farther distribution of the Dwilght's attendance was a quession of privi-- | surplus skould be made equitably among th lege. | counties, bared éeither on asseasment or po; Mr.BLAKE was amazed at the question | Rlation, to be used by them either in pi, of the hunourable gentleman. When sitting | ment of their present Anodebtadrness lor th with closed doors yesterday, he had thoughs |@TeCtiOn of public buildings, or for «ki it his duty to suggest to the House what was | £9°C macadamized thoroughtires | loalin the proper courss to adopt, and he believei '!f"'m the bick country, due procau ion ms the House was unanimous, with the excep: | "*° taken for the application of the more: tlon of the hon. gentleman himself, as to the | and provision beinrg made that the alictme: propriety of adopting that course, & repory | to any county indebted to thke Musicl; priovy 0i MVE 4* T4 0 oL iancctua [Loan Fund should be spolied on ascount A QUESTION OF PRIV ILEGE, Mr. CAMERON asked the leader of the vernment if ho proposed to take any tur her steps with reference to summoning the nees Mr. Dwight, and compelline him produce the telegrams before the Proton ommittee? The privileges of tha House ere peculiarly in the keeping of the Govera. ment, and the means of compelling Mr. Dwilght's attendance was a question of privi. Mr. BLAKE was amazed at the question of the hunourable gentleman. When sitting with closed doors yesterday, he had thoughas it his duty to suggest to the House what was the proper courss to adopt, and he believei the House was unanimous, with the excep-- tlon of the hon. gentleman himself, as to the K:oprlety of adopting that course, A report aving been laid upon the table the views he tendered to the House were rejected by the member for East Toronto, and now he pro posed to cast upon him, (Mr. Blake) the res: ponsibility of either disclosing in puablic what took place with closed doors, or of giving the answer he had now given, He had sufficlent care for the honour and dignity of the House not to advert to what had taken place with closed doors, and to leave the matter with the House. know that two years ago an Act was passed which distin;t!y claimed for this House the right to dosl with such questions. _ Heoughs to know that the Minister of Justice, for whosoe cpinion he supposed he had a high respect, roported to the Privy Council that this Legislature had no right t> clothe isse'f with the powers in question of dealing with contempts. His representation to the Judici-- al Committee of tke Privy C--uacil at Ottawa was sent home to Englaad to the Colonial Secretary, who took the oplnrion of the At-- torney--Ganeral and Solicitor--General of Eing land. They sustained his view, and conse quently the Act was disallowed. If he could devise any means whereby this Legisiature could acquire that power it was unforlunate that ne had not dons #o during the two years which had siacs elapsed. The Judicstal C mmittee of the Piivy Council in England had decided that no colonial legislatore, deriving its authority from an Imperial Act, had any power to pun-- ish tor contempt. That power mu»t be confer-- red by Imperial Aoct on Imperial autho:ity. The law of custom which appertained to the House of Commons gave a right which had existed for a number of years, but it be-- Mr. CAMERON had understood that ths member for Lincoln thought ho had Cis-- charged his duty in reporting the question to the House, and considered that it rested with the leader of the Government to take the necersary action to protect the House. Mr. CAMERON said his only objection was that the Committee ol Privilages and Elections was not the place to which to sond this question at this time, when the proceed-- ings of the House were nearly brought to a close, but he thought that more promp' ac tion should be taken. The duty to trake that action rested with the Government, Mr. WOOD, (Ssuth Brant,) remarked that the member for Hast Toronto ouckt to Mr. BLAKE said that, so far from thiak:« ing he bad discharged kfa daty, the meanser for Lincoln expressed his willingnoss to move the motion which he (Mr. Blakze} hai sug-- gested, and that courso was agrseed to by everybcedy excopt the member for Hast To ronto. > Ho agreed with the hon. momber for Lincolnr that, after the opposition offersd by the hon. gentlemanr, he could do nosthirg except leave the mattor whore it stood. vaAi8s@U i0P &A NHUliVoF, OLl yCald, UVub is VUs« longed to them exclusively, unsless conferred by Imperial autho--ity. He could not sse | that this House could do anything. | Mr, FERGUSON was very sorry that Mr Dwight's evidence could not be taken. Mr., GALBRAITH was proceeding to re-- late the circumstsnces under which \M«. DPwight refused to produce the 'telegrams, when Mr. RYKERT also deprecated a discus sion of the Committee's proceediags. _ Mr, CAMERON said the Quebec Legisia: ture had passed an Acs conferring theso powers. y Mr. BLAKE observed that the Quebes Legislature had at first passed & similar Acs to that introduced by the hon. gentleman, hnt thav wiselv withdrow it and passed an-- Mr. BLAKE observed that the Quebes Legislature had at first passed & similar Acs to that introduced by the hon. gentloman, but they wisely withdrew it and passed an-- other Aot very differant, which was not dis-- allowed, The hon gentloman and his friends would not bring in such an Act as thas, Nr, WOOD understood, from the state-- ments of the Minister of Justica, that they bad not the right to clothe themselves with the power to punish for contempt. The following Bills were read a t»; rd and passed:;-- To incorpora'te the Paslic Junction way Company of Canada g Amending the "Aot 4o iacoroorit Amepnging the ""Act to lnucorporat Port Whitoy and Pors Perry Rail pany." p01 good macaiamized thorought : from thae bick country, dua pre be taken for the application of and provision beirg made that t to any county indebsted to th Loan Fund should be spplied on eatd indebtedness: and in view o this Housoe canrot at present entertain acy further appropriation of the public tands oi this Province in rid of railways." Mr. CAMERON considered the sues ment of too sweeping a character to rece! bis support. -- He repeated his opiaion th the Government should bring down the r« ways they proposed to aid, and then if &] milHon and a half was not sufliclent it wo@ be time enough to Increase the fand t propored to criticise the argaments airant in support of the Government policy, ro»»: ing the objections rais:d in yesterday's C bate. -- He contended that under the p~ of the Government there would be no en | the grants to railways; that new entorp is would require still further iscrease o( * found, and there was no telling whereit wo : The ane.ndment was declared lost on the followieg division--Yeas 7; nays 57. YE:S--Messrs Gue:t, L--uder, McCallum, Monk, P.ince, Rykert, and Looley,--7. YEAS--Messr's Camberland, Giffard, Leudar, \ Call, McCallum, McQuaig, Moak, Richards, Ry) Wilson.--10. f stop The House then divided, when the berse were--Yeas, 10; nays, 50. Kays--Me§S@rs. Ardegh, Rarber, Paxter, Bo*r Blake, Bou'iter, Boaltbee, Calvin, Cameron, U Clarke (Norfolk), Clarke (Wellington,}) Clam Code, Corby, Craig (Blengarry), Craig 1511 Crooks, Crosby, Deacon, Deroche, Falrbairn, F«°© Kinla; son, Fitzslmmons, Galbrait'y, Gisbons, G--> Gow, Gusest, Hamilton, Hardagton, + ging, Macdonald (L--eds), McKeilar. Mackenz'c, TLeod, MeVanu:, McRaa, Merrick Olive®, °*' zon, Paxton, Perry, Read, Rabinson, «o6 (Oit & Sexton, Sfuclair, Smi.b, Springer, Webb, Wi! (Purham), Williams (Yamiiton), Wood ( stat ) The amendmect was there{fore lost. Mr. RY K ERT moved tha following ame® ment : That all words a'ter "that"ja tho ore ginal motion be struck out, and the following substituted : 'While this Houss cheerfally wi! consent to -uul:: further aid in favot} rp':'f ""'L' ways as may be necessary to keep felth w' all bonae fide enterprises, progld d it is shown to this House, upon a carsfc! invest!-- gation of the merits of the several applics2 s tor aid, that the present fund is fourd insa cient 'for that purpose ; but it *©©" bourd _ to _ express _ its dissatisfact!0® that the public credit of this Prov:2" should be pledged for the fa"}"' enormous sum of $2,000,000 for rail#*y* while no appropriation is made for t'ff 'gfi:': THIRD READING3 RAILWAY ATD, pyuanuy wuouns oK °0 C be pledged for the fart\"' sum of $2,000,000 for rail way* | sppropriation is made for the oldet / which have already pledged h D UIotment, and com ry of the countie: distribution of the quitably among ths asseasment or pop em elther in pay: debtadness lor the nos. or for cuaskin: t Vime Y¥ id i Eh c (e oi WO lis 44 Ge

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