The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Feb 1872, p. 1

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ven up for nolhing. ie aaint> ; Mr. WOOD (Brant) sald that the absolute | _ A*u it S trinsic value of this surronder was of little | __ _ _ | _ ent in matters of this kind. It was ab 5 *3 rd to say that no advantage should be given } j one part of the country that needed | _ it unless advantages were given to other | : parts that might not need it. No people ts could be prosperous who adopted this one-- | sided and narrow principle. * Mr. SCOTT (Ottaws) sald that it was nol-- | 4 ther honourable nor just to say that the first settlers in what were afterwards declare1 to | . be free grants--men who made the roads aud | the clearings--would be made to pay, while m _;oce sottleyrs woere ABKCd to DAY DOURIDS ; 'The member for East Toronto would have no s . %lflb'. followirg in this House when he argued that |° the first settlers should have no rcliet ' _ (Hear, hear.) It was impossible to collect | fi | t'llle rinoney f;fm t.i:so fitrl:t sefitlers. {t was | y a so impossible to keep the older settlers on | FORONTO, MONDAY, FRB. 2. ' their grants, with the free grants beside ommc mm *\ shem. In one c2§6 that had lately cOme uD: P li t f 0 t i der his notice, out of 93 lots that had been fll' a.mfln 0 ll al'lo. sold, the buyers of 67 of these lots had rc j Seeres rmmcerniifininmncairies moved upon the free grants. (Hear, hear.) s |\ _ After some further discussion the resola-- 'm Pllllllfl[ll "'fl"' 8§wm #ions were adoptsd, the amendment being «mm ruled out of order, on the ground that it in-- Satarday, Fsb 24. ;(:ldvedta charge ]on thelpugllo revenue which no vi rec 1 t The SPEAKER toswx tus cha'st at on the Exe:;av:usy socived Ane sencfion 0 @'clock. Mr. SCOTT introduced a Bill founded DOUBLE SICCINGS upon the resolutions. , / _ Mt, BLAKE moved that till the closa or _ Sccond reading on Monday, the session there be twro aiitings of the . sUPPLY. House dat'y. ~ Agreed *to On motion of Mr. MACKENZIE the QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE Bculsle wen]?. into Committes of Supply . Mr. LAUDER said, before the orders of ths os hC uP P esentary estimabes, | day were called, he wished to draw thenttea. A discussion arogse as to the Item for super-- | tlon of the Spsaker to a misprint in one of the annuated teachers, $4,000. | city papers %t was reported that the Speaker Mr. J. S, MACDONALD took credit to had called him (Mr. Lauder) to order, aad himself for his School Act of last year. \ had stated that if he did not prs _ Mr, BLAKE said that he would cali upon werve better order he would be cbliged the member for Frontenac to say how many | to name him,. Tais was an _incf'"e"' schooli houses were closed in his county. He | § report of waat the speaker had statet. . would also ask the membor for North Simcoe | %t:; :::hgosg'd"":)"' d-""""'l"*"f';l dt"? how many school houses he found closed | > as not perkonally called 60 | in his late canvass. (Hsar, hear.) The Gov-- | order. errment, however, had decsided to givo the | Mr. SPEAKER sal4 there had bsen a measure of the late Government a trial for great deal of disorder in the House ani in-- another year. terruptions during the debate. This hai Mr. J. S. MACDINAL raraed th o been brought to his notics by gentleman on Pramier 3~;flit {1\"_{){} \I a ,r ?,i? qt'lf ';mf"'? both sides of the Housa, and he hal stated of the Su?)av':st»: deat of B4 rCasl )3 in "~s. M % « & & a b oi iL R4UCA:i it ro that if it was persisted in he would be undor ference to the moasure of the late Gove:rn the necessity of naming the parties who wore ment, f nidplitht this _ making the nolso. Hedid not mention the | rr, mBrAKRH--Thava hesa rsuuscted h | gentleman's name. * 3 the Sups:intendont t> propose certain l AID TO RAILWAYS, ments to that measure, but have refussesd. |-- | Mr. BLAKE moved the receptilon of the (Hear, hear ) & _ |_ report of the Committeo on the resolutions Mr. McCALL sgres4a with what had bsen | respecting aid to railways. said as to the insfliciency of our schosl ar. ; Mr. RYKERT said he had no intenrtlon to rangements. Hedid not thiak they would . _1 prolong the debate on the subject, bat would | be improved tiil the Gonunsil of Public lns _| merely ask for the yeas and nays. atruciion was abolished., The House divided : with the following Mr. E. B. WOOD sald that the meaubor : | result :--Yeas, 3!; nays, 7, for Cornwall gave all the credit of our * YEAY --Measrs, Ardagh, Baxter, Bliks, B witer school system to tois Chief Supsria Calvin, Cl'l:k"("f?fl 'l:')- %11_*;:"3%('%22{'(1)8.':0?'(:')%-'}"'Z tenient, 'i"c.s;g.\d of to the pe s'._.fn..v (Fea~ Sipitnant ol non, Cow uratam Manitton tat hed /gone to a prineval ,achool' kno» rington, Hodgins, McKeilar, Mackenzie, McRas, & gone to & primey al 'L«wyml, knae s Paxton, Read, Robinson, Scott (Obtawa), Saxtoo, that the system in existonce then was hatter Webb, Williams, (Hamilton), Wojdl (Brant), ~31. than the presert one. The Provisacs of O# % NAYS--Messrs Cameron, Lauder, McCal\, McCal-- | tario taxed itzelfl at the rats of two milllo: Ium. Macdonald (Leeds), Merrick, Ryikert,--7 doliars a year for its school system Bd in Mr. BLAKE introduced a Bill founded 0" | addition, received $418,000 Ou"ill"\'tfi;lif\~;7 1"'. the resolutions. It was read a first t1M6; | monoy ;'and of this um ";SOU"-";" i '1 blis second reading on Monday, pended in convection with :'5;,";.3 i:;:q?.\; DUAL REPRES&KNTATION. office, city of Toronto, What was there t> Mr. BLAKE moved the recseption of the be shown for this ? The public records report of the Committse on the Bill to reader showed that the state of education was lower members of the Houss of Communs in-- now than it was fiiteen years avo ; | eligible as members of the Legislative A«-- and _ the pupils were not taught | sembly of Ontario. :lela('-{ng,& I'T'_Z'l'»x»:{j_._ and arithmetio | as | The report was received; and the Bill was an?n 0::2';;. be taught thesa subjacts ; | | ordered to be read a third time on Monday 3. ... . m;mbcr ifxl I"'zefi\iv'{n,';ur ::: o ".1{ o ie ' SETTLERS IN FREE--GRANT TOWN Irerally sratumed, 5o that th6i? ifbélie:tas) | SHIP 3. growth was stunted, and that was & bhookt on | Mr. SCOTT (Ottawa) moved the recaptioa moral obligations. (Laughter.) He srpposed | of the report of the C mmittee on the rsso that they would noxt have a book on mata | Iutions respecting settlers in tte free grant phyrics for youug children. Tosintellectual | townships. It ran as follo #a:-- life of the children was crushed ou$, and Resolved,--Thats in the opinion of thig *Asir minds were hiled with trash aad non House it is expedisnt that the Licutenant» SCMS®. C hoped that common seaso woul Governer in Council shoulda have authority be introuunced A6 a controllivg elsment In our | %o remit the sums due t> the Crown by bone *4b "C 5°n0 ols instesd of fancy aad theory \ o fide settlers still in occupation of the lsnids Mr. CAMERON sald the Act of the lsst | in all the free graut townships (save aad ex-- session increased the number of stadies proe-- cept the townships of Allce, Graitan, Wil. #eribed for the [sshoo's. and the member for berforce and Mindos), and t> placs sucha se Brant was a member of the Governa at that tlers in the same position as those who set. introcuced that Aot, es tled in the free grant towoships unader the IAfy.: WOOD ssi1: e HSA asiA ds . free grant regulations. spainst the Aot.. 16 wis not Cha Ts IE"H'G' Resoived,--That it is expedient to provide |ripulstions issaed for governiag She schosa I that the Lieutenant--Governor in Couneil that wore at fanl¢, P S o e Sal may, by an Order in Council, confer up>o JI+r. --CAMEROXNK ursoesied . ta saw iL at the Commissioner of Crown Lands authority the scontent sgainst the reonlat y 1 en z to make such reaissions as atyresald, subject |rostored by certain parties for 0 vrrpar t Nemmve to the provisions of these resolations, and (yoses, _ ~ e oo $ alprnn y A~ fhaoke 'l subject to such provisions, it any, not incom-- | 1yr. pprproouP said he ) s i 1 slstent with these resolutions, 28 May DC O01 |p.., 5oo his connes to th 1ad received lo%. | bodied in any Order ia Council. l ap rere mensrer Artinergtart i many hitaer wl Mr. DEACON hoped that the Govera. | «chool, yrtesty 'y;"hh~:1:""~" | ment would not exclude the townships of | »ow«<> given to 4s inspe: Uf,. H tm Arvgas Alice and Wilberforce from the benefits con | iha> thr «wi' «; terghiys pou m.oy! P e _ I ferred on other townships,. There were a | B ~Ur publie gohoole ,_\",,,,,,{ ts j Kmd othd great many Germauns in these towuships, and | «*le + steat _ He coa«!*~s 1 thiek Ns 'Sent:dha& come trolm thle Westerna States to -"'l;'h*rv se otlans n < 04 ant »".'-. ie ae oq e persuade these people to leave for the States | What it was g-- NCM U *s *A The soil of both tgwnships was vory pror, | refecred to !iugab:::;:gyt}::r. 2:;' > t. ols f and the land had been valueod when the | im own observation as an ilustration of e : mow was a fook deep on ths ground ; Of its defects, oc Jm« g Under _ these cirsumstances he hopedi \r MiCDON *b«t the Government would not exclude {tb. rlh 1 aCDON AL3. . (Leede\ emmiemned waaw. # He moved an amon'! t . 9b° ange of the shms ol +XxaqmivAumcs of j thess township». | ----. .. 2O _ , feashere that bad boen made, she tims being ment to the effect that t46 zuames of tig ex-- / sarlier than teachers had ®t first heen given cluded townships.--Al1ce, Wilberforce, Grat tfi! usdeistand fo was led to beltevs that ' tan and Mindon,--should be struck out of ' 3 ; was done in the interests of the Nermsi ; | the resolutions. i q:egzlc':':np:le' fflttz a's:e condemned h s fre £ I| -- Mr. SCOTL said that when ho introduced | an ge« o! Pno, text--books in schoo}s ' his resolatlions it appeared to the Governaa mt | O nemmube ?f stuitkes presoribed. j that the sales in theso four towaships had | _ Nf: WOOD wished to say tha's be hal sa'd : been mado at a much carlior psriod than in nothing againwt the Cief Superintendent of the other portions of the free grant settle» Education. That gentlemim appeared to ments, that the best: lots wore taken up, and have more time to defend himself and assail that they were worthths price paid for the m. other people than any other man in the com-- Since then the Government had recsived in. ZUDMWY. -- Fut ho did say that the efficiensy formation that a larga number of tha lots in of our pablic schools was greatly impaired by Mindon had bsen abandoncd. The Gav-- thorb;n ultiplicity of subjects of stady pre-- erement would consider any hardships :;ar, d by the Councii of Public Instrac-- thet the settlers in this and the other """* . k%ownships might labour under, and next sos-- Mr, PERRY thought that the Government f sion they would be prepared to recommend had acted wisely in deferring action on the 7 some measure of reliet if they found thas ©Gucation measure of last session, until they hardships did exist thero. httd tl:een mc'))re ?t l;;l wor%lngu. The remarks |' Mr. CAMERON argasd that the Govern-- of the member for East oronto warae par-- | mentshould not extefd relicof to these ies Hioulanly unfortunate, That gentioman had ' tlers unless relisft wera exteaded to others; stated that it was wrong to mix up politics . j and, in the latter case, it would be necessary with education, _ He should have known _ . to aBOon llOW mnOh 0' 'h eveaue w to be 1| _ ie e o. mm

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