/ v declared that the education measure of last session was not s political one; and that some of their owa j l eupporters had opposed it. He shoald al have known that the Chlef Superiatenden®s had mixed himselft up with politics in 1867 (Hear, hear. ) The Item of $4,000 additlonal for supsr: annuated teachers was passed. On item of legislation, . -- Mr. CAMERON observed that ho re-- gretted that the salary of the Sergeaut--at-- Arms had not been increased. Mr. DEACON was of opinion that there was a general feeling in the House that the * milesge allowances should be Increase?d, is view of the fact that members had t> go home for the Christmas holidays. Mr. MACKENZIE said he had spoken to | his colleagues with regard to the remark of the leader of the Opposition respecting in | crearing the salary of the Sergeant--at--Aras, | and believing the feeling of the House gan-- | erally to be in favour of the suggestion 0t that hon. gentleman, they had agreed to con-- | sider the propriety of incressing his salir, by not more than $200. \ _ The other items of the supplemestary estimates were adopted, and the C ,mmiscec' | rose and reported. | wWays AND MEANS. | The House then went into Committeo o'.l Ways and Means, and adopted a motlon by Mr. Mackenzle, granting $2,392,072 as a supply to Her Msjeasty, The Commiiteo then rose and reported. Mr. M&aCKENZIE iatroduced the S$1 p>!; Bill, Second reaging on Monday. | The House then adjouracd at 3:50 * I | smm m onl ce cce m NOTICES OF MOTION. * Dr. Clark (Norfolk)--O4a Tassday, enquiry s of Mipistry, at what time the Aunonual Rse-- port on Immigration will be brought dowsn to the House. Also--When the Aunual Reports on Pab-- lc Works and Acrioulture will be prosented Hop. Mr. Cameron--That on the motion for the third reading of Bill No. 30, intituled | "*An Act to render Members of the H use | of Commons ot Can1ida ineligib'e as Members of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario," h will move that the said Bill be not now re ad a third time, but that the same ba referceo beck to a Committee of the whols Housse, | with instructions to amoend the sams by striking out all the words in the first clause down to the word "and," in the ninth lins and inserting instead the following:--*"Asy member of the Legt:lative Assombly, who ] shall hereafter be elsctsd with his own cm \ gont| a member of the House of Commons 0 Canada, shall horsby vasite hi seat in the L'Z'fl't.w'-'.. t\'-sj"':"'b"_', ana hse shal!l becoms and s 'lmallgilble of voting or sitting in the | said Assembly." \ _ Also--That the secont clauge be amenied | by striking ont the words "In case," and inserting, in lien thereof, the following:-- «No member of the House of Commons oi Csrada shall be eligible to be clsctsd : k member of the Logislative Assemboly and --'