Mr. 'mr,'rtBi'a 011-. at n couseq Ti yrs", ' "LI 0f the long adjournment in December 'SP, hen. members were entitled to an extra. 'ilil C@lilim There was a general feelina , among members that they were MPI I ' l Wild; and manv of them would hardly r have enough left t) cirrv them home ', unless they could gut MIN oasses on tht; railway. (Ltughterl ' _ Mr. Cameron said there was one omen] iilllllliifsl liiliiiltil who had good claim for an t 0 [tIO ar "teo, [] , u genital-Arms. t he rtterredio the Bttm Mr. Mackenzie said the Government ' would consider the propriety of makin an 'allllllllli to the salary of the !4ht'iiilli'rfiii "119,3" ita leafed to i, t . m , r. . of Tthe Hons? Mt tau gg neral Wish he 1": mm of C round! ... ' w . " Illliirlillflll " (L on up; I" Was . "Us A291) news. The House went into Committee of Bligi and 2tiiliil and on motion otMr_ ac enzre rantet ' 39:2 IBl M s Her llj'ilil.gill r , ,0. as apply to The report was received. Mr. Blake introduced the Supply Bill which was ordered to iv: 1lliliiBe,M8l,fl time on Mommy The House adiourmd at ten minutes to four. "llNllllllull thedivisions which took place - a," the RWIWBY Aid resolutions, Mr. 'itE'lgialllNiilll against the Government rr paired WI Mr. Wood, (Victoria) tttt voted With the Government. il C' ___- -A%1'Gll'l=g,",'lh=';2Tci7,l='lr,l,T,,,"l'=.= Ehc tt?Jillgi Etltgmvlt. Bqlee!!eeeeeleS===l====ii=aiiEiaiiii-iiiiii- J. ROSS ROBERTSON, PUBLISHER AND Pnornm'ron TORON ro, MONDAY, FEB. 26, " ' " ' w . e " " 1 H..\ Milli) i'llBlllBgllBllLI " sriee.%".'l."=="--ia-ira'rlii' sL'coxu Mmr81EEIimiriElilmlritlt . ES- 5105'. Barnum", Feb. Ci, Illm i'nii'rroxs. A 'tttttttiM . pi'ililtms "rttr 1tllllllmilit praying for restrictions on the MII of spirituous liquors. l ['lHVlLanEsZS or 'lllE noose. Mr. Laudt r called the attention of the Sptakcr to the report of the previous day's proceedings in the Globe. which stated that [tBc (Xi r. MtttBNE was called to order by the Speaker, and that the Speaker iIlRlliliii'lilil to name him. That report was incorrect, and as a TttINN') oi the privileges of the House was involved, he requested the Speaker to say what really occurred. Mr. Speaker said that there was-at the time MMBMM disorder on both Sides of the llouse, and that he had said if the dis- order did not cease he should name the panics. "Arrow? All) F550. Mr. "like moved that the report of Com- l with". m. an. MMNBMWE respecting the . Railway Aid Fund, be received. The House divided on the motion, when the numbers were, yeas, ill; nays, 7. Yeas-Ardagh, Baxter, Blake, Boulter, ('a'vin, Clarke RBrlaimr, (:larku Ii%BrirgT'2N Cook, Cor hr. MIM' (Russell) Crooks. 'lRiliNi'd Deroche, ' FitZsimmons. Gibson, Gow. Graham, Hamil! n, Harrington, liodgins, McKellar, Mackenzie, Mc- liac Paxton. Read. Robinson, been (Ottawm. Scxion, Webb, Williams W,BiBtMr Wood IlNillllliilllllllllll n, Lauder, McCall, McCallum, Mocrlonald (Leeds), Merrick, flrI4allllit The report was then received, and Mr. Blake introduced a Bill basal upon the re- ; solutions, which was read a 1tEll time and C", MiMttLl reading ordered for Monday. , our, 'ttlttmEtraiim22it e " motion of Mr. Meliellar, the MRI to s rende r members of the House of Commons ' ineligible as members of the Legislative a, 'elim, of Ontario, was reported and d ordered to be 1NtRl a third time on Mon- " day. ' , rues onaxr LAXDS. d Mr. fécott moved that the report of com- y mittce on the resolutions with respect. to e settlers on Free Grant Lands be MIBrr!NiI " Mr. Deacon MMtikl for explanations why y certain tow: ships were to be excluded. ' Mr. Scott said that ill those townships , the best of the land had been located by l settlers before the townships were survey- 'el cd, and he therefore thought it should be paid for. The Government would obtain as much information as they could with, . respect. to those townships before next. session, when they would propose l some plan of dealing with them on Must i and equitable system. C' l The resolutions were rrported and a Bill , founded on them was introduced by Mr. IElililtl and ordered to be read a second time on Monday. _ The Billior construction of water works . for the city of Ottawa was read a third rr time and passed. ' ecrrLr. The House weutinto Committee on b'up~ ply, Mr. Galbraith in the chair, Nltll p isscd . the Supplementary Estimates after some l explanations by the Treasurer. On the vote for the Superanuation Fund, 1 Mr. Wood (llrant)made some strong ob- servations with respect to the "cramming" ' systemvrhich he alleged had hecnintro- dosed into the Common School system. M r. Cameron defended the working of the Educitional Board, and said that the t discontent which had arisen was mainly l owing to the political feeling and party r sentiment which had been lately mixed up . with this question. He strongly objected . to the Common School system being _lltrdlBr4 use of to secure political support. The 1 Government had employed the columns of ' the Globe to stir up a spirit of discontent - among the teachers. t Mr. Deroche thought it a delusion to [tral t, lieve, as had been said, that our common r schools were the best in the world. The . School Act was in the right direction, but 8 it went too far. Mr. Macdonald (Leeds), said the School = Act had worked well in raising the bTillilll ' tieation of teachers; however, he objected r to the teachers having the power to change e the books used in the schools so frequently. T, _ 0n the vote for Legislation,