P f es $ NA Bbice, i 02 5en t e hos 23 3 t «q es .' h } x > > MC 9mts :fi;__:z is (' 1 u> ol X. c us ".= se Ministry for their sonnection with ""the 1. 2y k // y l M A doubol: ofll:;flie." H:Ag? quoted from "p«* -- o Deseman es eC aailt| spee e presen rney--General upon _ _ _ _ i ces Soesk FrtDay, Jan. 10, 1873, |-- _ _ _ -- | that snbjc'dt,ig whiohhoexprzsedm dissent ./ >~ ? peaker took tle chair at 3 o'cieck," | y '| from the decigsion of theding.fi" The Hon. _ _ --_ | PETITIONG | * . .fithfifi-Genenl withh .snue of the _ _ --_ i _ The followi 'meer. t 2w Aie h judges then, when it was needed and gave it _ ie oi owing petitions were pressnted : ie | now, when it was not needed. With refer.. _ t Ir. Ohverv_ From the Councile of Mi f e | ence to the Address, nearly all the subjects t'elt'm-elj, North East] pe, tchell, . h. were those which had been more or less tiedt rt, Mommdsm. South Fullarton, Hib« « _ W _/ with by the late Government, and to which f Strafiford, and the County EuCoumcir' Eillice, | the present Government gave their opposi« .. praying that an Act may ncil of Parth, tion. -- With regard to the aid to railways he counties of Perth for revi pass to unite the still held that it was unvwise to mortgage the | _ Mr. Wilson--¥r egistration purpbses, country to aid railways, but now that the | others, Justices, f o? D. J. Hughes and law had been passed it was the duty of every constables , tor immcrease of payment to ® "one to aid in carrying it mto"EHéth. The: Also, Po} iherense 'of # gr:linugo onutign vlun oae which tl;l,adndbmd{ payment -- to Co . dealt wir «y the late Government, & - Cr;;: A;"':;'.Vl' o snty i | llhmt v; i ;:owf iee(?':'l was ? a.me'x:d m1l80, For the authorization of | tke titk ing of the Government on this. | of ;:rown witnesses, of the payment ' subject la&t %ession. He approved of all 4 it. Bethune--F roper efforts to promote immigration, | _1 Credit Companylfr::uut'he Canada Landed | Endpfxe hoped the example of the D%rminion Act of Incorporut'a £ n amendment to the Government would be K)Ilowed, and some ef-- * pany. ion of a certain mining com-- forts be w' to 'x%d':hoe domestic servants to. + Al 3 + 4 come out here. ith respect to the propos--' Tre n:((;;x,l. "f):::- '(' t.H Austin and others, of cd new Normal Schools, he hoped the House, i School Act ertain . amendments to tho' free from all Government influerce, would | Bt Baxts f be allowed to docide the locality of these in-- ts r d al;ter----From County Council of HEa!« atitutions. -- With regard to the other ques-- 9e :DA. or an Act to amond thoe Assess-- tions pro?osed, he believed it would be found :h °:; impossible to deal with all of them this ses-- to Sh» tate of Crown iiagen,| """Attiflatihs The 4 §e,fiu?§°:','.m&":fi'£ iss °§f";?h'§"fiofllif Hon. Mr. S¢ott--Frop F whatever they might think of the measures others, forran OX?z to] 'c:z: Ab'{?bar!es Magill and of the (iovernmegnt, woul!ld not be actuated tain lands, able him to sell cer-- by anpy spirit of faction, but would honestly MR Okre--fuxb-- D frtlr'ive tos]e{-\&e :lhiat hintsres{(sl t?»i té:;an country. Mr. sr--From D. D. Van Norm ey would do eyicou aid in carryi gt'h'en, for an Act to incorporate them(,':?g | beneficial legislation, and would not pu'rs?x% 1":\01:0 Inf)l,rm'cment Company, k }Jae cgum which had beela 'followed by the £ , from M. G. M P ate Opporition. He ho entlemen oppo-- Wardsville, for an Actmt':;oe: and others, of rite wo§fd carry out thefreprgfessed pringglje Cornish Silver Mining Comp ":;":)'IP'&""" i the of reutrality in Dominion politics, and that 1 _ Mr. C. Farewell--From A. S. W Fenidis, the patronage of this Province would not be | others, of Whithy, f om A. S. Whiting and diverted from its rightful chaunels in the [ laws retatig ts y'.t ']gl',:'lflgud.meqtb to the interest of Dominion politicians. He ex-- Medication. 3 tyyienie Systom of pressed his regret at the absence from the Mr. Bouithee --F R R Hceuse of Mr. Blake, but he believed the | ttl-vz-;,of York ef'f rom Frauk [ZJurner and present leader of the Government in the Yofktille L"(: » ]'i' '";"\. ot to incorporate the management of the House would give as much | AIr., Willia p Line Hailway. satisfaction to the Opposition as was given lnt dri'- h dl'""? (Durham)--From the Mii. by the hon. gentleman whom he succesded. \land Railway Company, for an Act of amead-- He spoke with de&p regret of the loss which | ment to their Aot of Incorporation. the House had suffered in the death of Mr. | _Mr. Meredith--From David Nelson and Macdonald, and was glad to have heard the | others, of Loxudon, for an Act to provide fn h lon. member for Brant express himself to the clection of Mayors of cities b l oule: that effect in words which he felt sure came t * ities by the people, « \Ir. Waterworth--From the Count > C from his heart. _ He also alluded to the death cil of \Middlesex for the prov t" o 4 tha of Mr. Macneil Clarke, a gentleman who had [ rnning of trame§N Sanday, io o. _" _ * ondeared himself by his ability and social | _ 'aiso: fram ReRIEN and Sm cualities to both sides of the House. ' Wol! Ialand (")" 'yar C dor promipeut tds Mi. ROBINSON said the Address was one | manufacture ';&!:;rqug_ for prohibiting: the | ' that would suit nearly the whole part of the | weqar e i tnfoxipating liquors. Province. In alluding to the extension of ' SESSIONAL COMMITTEES, railways he observed thatfhe had ne\l':ar hoa.l:: ey +C % 1 reference to the gran | fo,e;t,?:nci: t(.eneml MOW'}'I moved :EZt(i?:lpt];'e? $fig§.ln Thc':' hon. geu&eman i chouse mlzlx)nl'? ux:nt of a Select Committes to bad complained that the Orders in Council of mittees for the: :e:si::;(:, onct.he'Stfmdmg Come the last session had not been brought down 8U \j P 4 6 C es in time while the same bhon. gentleman had RESUMPTION OX THE DEBATE OX supported those grants to railways and voted THE ADDRESS, . for them.: -- In speaking of thefallt:lsio? whtgh Mr, MACDON F had been made to the want 0 ent on the listened w'i*tkl):,)ti\ ':'LD soid that he had Government side of the House,he said that if Dy mrembers ?thn (l'on to the remarks made the Opposition had been as easily pleased have been be't'tor °1e$3r3}m&"t' Pole, SPie with a {:):der there would have been no diffi«-- Government had ks { ll C leader of the culty in finding five or six of them. (Hear, the retention of given fuller explanatione as to hear, and laughler.) Reference had been other me :{; ;' :0&1: :3«1 1;130 leavingout of an-- to the visit to Ig(ingston of the Commissioner forming his n : Admi.? [rovarmiment, while of Public Works. 'Fnsy were very glad to here n?&rxs ;ad o th stration. Respecting gee him; and though a sneer had been thrown Address, he .detby egentlemanmoving the out ms;;ectinn his baving ridden upon the last seasion i: ;zlad be':nhugn}&:en:::(;itdhe:: 'tlh?r" Lox seat of & cab, even that posi.tion was ::t.er &ulf;tmtl:o?h'mg' to Dominion politi :s niuoht prefer&l')ilelto l'!elng fm'mdi; rfil::g abott:t. ere tabooed in this House. He, however the street, and leaning agains p. go! a presumed that the the present Government In regara _ to the firoq:eltlcn to build ad-- woukd act with just about as much neutrality ditional Normal Schools, ho remarked that | in respect to the Ottawa Government as the he bad been informed by Dr. Ryerson that | i'db: 411613 lt!'adthdone. Respecting the course two--thirds of the qtewhcrs tra}nod :ho: ie Cgl is y the Premier in returning to po. the present Normal Schools came irom itical life, he expressed his entire disapproba-- neighbourbood of Toronto, and that one:-- | tion of what he considered the descent which third of the remainder came from Kingston | that hon. §enueman had made. He did and Frontenac. These facts went to _ prove | cot go so far as to say that that action that there was a necessity for a Normal | was unconstitutional, but he believed that School in the eastern section of the Province," | z: "f;l'h;l!:::; sense to!f political morality in the Some desire bad been oxpresseq fo¢ the in-- | Bench were S oncer o(;:the independence of the $ stitution of a school for the imparting of the | been Wm_::o;;: eri? if parsramdind tpig . br on useful art of self--defence, -- Any one who had | to th ;1 f hi h pand cswd Pivggseighy 3 ons d been present at the hustings at King. d?d e practice of his profession as a lawyer ston upon the occasion of the last [ 1 tl an imjury to the administrationof justice, s election, would hbhave seen the neces:-- | because he considered that the prestige which ity i1 r the establishment of some such | ;clnngtoagentlemmwhohadgeeu ju-- sity lor Hie & C ( | would be apt to infi jud a judge school in which young politiciansfmight be \/| fay { E lil o ngleping that weatly. trained for the purpose of defending them> | u:;:.nr ?{ tu:: oc el(l;p(}oy ing that gentle. selves against such attacks as were then mm th: Gl:&f:c" s;owg ret& extracts made. He next alluded to the Proton out-- l'jcn"' them held _b tlutg Cns * nc rage business, which had again been brought | specting the po.it{)n held ]iapel.'ud "; up. -- He did hope last gession that the mat-- ©| on the occasion of their txialy 6'{ gfi. ter would bave been allowed to rest. Ho pars ; € cogld, however, assert confidently that if any