gl "cht the lune polio} with a I pointtmrnts,, Jhls Comm , intments, the Commoner of Video}; Ends would be bound Ute - out the pro. mise. ot the Into Government with reference to the Appointment of land vslnstore. There we re sevenl persons who had in their peso anion tttt Iron the lete Commissioner of _ own an I, n pointing them tothe Ir, tion of land "futon, sud than n pig? ments were totally dieregsrdcd by the pre- sent Government This Commissioner of . Crosn Lends, when Applied to, aid g he must consult his friends, and the ' advice of the Commiuioner of Public Work, I was that to the victors belong the aprile ml no person WU'B appointed except thou m' eho agreed politically with the Government. Hon. Mr. CAMERON was much surprised -attese what had been stated by the Com. mieeioner of Public Work, res acting the ftrliment of promises made by the lates Gov. ertunent--that Mr. Durand, who had been employed by the late Attorne -Genersl as imprctor of Division Courte, had been re- moved from that position in order to make non for n brother of the gentleman who can tested the South Riding of Grey with the _ prerent member. Hon. gentlemen thought it accessory to remove thnt gentleman and put in his piece a political psi-nun, who wso in nu way qualified for the position in coat. i when with the gentleman who had been n moved. Hor. CROOKS said that Mr. Dnnmd'l minimum by the late Gyr. "uncut wu only tea may. The in- is'ruotiou, contaimd in the lettar from the late Premier showed that it wm but temporary. Tho Government believed that the system of ins ction should beam. tinued, and upon goofe recommendation Mr. Diukoy had been appointed. and so far he had ditcharged his duties quite satisfactorily. Mr. RYKEItT wanted to know if no other oompetoot person could be found for an In. spector than a gentlemen who already held an oilit-e under Government. He found th w Mr. Jarkson. who received . large solary as Clerk of the Crown in Pleas, had been ap- pointed Inspector of Deputy-Clarks of the Crown With regard to Mr. Durnnd, even if his appointment by the late Government were only temporary, when the present Gor. ernment decided to make the oifice perms- u nt he should have been continued in the of. tics, if the policy of the Government wns to carry out the prumiseo of the late Govern. mot. Mr. JlYKrdttT-The Commissioner of 1'utcia Woslis said no, and if he did rot know the policy of the Gowrmment, he should keep quiet and not attempt to tell what the policy of the (iovnnnxnt was He stated that the whey of the Government we: to carry out so! the 1.6g" of the late Government. (Deriuivo Enlighten) [In (Mr. Rykert) thought that, Mr Durand had diachargtsd his duties efti. ciwtly, and he should have been continued in the . nice Hou. gentlemen were not can- ninh at in their doolontiom to the Home. AttorneyGem-ral MOWAT.--That is not our 1 olicy. Hon Ilr CROOKS observed thst this dircussion We: entirely without notice, and he had not the papers with him that releted to the subject. In addition to the tempor- ary character of Mr. Dursnd's appointment, the Government had "other reason for re. lieving him from the duties of the oliice. From the specimens submitted to him of the nay in which he had performed his duties, he came tothe conclusion that he was en. tirely inrllicient, and was not the right men for the office ese specimens were neces- srble to h entlemen, and it they examined t "grey would agree with him in the conclusion he had arrived at that it In in the interests of the country that Mr. Durand should be dischsrgcd. With regard to the appointment of Mr. J when, it should be remembered that a large number of the olticera that he sue to inspect were his deputy officers, and therefore the duties of his new oilice were incidental to the duties of his old oilice of Clerk of the Crown in Pleas, and were such us he was capable of performing}, better, perhsss, than uni other person can d. And besi es, the ad itionel remuneration he would get for performing these duties was conaideribly less then what would have had, to be M.yen, hal. s person been appointed Ipccinlly for the "ottiee. Moreover, in appointiug Mr. .lacknon, he had to some extent the npprobstion of the late Premier, Mr. 8andtield Macdonald. That gentleman mentioned to him that Mr. Jackson pone-nod peculinr qualitieartonr for the office, 3nd be (Mr. Crook!) entirely agreed with that 'rttt At that it we: not the intention o the Government to " point more than Mr. Jackson, but in VIOW of . . I __ " .m,... at...,,,,.; Hm Elm large i'iiiiiii7ii' iiiiiGi- 'tiaughaift the to tother Bit" "by, and in View also of the information" which the Government received tut they were losing revenue on soeount of the roe set number of stomps not being' Jldd to ocuments, the question arose whether it would not be desirable to Appoint also an la. spector of Division Courts. And tsking the whole number of Division Courts, and sup- posing that on an sversge one . day was ia. s cted, there was enough work to engige ti: whole time of one person. Several ea. tlemen were suggested for the oitias, MI of a'l these Mr. ""ta was Considered _ to assess the liig est mta1iiioatioas; and time who knew how he had fulfilled the duties of Clerk of the Division Court bore the very highest testimony to his offieieatnr. And it was only necessary to refer to Mr. Dickey's regime to show that the public service had en satisfactorily disehargisl by l that gentlemen. Mr. CAMERON said that the Treasurer had given Mr. Durand to understand in a conversation with him that he was perfectly satisfied with the work of that gentleman, and not till he had concluded to discharge him did he give him to understand that there Was anything unsatisfactory in his work. The hon. gentleman had appointed Mr Iturand, against whom in one would be disposed to say a word, because he was an exceedingly effioient offieer. But the members of the Government, when they Were in Opposition, took the ground that no Government ohieer should be employed to do extra work and draw extra pay tor it, that it any ollicer was entitled to a larger salary his salary should not be increased by pay or extra Work. The rule they laid down was that it extra work was to be done extra men should be employ- ed ; and that rule had not been observed in this case. Mr. RTKERT did not wish it to be under- stood that he had said anything against .M.r. J sckson. On the contrary he had the high. est opinion of that gentleman's sbillty; but he held that it was not right foe the Govern- ment to appoint s person who already drew a large sslary to 4 second oiiice whose duties would Mum a large portion of " tune. lbHon. Mr. CROOKS ssid it was quite ine correct that he had either approved or du. approved of Mr. Dursnd's course, as men- tioned by Mr. Cameron, It wuss. consider- able time before he could get from Mr. Da. rand any returns whatever of his inspections, so he had no opportunity to judge whether he was "tisfie or diaaatiafici1 with the man- ner in which he had performed his duties. When he did get Mr. Durand', returns, he considered that the public interests required that he should be discharged. The motion wss csrried. Mr. MACDONALD moved for copies of sll Orders in Council, and correspondence and telegrams, in reference to the establishment in Ontario of any additional Normal schools. ---th1rried. Hon. Atty-Gen. Mowi-0a Friday nex - Select Committee to saint Mr. Speaker in the direction of the Lhrary. Alao--0n Friday nert--Addrogs to Bit Excellency the Governor.Gemsral, to con- grntulate flit Excellency on His arrival in Canaan. Mr. Clark (Wellington)--- On Thursday mat-Enquiries of Ministers, whether it is the intention of Ministers to introduce a Bid during the present session providing tor an extension of the frmchiee. Also-Emp/tries of Miniaten, whether it in the intention of Ministers to introduce 1 Bill during the present session to establilh lien: in favour of Mechanics, Machinists, and others. Hon. Mr. Crooks-ths Friday next-Bill irtituled "An Act to "Womb liennin favour of Mcchmica, Muchinista,and others." Also-On Friday next -Bill to mthorhc the'purcbase of municipal debentures issued tor drainage works. Mr. fytttcuir--tht Friday next---- Addrms for natatement of the expense incurred in connection with the Proton Outrage; investi- gation showing the mum of the witnesses and thesum paid to each; the namcs of the reporters and toe sum paid to etch; and all other expenses imsurredinoommtwenee of the appointment of the Proton Outrage Committee. Hon. Mr. Meke11ar-0n Friday next--- Bill p1 oviding for an income franchise. Mr. Prinee--0n Friday nexh--TUt it shallbe resolved that it i! desirable thy: IV management of the Indian Ind: 111 The House udjourned At hut-past four. NOTICES OF MOTION.