THE LEGISLATURE ~and pointed qut that if he had Until some specific measure of general yielded to personal Pagive interest comes on for debate, the Crown which bad $ mionoy mash tboo Lands policy of the Government seoms could bave serred Sis friends muoixl ot? likely to be the stapding topic of debate, hean Sinee sote in Oocones. > ie mnionge &A considerable te jobrg o:c:n:led! {l:t\::r into a temperate but very circumstantial gzl::l m& kke H::-'on. It statement of the arrangements connectod crme up on a motion for returns moved ;"th ;h;pm::t? a 0&&?2 oe;:ux:l;; :;: by Mr. Rykert. Mr. E. B. Wood had > o tneage uy 4 w Y Th I a Mtsiar purchasers were :tringers to him ard l'd::l. n:;fi'" ';: .t°.£;l;°:°:8th' M« new to the Canadiin lumber trado. In , and s * 4 Wood, whilst complimenting the Commis: Exd veind io Save omm s mont minigy in s'oner on the vigorous administration of ti [ reminlodhis 3' t':h to't bis Department, urged several grounds of ind cakon im 4 n op Iaduse th ovjection to the late sales, most of which rom@ menrone e is miow foynp ds t widy been very fully discussed in Jate Government to adopt a liberal timber have already ¥ followed by Mr. M. *policy, As to the charge of recklessness, the papers. He was fo i ycriti;lze a he showed that thelate Government had re-- C. Cameron, who . a ao': n. .. "both ceived a report on the probable value of the proseedings in dqnes l: 1" with the Muskoka lands only two days before on _ general _ groun .' h. I tho kale the sale ; and that report was held on the respect to th: mt:';n" Iline :mliiusted as day of sale by an officer of the Depart-- :fi ::,a:.og; :l:e o;ganl of the Op p'o al-- ment, who immediately tranus'erred his tlon at the time, that cortain partios had ;l'o'?:f; to a fill;m of lnm:mrefrs. Mr. heen "favoured by -- the Commisslonse o us 1 le: g(;ve] his reuofnu or favovuring with private information for their own m; liovi we:)l:e: I;)r ® term. )\ advantage. _ He insisted that the sale of Y Ees e;e"&g d"' T s P .erl-xhaal the limits was a fatal error, and would ;eo:::)(;lel t: raise 0t;lleu:cs;ver:l!;e :mght thb': excite great uncasiness as to the future' wource from $600,000 to a ::{fi * action of the Government in dealing with $1,200,000 9 Hideidh j great national interests. He boasted * o No % that the cardinal policy of the Sandfield Mr. bte';')hen RlO}:L.l'dS claimed that the Macdonald Government had beon the re-- excess of "accruals" in 1872 was due not servation of these lands,]but was obliged to tl'm present but to the former l}dmints- by Mr. Scott to admit that they actually tration; and a good dea.l.of crossfiring took did not know of the existance of the pine place between Mr. Richards and Mr. lands in dispute. | S(.Ott on mat.tera of fact. -- The ?x-Com- declined© to repal charges wis--loner insisted that ho was entitled to '.nf"" Sc.oti e e h r Pwhich was all the credit for whatever was liberal in '8'"'_at his perwns} t:nOl;I;um and the the present Crown Lands policy. He Pe e c ons facg e,ned to the me-- also revived the old slander that Mr. country, . He thxfe 4 t gtat'ement Scott was the paid agont of the lumberers, mory of the Housegiis recon * and deprecated the recent sales of limits. Mr. --Oliver bore testimony to the impor-- tance of lumbering preceding or being concurrent with settlement. He gave gome statistics in support of this view, and urged that mining enterprise in the Muron region could only be successfully encouraged if a stimulant were given to settloment in the first instance. In answor / to an irregular questlion put by Mr. Richards, Mr. Oliver justified the sale of pine timber, in conjunction with mining locations, at a dollar and a half an acro. Mr. Calvin, whilst declaring that he was forced to go to the United States to ges lumber, maintained somewhat contradic-- _ torily that we were selling our timber for one--fifth or one--third of its value. At + mix o'clock the House adjourned till Friday. s