».;,.':f | Bs a! § .'r;_;. t'"',j ho e e 6 4 P eeeeeinen B\ s 9 C e ; '57'.: -"fiA' MXPYS r uesmm y* mv6 t? y * y o oo 9e s y it 3 2 en Speaker left the chair $tF . o Tt . ie L the Executive, say what ought to be paid, e y s - the attention of th¢ Houts tht mooinch of [il and then the matter could be discussed, .. [ > $s -- the omgl'oyeel of the House and (1} on 0 Mr. BOULTER said that last year he had <» +s ment, While members of the Hou:o ex-- * voted againat the increaso of the Speaker's l pe(;ted that the strictest economy would pre salary, and he now wished to explain that l vail in the different departments, at ptht; he had done so because he thought the em-- ie j same time they had a right to require filoyéa of the House had been ovéerlooked. ~ j d TE that tb(;lldnhu of each Department lho:id be e considered empluyés should be prope:rly us > wl [| efficiently performed by competent men, If | remunerated I ' economy had been practisel--and he trusted | . Mr. ARDAGH thought the matterhad been k | it had not--by employing incompetent men brought nxp in this way as a feelor so that the 4 | at low salarice, then they had a right to feelings 0: 3he House could be ascertained. . 1 complain ; but if the services were efficientl He for one*was in favour of a fair increase of : | performed and the employses badly D'J salaries. So far as he knew they were all < then an equal right for complaint existed 1t underpaid, and exceedingly efficient. What 4 | the House had been nblopto save "th:ee or | was :S:'@'te remuneration five or ten years 3 38 T four thousand dollars a year by underpaying ago was very inadequate now, An example \"e n | Its servants, is deserved no credit therefor, || the inadequacy of the salaries paid to Gov-- _ After baving made enquiry and investigated ernment officials was given in the presence * * tbe mstter.%m was of opinion that there were ;"f l:'?: '1310"?1::';"')0{ an h°;- gentfiflxm '{)hg- f A ar een greater, wo robab: C | coney pteine hn aitar ly have realaince nhore ho whs. ... . | | were aware that the cost of living had very | Mr. WOOD (Brant) did not think it was i 1 2t largely increased, and that a man who could | fair to draw comparisons between the salar-- { live on a thousand dollars a year a fow yoars ies paid in Quebec and those in Ontario. In TE ago couid not do sonow, These employ". had Quebec they bhad to have a double staff of offi-- , é to keep up a respectableappearance, to sapport cers because of the two languages,. He be:-- L atul. thcir families, and to try and do so in the | lieved that the employ's in some of f 18 game m»i: or as he had been doln&yurl ago. | the De[iartments spent half of their time ! : U E He did not «ish to assert that the Govern-- in talking about their salaries, and ' N ment, in arranging salaries, should be guided scheming as to how an increase could be | g + ---- t>e metaud adgopted in Quebec and Ottawa. brought about. He believed the employés | | Pcrhaps they bad been extravagant there; here were paid as well as those in Ottawa i uP 1 | but perbaps wo had been practising hero an oo d on t Un c sn ns on vidh deviog, A< WHH cconomy which was as little to our credit, l;(:lgéng l\zfge;;os;tlonu t w;!lmef(izltgle%%loy- 1)}% y P(E -- >oue s h n merchant pat s or fln 4 o i'l':i':;)"g: fizglfi:fffizt:ooégs?o' "fi:' }:::; $1,600 a year for a bookkeeper, he expected _ Cl "' t that in the Legislative Assembly of Quebec oesir megla'inve io wiak en o miks 10 § there were 37 employees, whose salaries were (eape. .A io * o ngend Pnd from 8 in the t 1 ths $30,636, while in Ontario there were only 14, '\Tomi'ng till G,hang hot unfrgquently till 8 or 4 | O 8 [ whose salaries were $9,725. In the Quebec ooio'::é er:p et' 0111111 fof o 10 14. . it the \| i" L. Fxecutive Council Office 5 employees at l aras ons us cdguinicy wore ot melt chouch is BE £3. 290, in Ontario 3 at $1,015; in the Quebec c ho w s io o e e anendin qpaile it oi w e /) 1 Provincial Sccretary and Registrar's Office paid, why did they not leave and go into more t t 14 employees at $13,874, in Ontario 9 at u'lcratn'e employment * By advertising, the "y \ $9,495; in the Quebec Treasurer's Office 12 | Gover nmentHcould get persons to take their f ) ~ Resie's Thias, o mA e ie dn i ie i foke en mapance ol Q,"d'.'lc \'Depa,rt:n_ent of Agrxcl;,ltnr.o (t'nd plainte about ill pay would be put an end to. | a i Public Works' Office 11 at $14,250, in On & tario 7 at $10,.365; In the Quebec Attor-- They should be made to understand that the /A ney General's Office 6 at $9.550, . in noueon ooo t io 0C 3 Mey slsn § § Ontario 4 at $6,.624, He might al-- MCe s 5A } so state that in Quebec they had Atty.--Gen. MOWAT said he had not been | gv,g | found _ it pecessary _ on acconntb of :ngre th"ttl.l: lt:op. memlifiy for tSout'.h Vie-- 3 i" . the i a £ living t i oria mean ring u is matter, -- That \ [( Ot" d 0;;":::':& y :: l'.)::il:i':io:al :fin?u :he ::5 gentleman had not gong so at the instance :)f f ? '}J : of galary, but they granted aid in respoect ol any member of the Government, The } °9B past services -- He g:d brought this matter subject bad been roceiving the con. | d '}l CA | up for the sake of obtaining an expression of sideration of the Government, He had j / s o opinion by h{::. memb:;'ll on the uubjec':. ' :?}:";g db:;':' fi'imk"!g t'il"'l""t'fle." %' ti' wha; P ¢ & 33 y P He wished to be understood that he thought k cers in the public banks an -- J M o. - the officials should be as few as possible, but other Governments, and endeavouring to ) W Hy that they should be competent men and well compare the duties of officers connected with -- all L Wt e o riaamna e ns Bb Mr. CAMERON said that, standing in the a . ooo t C ; position that hs did, the Govemmcn% migh t z:,:.l_)f':fi%n?;: 5::?:: a or%:nwu flflipOC'llblbfitiO ' 1 desire to hear his views on this subject. Of cient office dthis p ldce % ;lng ied 8 ' course he spoke only for himself. He had if' lthe x:xn:: ioay!;eu we(;:u co::t'::tly ;:gg:d 498 , | l:'f"! a member of the Goverpn?ent Wh"{l-' out for employment elsewhere. _ It wonlg € | orivinated the salaries of the different ofli b -- cials of this country. When they commenced e the grentest mistake and the inlicht \@/ | Ey were : "Y-oi i J t , economy not to pay the publicservants, asfully . oHIp, Arrfarces (Rew ware-- on neme weskes | 04 HBs Foiee Hinig Ther miouid nor beralditos M » ' i # i | these resources would be sufficient for the | & tl;: "fie hmn?hthb? nhoulg not be paid too </ wR { wants of the country ; and they determined | Goul C herinls wolien hey 1 || | ; counld have some system in th§a matter, and ioA a ie 3| that the work of the Departments should be H 4:4 carried on as cheaply as was possible. Hs g'-' l:l.g d use g'ii-lm Pt;o oo viek Pll':!p C C & i "/ x } agreed in the observation that it was desir-- o N¥ howle with thak viow, bus ho Wak Mh.§ . C g n | really hopeless of accomplishing that during B able t? ha\{,o no m;:re ofll;culs than are noces. this session: but it would be necessary to " \ sary for the work to be performed, but ho o ; . | thought that the officers appointed should fz;:,(:e:{t&:né?:::;:gn?t:vlglfitd.:fi:,fl Tlll,: i d} | be fauly remunerated for the services ren-- Y § | / I0 dered, Too many officers in a Department * made known to the House, (Hear, hear,) U¥ 1 U were a puisance aud interfered wi 4 Mr. FERGUSON thought the Government hk 4 ||| th h heale w.tfi_x tach should lay betore the House a statement of 6 ; other to such an extent that the affairs of k 3%. the country we{; mismanaged. It would at 'fi'g:::";:lfig tll:: (i,:xnploye"i'tl ':dtothfln t:l(;e 8 the same time be much to be regrotted if i 6 eP | | p the officers of the Department we:egr paid sal-- whether an increase of "F'm"& was desirable, 1 aries which were less than those paid by , He wanted to know if the Government had | q EL bmkers1 and merchants to efficient men | 'l']"t m""w(:d:th: %}y of ghmfllclals of l:ilie | T ) ) whose duties were not more onerous than | Rouse a quarter of a dollara day, WNIO , ' M thoso discharged by the employés of the others received none, | a 2 f\ | country, It would not be right to pay too Hen. Mr. CROOKS explained that $600 . . o TB ! lavishly, but if t.hef cl(:rks in the De-- wm:1 by vote Sof the House, placed in the TW rtments _ were found not _ to be hands of Mr. Speaker to be distributed amo l 64 | | ?:cewing what was their due then the Gov-- certain :;ervant;gfi of the House for servi;g i M\ | erpment shpuk_i at once take up the mattor rendered. 193 $ and deal with it, l Hon. Mr. SCOTT,referring to the remarks P ' Mr. LAU DER cont'ended_thnt this was a of the member for South Brant, said that [no ' ¥ ' | matter in which the Executive was responsi. less than three or four officers of his Depart. / o I bh:.and th3 tgotv;mmcnt %h;ouldh:;lk; u:ug: ment hadll(tisst bgea.r leuft thT service, finding \ ] action, and that hon. members should not b they cou tter themselves elsewhere. | 18 | | | i called upon to express their opinions until One of them especially was a very efficient Na -- '. some measure was brought down. He con. cfficer. He had no hesitation in saying that A 4 f | l curred in the view that employ(s should be | if some others were to leave it might very | % | well Efid. but there was no one in the House | seriously ¢mbarrass the public seryvices, | P who knew the merits of the different clerks | The oflicers in his Department required a . ) | t except the heads of the Departments. Let ; long period of Brobation. Some of the em-- | h j | these Departmental heads, uniting to form ployees in that Department were there for | upwards of twenty years ; one very efficient | cfticer had been there forty years, aud he fit | iA the munificent salary of $1,400 a year, _He dA | k was of opinien that the system should be y <@ adopted of increasing the pay of employees I-- h C / thelionger they remained in the service, $0 s e #2 uie 9P that they could make .provision for old ago. t ocm g 6400 99 CAAAE UHIUUEIROLC , "Wiittccn.epmaccdttiontis : _ R f % s ue