The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 17 Jan 1873, p. 4

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* yA + se Mr, wWOO C eX _ 7°"~ / --S=--tftrrromen 8 r. D._"v E* A 8 CX e sAA MA entirely wrong, hat you stated there was He pitied the honourable mempér for South ° ~~}G Mr. FERGUSON said th Brant fom his very heart. e believed he 1c need not be so uncas boue hon. fintlemun was just as wretched on ac is be-- 'Aul =§ he regretted now they about it. No doubt Araya) of his leader as was Juday'of old when ~ _ <Ml Mr. RYKERT W(:oum l)le on C + *E OOb rad i. was unloemuaist y l < , : sotto voce)--Rub it i . said it was unfortunate that \» W \ him. it into some members of this House had thought > // dn 1 , Mr, FERGUSON proceeded to fit to bring up this matter again. He should S \< L when Mr. Wood made this deni say that not refer to it at all were it not that some 4/ House of Commons, he felt it Oll:il:l in the members were not familiar with the facts | ' prove his statement. _ Mr %V duty to He sbould be very sorry ever to be in & posi-- * | f f clared that it was & li- ood had de-- tion in which he would need commendation ' h bad been told by the mem ':; fHe i Mr. F.) or a plea for fair play from the hon. member 1 28 ronto that he had a docum l't Oll;- East To: for South Simcoe. If he ever should be | } i | sbow that a corresponden et}sl 'dw ich would placed in that position he certainly should { a § between the late Pruxnier?ud M:al'(;x;o £lwe treltnblde t;fox' his mtlfl"afi(mk Ee would not | | s pretend to answer the attack which had baen s f f Nr. WOOD--The member for East To: made upon him in the coarse, low style | | ronto never told the hon. gentleman so. H that seemed so cougenia) to that gentleman. ; mever told the hon. gentleman that while L (Hear, heat) He would simply Anakt 4 | j Wana mewber of She Govermacat that ile statement of the facts. This note which had ' C . there passed from Mr. Blake to papfir again been brought up to--day he had entirely T T 1 There is the hon. member for Kast Tmyse * forgotten, unti% in conversation with the | | (| B /A ¢ let him vindisate himself or stand con(:/l;z!t':g' member for Niagara some--time after the de-- E \ iA ; Mr. FERGUSON advised the h 16-- (in: thok the chares thet Si. Brike hay yoru _ CW uit to keep quict on. gentle m that the charge that Mr. Blake had been || 3 Me d NMr. RYK 1' a oo writing to him reterred to this note. On the | L ObR Mr. RYKEIRT--(sotto voce)--Roast him Monday following his resignation he saw M ' WH alive. ( Blake in the lobby. He lfsd gone home afc;; t /. -- U Mr. FERGUSON went on to say that he his resignation and had just returned aud | \ NO NE | was in this House when the member for heard that certain rumours were afloat as to | { f ; East Toronto stated that ho had written bis conduct, and he told Mr. Blake that he | U d | proof of the iniquity of, the member for would take occasion during the day to spsak f( 8 1| TW | Routh Brant, as to a note having passed to in reference to theso reports. _ Subse: 1490 f bim from Mr. Blake. When Mr. Cameron quently he saw Mr, Sandfield Macdonald-- \ td B m;sde that statement he went over to who, ho might say,'notwithstandiug all that } ) | T ' || & him . aud said to) him--'*Mr. ; Camerou had been said, ho did not believe entertained § * at bave you any writton evidence of that asser: an unkind thought towards him. He told // t tion *" _ He replied, "I have." _ He said he him that he was going to speak, and Mr. : } 1 C got it from Mr \V'ood'l scat He {Mr F; Macdonald asked him not to do ;o, that oi J ds ES sid crot know how he got it. He never.aiw 4y _ he knew _ the _ Government ' WPP the document till the subject was brought wes gone, _and _ recommended . hbim b 36 § [ up in the tiouse of Commons, and he took o' _ $o.-- apt ak. He _ thereforo _ said | a * t / i the sberty of casserting Aboto that (thoso . he :yould not say a word, and he said ) A F 1 :v\prd:; bad passed from Mr. Blake to Mr. n:att;mg'.fl ilzlxet!?: Z:lllttmgfo&one sing when t A , -- ood. L ars ourse of the evening, when . $ f Mr. WOOD--When? That is the point. $ages Linded musa sho ol paper." «is ones. | | oanl ; Mr. FERGUSON--Never mind when. He ed it and found on it tE'lse 3325}3131{,633?3; '. { ::;":1 that th: member for East Toronto had :,gnch ufigzd?d such exceeding consalation to { ocument. F e member for Simcoe, which b al 6 § Mr. WOOD--The hon. gentleman does uot had been lithographed 3ndhfer£31(230 %o":l? i9 z & waut to be misunderstood. -- His charge was the leaders of the Conservative P"'t!yafld \fd f that while I was a member of the Govern-- h""E up as an ornament in their hcuses-- ) 9 s gitrntifllakgccci\cd that communication from :Rild:el:ll'(;og;xilt(?regetoh:fig"glhggwn dtof their ) d f',g-" .:? | § . T 4 s and fourth fls 2000 : Mr. FERGUSON went on to si generation. (Laughter.). They had taken N. I ¢ when he mado the statement in the tlyou:;l:tf :rlA':m:;:(;ut');l:hto llthogr.a;flh ft, so that each * ! 45 of 3 Commons, the member for South Brant took perbsps Ab e pnrtfi might have a copy; and a L 0 th f the liberty of declaring that it was a lic. M in beg iigor in Tos nrom siitroon Hares: hak PiX U 4 Mr. WOOD--So i ; in suty e great spittoon party, had \ Wigly :A 0o it was, and he knows it, cen entrusted with the keeping of the t h t Mr. FERGUSON--Ho nos only said it was original document, | (Laighter ) How that o I I 3 a lie, but that it was a damued lis. (Order might be he did not know, but it was ons of 1 m d order.) When he found that it was denied, those'exceeding raro treasures that no doubt t '\" | " , he went to Mr. Carling and asked him to woul¢ form one of the permanent documents lal's write to Mr. Cameron for this document of _ the great party °Fe"hi°h he supposed | i | «4 Mr. Carling did so, and subsequently han 1. the hon. member had _ not hesitated 1|# ed this note to him, which showed that his to pronounce himself the leader, namely, the | ~VEB | statement was not a lio but the truth. It great spittoon and water--closet spoilation | "' | showed that he received this letter on a cor-- party. _ What he (Mr. W.) did with this pr M { ib - tain Monday, and that he resigned on a per he did not know. He believed he tore it R i NB Friday. in two pieces and threw it on the floor. 1 d § Mr. WOOD --Yes 'cllmtm"z}s tfif;".h'f,';"" '(:fnd'm'" for the '~dd l ' Mr. FERGUSON said the hon. gentleman mig)ft infer from u.'atg(.lil;;tem;?" lPuuzus h J E should go farther, and con?ou that they chose But what the gon'"se y;lzv i o NNE on the very Friday he resigned he charged was that while ho was a xfi:';;'!i:)?.tlf | 0 L was in oorrespondence with .Mr. Blake, the Government, ard sitting hpou the Tre:- | sB ¥l }l:le got _ & pr'r-'atn letter sent him sury bemches, he receivsed a note from Mr. i | t Y y a messepnger to his own office Dlake, telling him that was the proper tim: 2 f | Ho neod not dony that. It mattered nok to rise and make his resignation ® Tl \t 4s |\ JC | when the document was picked up: it proved the charge. If that were not "the u'?h '-Fr" I it U him guilty. He could only assure tho House there was no pertinence in it n?io, : wl 1 [I\ that the story of his having picked this note save thiat an empluatic and gtmuqli'« H 16 | wIn. ' out of a spittoon was all a fabrication. _ If ho and if there had been words in the: 1(5;13{131; | | | bad picked it up be held that he would have languac e stronger than the words ho us d ; | [| : been justified, because it showed that thers would have used them and stamped tl;e\ 7: ] | L was a gentloman in the Cabinct who was a son making that charge with tha.l; inf C p'if' } traitor to his leader and a traitor to his coun deserved. (Loud cheers ) That rentfmy % | P -- try. Ne was sorry that the mombor for hairs would be white with the E'BOTBT?%S 5 [ | South Grey had been severe upon him. For winters before that stain would bo wiped out ' ( 0 1 his part he pitied him from his heart, and ho of his character. Those who knew h'p \ol'1 : j ' believed that if his heart was laid baro it fFood) for maoy yeare would Lnow whother | | JA would be found that he was the most wretch-- or not & priori he could be guilty of e hevl' y it ed man out of purgatory and that if thro was charge, The hon, member hEud nyever:ll:gleaz d € ' :e)r:e)ll upon earth he was suffering it. (Laugh-- a0 fartf«ggott}:au khis honour as a man as to | A1, ) -- repeat the charge to night. The tA | ¢ To M Mr. PRINCE wondered if it was in order tleman said he did not PgiCk ap thiSI;::;)'er&::d ' : ' j |I in a Committee of the House to rise to a paste it togeth«r; but the receiver was as bad || 4 question of order. A short time ago he had as the thief. (Cheers.) As to this matter | [| 3 f been told that on a motion for the Speaker | of private letters, if they and. private con-- I || A to leave the chair to go into Commiittee of | vorsations were to be disclosed, then all in« ' A Sflf ply, they might discuss the doraeatic 2 on ved. Hhe ied Shimk" boon Temoied o i i1 ' Pohcy 'of Kamschatka. He had no doubt at an ond.. He had often been tompted to B 6 | I +4t the policy of Kamschatka had as mhuch make allusions to }'""""e matters, but he had l conmnection with the subject before the never done so, He adverted to the conduct B ' flouse as bad the qu estion that was being of Sir John A. Macdcnald in disclosing the =' discussed. Was it really in order to make 3'1()nte'!t" of private letters from Mr. Scott. j this personal attack, which was not charac-- ?haa_ koen charged by the member for Lin-- ' terized by leniency at all eve uts, and which co &1 with accepting a brief from both parties, | | w um in connection with a matter so very lke and at one time supporting and at another ' | | e | from the question before the House, .t;':'n' opposing the Government. Did. the | } Mir. FERGUSON said that in i;lgfl?ic'ttion \ gn. gretntl]elmsn suppose that he must cither | P B ( ¢ of himaelf he had fmade this explanation. 'orl;PO all the acts of the Government 1 4 / /2 w * oppose all their acts? He would not f ) f

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