any public put-pogo for . , It,, i "It! may be suitable. Which the amd pro.' u 'ip. , At "Cen mow , . ' that cliiifir,'i:r'i?,l, 2,133 'lVttrt',g not tc i: one to this Provin n h . 00mm at relent vigil." reason to dissent from that can. The Home adjourned at 6 o'clock. """------ ' mucus or MOTION. . Mr. McDonald-... Ais Home will on flC1"','gerggt The i into Committee to consider I.?") " itstit : "solution..- , 4. following [#301an t " That it it cont A ' . and usage of Parliament 1fiP2t, 1:313; would be perrmittod to en L4'Y, b r im Bolt " '" PM. in [rl'S1't,Si',at Ci I 1'tipu, Biik 1tesfom thia Home. or any Com. l mittee thereof, for "I Pecuniary rewnrd to I bo "yxuted by melt member, or by my per- l syn standing In my relation of loge] Griir.) sional partnerehip with him." l yt, Boultbee On Thnredey next --'that due Home yill on -----q. next resolve itself into Committee, to rounider the following l "rssluisat...-. Iu'eeolq'd:_ " That in the (pinion of thil "(were it ll expedient that, in addition ' to the present Standing 1Joaunittem of this #irase, there should be another, to be called the Judiciary Committee, to l whom thall be referred ell Bille effecting the Common Lew, the Equity Law, or the bone- lei Statute law of the Provuwa." Mr. Wood (victoria)--On Thursday next - Bill intituled " An Act to amend the Assess. ment Act of low." Mr. Meredith -On Thurs-lay next -Bill -ntitul¢d "An Avt to C'outuhdste and Aruend I '.l:o law an to Wills." Mr. Cook On Thursday next-Address "It return of tho number of tirat, second, and tltird.elasvs oertiiicst, a granted to teach- on! during the your eighteen hundred and twenty-two; also, tho number of perions who have made appliwxtion for oortiticatea and have been unable to obtain them during the rune year. Mr. ll: kert- (in Thursday next Ttill in tituled " An Met further to amend the Act intitnled nu Art respecting the Court of Error and Appeal." . Mr Mcuod-on Thnredny next A Bill intituled "An Act to provide that any Act in alteration, T,g1tth or in ttlee of on Aot,orin n 0 any portiono my rd, ehnll re-eurzitothe whole law." Mr. Welle~ Aht Thursday next enquiry M Mr. Ryhert. whether he, being Chaiimaix of tho Proton Committee, intend- " on early day to mehe the motion for the tttte of the report ot the Committee, of. w (ch .u gnve notice lent union, and which motion in adjourned become the evidence had not been printed. Mr.Baxter--Aht'rhttrwUrnoxt---A Billinti~ ruled "An Act to mend the Outerie Medi- oal Act." 1IomMr.MeKe0ar 1ht6isurnssrtc--Tut this Home will on ---.- next resolve lteell into Committee to consider the following reeo luticn C-- liraolmi : " That the I/.mtuet.t-G'oye.rn. or in Council any from time to time in ha discretion insist my uni-pine of the Consoli- dntod Revenue Fund, not exceeding in the whole at my one time the Inn or-cu-dei. la in the pnrcheee. of may Debentures u- eurd under my Municipal 'lt/alt, terpoot ot which the Communion» Public Works shall certify to the propriety of the invest- ment."