-, ti --e---- SEMII AallitEliT--8t1ltltP, $tlliltlti, ---_--- THURSDAY, if musty 23. 1875. _ The Speaker took the chi r at 3 'clock. iiiiiiiiiiie, The following I? Hons a pie-enlel :- Mr. Bamilton-1hmn the School Bo "il of Kai-mind, for amendments to the School A "tr?,---! om the Sch ol Board of Vankleck mil, 10 the some a,ffetr,. Mr. Gil tMP -Irrotn the inhsbitantl of Morris, Grey,. vi MoKillop, to the some effect. Mr. Smith-Prom the Towv'iip Council of Adeinide, asking for attachment to Middle- sex, for registration purposes. A1tso--1frrrm Tiv mas Burk, John Waltham, Leslie Lindsay, and others, for the division of the County of Middlesex. Mr. fig,yidtgt the Village Council of Streetsvil e, for certain amendments to the Registry Act. . " 'Mr. Wood (Braut)----li'roat Ephraim Cook and others, of Norwich, for an Act to amend the Act Incorporating the Norfolk Rail- way. Hon. Mr, Crooka-From J. o. Wagner, and also from J. Thompson and others, for an Actto establish liens in favour of, me- chanics. Mr. Prince From the Township Council of Sandwich, for an Act to confirm a certain survey. d Mr. Monuitlt--nhe united petition of the Stratford and Huron Railway and the Town Council ot Stratford, to amend the Act of Incorporation of the Railway Company'. Mr. Hancy-Frorn the School Boer) of Yclland, for amendments to the 3521001 ..' 'i. Mr. Tooley From the Township Council of iJorcheater, relative to a Normal School in London. Mr. Guttorworth - From the County Coats. cil of Middkscx, for certain amendments to the School Act. Also 'e From the County Council of Mid. nlvsex, praying that no Act may you to di. vido the County oi Middlasex. Mr. Craig (Russell) --rc'rntiy the congrega~ tion of the Presbyterian Church in Cumber- land, for an Act to vest their property in trustees. Mr. 1)cacon---r'som the Canada Central Railway Coruyauy, for an Act to legalize certain brlas s. M r. Ardngh From John Bowl: and others, for an Act to incorporate the Mining Com" l-any of Marmara. Mr. Durcchc . From the Ncuhurgh School Pound, for anirmlmcnts to the School Act. [ Mr. Ardar,h-rrorn \Vatson Hubbard and l others, for on Act toincorporato tho Hub. I haul Silver Mining Company of Thunder Bay. Mr. Wauuvivorfh --. From the County Council of Middlesex, for amendments to the lirgistry Act,. - _ h'r. Monhith--Frotrt the Port Dover an l La'se Huron Railway Company, for an Act to amrnd the Act of incorporation. Mr. Wood (Victoria'r-jvt1 liphreui Gag- non, for an Act to incorporate a certlin so- ciety. Mr. 1hacon-Frotn Margaret Brcmner, for an Act to pass to vest certain property in Joseph Mayhew and others, as trustees for the sale thereof. Mr. Wood (Brant)--From F. W. Gritlia an d others, of lirautford, for an A:t to mnrnd thr " " "33W", Company. Mr, M, .. signer the Ito- man Catl Jud.) o. London, the Lord Bishop and Dean of Huron, and others, rela. tive to a Normal school. Mr. Wood (Bratrh)--Frottt John Joyce and others, for amendments to the Norfolk Hail- way Company Act. Eleven petitions were presented for re. stricting the liquor trailic. MUNICIPAL BILL. l Mr. GRANGE moved that 1,000 exit copies of the Municipal Bill should be printed. I Mr. WOOD said the expanse would be very great,! asthe Bill was large. The postage t, alone would amount to about a. dollar a. I copy. 1 Mr. BEACON could not we the advantage