Bill Tly hon. gamma w" puma. T his", ..Rr. 'lt., . IlR.5 " S,'l" ttdt' mono Jiuiut,', 'WH. te "T'lTlAllll . alsoto give them two or thry irusuioea of . "ir, Ftr'" . - gained. as h Common-law law?" origi- / 3333:333'3mtr'3x w.ltet.he cm'jred gross grievances under _ -nally but had had occasion to be con- ' ', , "iii _rigl which suitors in the country laboured lie ' t ed in cases of Equity and had _ ia (Mr. B.) would only mention one of them, "r, "d1','lffl rind himself with thsii- working so T ' *3" , and he dared say the leader of the Govern- . 3 much so that of late he had practised more _ ' .- '3 gent was one of those who brought about in Fguity than in Common Law. It was his ' 1;lfa * f e mvanmcomplained of. It had been opinion that the Court of Chancery was one _ , tgun Il 2,ih' taxed by the masters in of the best courts in the land. The judges, ' *. r 1,C'lWdblfl,T, ',,",'a,Tlt'd,t,ret 3% tre ht?,' the "3" t a ""g2"',,'g,t' "32%;: . [i . e 0 use or P. s an enormously large bills were taxed out of all 'd% thigh- Lb'eurs. In reference to the re- . l proportion to the services rendered. so large . solutions proposed by certain members . in fact that they amounted to robbing the of the House, it these gentlemen meant , P , chests. He himself had known several cases to improve our system of jurisprudence " IIE, _ of bills taxed in ou.te.r oflicei for two or three _ by a" complete fusion of Law and '31 "1 hundred pounds being reduced in Toronto Equity, he disiented from the whole prop" t l _ some t1ity or sixty pounds. That was_tha sition. Experience-th" best of #esehera-- 3. q atom which tho hon. member complained showed that such fusion never worked satll- '_, :5, gums) a: 'ttet', (P/tl?, es tl,rii/y if no 1ttrt',r1t1g',',',d are: " in the Enter 'di?t,h',Ltl1',h,t, T135033: first ell2"'2'l Jlfg'Jtfi'a",l1ll; (,','lu,'etdl' he ' l ii, i it certainly was not in the interest of chants would ask the hon. member for Lincoln, were .1 or the putrlio gtrnerullr. (33311 hear.) i"" they held by the profession and public of the '7. l , r - 1dtlut'fle,,mdi, had complained also of tlt _ Prownce? In the hate of Now York, With ' . 5 c, h" so a we ave to come to Toronto to get I apopulaiion of four milliomt--tut empire in (i J, ' k" injunctions, that injunctions to Mop the cut. i itself --ite commerce three fold that of any tr i (l) : , 3 ting of timber could not be given in the i _ other State in the Union, they attempted a T ' g 3 country. It so happened that prior tcthe l fuEiett- station of tye practice of the sys- " il,'h'ht,rutt,Ayoh,l'lht?tr"dfou,ht',"i.;t,'t' t,etuyP',',t,tg1,g',tr'nt,eTi,at'rl; i tr , . c on me o o rec ure , 4 , tt away. In trilith this It a jurisdictio; both", but the testimony of the profession of T " (l, ' ill ' 0 very sparing y exercise " it sto pe New York was uniformlya inst such ain, t ' * .tl entirely for some time alloperations for Some because there was nothiii; gained bay it. _ , l . time. Courts of justice "in England and else- Equity should have Jiflerent machinery, by 3. I ' , , w ere a ways exercise e power of injunc- which to be administered to Common Law. . sr' r , i I tion "T tttttl With reference to the l By r. ference to 'iriiiiiili hon. gentlemen ii, , " ii officers in t e Court of Chancery in Toronto, wbu'd ubsxrve that improvements in the si, ' 3 . Rhojhe pen ige1t,1,e",ty,,s,t"'t 1v,tillte workir g of the ChauceryCourt were eontina. i I. I 'i, (l e vitas o 6 pro essiou e con say all'talun ilace in orderto ulnrizeit as ,, r, 3 y in; exile? (Alice;- (cmployed 'iini'"i'tj'ii,"it,it,ij",ii, 'l,11l as ')51'ltfi'l, and do awsrvgith on mbrous 3 ', r l J 3 / wit t e Jourto Jhaneery orontn was forms. lm roveuvonts had likewise, from t . , ' I employed from early in the morning till late time to time? been introduced in the admin- a', , ;' in the evening, and that there were none of tion ot Chane: ry business here, and the _ , i 3 them who did not earn their money. ind, es Were uncessing in their efforts to do I " E u 3 . . , . ' F ' 'll in their power to render suitors all rea- L ' k 4 1 ' "$33133: 'fh5tj,Jg'ti.:1 hc had rs'errotl to the son. bin assistance. A large amount of busi, i. 3 I f Ii , . E 17. nus was npwhdelrilgsg :d to Masters at county 3 , 3 Mr, P, .THI'NE said he had misunder- "We W ac a at one time to ', " - stood the hon gentleman}. The only oilioert, b." "assumed in Toronto, and tht, prim 3 r i I of the court outside of Toronto were the topic of docrrtral when was thus secured. l, ' ' ' Mastrrs and their fees were certainly not " "'3 hir hi, nerNr'trA"y that there tshould be 3 T. i, Ili' , t very large. These gentlemen were precluded P' rfect tyrir..rmitt in the administration of i 3" ~33 , ul , from practising in the court, and the receipts tle law ltr tm parts o/ the 'touutry, "ul that , l 'i' 'si' t J _ - ' ' l of * me of them were not more than about a tly.,t,t, had. been urfod.., The _present dis 3 F ( 'ii "3.35"; if l hundred pounds a year. So long as they 'eussion tif),', have the etfeet of induciag the , _ . .. hit I, i were paid by fees those fees eoald not be Pl "I . see what more Nut be done to ", bf 'itil" ' made smaller than they are now. Perhaps I popularise ttle cert,. but surely ttut hon. l 3, Tis; ti ' "3 the hon gentlemen could bring before the member for Lincoln did notthink that more , i - 3 " ' attention of the House and Government ' 'Jgl Sign" done ',thttt, the 'Jigtlt,u,r, , H lt F, 'iii' . F. l some other means of paying them. In mak- sac "WM mo on wi mg up _ . 3 '), [l ' . . " ing these remarks he wished it to be under- . ytytea, and ".30 than by i1iiiiiiiiii'iiii , I b. 3- t ' li 3 stood that he did not appear as the advocate l, judges to parti work. Ordinary. oi. l , > Tu ii 3. 33 of the Court of Chancery or of Toronto 2 'dll',, rt 33380337 .ev1rtit,ot1o',u,i,t,t12',t, the V " ' ' ! chancery lawyers. m ha practised more Ot1 o ancery: 1, someo " Mn. . . , 3 in the courts of Common Law than in that of provements that might be inaugurated here, 33 ' P' I "r Equity, and he had been resident in Toronto or by waiting until some other Anglo-Saxon . _.- I 3 l for only a short time. He spoke from ex- ntttiona irep.roye.ita present system of Chan. . q i periince in the country as well as in this cery administration, our own Court would T! ! I, cite It had been too much the fashion for be iu1exce1led. It was a serious matter to V I » 1.0.33 gentlemen on the opposite side of the make sweeping changes in. our oty.rty of _ l . i, . House to arraign all the gentlemen on this Ir, for, . take them all m all-Division l, - , 3 side by the name of the "Chancery Brigade." 3:31:53)? 33:3; cT.'."'ggr'g,',,',",1,g',f1eret "it; i , 3 ' , 3 He thought it was time the country knew , , '. ",_ t V ' ' that there was not now a single gentleman Queens Bench, and the Court of Dptier-- . F, 3 4. u 3 on this side, who practised in that court, who I".' J,"l let, think there was t.ethr, land .90 n , 3 ~ did not also practise in the other courts of highly favoured as the lyrounce of Ontario It i, law. (Bean) The wall round the Court of (Applause) . [l, ' _r Char Cory had been broken down, and the Mr. IlODGINS said that the Chancery . " , ' 3 , gentlemen of the profession could ractice in Court seemed to be the special object of at- 3 , i one, cr,urtaaweliaa in another. I thought tack from some gentlemen, opposite. No ' , E j, r that this cry, got up for election purposes, 3 more senseless cry had ever been raised than .1 , , rr r should never have been heard even in that raised bythe member for Lincolnfor the l 'i . ' . 2533?...3m"; re" 1.33%.: "t' (.1,gr'g, tt,',iht,',1d,'rt, the $53.1" St',Tgi, ii? ' ' i 3 V , . L . , ' on. or: eman w em in e a . ' _ found that the majority would be given in I tion JI that corirt, did not proposgeto provide 4 ip, ' favour of acontInuaucc o? the Court of Chan. l for the administration in any other court oi ' , il {my 13;", in fact: ht poor f,','ar't/io,uri,',' a: '2',1.i,t,.abtdg,i',eit,i,oon of the Slim" of , 'ccause oexpenszsini were ens an In ' C moor '. , ere was no rcasouin e c , the other courts. It was often heard that a ' and it 130mm no resplonse in the 'e',d't7,', . , man dhavang t,t ttfire",',','. La: whlst lilo: though ithmight "if; e ht geatleman. in . ccnssi ere to e O 108 03:8. tttt l " w: order to ave a a t e overnment , appeal to Chancery," because he knew that side of the Hating, to make this , th' there he could get cheap justice. He did attack upon the Chancery Court. There , il r not think the member for [hoopla would. had was one point in connection with this matter 'l many to sympathize With him In the attitude I that should not be overlooked, and that was ' E of h/eg, zhich h,',', It2,trt'f, t,ia,l'2, ' that the work done by the Court of Chancery 3 i ' 3 'i' the 'uurts 0 us 09. or cour m h in ex 'css of th t do b E , 3:13.11 respected. respectable. the represen. . a: 'll2if,,d' ISM court; -iu '"W. ' tativee of the majesty of thu.utr, and the portion to the number of judges, » Court of Chancery should "new" that "i?' We had two courts of Common Law,with six ' port which it W" the duty ot the House to judges, besides some 42 county courts, with give to all Courts ot Law. tihrar, hsur l not less tn 44 judges, labile in lthe admin. ', i . " .. , istration of ( uity we h only t rec judges. . I 1tip,,vgh'li"lrg)Lt'i 'IS,','".'.',', 'TAC, , Besides this the Common Law courts eat only t r thiss wt b for Linccdn in rterd to the " stated periods, while the Chancery Court l '/ hon. Info?" Bo tar as m recollec~ sat the year round, except during the summer 3 flourt 117idlt",d effort had ever l vacation, and even then the judges were not i! tion went 'IU","', with that court, not tttt relieved from work. Applications boen mndeto o T.' one"! election. He were ing made fur injunctions to restrain _ even on the 11'lat . Sm di date inhil ad- some alleged wrong, and some of the judges I, , . was not - h inked the abolition of had to be on han all the time to attend to , 5 , ' i1.ree.tti) broug Ulf,' one othil principle! 3 thoo. Again, the Chancery Court had led . ' g tt c2,t."',t'l,,fJ'h'li' Lincoln said that since f the van in promoting law reform. It took a ' " 5l if . At on. In . _ yq 1' I ' U I 1849 various efforts have been madeto do I _ 3 _ " ,