iv VIA.'(.3 ".". V - I 'I. "'7 l ' I: .' V . (-C T, duced. There was mor "A' sr.' "' T' . Fir, r"', " t' -- ." PrTte . ar, Mt"" l . ' ' . . It cont", . . . . r ' of best change and the confusion that ' ' 'jlrR, a g rr 3 tgf, til: ','teti,t, It.r uniting the 'l'Uf,T l might U,',',',',' in rushing tho fusion. Pal 'l' '3, or uitsbl n . (i.'J,'2,',",tl,r exiuted. any", He thought thet, considering all that we 'e "l w. , wlesinfo jttrU when to Count Courts he 3 knew upon this subject, it wouldbefound l'. 'c? .7 com 2'01!!! of. no 'idl2'l'll7 that until quite possible by e few provisions carefully r', B , of tef, " y late times the Canadian Court prepaid to remo%r--he thought, entirely - . ty, . ' t K d t ."m resembled more in prectiog . d ut if not, M lent almost entirely, the eno- it, -.i " e ails the old court in Enslen b . n malice which heve led some of the advocates . showaaiiterat Ipiritin' ti, ttt it had f ti f . to k th d hi h d ' . . introducing reforms . o to re usion the e groun vr Pl . 3 In so, while tdinitting that shun. in ' they have. It was a. Bill on that principle r, two had crept in during the a", ,"Q'ltt, which he would have the honour, in e day or 3, of thet court, he condemned es 'l'hh,'dlI r We to lay before the Le isleture. (Rear, ". _ ', i called for tbelen e . Pu"! to a", my hear.) He had not intended to meke any , l by the hon mung?!" Leech. In 'd'l'12 statemeuton the subject until he prerentMtlyr ',. i l to the taxation of hing, he believed ft t Bill ;but owing to the turn which the debete . - r 1ead.in_g practitioners in Toronto had suede;- bad tak en, he thought it proper to any what "ll, ' ' :pomt to of) to mull? towns to get thei; he had done. f » ti: ls tax by the esters there-, because Mr. PRINCE had thought that s good V , 1L"f,'11' showed more for costs than they pun would be to make an ettcmpt in the l c't' W0 behcre. The revision of bills here direction of fusion. Our Legislature, we! not . 3 End therefore e good point. He could of so expensive e character es to mete it im. , It ly credit the leanings seid to he", been possible for e measure to remain in force for l '3 'de, by the hon member for Lincoln in re- efew goers in order to see how it would I ' erence to the Court of Chancery. There work. He instanced a. case which had 00- ' I , l ' must be e Jurisdiction of thet kind exercised [ curt ed in his prectice which sho wed the in. 'r., l i I and he hoped the Government would keel; convenience and namely ot ttut present l d il I i r the systems of common law end equity up», state of the courts. Something ought to be i t i h l l ' J I rate tte";,',',', was e new Lord Chancellor up. , tried at ell events £3 I I 13:3};le hnglstnhd, who was saidtoeontodi. l Mr. MCMANUS said that in his pert of l i , I. gm] d not 2'lsf, tet of what nature he the country the people were pleased to beer t _ l . to waita 13- (r', ought it would be use that e Commission had been eppointed to , i ' l ' there i a" rape " f when may be taken lure the courts, beceuse although it we: ' l , l l (flair hea re creme to Lhencery reform. known that e man lost some of his property I , i _ l " ' r.) by going into the Superior Courts, he lost it _ f , " i ' . Attorney-General MOWAT Ind no oh entirely if he went into the Court of Chen- ' u i. & l li, Jcction to bring down thepaporg_ He desired cny. (Laughter) He agreed with the . I l F J q to say a few words with reiercnce to some member for Stormont that it we: the poor F _ l . l points raise-l in the discussion. Reference man's court, because emsn wat, sureto be a _ l I ' , had. been made by some hon. gentlemen op. poor who he oeme out of it. (Laughton) T l ' "if"; til the policy ot the Government of Mr. WELLS contradicted the inference of ' I a , , ll f l; Blake w". ttc.' h ml. On eieinin- the member forNiagamartt? leading lawyers ' , , I m" " h"vate.rs.tent et lti.t pliisy "blob he of Toronto sending their Biihstoouter oltices ' . 't' rr P, made aftertsking oilioe, it would be found to be taxed and explained tally the ciroum. i, . e " l, that the measure which he promised on this , tstances of the cage ' I l . z tulle" "as a measure in the direction of ' . ." . I fusion. bow, with regard to absolute and Mr. I10Bib' SON protested. egeinst the . , l. I arm. fusion of the jurisdietion now on," practice the legal members of the House had I ' ' f one by com." oi Law and Juhuity,it was no of. occupying all the time of the Assembly . ', nun) matter to prepare . mean", for thut with these lew Bills, which were discussed 3 _ pupae. It was that, however, which the before empty benches. m tsuggested that _ Fi l itruniiseio sct aboutdm%,r. It was not the these pentlcmcn should lure e room by _ . 3 iutcttiunof the (ion rnttttettt by whom that themee Yes, where they could come h, some 3 ii ' l .' Cirmmic;itn was appointid that they aln.uld setisfsotory conclusions, and then the rest of " , B, t Jo :0; they sccrncd to have misrviocelrstrlud the House would Mrfm to those conclusions. l f 7' ll, w, , E tl.o intonliou of the (imx-rmm-uh 1 His hon. One hon. member had a nightmare the other ' ' iii-3}}: a lllt'nll the Treasurer discovered that they tsvenir.yp.and imagined them w" th lawyer on i i "ii' 3' 5 t if". the task to In: one involving: so much top of him. (Leughten) fi",.. E . niiluulty and, r. dinning so much time for the Mr BYKERT denied tint he had called , .. ",1: l Ii .i-lrounlr- lwrioriumm- ol It, that it would he the Ccurt of Chancery e sink of iniquity. "i, P. 'pl I . "memory that thc two judges who Wt't't' on What Fe ukLwns, tut if he repeated what V . . i f. the caumussxou should Ire oilcastnl for a he had heard of it he would so call it. He , J a I lurlml front thcir judicial duties, in ovlw to had the highest admiretion for the judges of 3 ' l. , q , pt" Iriu" "hc nuccsoary ttit'iuiuli, and make a tl st con-t. He then went on to repent his l. ' ' r "our report, The gentlemen of the Cout. g. "ner stetement a to what the policy of I i ' l museum who Were not on the bunch could i no late Governmenthadberertott subject r ' only 1,} " to the work, yt eoursv, a small por- of th s court, and contended that 12?: present I" tion oi their tunc, as it was impossible for Administration had abandoned thet policy. ' I i (l, tin-m to abandon their practice. l'udcr . . 3 . l - these circumstanro, the hon. Treasurer The motion was then carried, and a; urs" T F, I ( , thought it "as not in the public o'clock the House rose. l l" M r I nil-list that the Commission should After Recess 3 ali _ l I continue. lt wee not in tho power of this _ 7, . w, I Nil ' ' Government to relieve the judges from their Vt ELLiNGTON, GREY , k BRL' OE RAIL. J! . l ll l oilicinl duties, and if it had been smiths pol. WAY. '. 'l" ' , , I 3 my of exp doing would be doubtfulz The Mr. BYKEllT rammed the debut on his it n l i I woihgssone which in other countries had motion for pepers relating to the Wellington, , l " , l i f all" eeveral yearB, severe labour on the Urey,& BruceKeilwey. With reference to the l ', , I ' , part oflesrned IPYP", and we could not 3 statement made by the Commissiouers of » l r , I ' expect it to be different here. However/two i, Public Worla that he (Mr. llykert) bed , l l l him had been prepared --and Pliced before [ threatened en em loyee of the House that he _ , (j , L" t,ttr, one by severe! learned members of the 2 would Lying him before the bar of the House , , if , Crmmitsion,and tho other come from another if he refused to give him certain information, , i . l fqusrter. Both of tue Bill, were P'tparet, , he raid he had written to thet employee, l r 'i ul l l or the PWPOW o.f securug abgolute fusion of Mr. hoimsn, and had received from him an 7 l I law . and equity so far $ta .tlat was sosvur to the effect that he (Mr. Rykert) i ' l, - possible. One of these Bills would daily a-xproused the intention of br'nging t " l i probably . leave the Lhanccry practice Jo mutter before the House if the desired ': " l . orbout . " it was now; and the oth.dr would information Wes withheld from him, but that 3 ' 's / make it more cumbrous and expensive. The he never hinted that he would t, ' evil which existed under the present system bring him (Mr. Notmen) or any other : did not erise from my idea that in this mat. .mpjoyco before the bar of the House. I f ter e division of lebour might not be deair. ' ' . t il able in this es in everything else. But the Hor.. Mr. MN'ELLAR end he would - l " toil was two-fold. It occasionally happened bridly'stetc the facts. Mr. Hunter celled I it] . that there wee a doubt as to whether e suitor "pon him tsud said that tht' hon, member for 1 l , should go into Law or Equity for the purpose Lincoln had threatened either to tyi.ng ly. l f 4' of obtaining the remedy which he was en- Noimsn bifore W. House or to lying tite f , a: titled to. This doubt very seldom eroso, but "abbot of his not being able to get the intor. i q l ' ll it cutainly arose occaitotully. The other tmstttat before the Houses, , _ ll ml conmctcd uith the existing system was Mr. RYK BRT seid that every member of ' I this : In a class . of cases which the House had tho right to bring such e mat. I 4 ' it f'iicvssiouaslly l aroset 111: was d necessary l ter below the House. I l . for the .0 intent C aw, in or or to make . . - , P, available the el idence he was entitled to, to in. motion we! then cerued. l i . l tdi, cccassonally commence a suit in the Court I iil if Chancery, that court in that csse undoing l , urat had been done by the court of Lew. . l l This eromely involved a great deel of ex. . " puse. The so were the two evils which the . 'l r iueicn wculd be intended to cure. A great . deal of attrntirn had been given to the Butt. 3 t l jict in huglsnd, and severel reports had h lit in prel ilred by learned lawyers. In . tl, ', . these reports would be. found the strong- . L: u i set expression of opinion of the owl: of, ' '1" l - _ '."