The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Jan 1873, p. 7

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which. was better} security? A? _ . ' tPlFf Srl,', C: _ __ - . . '_'yl " ' - . . . gain, . MW ' b should be taken out of the hands otthei ,c: 'W:3 I 2,t,t1lTh12'",1, .rtinnthiaoremtiieat", .. ' .' q . is; .l County Judges and placed in the handset: _ "at"? a . e, a o y paid one instslment, he "." the Government, the offioe to be held aiihhi 'RAIN no cbliged to play taxes on the whole val ie cod behaviour v' '. _ I ' m P.m ~ ll the land. e thought some provision g . . . kiln _ '",', lg" ibcgld be tame for taxing prolessional money Mr.. $011)an 'I'Dk('ble°:edf tghtlhé h'st'i v': i. ll en ers,an . ro . . an inmcno cersou o e " 0 _ ' 9 Bid. pp red of the principle of the "I130 county judges; ti/ A 1 a i Mr, MeMAN US . M r. BEACON pointed out that the , es to . , to as... the 83.133321: 'lf 2.2223222 :20 icly,?x,/irt/tt.'gl,1, {his "use ClvitN5 'tl but to u . ' . . e gorge oum i i icut trot" a; com a- I to',',',,,,'.,":',,,':". Bill come from the Special tart poison to accept the 'arc,." . l? , , Mr. W . . i . Mr. LAUDER suggested that corms ond- i _ FW i thee to (erDigl1tgi")ot1'i'ir,failu"l,'; cncc between the Government. and info in- y 9 tkuih Ontario that the Imount of . mo rtgagts spcctois bc included in the motion. . '1'19 phould be deducted from the assessment of Il.r. M"qu US observed that the intor. -hR . i the land which was mortgaged, that that maLioit .as,ked fo.r hsd to be given to the it would not work in cases where the title of county judges twice "We" by the clerks. . ' had I" disputed, In . we whore . Mr. sNETSINGER laid that the Division vi men borrowed 82,000 cu his land, Couris in the eastern portion, of the Province l' hi. land y" worth in" that much 1... had worked remarkably well, and he would y whether he gave his note or a mortgage. If be vcry Sony to Bee those-ponds abolished. -1 t i he gave his note it was taxed: but a mortgnge Attornr-y-General MOWAT remarked that was not. m could see no reason for taxing Shine of these reports were confidential. and r o ', J one and not tho other. With regard to the of ccursc could not be brought down. "i, I n ' proposal to deduct a man's indebtedness from M l " ,' J, y fi his encasement he pointed out that in the r.. I. C. CAMERONwas not aware that . \ r j lil case above the money WM owed to parties any information submitted to the Govern- , Il il l _.' outside the Provineo. In that case it escaped ment by D iyilltyt. Uourt Clerks WM neces- l E ' l taxation al ogeiher. The correct principle 3.331133: 1',thit1,i, a}; It',',', on tomentiox; l l ' w o n . rear. an manor o t ' T to "ae" property wherever they found licenses in Hamilton. had been dismissed. . P I i , Mr. GIBBONS thought the assessor should " p. PRINHCE observed ttpt after the l , " . & not be ernttarraeed thy moro than could be speak now business he did not wonder {31.1 Possibly helped and that he should be allow. that the hon. metntysr fop 1.hy.t To..routo did J ' ' i ed to make the assessment so hitherto. Ho , not let any necessity for withholding conti- _ l " ' was sworn to do his duty and do it correctly, . dential communications. . (Laughter). . I . i Cr l and he was of opinion that omeer should bu Dr ICLARKE saidthat it was a usual thing - j , allowed i.1 the liberties he had for every dollar collected through the Divi. ' I i] ll enjoyed previously. Ho (Mr. Gibbons) sion Courts to cost three dollars. He would 5 ' 2 l i _ "a. opposed to the clause having l have been glad, therefore, to have the num- l . r l I rrfertucts to the administering of ber of suits and the amounts collected laid ' 9 , , l tttht, to the owner of tho propert ' and before the House, so that that fact might be l ; ." MCI amended that it should be struah out I glad: ygtgei. He would like to Bee these i 3 'l l . MLGRA .., r . curse is e i 1 ' i BAM dung eed ,itlLtlthott. M r. DEROCHE spoke favourably of The _ s rr i member for South Victoria thtt property working of the Division Courts as far as they ' I' ii should be taxed wh Fer it may be found_ had come under, his notice, 'and observed 1 He thought the but?" would be t , 1der that the onlr'otrjectioq against them was . . Ill amendments this session and let the that it was diffieutt to tind persons to act a; _:,' f ' l Novfrnment bring in a consolidated law next bailiffs and clerks, from the fact that they f ' . l l _ session. received such small remuneration. , i , s g Mr 1lYKERT s) pathizcd with the Mr. GIBSON said his experience in the su L..- i - , lion Mr. Crooks, WK had tb Committee or west had been very different from the ex. 53"). ii , , l'wenty.ono for t e consideration. The' pceienee of gentleman from the east. He y iii: lr' & members of tur'Comutittee Would do .8 _ would rather loses sum of money thsn go ( I' it"): , ll they pleasedan . he hon. gentleman B into the Division Court to collect it It _ iriclii , good deal of ro . He was quite would be a move in the right direction it no F , F ' ,2". " ' aware that trd uld stumble into a debt under $l0 or 820 could be sued for in , " _ _ Ci' - i ' bumble - bee's nest in touching the these Courts. It would tend to public , , u ' pd l r question. but he thought a Committee might morality, because ptsople could not give / r, l by ll l after discussing this question, be able to 'ltdlt for such small sums unless they were g l 1 (llllt , l report certain amendments which wouldbe sure of pay without suing for it. In his f l r I l l recognised by the Government. lie thought county some of the clerks had engaged in 1 " . , there would be no harm in . Committee con- the elections, and he thought it would be i l li. sidclmg it and making a report, and he pro- I w: ll to tare the franchise from them. He ' , pored that the Government should let the i knew of some cases where the judge was ' [l, i matter A' to af.op.mittee, and if they were i about under the entire control of the clerk ' l not ".tiafied with the result, he would not 9 lion Mr. CROOKS explained the cause , ?, G! , l _ pre" it. i of the removal of the issuer oftavern licenses i. M L j H The motion on being put was declared in Hamilton. That gentleman was also ' l , "I l lost. . I registrar, and it was thought unadvisable to i t , I . , 9 Mr. RYKERT called for yeas and nays have a person holding two oliices, and so the ': i. _ V " , but there not being five members to cell G dutus of issuing tavern licenses were trans- _ 'd Ll > 1 him, they ware not taken. ferred to the County Attorney, as ta b 7 r I I g . all other counties. It had bean said i l a', l ii i - The motion was consequently lost. that the reports of Mr. Durand were not ac- l , h' i _ PARTITION or REAL Esmrr cetssibie to Fn. "we" 8ome of ths re. ' l I " ports contained churns in reference to oer- I I l . Mr. BeAhutMr'tJ).il1 to amend the law re- rain gentlemen. which charges miurht not be - l 'l spouting the partition of real estate was read borne out by the data contained in the re j gt ; I 1 a 1teoniiltime, and referred to a Special Con. ports, and which might be of an injurious if I mittee. gharacter. It was, ()t,rfgry,'gt, (ilesirabl: to t LI l ' . y N , " , rin them down. 'he bu. out eman ore l 1 I F COUNCIL Oli PFIBLIC' INS] itUCTI0N. testiironv to the ellicient 'dll' impartial I ' 1 Mr. WOOD (Victoria) moved for all cor- manner in which the County Court judges ' l I rospondence, or copies thereof, had bet ween discharged their duties, whilst the reznunor- - 2 i l spy member of the Executive Council of this ation they received was very small. - ' i {WWW te,1 the Cotu.cil ot 1 a? ln'tsuc- Mr. CAMERON said the rule mentioned tion, the Chief Superintendent of Edysstiy, by the Treaaurer had not always been up > or 9th" members of tlgcgamv smooths ricd out. The issuers of tavern licenses in I Wang of the Aot . . . IO., chap. 30, Leeds and Carleton were reziatrara. r , " making temporary provision as to the Re. . . _ co ll _ / gulations of the Council of Public (memo. The motion was carried, H tion," and since the date of the last return HIGH SCHOOLS. l from the Education Dtsparttrusat,--Carritstht M WOOD (Yi t . ) d t . c.' _ _ , r M'N _ , r. ic oria , move ..- i , TAh "R3 AND SHUI LICL\°E ': . l. FornCop of the Regulations M the i tl Mr. GRANGE moved for a return _givmg Council of Public Instruction and other ia. 'il. ' the lumber of tavern and shop 1icsm.yy structions relating to the adm'ssion of pupils _ _ » , issued during the y?" 1872, top.tlter with to the High Schools or Collegiate Institutes, , _ 1 the name of township: town, "F1 city where. 2. A copy of the Orderin Council suspend- in sue?t..1icamses, were issued, with '1?" num. ing or disallowing these Regulations, and a, " ber .o.f licenses pee inh'iwhhto; us up, to"; copy of any instructions issued by. the Gov. ' t l . . or city retspeedtvoly wit P t e P,ryy,'tet eminent to Boards of Trustees on this sub. ' - the amount actually received by {he (rm orn- j ect. q l ment m retrpetrt thereof. C'll'l'lel . 3. The number of pupils admittA to each i DivreuoN cotutN. , High School tt'f1tai,"t '1/,,"el',t,', since ' s . re. the nus motion 0 t ose egu ions, the ' Mr. Mimi?" "10:32) it; 35:10: th/t names oi the Schools and Institutes, an id ports front 8 ":9" d choral condition the examiners, and the subjects on which t iotroirsg,tho s'p,',r:ieieod.'tf He thought the the candidates were examined, the extent of , . of the oilwcso C) k. of Division Courts . the examination in these subjects, and the a. - sppointutent o G' er _-" number of marks obtsined by these pupils. w a U

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