The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Jan 1873, p. 4

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' o openapaneens / > right alrondy outablished by the old P. [ se t MAAA pcefcnt Government were not resp ) lumu:th &lfl gn'x:dt,kud he did not think that C * i right ta en away. The objection-- ¥ _ Hon. Mr. CAMERON said he | _ been able clauses in the Bill might, however, be ' informed that the medals were . ve1 to amended in Committee, and he hoped the ' undergraduates. Of course if \ 2y were cash P"""'gl".tli';'""t oxisting would be f only given to graduates he had no objezio retained, _ If the Bill were passed, it would, to make. 6" 1e °6 in bis optnion, favour American capitalist 8. Hon, Mr. CROOKS sai and he gontonded that there should be n Warded to Un d::rgr:(duats:eld they were not possibility of the insurance business of Can. * ada boing transferred to foreign companies The clause was adopted. (Hear, hear.) f Mr. MoLEOD asked how it was proposed ei P to elect the Vice--Chancellor. propese lff:)::l:,gfa: flooysike S1ohse Tolt Hon, Mr. CROOKS said they did not IEE! interfere with that. The Vice {h,;,co{,';', , -- Mr. RXEEST resumed the debate. He would be elected, as now, by the Senate. :l:iought the Bill yp:.l{l not affect the conso. Mr. MEREDITH poi + A idation of muoict (;ompmiea. 1t would in the Bill "betw "np (l):::l:glgg: :f'h::lt':c:'gg rather tend to abolwh insurance companies. bachelors of law. The former required to | Hizh&ught lt;he ol rlnn:t;:)t 'l:{:nm dff (asig-- + | be of three years' standing with the cash principle altogether and main-- réviag.~y4 usds tain only the mutual principle, or else estab-- s :,{c::;'l\llr. CRt)hOl\S ;ald the Law Curricu-- lish the mutual insurance pri;wiple, with a onger than t e Arts Curriculum. cash branch and _ guarantes. If he The date for the election of the first fiftean Government could persuade all the insuran e \\ elective members was fixed for the eighth companies to consent to a general consolid .-- ; \| of May next. tion of the Jlaw, then this meagure mifiht have Mr. DEROCHE did not see any reason some effect. But looking at the 73rd clause, for the distinction. H« did not see any under which all companies doing business in reason why bachelors of wedicive hould be j this Province were "%"l'"d' he found that placed in a better position than bachelors of a loop--hole was left by which many of the arts. companies could if they pleased escape_ and . Hon. Mr. CROOKS sald that, as a rule, e D WhiteL S aiunent re faraunaf thee chelors of arts e Bill Whilehs avour of the Dachelors of medicln:e:x dy %::fi:io:e%ffi? mutual principle he was aware that a groat The latter were ready to go out into ths many peopie were in favour of the cash pria world, while the form J Eho ciple with a guarantee _ He believed that the E to o out. er were only {preparing object of the Bill was to destroy mutual in-- P 4 0, ; i F . surance companies. If we were to have mu-- C 01(;. auses C to 39, inclusive, were passod nem,. tual insurance companies at all we should On the A0th binnssaressecting th not --allow --re--insurances. _ The provision sc * 1 i :;mgg of degrees, on motio;pof hld!fCR'SOigg, ::::htl:el;o';);gaemu:fi \?:ryw;tl:}g{:i'gmg?ey. is eadt*g';ee:hto be ;'onli_erred were incr09spd, The Bill provided that there must be policies , E{Igine:; rgangs;i e(;ba(:xli:iall lF"?xl':lgmeer, Miaing issued to the value of $200 000 before the | » gineer, company, could go into o eration. But this 1 : h'l'he clause was then .dofited' as wers also provision might be evgde§ by bogus policies | :h: gl::mng clauses of the Bill, down to b:mg issued, and when the company got A | 5 standing in the community, a pertion of | _ On the 52nd clause, fixin g the salary of the these policies might be swep't out of exist Bun:é-i:f tshe University at an amount not ;mcg hll"oi dtggughz thle keepli')g of a reserve exce g $2,400, und sho compulsory. The 68th clause Mr. MACDONALD called the attenti was objectionable. which_.y whila seeking & of 'the House to the fick that :oc. d'ntlon close up the carh prineiple, did a great injus> the Speaker's decision . the othor m(f to tice by compelling it to be closed before exist-- the blank for this amouunt could notell). ('lrg'(i ing policies had expired. _ He admitted that ap at this stage, o 11 thgr; shou!d be a cc()iusoliiiat(iion of tdho law, and he was prepared to lend his aid to that Thi: :l:;;:;:':' ad';fit:d.ns was also the re-- end, provided ail the insurance companies mambze » schedule and pr>-- wcrle strictly brought within the line of mu-- * tual insurance companies. miltit::-rimr' CFOOKS moved that the Con-- Mr. BETHL'NllL') said that inasmuch t p? and report the Bill as amended. as he r.flprenentaed a country constituency § r. MEREDITH called attention to ths where insurance was chiefly made in act that no provision had been made for the | mutual _ companies, he wished to call r;,;appomtment of members of the Senato, as attention to au important omission. It there was for re--election. | had bceq found to be a grievous cause Hon. Mr. CROOK$ considered it was un | of complaint and a great injustice that in-- necessary. i surance compani®s, especially those doi The Colmuttse rose and roporied . business on the mutual grinoi;fie,h:::l :do;lc:rgi The Feport w epor the B.dl. aseries of conditions on the back of their peadip filx):d f as T:ov-curred in, and third policiecs moet unreasonable, and in many g DX 'Ol' 1 esday next. #¢ | cases destroyed the right of the insurer to h.Mr, DEROCHE called attention to the fact | recover the amount of his policy. Many ;r '::;:gp;?v;:::r ::&dd been -- maile 'for' the :i;ch casesfhsud'b;eu be{;)re the courts, notably y degrees. 5* e case of Smith v, the Commercial Unioa Hon. Mr. CROOK S a s * ¥4 where thero were noloss than thirty th e advisable to grant smhc;:;l;l;n:g ;:xew g:ix:t?st o Bow. execpun ba(;ks Ofmth;rp{lw'?fir:f The University of London had onl 0 #s which, exceptivg three or four, were of the to grant degrees upon examination yargf '_; most unreasonable character. The insur-- thought it best to restrict our Uuiversity' in ance companies had assumed the principle the same way. & :i}'mkt the iuslircxs in mauy cases had besa MUTUAL FIRE INSUR s dis :onct-t_, and therefore they were justified Pamigs 0 " * the Tok Td mvesuny the Lepirlabare to Hor Mr. CRONK 1 ad arrived for the Legislature to read(i:g of,-a }E;;If(t:hs nli_oved the second provide that no conditions should be im-- the laws baving s f°°°'° idate and> amond posed that a court of justice wouid consider Insurance C g reference to Mutual Fire vpreasonable. This sitme vnrinciple might fanio, He J':{P:g;:fl lll;utlhe Province of On be extended to railway -- companies :; & § erusoliintien 97 the Dille atready ometing tor | Sedeapl suegaure might Serhape be introddned. lating to the subject, and th 4 existing re» C s thefutmost importance that insu-- iBat bad bees made h'ldbe e amendments aer. Zould know the character of their insu ecisions which 'had b":n ql'l'%ge;:ed hy'the raPce. The application was frequently made courts in connection with fiutull FY::(;::' :11"11:"::1 pll'i: z:y i wa entlrlely d(;!veive e lovire surance Co.'s. A difficul 7 * 1e application was made and an interim re-- «.. these companies rarely ::;znl::g, ll;l:leln .ftr :':' ccipt got, and the insurersubjected himseif co | _ wents of &eir aflairs, showing tfieir linl:ili. coll:dxtwgs P ooriry (llmev; P use rer odiut L4 Jes, standi L when a fire occurred 2und the i al theke xp.;gr't j (fi:?ng lll:'o 5;& b:ery umsterusl apply for hi« money, in mn:yl t::::;:rh??:fi,z:d' sible to the insurers. . ;s hon.m..fum" that although he bad been making his pay ?'°Dt on to show that se.veral comglnio:!::g mabine regulany,.h'ig policy was no good be -- incurred | liabilities to the sxtent ol ;,aune some condition had not beea observed many millions of dollars, whilst their e thought it would be wise to introduce a assets would only have covered a few thou v_*e similarto the clause in the English _ sands. . This Bill required that . those | 19y shonid Do aitmned . 4o s). on | companies should give theso sta | ion . shou attached _ to a bill \ from time to time, so that :ny"m:'"o: | of lading that would not be held to ba reason k. would be able to understand the Mfi':d t | able by a court of law should the _ . the companies If the Bill were read a secont | case come before the court. This principle Es | tune,'he should move its reference to a Se | might be extended to insurance companics, ___| leot Committee, and give the insurance com because in cases between the insurer and the | I panies every Opgprtpmty ot advancing thoir company the company succeeded in taking [ opinions upon the Bill. i some techmogl advantage and defosting the ' * Mr. BOULTER thought that if the Bill | , | right of the insurer,. _ The companies sent 7 | were passed it would do away with flll l out their agents, and in nine cases out of ten * i e the insurer knew nothing of tho conditions > f |

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