The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Jan 1873, p. 5

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till it was will". a - , / _ -' , 'm l ' _ ' ,iNrlt' . e 1 familiar with the. Jt'c,te, Fo.t Intftiatutl, _ ' ' l "I f'. ', ', c"" 1'when the Ottawa fires came. He approval _ i, f "3*". ' 1 pronounce upon the J c of Insurance to ' _ T _ ' , of the separation of the branches, and he was l _' '-"r1;'.*_,w:, so far as he was Lfy,",.l question, but ' _ ' glad to see that this Bill would restore couti- , "cr of; Itil ' seemed to be a Very fair Judas. the Bill _ deuce among farmers in the adoption of this s . 1.5;}? 'sN i Mr CAM one. - ' principle. Aureat deal of dissatisfaction had . _-' la "", ' l beth . ERON thought the diiferene 1 lumen because the 1aryeemed tobesoI unset- V .. f 1' 1 CTa'lldn'2'rge, foam" and an"; _ ' 'th 1t,"at,tt mixing up of the different . ,3 1' . a pr, ' V 7 variousthst it "serge; VII so Mulfest and c" , ranc eso t e "In." ' 11,32. ml, '1 strict them in instill P".tyymou to re- q Mr. E, B. IWOOD said the question was _ ., ' *h opinion railway cows tonditioe .In hi. one of great interest to the country. There . ..' not take any unr Pant" and carriers did was a large number of Mutual Fire usursnce I r conditvoee im assemble advantage of the _ 1go,'/i'ttl'"i'l, in the Province, and they had _" :1 1 had any ci"lele,', upon their. contracts nor divi ed their business into the " Mutual" _ t ' . '1 , I of the en do rial. 0° been done in consequence pure and simple, and into cash risks. He .4, ' ' t, ance com ani Mtttttt of polioiea, The insur. 1 was not aware until he heard from the hm. 't, . , 'C',u',1"d', 'ff, ought to be able to protect 1 gentleman that there was a dimion of risks. . . 1 not in the i th', 'ed' grand n1tt.t.nrairn. It wee i and hethought that 'svumrtysooufimtdto.o.n?s . should be atrl too the Wm" that PM"!!! : company. Any system of insurance which without 'Ill',',. offeet Insurances rashly, _ wiuld offer to the community the cheapest i ' attoount Je') eight I',tp, or for a ttreater and the largest amount of security was the . ,l.i.'icuti I , Ithis of the subject of the system which the House should adopt. .Tho A ' ll 1 insurance,' f a the insurance of pro- mutual system was based upon presiluni ' pcrty for more than it was worth was a great noto, cash risks, and 'tpon oaah premiums. ' . , ', v inducement for the destruction of that pro- Now this, question - :---If a tim took . . r piling! I'dt ttl when any property was pureed on progeny I'l which than was ""335 , il ' 1 1 e e in ings surroundin sure on P" on 0 "I . s . tsecurity . , 1 datrgered. . It was therefore in 'IL, intermt the policy-holder that he would be paid the k' 1 1 . of the public to protect insurance companies, mount of his loss! He had formed an_opin- 1 | Alon. Mr. PARDEE said it would be in. ion upon this point, which seemed to him to 1 t 1 vidious t? .apply the printuple of not allowin u .t tb tre, poasible mode, and rr ' V 1 , 1 any conditions, txeept those a court would which the ergost amount of security r , l deal-lie reasonable, to insurance companies could be obtained With theIIeast possible ' '. w, alone. If applied at all, it should be to . ',hcli"t,','1', of capital 1,16 might not alter- i'. Q rr corporations doing business in this Province. tain " correct VMor m msttryyso to the f 1 1 , , Therefore, he thought it would be better to 1 matter, tmt he had not the slightest doubt t 1 j ' 1 introduces general measure applicable to all that the 'Nraetrrrr, yrlp. "In" P,.1,1,et. '. 1 n W ' l companies. r». to bear on questions of this ,t,i,'fit,t,tl Ju g. I , f, I Mr CA t " tt id if I ment, ban thoroughly consl cred the , 1 I , . "'4 b . .m l tmen a tnM question, and it was pro able he had made1 , , g 1 sure were passed it would affect other . . 1 h bi t. Th H . l . 1 E I companies. and do them an injustice by de- up his mm on t e an po e cuss, l i tlt " priving them of "mm n hts " i however, had to look at the matter as atfeet- I A . it l 1 , ' - Hon Mr P ARDEEg 'lf th h tl 1 ',eie.t"g,lu'tat'rnd"ef"h, 0:61" gill, mos; , 13 : , I ' . sai eon. one- t Untfeaturea ew0el an ii, I... man would recollect that this 'ltdllt'rt T Ce',' 1::hich a'ltgtr,t the interests of the 'whole 1 , . , 1 1 1 bad incorporated joint stock companies. and communit ' was the principle embraced I". i) ' I , it mould be extremely unfair to apply the . in the IIT clause, and tor which the hon i 1 q 1 t' proposed principle ti mutual insurance Mat. I made! for 5mm Grey had " much I , ' l " panics and not to joint stock companies. admiration, He (Mr. Wood) was not pre- 1, 1 ,.' 7 r I ' Mr. 'BETHUNE paid it would be very pnrvd " hastily to regard the Bill inthst '11 1 C' r', 1 easy, by a clause in this Bill, to declare that "I" t, and should reserve his admiration. He ', T i ' r w 1 provision applicable to all insurance coin- however admired the rapidit with which v' q r, patio. t"tl"e gentleman hid 'i?1i'lr7, at an opinion _ of l 1 . 1. , i , . in respect to t e c use. ith regard to _ l I _ a"; " r. DERO E s d that he had seen , 's " Je, from abide cfuhis constituents who tt ttttyt',)?,',', I,t',u',"ie,t'g, for Stow t r' I li li ed with the rioci lee contained in n 'P ort.r.nto .urthoag.lttthy. were '2 3: * , , ' "on: fth ols P 'it la l ith th dreervxng of consideration. IHe himself I ( . Mi ' 2'61? 'ltd 1fll all? ht', $.53 m'bntioned teld bo tuswilling to "W to judges the at 1 'd rr?, , . n ' o . . I ending of the reasonableness and unreason- , t r" 'A I .. I these objections for the information of the sblenees of conditions to be employed by in. 1 l _ .. I 5 House, 3? ttut there would be a proper ttit. am slice companies. For nearly a century in f [ , , 1.? deratandiog of the matter. England the principal judges o England had , , I I , . , ' Hon Mr. CROOKS said it was his inten We! endeavouring to decide what conditions 1 i It Ei 1 tion to htroduce a form of policy which carriers could reasonably use. the judges e, if ll , , should vail inreference to mutual com. in the Court of Exchequer, Common Pleas, i , A J, . 1 panics pages the Bill was framed he had had Queen's Bench, Exehequer Chamber, and il ' an ouncrtunity of discussing the question the House of Lords had been endeavouring I: with gentlemen interested in insurance, and to decide upon th contract for their tttW, . ' 1 , there were many oints in which he and About ii.itesee .ol those ltsaru.od gtatutm'a _ ' ' . . they were) in 1'IU He adopted many of gave their. opinions upon certain. points con- 1 F . , t the suggestions made by the Committee list a muted 'r.ith, those contracts, and, it he re- .s ' session. It was generally agreed that a Bill numbered right, 'rieht a?" them one F..ey _ ,' a .1 ' should be drawn up which, while fully pro- and "an the Ithtr.. T " we! a very dim 2 'd I tQ tecting companies from fraud, would cause the cult matter to decide, and ht WWW, be ro- il 111 . I . A i , . luctant to leave to the courts its decision. Ha . g 2 1 inllest feeling of contidence by the public in . . ' . ,1 , them. There were many arguments which unite agreed with the hon gentleman for East j _ , li, , I is cold have to be considered by the tSpecial I'oronto that fraud was one of the questions 1 , i . . Committee when the lulljinli was before thut should be amswt.ratrltr. He rather ' ,. . thought that the question, if a person ob. . z ' . ' them. He knew, however. that the feeling . . . , 1 1 , of gentlemen connected with insurance was tamed . galley, vafraud should be void. hsd l . panics was in the direction of having a Bill been 69""me m former years. (lingual) k ' , 'Lich would result in giving insurers He felt certain that . mutual insurance t C il 'i,'ir'lld2,' in the integrity of corn. company that would put conditions of the , . _ 'p, . a and securin nuilormit of bull tttt had been referred t.? up" F t": 1 I Sign He had mix doubt thayt the 2f" It/th, and that would avail Pg',: I , " , _ . . 2 . l veso tee nicalities with aview o e- ' sl 1 tjjiii,e,,ctntft,'gt'tlt' tttd" Willi: Wms 3:6 '23?" "ti,,,t log, 'ttedt, :01 w; r . . . io. . once e, , i i , ongttly satisfactory. A uniform Piiat the world their business would rapidly 1 1 1 ' 3»wa insurance companies was lg y grow less, t'"urt',t1l,r,, w%uld 1:1 very r F i, , l C . small indee e, however, eliev that ( _ ( l, Mr. ARI'AG}! held that further protection certain conditions should be laid down, that I 1 1 1 ii than new canted was M30653?! for insurance companies and insurers should be 1 l t 1 l ' poliortyl1tUt J,Us m" ttvne recently bound to them, and that those conditions 1 ', l r , % 1 under his notice inwhlch - Insure} should be the only normal ones on which ' ' " w sued the company for the -aetr.t.rtrtt.of his policies should be issued. (Hear, hear.) I , , policy, but '" to d that m Nrplieation did Mr. FERGUSON made some gone ral ob. l 's" not slate that there was a morgagn upon his trervations u n the Bill ' - RI Q The agent of the company had pt: . . . P, l T Hiya"? arty that it was not necessary tone _ Mr. I'RleIE said insurers seldom took 1 l I ro "1"" merely collateral. The 00 it. the trouble to inspect the conditions on which . no, as h law the policies were issued, and only found when 1 pally however, refused payment aat 0 . , their favour He felt that something too late that they had been sold He did not , r "um to more fully protect policy. "PrP'."' any legal gentleman who 1ud had ' was '.'e1'l,1'l7, oh cumin-two". an) thing to do with insurance aotnpanitsseould ' lsoibrs un " su . not have helped having gross injustice done C', i Mr. LAUDER was in favour of thy moor . in the matter. y, was tirtnly of opinion I parallel: ot the P'opriet.fy with the Mutual that a remedy might he arrived " in this , r l tie drew attention to the fact that Ithore was way. The-re should be conditions laid down 1 a strong feeling in the country with regard from whichthe insurance companies should ' lo the difficulty arising out of uotbesIlOWed to. depart, whether mutual ' the Ottawa district fire. There were insurance companies or otherwise, and when. two branohesa--orM' the urine".- and the insurer complained of being taken by I th other the merchsute'. Traders tn viilagea t"trprtee, he pigtt be told that . certain ' i i all insured in the last branch, not statute told bun for What he was responsible I I ' , Tt,,lft', y that they would be liable in any " when he went in for insurance. The insur- . My B, l 5 t I',',',' t",U.'lt,' but still they were "Md upon , - sues oomph!" Pieht. thenIprintI the oondr . :1 . I . Fra 1. .3 ' . Ii: _ l . " _' .

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