' '33::serge:0::l':tt:'::ze;:::e:':a:2: .. [Ill'),)');),?'.,:'.;'!'.?:.'?').)'!','?,,?.':'., enters: '" 'C-vs"'" "T' Atein'ards reasonably say he did not know u the',',",',. . oner Oberon Lands acted the purport of thorn. (Bear, beer.) "r, 'g,?ttllt "'22:? I, The Bill wsaread a second time. on: . r. "l ' substantially lion. Mr 0300mm» moved that the Bill 'rlit,g,i,t'ie'edt;;T tt" ttect, 22 ' tertfe..rred. to aselect committee, consisting of in favour of the Bill. and ',,1dll1',,tl' 1o,"SI I the renewing gentle-sr-lion. Mr Crooks. caste of exceeding hardship which occurred 1 ', Mel!"- lyoo.d, "Yuri. Gow, Mer/rp/y ' on account of the absence of such a mea~ 'i, Christy, Springer, Monk, and Striker. sure. i Carried. . Mr. FERGUSON did not a t h BILLS POSTI'ONED. _ Bill. pprcvc o t It Hon. Mr. CROOKS said he was ready to TU Bill w" then mad , second time and go on with the second reading of the Bill t t referred to tb Lsuct Committee, oompomrd, of , mtablisii liens in favour of mechanics. Bon. M'IO'Wh- Wood (Brant), DONOhO, if machinists and others, but did not wish to Meredith, ind Bethune. T press ..it against the wish of gentlemen Hon. Mr. Pardee brought down a return opposite. of all correspondence with the Dominion Mr. CAMERON said the Bill in Government mpectins Indian had- valved a very important principle. Some ot The House then adjourned at 10:15. t, the cetaiis would he thought have to be sminded, rd perfhapshthe Billldrejected alto, _ ----i---- get er; an there ore e won suggest that it be allowed to stand over for the present. . M ()i'N 0T1: E: OI; MOTISE' Bill . t . r, Itrer- n use ay nex a l in i. "03mg; 1133131508 att.', it: was radix tuled " An Act respecting Public Health." 1 GG of disputes between masters and wh'k- Mr. Clarke iwtdlington)--0y Tuesday men. . 't',t-i/211ig, of Ministers whether they . . ave a under oomuderation the introduc- ' 2"; Eli J1Je,hg15l'f, "3051th that it tion of ameasure having for its object the d no tlk ite', (may; LI d t e same enforcement of means by which machinery " on , " l w" " n ute . when in motion may be so guarded as to pro. _ The Bill was allowed to stand. tect_from injury those employed in work. '; CLAIMS BY ASSIGNEES. "if T 1 t A B ll d . 'o-on new ay nex - i intitule /2; EIRIINCE ttgut second. reading " An Act further to amend the Agricultural 3mm". 13, ag',tt,'t'i22ot'dllui,"eih "s and Arts Act " T causes by jut-lei e m o 2uh11'"et"it fee/tl',',"--:,? Tuesday . . . . near t inti u e " Act to amend cee,tr/stt,et'utt,i.oniPgtt,1,urtCd'i the Municipal Aet " s 1 et Wood we tho Bill we iihiiiii Me,ra'tt,tcet,:h't1trc"t'itd2liltti cs . ' on the Municipal Bill. T . MISTAKE OF TITLE Mr C . . moron-0n Tuesday next--A Bill HE'- B1jT.r1v,t.R moved the second intituled " An Act to amend the Election reading of. the Biil folrntilge protection of Lor ofi868" persons Amproiiyg a under mis- Mr. Mouod-.0n Tuesrla next-A Bill at. l title He explained the necessity intimled " An Act Jl'll',"t'i'n', the property th r',:':,:',',,?,,',';,:',.';','),',?',,',','"';",',)',,':));) 3n religious institutions in the Province of . . mis a e tt two.' ville might establish a lien on th 1 - his improvements without reso:ti:;dtt)toa wvt',t2,'gi/Pi,'fidt Tuesday ntyt-r.A all; 'Mpeg In: by means of an ordinary 32.11;, " ct "esoting the Pablie ec men . Mr. ARDAGH ohwrvea th t th Aim-Am intituled "An Act b'm.k. had already appmvod of "A. rtitls)hhlt1t further W'""" as to the custody ot insane . Bill in the ua of lands sold for taxes. He persons. . . . ' believed the Bill would be generally accept- AUo-A Bill intituled "An Ao) to amend ' , , ",1. to the country. 31:11." respecting the elelction of members , I Ben Mr. WOOD idth . oi . tlysis' tim m. b "d "tsttti , ' Bill could be objethii to 1e'e,ut'd 'It the trial of m" 'd,'lit'ller' mg l i noted "5°" the unch,,,g,,b{, principle of . Also-A Bill {orthopaynient of witnesses , I It,t'e, reason.f The only ditrertsnee was m criminal cases. I , as .emoansoca in tth . ' . Also-- . raced l':': tt 'g.,',',ut,", Ewell? 2l',tg,t',ih'i, the Bar Atih,t'o"ir'11" the p tttMNt of l aw epnncipe sit own in thi t Mao--. . . . . by the present Chancellor, Lh'/htm, tit', { Queen's tdeli'.""'"" the appomtment of t a person improved the l d t e t . - we". bona tide mistake 3? 2mg. t',"fe; TORONTO SA TURN? TAN as owner shall compensate him to the extent -..rrfL'11'C..LL' - - LC _L.. that a prop; tETAmaI should tind that the .7 s--------------------.---- tm row --- 'dh' 'lil',',',',',".' really advantaged the THE LEGISLATURE. 1 Mr. DEACON ex lain d h ti sd - ' done last session. H: a 9:"ch tl; the tl',". The Hon" yesterday tmm . oon- ' ' ciple of the Bill, but ttld, ted to tho cum alder-able amount of business without any ' ta', 3::th in the trial of action for thing of particular interest trans- ee tm irin in the , t nth. CAMERON said he dissented eu- Ensign t th com-n] o lu dis. l l tirely from the principle of this Bill. He o 0 tht), topiea an i :nderstood the first principle of our Consti come before it. The mtthsnorat ! JSed',e4,'ht' . man should do " he introduced a Bill for the complete consoli- l should interior: ','ayi1tfaTlr'g',t,tt dation of the School Lain. m explained i, . k, tih1tb, would compel . Prhon 'd td" J,olf that he proposed to bring in aseparate Bill :wl: Mt JI emumydfo, macaw" that embodying certain proposed ohangeiin the Mr. 2l',lllrl',l, '10:; . law which could afterwardsbeincorporated onlyrequired the Ull') 53.33313? _ on the trauolidu1ng Act. Mr. McKellar '; Irwin"... to the extent to which they 'Citi then introduced the money resolutions ( l "-'ttt1i'i to him. . necessary to the Drainage Act, and Mr. , the Bill w 'PS) em: it,? in that case M. C. Cameron challenged the Govern-l ' , that the person making 1t1tutpeuet' meat as to the 'lprogress (lot public bu; I engaged tf paid. for the. immmmu. Ill noes, and the probable date at which they ' in". to 02:32.3". 5:1" summit by re. would introduce the rest of their more im- _ Mr. PRINCE 2i,tl'rllat'lli,, 1ortant measures. The Attorney-bene- 'ttt'tlttrat'."ett,,. on hu, d Whichnh: at: rat, in reply, expressed the hope that any C t'll,"d'li'lCl' ire,,",.",",',,,)',',:',,",',',,','?, either get Orders . in Council "ording aid lowed to purchase the land 'll' or. be til to railways, w. l, be, $0.13!" l 1, the value of the improvements. a Fisher: ,te l down on Monday, tin he thought ii"iG.' i'.' ital: 3321'? that :59 Bill Provided. It ( "bk the whole of thair Bills not yet in- tt ' 3 were L1'L',Cf,Un1fl' o Course, to "Y what lroduced would be ready in the 0011110 of y yr, LAUDER had no objection to the \ tt neg. week. The House then to; 1,riiiii,iiiitiii,oi'iii: but did not see any , t led 1'le into . Committee on the h. Equity could, "dc; mm. "5.31:; a Court of l, Ill versity of Toronto Bill, and passed I . 8'. compel whole of the fiftrdhme clauses, with ' i I gagr I few verbal amendments. Mr. i '