l Mr. muster: "in that when returns Mr. WOOD tt2te, tn " irnpor%at . [ " " on"; l asking information which it would harass 'ttht,', t: 'xtoiild beey te, tg greatest F ' P " ', ellieiale to giVo were aelttd for the reason for ' 0 rs "and .1 zone Th 0" ttttttr, V "'a . "rogue- ll be given. Ing to my '.'on! tttR tt . ttht Wal' . ! - very important principle underlying all snob 1 . Au. HUIMHNS said it would be found contracts. Occasions would of course arise . " not Very large returns would have to be l when it was impossible for the Government .- y'"' under this motion. It was stated that i to appeal to the Legislature before entering i tl-ll Act watunworkalrle, and that as a gene- _ into contracts. and us a rule these contracts . . rel rule suitors seemed to prefer the Court of i had inserted in them i clause to the effort ' l hM-Nr'y Hie object was to see how far the that such contrasts should be sub'eot to the . Act had been made use of, and haw far it rattfhnstims of the Home. As be under Wes prgrrths. or desirable to assimilate the stood it the Garment he! not amend b rr.act"ceotthe Cstutty Courts to the Court into any absolute contract in mpeet 1lori:cery. to this prison labour, and that Aitms,criittrra) MOWAT "id the im- the ooutraot referred to was merely pro or rtauoe of juoruinl autistic: had long been : Visionll. Ho hog:l it would be found that l} n a gnind. and tho Government thought the l the Government . P this case adhered to 3 motion of mllicient importance to be pinned. l the sound ,msotiter.tioaU principle, and in _ " notice Matt than carried. l. sorted the elsuse with respect tothe approval 1 of the House. tttiTrALf'ttimoN, t Mr. RYKERT "is that hon. gentlemen M r. LAI'Drlll moved for mp'es of all cer- ', .hmld It." instructed their organs to inform mopendmce between the Government and the public correctly in this mutter. He had the Canada Car Comp-my. and 3 copy of the , no recollection of anything being said about c't'd',',1' said to liravo been made bets .eu machinery in the debates of last session. e internment am said Cornvnu re ardiae l . the labour of convicts which may he (',f,'ll,11't' , Attorney-Caner" MDWAT did not wish in the Central Prison in course of erection to he misunderstood with round to the eon ,' . . iry,ttu,C, , .Hehadnot at tho l ity' of Toronto He said that it we! ', tracts with the (Jsr Mmutfny t th . very annular that the Government wore um i rand that In the coutrtu.st.o ('t,liulf, or: "it; , dunking the erection of machinery in the j"! reaervAion or protrusion I'/,"l?l', "if" f i Central Prison building and were otherwise i be a reference to t ll House . 0 umkinu in conjunction with the Car intended to con")! w" that the contract Company, He was told that the Govern- . a Man-t was merely,- r,temt,'tg, one in [ __ ment were erecting stationary engines and so far that it contained no dott ' The! machinery of various kinds with a view of exact teantt of the proptwed contract woatt ateommodatietg, themselvrs to the work of i be Lscsr.ht down to the Houtm. the Company He was somewhat surprised 1 lion. Mr. MCKELLAR raid that the hot to learn that the Commissioner ot Pahtio _ n-'Illl)(.'l' for Limmln was mistaken with re!- Works advised the ado tion of a contra". dune to the machinery. If he would re- ; , the this without Brat inching the sanction of for to the estimates he would find that a f I the 1wsiMa'atres. It had always been a prim large amount had been appropriated for ma. ; ' ciple which he had advocated while clonery It had not then been decided win: in Oppeition that no step of this kind particular, branch of industry should _ thlll be taken without the sanction be carried out in the prison - ' E: of the llgislnture. It was a question as to whether making needles or shoes or cars or if whether it was bettrrtolet out the labour what-so that it was impossible for it to a pumpsny or for the Government to can the House or Government to any what sort " frolit itself. Surely on s matter so worthy of machinery would be required. When the t . of discussion tho opinion of the House should papers came down it would be found that r i t have been sued. very little additional expenses had been i , ' . AttornerCrcnoral MOXVAT said the mo entailed by the slterstions made. E Son use burgly a)"; enough to embrace all Tho motion was then carried. .0 paperst st 0 ',overutneat thought tis , V , r 'fn f to brim; before the House rum were Re THE "RAM-5 T0 RAIL ArAYS. I with from the Inspector of Prisons whith be Mr. LAUDER moved tor a return of all would like altso to me included. It hurl been some paid by the Treasury Department to i l the intention of the Government to brim: railways, as bonuses, within the lssttwelre ; ' "w? all the papers and the Contact so us to months, specifying the railways to which I t rtettFt5 the "notiun of the House. By the such sums were paid and the date of such l, vote of but Session a large sum payments. lie made this motion in ' ' M mum-y. had been tcopropriawd order that the House might have ' for the erection of the building and of inschi- before it all the information and Orders I rcry in ortlttr to utilihftb" labour of tho pri. in Council upon the subject before other tt0r.trB. lt, 'e'! always s (llvaiiun. no d rubn, Orders in Council Were taken up for discus- es towhctheritwas better that convictlabour eion. It was very important that they l would to let out as it had been here, or whee should know what monies had been paid, and thrr " should be under tho direct manage» to what railways; and he hoped the Govern. l mom of the Government There were objeo- went in bringing down additional grants to I s trons to both courses. and the (lorerument i rsilwaye, if they intendedto do so, would . l tlought that the contract that had been en- give the House all necessary information i t {and into was one which avoided ull the oh so trat, they might have time to enquire into if l patrons to either i-ystem, and gave the coon the n :xfler. It had been stated that some of ' tty the advantages of both. A preliminary the tr.cucy voted last year would never be ;* contract had been entered into in August required because the railway companies " last. .At the time he came into "ttim, he "yum not construct the roads, Thst .howgd 'r, fay:- his attention tothe matter and he found tl at proper information was not sitirest to the it' 'h" t mun" m force, Ttte aov.s."w subject then. It was very important, in his ' if :1: I' beth beau, however, ot Opium"; opinion. that before any of the publiy'U le,', M dyad", and Itelp was taken tha, money Wes appropriated in that way the mm k , Jd' 6mm? ete o.oyec't tt I House should have all the information Cort. no. . smud- oa .hioh tho Go " meted with the bonuses, so that they might ernment thought that such a contract should judge of the desirability of granting the he .eseeutryd "In Ttum h the Cvocuorntnmtt inoiiey before votin bad the legal newts have oomme'rnd the . . g. . 7 whole matter before coming to the douse The motion was carried. gaym JI',',. tgteg"itxth' so. It MAP OF THE TIMBER LANDS. 0 tn e overnment to - bavo brought down them, 98er and the con G IMr: o,t1K"'o, mgved' that fl" 1,e,'i'i . that so as to obtain the axon" sanction of I Dynamo" r -0 . with am e e u I thes Romm . 1"t, all Ct u :uienltlspxeed begigatfsed :oh cause to re rarer out it 10 re or 0 use Mr. RYKEBT asked if the papers which of 'tU',rnee',"l'Je'l,s' of this audits, s map of the y ; ""9 to be brought down You d Show how woods and forests of Ontario, exhibiting in I it ST gttatt oflettirrg out pawn labour work. distinct colours the eeVersl timber limits 1 I 1 ' m other oountriea. urder license, with the names of the holders Attorney General MOW " said the re- written thereon, and the area of each in pertofdhe lnspector, who Udgoeto fully square miles, sud also the lends still anli, iuto this quest-ion. and who had visited cursed, which the Department regarded as several of the prisons in the United States, etitlly valuable for its timber, bat not I would gm- pretty fully alithat ltttormatioa; adapted to sett'ement or agriculture, and the l ", ur of course that data from ~which he drew one trieaeh purcel in square miles marked . his inferences aipld be too bulky to pre- thereon. he said that from the returns with - lrrouphtdownit was impossible to form a " Mr. RYKERT Inked if then WM in ex- conjecture as to the extent 122, lliinits, a; . .1,th . . . " as tot e rsons occup) mg em. t swine " it,,',':,",',,',,:',?,'.'"" Which '" biaiiing on the to him forwybody to get distinct ideas ino , to how mum of our territory was outer 't rteg,'g',,11,ggt1, MOWAT "z" ava,.',", ' license, what that territory was, and who "N Eu: {runny oetts.o? had been ensure I." were the holders of that territory, It could ..f TJU" no details astotho cu be but accomplished by a map of the e deteriptiun indicated. A great (ldtl C of ambiguity existed upon the sub. ieet, and it was necessary tint . - they should know what limits Were under - ""'tw 3'" _ e A___ .. _ d'