Bt. Lovis and others, to confirm a survey made by Frederick L. Forster, P.LS. (two petitions). Mr. Wells--Of Simcoe and Port Ryorse 'Tram or Railway and Harbour Company, to revise and amend their Act of Incorpora Also--Of E. W. Harris, of London, that the petition of the Simcoe and Port Ryerse 'Tram or Railway and Harbour Comé)my may be referred to Standing Orders Com-- mitteo. Mr. Bethuno--Of Township Council of Logan,and of township Council of Eiora, to unite the County of Porth for registration purposes. Mr. Crooks----Of Wi&rrsn Konnedy and others, of Torontco, that an Aot may pass to authorize the City Council of Toronto to ap-- point an Asscesm<nt Commnissioner,. Mr. Guost--Ui iuncam Fraser and others, of St. Mary's, for an Act to incorporate the St Marv's Credit Valloy Railway Company, Mr. Ardagh--OUf the Township Council of 'Muskoka, for amondments to the Registry Mr Monk--Of A. T. Bothweil and others, of Goulbourne, to cstablish a Normal School iu Ottawas. Mr. Farewell--Of William Heron sud thers, of Ashburnham, respecting the plant« pa of trees, The Epeaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. PETTITIONS. The following petitions were prosented :-- Mr. Prince--Of Anthony Shiel and others. of Sandwich East, that no Act m;y pass to divide the said township; also Township Council of Sandwich Rast ; also, of Leon MNir. Fitzsimm.--s--Of the Brockville and Weelport Railway Company, to extend tho time of conmmencement. Also--C{ J. D. Buell, of Brockville, that the potitiou of the Brockville and Wostport Railway Company may be reforred to the Committee on Standing Orders. Mr. Smith--Of the Township Council a! Tobo, to establish a Normal School in Lon:-- SECOND PARLIAMENT--SECONd sEssisn. Nincteen potitions were presented for the mppression of the liquor trallic by the. fol-- owing members:--Mr. Gifford, 1; Mr. Daw-- son, 1; Mr. Monteith, 6 ; Mr. Wuliains Duwbham), 2 ; Mr. Ritzsimmons, l1 ; x¥r. Clarke (Norfolk), 2; Mr. Catdwell, 2; Mr. McBRae, 2; Mr. McCail, 1; Mr. Fareweli, 1. BILLS INTARODUCED, Mr. RYKERT--To empower Thomas F. Ellis to seil certain laads. Mr. FAREWELL-- To incorpor:te the Tather Matthew Temporanco Association of DPr. CLARKE (Wellingtou}--To authorize the Law Sociviy to adimmit Charles John Fallor as a barrinter--at la w. Mr. DEROCHE----To iucor!mute the Gat-- lins Gold aod Silver Mining Company, Mr. HODsINS~--To incorporate the Can-- ads Congregational Missionary Society, Mr. TOOLEY--To detach the Township of Lelawae from the West Riding of Mid« dlesex, and to attach it to the East Ridi thereof. Nr, MONTEITH--To amend the Ast in-- 1 corporating the Port Dover aud Lake Huronu Railway Company, _ Mr. WILLLAMS (Durham)}--To vost cor-- %a'n lands in the Trustces of the Congroga-- tion of the Church of Scotland, Port Hope, Nir. BETHUAL--10 amond weo .V # Trust Act. PXOMC g Mr. WELLS--To incorporate the Toeronto Passenger Genoral Railway Company,. Mr McLEOD --For the relicf of the heirs of the 'ate David Ruante, MNr MoNTEIUH--To amend and consoli-- | date the Acts respi oting the Stratford and Crie Railway Company. Mr. SMITH4--To authorize the Cobourg, Peterboro, and Marmora ailway Company to extend their line. Mr. McLBOD--To legalizo cortain By-- laws pass«d by the villago of Renfrew. Mr. WOOD (\'iutoria)"l'o ingorporate the Ercthers® Christian School. Mr. WELLS--To declare the intention of the Aot respecting the division of the (4304-- bue BETHUNE--To amond the Cobourg Fripay, Jan. 31. Also--To incorporate the Temporal Com. anittee of Knox's Church, Ottawa. Attorney Cieneral MOWAT--To amend the Election fFrials Acts. Also--For the better administration of justice in the Courts of Ontario. s Also--To make further provision as to 'the custody of insane persons. s ing the constre city of Ottawa ""Mr., SMITH--To amend the Act resooct. Ing the diversion of the River Aux Sables, .idr. gCOoTT--To amend the Act respect-- ing the construction of wator--works in the Also--Respecting tho appointment of Queen's Counsel. ® Also--The reports of the Inspoctor of Divi-- gion Court offices. Aleo--Return of all sums paid by the Treasurer to the Railways as bonuses withu the lsst twelve months, spcecifying the ra. ways, the amounts paid, and the dates of such pay ments MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND. Mr,. LAUDER said that before the ordors of the day were called, tho House would lik« to know irom the ieador of the Goveramens when be 3 d to bring down his ssheme for the #¢..._ornt of the Municipal Lowm Fund querticn. He had promised last week that be would bring it down this week This was the last day of the wok, and yat no word had been keard et. it Unless hon members hai the myttor bofore them seon, the seesion must 14.;; until March, or tbe outer mut~ 'sslitir®, would have no 0P portunity of . U'"'"Dg any opihion in ton matier ~ C Ne 4 Also--To regulate the precodence at the Bar of Ontario, ~ Hon, Mr PARDEE presented all the cor-- respondence between Ehe Government aad the Canaca Car Company, and copy of the contract entered into. Also--Copies of all correspondonce and orders respecting the Law Comuission, Attorney--General MOWAT replicd that what he bad said was, that ho hoped to be ale to bring in tris woeek the varions measuros which} tre CGovernment intended to introduce, and that he bad done his beet to accomplish this® object. . Deputations, however, were constantly wait-- ' ing up on bhim, urging the claims of importaut ' gections of the country. _ FHe was daily re | eceiving addrional information, so that he {oond it impossible to bring down bhis scheme as early as he bad wished. _ Ho would give notice to. day of the introcusction of his raso-- lutions on Tuesday next, aud he hoped to be then in a posiuion to make a full statement to the House of the policy of the Government ard tho ressons on which it was based. (Hear, hrar.) The House wouid have pleaty of opportunity of cousidering the matter before it disposed of it, pRAIN&GE RESOLUTIONS. ITon. Mr. MeK ELL AR maved the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole on the resolution authorising the purch=se of municipal debentures issued for drainage purposes. Mr. MACDONALD moved that the words * at any one time" be inserted in the said re-- solution, _ As he understood the resolution, it gave the Government power to re--invest theso monies as they came in, provided they kad not more than $200,000 in cirea'ation a* auy one time. The object of: his amond ment was to provide that as the money came back to the Governmon it -- sbould _ go_ to _ the -- consolidated ievenue fuad, and should not be again in-- vested without the order of the Houss,. Hon, Mr. MUoKELLAR said this was only & re--eugetment of the Act of last gession, and no objection was takon to this provision then. | The investment was limite to $2C0,000, and not more than $#0 000 could be granted to any ons township. They would bave the very best secarity for this invast-- mert. -- They bad not ouly the security of the landse draincd, but the sccurity of the whot township, those who had no lands to drain bocoming endorsers for the others -- Thore-- fors this morey, as it returned to Govern-- menpt, couls: ba re--invested with perfect gecusity, He thonght it was very likely that in a year or two the Governmseat would have to ask fosr moro money for drainage purposoes. The townships were beswnning to see the advant igas of the ofler of the Government, and they should give them every opportunity of get-- ting money in that way so long as the se-- cunty was perfectly good. It had bsens tated that this would create another municipal loan fund. That was usterly impossiblo. 1 the pame protection h»d been secured in the RETURNS,