Cee f ® oo P 9 C 7 * Sroink y * ie uh is _,; '@ ";':"':';";:«'3 s s a i4 Dossible al, which it was m [1f the present Government would & s eF * hem the largess possible aid, which it was presen ment would be subject | _ W & -:.rop'es---d to doggy loaning the farmors of the | t?,&'ggg'l'" mflu?neeu, where aot more than e & wourtry money at the low rate of live per 's'l: ws; advanced to any one munici-- hB 4. cent. interest. _ 'The Imperial Parliament | pality, sure g; the danger would be far greater +180 Y Feice Afaiftage when an ited sum could be granted. ¥% took an extraordinary part m the arain ag The fact h nl 0 8 c of property in the United Wiagdom. o Noh :{ was, where only $20,000 .was ad-- (RL W : and was highly pleased at the result, "'"';'e tomfu.a municipality, there was really 4 B which condu«c d to the bost interosts of the | no n:fier of influence bel'lfiibrought to bear , i country, 'Tnose who had had any experi-- -- upon the Government to relieve the munici-- 4 #¢+ teme in draiua,s, could appreciate the ru-- / l pality from thatmn.llumognt. If t.here.wu 4 $ t marks he ud murde, _If eren & lirger sam any such danger at all, it was infinitely $ 1# tad been propu--ed to be devoted for drainage ge&ter under the Act of the late Government, furpo--s, there would have been no occasion l.; presumed that the Government would lor slarm, foo 2o was not one of those who | take power to charge tho lands bene-- [ was afraid ot th: fuiure of this country _ Ho | fited, leaving it to the municipalities | was not afrell shat the revenue was going t | to collect it. The member for Niagara Sucresse, ani shat w6 mugt look to direct | bad taken credit to the late Government 1 1 tars.ion; and in regard to the timbsred for having made the amount advanced made / § lands of the Province, to which reference had | | & charge 'upon] the lands beneifited, and i &# t bienu wade by the hon member for South , | claimed that that provision would prevent | § / B avt, he would remark incidentally, thas he | | political influence being bro_u_ght .tc."b sar npon } gbould prove to the House, at the proper | | the Government by imunicipalities. | That time, that he based his argument as to tho | argument was not sound, because if political t & wealth of th--so lands on something more inliuence could be used in one case it could | [(E Q than more words ; and so far as the expon'di-- l | bo used in another,. The fact that only a " @_ tuare of the Crown Lands Department was portion of the municipality was chargeod $ concerned, that expenditure ceuld be in with the amount advanced would not pre-- 3 creased with groat benefit. He believed vent the. other parts of the mutnicipality | that, if he by au ourlay of 5 per cont could uniting with their neighbours to make a de-- ' get 95 back, be should do so. He could say mand upon the Government, so that if any i 03 Sbat the-- timbered Iands spoken ot were political influence was to bo dreaded it was | E j capabie of producing & million of dollars much more to be dreaded under the Act of . * revenve for the next twonty--five yoars -- He 18690 than under the present msasure. Some " ( trusted that there would be no furcher op-- remarks had been made by the mom-- | j position to the Biil before the Hous». for tho ber _ for South Grey with _ reforence i 1 measure, if passed, would be'procuctive of to section 20, which provided that ) | wuch good to th: community, and the deben-- | the Commissioner of Paublic . Works ¢ tures to be issne' would be saved from the shall investigate and report upon the propri-- 6 & broke's. ety of ttie in\(l-,atmunts gppliud for. That | & s f hon gentleman had stated that this scction & Mr, MACDONALD said that what they l m»uk% give the (iovernment power to invest contended for was that this fund should bs | the money in various places, agcording to invested once, and when the money came their political requirements, But he would l{wk to the Gover um,opt it should go into the | ask that bon. genticman if he could have that m ik""" ry {'lf;]d' h(' aabject to the vote of the provision struck out, and allow every munici-- :Hm":l % on w A ""'.'umfln'i *W'"'d not 'H. pality to get aid that applied for it withoat l":l:etilloitu:x:x;n';tl;:l 't""'w)'.?\ . ]11}1\1 over any investipgation by the Governinant as to > e;'ccedwg is Oricing! ""'A:'t'a('w";;i'"l:l;'o m(;' the propriety of the investment. --If the hon. to the argument that this was the nam:g;:ll rall o would i o hote Lb'-'ft' wSst Ad | as last year, sud thpt i0 Olvj;)(;tiun was Vikeq ternative course could he propose® ' f to it then, 'he remembered that it loolred a« _ Mr. LAUDER remarked that what he had if this provision of the Bill last ecs¢ion had stated was that under this measure the Gov-- R een eed by means of somothing like a ernment would have the same power to profer trick ("::::)' and this puint was nnt oi')'s'erv:d townships as the (}oflwrnmeub of Sandlicld Upon the §th of February, 1872, the reso. Macdonald had to prefer railways under the lution was passed in Committee, -- similar Siee "wank aph to this resolution, except that tie words Mr, FRASET did not see that the present "'at any one time" were not in it They Pall was so stringenuly Gdrawu that were, bowever, in the Bill, and it was pos it would be a violation of the Act gible that members,su posing the Rill was an itself to report improperly upon any | | exast counterpart nfl the resolution, had application. _ It was not so unader the Rail. l . allowed it to pass without particular exdih. way Act. With regard to the Amendment . U ination, He 'shed it to be understond propesed by the member for South Leeds f i.\ by the Hor 'and the country that he thougbt it would be of no benefit at all, @ 4 in proposin _ shisx amendment he was seeing that he approved of the principle of uB wot oppose. x« & judicions use of the the Bill If it was wise to invest the money | } public money in draining the wet lands of | in the first instance it was equally wiss to li 1 | the Province. Such a use of tho pablic | keep it invested until otherwisclordered by P § woney wouid always as it hal done in the | the House. (Cheers.) | K va--t, command the support of his side of thr <-- Theamendment was then put and declared § tiouse, Uhe amendment did not interfero lost on a division, and the report of the Com-- P with the priociple of the me«asuro. 1 mittee was received. ' . Mr, LAUDEIt also wished it to be under. { On motion of Hon. Mr. McKellar, the BW | stood thar he was not opposed to assistiug in } Houso then went into Committee, Mr. Hod-- P & t! e drainage of lands Un the contrary, he | gins In the Chair, paesed several clauses of & + al was in tasour of it. and the insinuation of the | Bill to authorise the investment of certain f 1 Commissioner of Public Works was not well moneys in debenturcs to be issued for the con-- I | 2 four ded. } struction of Draivage Wor(l;a byd llnunicipsl_i- | O ¥r FRASER said if gentlemen opposi ties, reported progress, and asked leave to sit 4 t $ wore in favour of a!!%w!n;: the 'lflf'fi P o Mons:y. '.1 | $200,000 for drainage purposes why should It being six o'clock the House rose. P | th--y op ose illowing the Government to ce o $ keep that amunt invested ccoatinually until : Aiter Recess, | ; 2:3.!:1"" torder;fi by 7 thal House, _ He | MECHANICS® LLEXNS. #il p ho uu((\tsql the argument : [ on. . CR o ise i tB | :"the l(l;fl}x:b-'l"fflr North_ York, l}: had © Cufxii(:xl;it:::, hi.oafiioflzzfirzhe"gm:gg $ & in.v};;; ::i .: fien 0:-.'.!5{:!11:, 'm!ll!ox.l dollars beiog in the chair, on Bill to establish Liens in fa-- k caute t6, "the n it b ing re--invested as 1t vour of mechanics, machinists, and others, filhl;n:zmo:néwao;:;l;t :l\nelted would uitl-- which Pill, afteratedious discussion in re-- |' y mient es o gonnt . l'bec'ul':ns'.t n'f)'t::t l:\qn fererce to details, and some minor alter-- would the CGovernment have in in\'::n;'x:;: h en on in en f f more than one million dollars It would DISPUTES BETWEEN MASTERS AXxD ; :lfl!'l)[l)llg be illi:n investment from timo to time WwWORKMEN, f en o &mnzfizgn?f; ;ltmv;i.s rlifdl::x:.o g.onth; On motiuq' of 'Hun.' Mr. CROOKS the ! £200, &0 . im n;g °:. whn bssibl ul:ves House wont into Committee on the Bill to U y* suuld result from allo'wing tha.tp:n EOW :t D :il:;? facilitate the adjustment of disputes botween soutinually invested under the control of the To eeiipoe t s oheechaans ~The «l wite (o ow 1 Government until otherwise ordgred by th to without amendx'unnt,' and the Committoe |. { House ? There was no possible rmonyvh; roze aud reported it, _ Report reccived. » the power to invest $200,000 should ant F&-- INSTITUTES FOR THHE DEar aAxp $ main with the Government. it would still |} BUMB AND BLIND | remain with the House to say at any time ' § 41 D ,j. _ that the investment shobld not be con. Hon,. Mr. PARDEE moved the --second t 5 t:nued. The hou. member for Niagara * is avcrpod on j Wnn ohaigt yp rng t w0 l P & " had laid groat stress upon the supposition the ecucation and instruction of. the deat Li | that political influence might be ggnght and dumb, and blind in Ontario. _ In doing | $ | to 'Bear . from -- Hiime ~fo thice hok so the hort. gentleman stated that the section AH the Government, in order ty 3t oun of the statute referring to these institutions { the payment of the $20,000 _ advanced : denominated them not as educational insti-- . and yet the Government, of which that c'en: tutions, but as asylums. _ The Government 4 \ tleman was a member, pissed an Act whore. judged it would be better to enact a special P by not merely $20,000 mi ght be advanced | law for these institutions, 'correcting auy ; _ ) _ .to--gne municipality, but the whole $200,000, | false impressions which might be abroad A ':i &~ i :! &