Hon, M», * was found ex on both sides, and differences in a : tory,. _ As the D would onuly he able putes. . ammitrits Ivictras o lnindssacs ic uc +1 RHuUMDer of men are employed, asy in a cortain priniing. office, They give notics that they will atrike unless their wases are incrensed within a certain time. _ The master will not yield to the de-- mand, In such a case thore might be reagon ie 4+ e y maray tbar dare wad 7 C Eroatred by the Piil, which, in its scops, en-- desvourcd to accomplish two thirgs --ouns was to allay ili--blood which wight arise from wart of opportuuities to settle matters in dispute; but the primary objiect of the Bill was to rettle difficuitics simply by dissussion Tt provided to some extond that the bady to whom disputes were to bo referred shoald have all the powers of--a Board of Arbitration ; but it -- would not _ be within the -- reasonable scope of the ' measure that the partios composing the Board | should dicrde upon what should be the rate | of wages. _ Scmething beyond that was the primary vbhject of the Council. _ It was not interded to establish a tribunal which should setile ail.differoaces; but where points of difference mifiht arise they could be referred to the Board to be discussed and amicably sretiled. 'The present Act gave'similar powor to the Boards of Arbitration as possessed by Boards of a like character in England, and Ro.t of the'_dxt'x'erencel that hfiarisen in in te Sb emmes ecss 2s t n 4 o0 5 s'ow. Mr, CAMERON said that one of the most mischievous things was the disagreement be-- tweer masters and employees in reference to Increase of wrges, and it was one which fre. quentiy lead to strikes. _ A number of men Hon. Mr. CROOKS #aid there was a pir. ticular limitation to the powers of the Boacd created by the Bill, which, in its scops, en-- desvourcd to accomplish two thiros ' an. veekesciy _ y c 00 CCC PCOWE AARG dALSCH IID that courtry had been aricably seitled by mosans of these Boards, Mr. CAMERON remarked that in rofer-- ence to any dispute arising in regard to future increase of wages, there was no provision made in the Biil for the settling of the matter b!_the. Bo.'uq. He arked if tgero was any objection to include such a provision Bill, Hon. Mr, CROOKS moved the third read-- ing of the Bill to facilitate the adjustment of disputes betwcen masters and workinen, DISPUTES BETWEEN _ MASTER3 AND . WORK MEN, Also,--To ipcorporate the Leamington and Windsor Reilway Company. OFFICIAL RETURNS, Hon. Mr, PARDEE brought down returns respecting the Normal School, and the num-- ber of pupils that have attended to qualify as teachers during the years 1869, ©70, '71 ard '72, Also,--To confirm certsin surveys in the townsahip of Sandwich East. Shore of Lake Superior Silver Mining, Com-- pany of Carada. Mr, SMITH--To incorporate the Agrieal-- Bural Emperiom. Mr. McM&NUSY--To incorporate the vil-- lage of Oraugevilio as a town, Mr, WOOD, (Victoria--To amend the Acts respecting the EFenclon Falls Railway Com-- NMr, QGIFZORD--To incorporate the Cobowg Hotel Cecopany. x Mr, MELREDITII--To amend the Acts re. mpecting the London, Huron and4d B:rucs Railway Company. Also,--To lezalise and confirm the sale of Certain lands made by the Trusteos of the Presbyterian Uaurch, London, in conncction with the Church of Scotland. Also,--To incorporate the Londoa Street Railway Company. _ MPrMESAEDIT :I--For the construction of water--works in the city of London. Mr. CHRISTiIE--To separate the city of Hamilton from the county of Wentworth for gaol, judicial and registration purposes, Mr. MEREDITIT -- Respecting --certain strects requring lazd for market purposes in Londcn. Mr, BETHUNE ----To enable the town of Cornwail to exempt certain manufactories in the town of Cornwall from taxation for a period not excesdiny twonty one years, Mr. 8SCOTTC ((,'my)--'l'or inooriparate the village of Mealord as a town:* Also--To evable thie Truskees of Kaoox's Chureh, Owon Souad, to seil corsain church property, Mr. BETHUNE--To anthoriso the Courts of Queen's Beach and (Common Fleas to admit John 1. McMilian to practise in theso Mr. PRINCE --To incorporate the North [> ~AT said that elsewhore it Xv.edingly baneficial to have Rhtork -- madicn &A i C1 and a Board might settle these a manuer mutually satisfac. e Bill now stood the Board able to arbitrate on past dis. in the tere in any way in the management or con-- ' cerps of the trade or business; and any peri-- odical.or other statement or return, by the |_ employer, of the net profits orproceeds of the After somp discnssion as to the drainage of absentee or unoccupied lands and several minor detaile, the Committee rose, reported progress, and asked leave to sit again i'or the yurpose of adding a schedule containing a torm of by.lew to be passed by the munici-- net r{wofltl or procéeeds of the trade or business ' oairied on by the employer might b» allotted { and paid to the pors& employed, in li>u nf nw in «odikhe: Thek on SOWE no0 use UNIVERSITY CONVERSAZIONE, Mr, MACDONALD referred to the invita-- tion extended by the University to members of the House to attend the conversazione on Friday evening, and askod what business the Government proposed bringing up on that evening,'as donbtless many bon. geatlomen would like to be presert at the entertain. moent, as they had been at that of last year. (Hear, bearl) DEAF.MUTE AND BLIND IN8STITC. TIONS, On motior of Hon, Mr, PARDEE, the House went into Committee (Mr. Sinclair in the chair), on the Bill respecting institutions for the education and instruction of the dayw and dumb and the blind in Ontario. The Committee rose and reported the Bil with-- out amendments. It being six a'clock, the House rose. After recoss, buscsiess would be interfered with by an ad Journment. AGREEMENTS RETWEENX MASTERS AKXiD WORK MEXN, Mon. Mr. CROOKS asked the hon. gentle: maa to allow his qusstion to stand4 over. Fr'id?, he said, was Government Jay, and it woud be nesessary to soe how far public Fon,. Mr, MOWAT roplied that the Bill gave the Boards similar powers to what they possesged in Epglard, and at present he did mot thiznk is should go bes ond that. T he Bill then passed the third reading. DRATNAGE, On motion of Mr. MoKELLAR, the House went into Committee, Mr, Hodgins in the chair, on Bi}l to authorize the investment of certain moreys in debontures to be issued for the copstruction of drainage works by municipalities, Hon. Mr. CROOKS moved the sscond reading of his Bill to facilitate agreecments between masters and workmen for par-- Riclpation in profits, The Bill was a brief one, and he would state bricfly the principle underlying it. In most Dusiness undertakings the difiiculty was to Gefine the relative interest-- of the employed as well as the employer, and to decide how far there was a community or identity of in-- kerest between them in the success of that business in which they were engaged. The interest of the workman or clerk mighs sim-- ply consist in ecarning his ealazy or daily wages, while the interest of the omployer whose capital was largely invested was in securing profits to himsclf. The interests of both, howerer, might be made more nearly alike, and an effort had been made in other countries to more nearly harmonize the in. ieg'esjs 'by the introduction of the co--operative T o m bans noh Eon . es CE C P CC rinciple, but there were sometimes practical Siflicu)tiu in the way of oarrKing out this princij;le. Anagreement by which workmsn should skhare in the pmt{n of a business might now be entered into, but thore were always difficultics surrounding such an agree-- mwent, and the Bill befcre the House was de-- mrigned to simplify the matter. It provided that an agreement might be entercd into be-- twcen the emesloier and the employed by which a defined share in the annual or other net profits or procéeds of the trade or business Mr. CAMELUTN sald bq must not bo un-- deretood as bumng oppos:d to the Bill, Vhat he asked was that it should be made more extonsive in intopsration, so that it could deal with dispntes that were to come up, in addition to those that had alrsady arison and were past, I E db inb e P dn tPimntnint "trucs i l c Actd E&ween them. , Sach discussions hal baen found extrem--ly valnable in England, where a similar Act was in force, and [good results bad arisen from it. MT. CAMTE LOUX sald ha "mnek nak In~ w« Bodies like those designed by the Bill, and it was in the interest of both employors and employed that there should be a means to seitie, by diucu;;\ionL, matters in dirpute be-- hernisys $s mus 11. ue octt 44 L0R CP} wages, 'Thi#"agreement uld not create ; any -- reclation in the mme of partner-- ship, or any rights or liabilitics of co. partners; and any person in whose favour | such agreement was made should have no | right to examine into the accounts or inter-- | fere in any way in the management or con. |