The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Feb 1873, p. 1

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s * w k o + : 7 he -. -- es . p m ""f";"'b'\- 9 _ ---------------------------' P . ';.Enng shall be an illegal act. In doing |_ %""."k' l[msfl'"m ONT _ mo hesaid that in the State of Ilinoisthere _ . _ _ _ was alaw to much the same effect, The ¥ n T * Bl;lg Il);fgo thboettlil:m provided ?h' 'g:haen } 4 shou no g or wagering i in f SECONO PARLIAMENT--SECOND SESSION. by electors upon the number 3 votes which ) 4 5 f may be given to or more persons_at 1 proresgs------~ A elections for the Ontario Legislature, or as 1 _The SPEAKER took the chair at three to the person who will receive the greatest 3 elox. ¥ « number of votes or a ter number of i C votes than another, Hnflgn was to give l PETITIONS. : greater mecurity to the clectors, _id to 'The following petitions wore prefiented : strengthen: the provisions of the cigttion a aw. It was usual and to some ufi. Hon. Mr. Crooks--teorg» Wright an {ashionable for gentlemen to bet a hat, a s others, gti'l'oronto, for an Act to establish tle of wine, or some other article 0h the ~ ; Mechanics' Liens. result of elections. . It was, done very f Also--Joseph Gearing and others, of_ To: frequently as_.s<=mere. matter of pas: ' & ronte, for an Act to establish Mechanics time junf as they would bet on w horse --race; ' Liens. but bets were sometimes made of large sums i Mr. Calvin--County Council of Frontenac, of money, so that it really became worth the a to amend the School Act. while of ghmh:o Yager:d"h&g: :'i:::io 1:). % Mr. Oliver--J H. Farrington and others, . spend some influenc e 4 go ) 5 D0 fls o d d Sss l e noaanennnaninte l t 3 i n that the elections were | Also--J. W. Eiliott and others, of Dere-- ::cm) ?:i'tfi:?n ';;:m s od by the prastice of ham, to amend the School Act. o ver the Province. -- There wore & betting all ove € t Also--County Council of Oxford, reapoct. gentlemen who would corroborate him in the i8 Ing the Municipal Loan Fund. statement he had made m(feoting his own a id Mr. Prince--James Blair and others, of section of the count?; and he considered ¢ London, sgainst the amailgamation of the romething should be done to check the prac-- g Agricuitural, Investment, and other socie» . tice, _ The Bill had received the approval of 6 ies of London. a certain portion of the press, irrespective of Also--County Counsil of Essex, for an political ll::nmfil, and it should meet with 'I;'Im Act to incorporate the Sandwich, Windsor, support of the House and the country. 0 aund Leamington Railway Co.= umf:ntood it was the intention of the G:;. Also--County Agricultural Society of Es-- ernment $0 10000000 /o in Loesne ho com: ex, for aid. purity of eleotions n t . ooo ut th Thirty--two petitions for the prohibltion of cce as ao biv hi might be Rided t the li;;euor trailic were presen by various }:ovmonl in«iimDers, % * on, Mr. MOWAT--Our measure does BILLS INTRODUCED, no? cover the subject of your Bill. -- Mr, MACDONALUD--To incorporate the Mr. MACDONALD--Then there is all the ' the Loyal Orange Association of Ontario, more necessity for my Bill being passed. --The Mr, DEROCHE--To incorporate the Que-- > auker remarked that no betting Ofot';:g bec Mining Company of Marmora. nd, whe&ie;' for moncy, propertX: ul To i ® valuable g, should be allowed, and he Also--To incorporate the Hubbort Silver thought that principle should meet--with Mining Comany of Thunder Bay, general a provs. The amount of the penalty Mr. FAREWELL--For the improvement he had 13& blank, leaving it to the House to of water privileges, He said the object of say whether it would be willing that a pen-- the Bill was to allow partics to increase their alty should be inflicted upon persons having -- . head of water. no votes who might make bets. _ Hon, Mr. CAMERON--To amend the Act Mr. FRASER, while deprecating the prac inccrporating the Toronto and Nipissing tice of wagering, thought thathis honourable Railway Company. friend wholmf prec:?ied him bad a little Also--To incorporate the Lake Simsos special leglslation on his own _ account which ' Junction Railway Company. $ ' he wished to gecure by the Bill, L}ke_ the Mr. WILLIAMS (East Darham)--Res-- Nibs.~ x: > ie O uJt s pioriiihe's + ~fe picting the Omemeo, Bobeaygeon and North peculiar." -- He (Mr. Macdonald) ht s ds & IPcterbLorough Junction Railway Company.. in "ym%fit:tt'P hl'f""l'lmt{hth' d'i'l"';'_)" ::('1 _Also--To amend the Municipal Institu-- oo derstood that anne ol Ah¢ ~nonourable 1} tions Acf' R es drid -- gentleman's friends had made such large ? Mr. OLIVER--Respecting Fair CGrounds wagers on the result of the Brockville elec. | in the county of Oxford. tion that their sinews of warcame out short PDr, ROULTER--To authorize the Law on saccount of the votes. He did not think Society of Ontario to admit Charles CGraham, that the Bill before the House would be any-- of Madoc, to practice as attorney and soli-- thing but a piece of unwise legislation, for in citor. | the %rst place it d]i.d notd xlx::kebeboettbu:?tea | Mr. DAWSON--To enable the corpora corrupt practice,. It would have been better tion of Romney to alter, widen, and straié)hten h'd.'BSl been introduced to prohibit all a certain road. s betting, for the principle of the present one | t k i culy touched electors, and not the largest | Mr. PRINCE--To legalise the survey of A 3 a f a class of betters, who were really non--voters. (A certain lots in the township of Colchester, Candidates had enough to contend with now, | county of Essex. and this Bill would only complicate matters 1 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTIONS, still more, -- Besides, in closely contssted ' 1 i NMr. FITZSIMMONS asked whother it | {f,'"g'it::" 3&':" ;: fi'eg:."tfifhii? o""'.'.*..f'l ' was the intention of the Government to in-- would not be elected, and objection &':id be troduce a Bill, durinfi the present gession, | -- taken to t} ": votes, thus f, dering them % ,l)f:flgmg for -- a * Homestead Exomption voisn Snd he vould'go in :: : scrutiny ¥ | w. » & A § ® | Attorney-_G« neral MOWAT replied that it mm?hflzmmg o'%iuul,d fi s was not their intention to do so this season. the 'mP'%E:'"' of introducing 1t, otherwise REXECUTIVE COUNCIL i ll:q(tur. ser) would move the six months' | Oa tho order for Mr. Rykert's resolution » y P50 § respecting the Executive {.ouncu' + | Mr. BOULTBEE thought this was a good : Nr. RYKERT said that would stand. i Np hoh ie ing in his conatituency bist ks 6 l been very disastrous, as although his party } rney--General _ MOWAT _ suggested had paid all the bets they lost, the other side that the matter had better be disposed of. had not done the same. &nghter.) Unless [ j It was to some extent a motion of want of some provision were made to pay off the ' confidence, and it was not usual to let such outstanding matters, he would have to vote motions s!.:md for so long a time, agatust the Bill. } Mr, RYKERT--I was not aware it was a Cries of "" Withdraw." mo;non of wu'xt of contfidence. Mr. MACDONALD refused to withdraw p ~ m!':;'!-(-eqenl MOWAT--Is mg, be his Bill, -- He was strongly convinced of the | & jing °°§:' °'t°d with respect to some of, the correctnees of the 'princlpfe involved, and he T members of the Government. 4* , would stand by it, notwithstanding that it Mr, CAMERON--Porhaps . the other appoared to tread too closcly on thse corns of J notice mnrm" the Canada Central Rail-- some hon, gentlomen, 'lyhe press of the way would resolve itsell into the same country had supported the measure. thing, Mr. FRASER 10se to move a six monthsa' . AMEXDMENT OF THE ELECTION poik I AW, "311'. llx?vill{:ERT claimcdkthat he was out of Mr, MACDONALD } j\ pmfer, 'having niready.spoken. ... e rndi:' of hbis Bill Ig'o 2&?' :}?: El.:(?:i:fi . The SPEAKER confirmed this view, > _Law of 1868, by providing that betting or bmmes © / ) Mr, McCALL said the practice of betting | m -- --|_ _ \with poor men was used as a means of in-- | .

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