. .." has in sloohol in Lar ' 'UVA'.', r"C" et.' " 7 W» ' .. ' - _---'"" f f ' Ito" h _ _ in . o l"'" ', g dime classes 0 persons o.r . om tt 2 "t'tfi? w" "i'i.3& ' :34": prohibited. (3..., Lerge t ' f _ t otainurd this country should legislete. There ,. /!t,?.t ','r,', $5133;- . . that the magi: 'lfJhl,t an... in... _ A. :g,.1gAt',e A',i,tu2,rd2tdtt'its121hot, i _ it" . . i _ e o _ T up? ' e: _ "en ' 0 . T i "i,'- 'ii't't"iiiE 1: "WWW Prime-lo. that?" siii(riti--a, legislate. Aa in " that Bill was concerned, V f a _,,:,,";",:,,.!,',,)':"")",')",., l 'l 31m" let Interacting. en labia ' . v, V _ c,""' items Well sdvieed. 1.rt referred to the or /.:,:ri';ii'tr,s?iM ' I Punksrd would n be Inoceeeful It , _ ,.b' tnblishrncnt of en Inebmte Asylum. Another _ l 'rrrd..t' ' T V" unfortnmste can lt . class of persons for whom the country .ongh w- .3" N l Mld g that . men mst ed to m . , in give y" to excessive drink- to legislate wee the clsss err In . _ , t _ . but it tttttld on] add to his Billintroduced by his hon. friend the mens- _ I "El-cry dobsee his manhood. low." di . a her for Storment. m (Mr. Farewelllwss 'C: HS Ixty, by tshi him before e iuligo,- 'IIS _ not going to deliver a tempersnce lecture on i ' placing him a... retmint Such ' . the resent occasion. There was aBill mthe a needing would at dim". the 2ttT. hands of some gentlemen in the House . s', , 'r .. "fhiiruetr, but 5:73.] T, d hi do - . which would afford ample soaps for ttg! ".',' a i u who would like to "we :2. "aim; 9": into the merits of the cue ally. .' a, lywing the men lyeaht befo po . d ht He was against drinking even moderately. 's the Purim-e of conning 1si " t, "in? , He did not refer to . man likehishon. friend . lee that the Bill g lat. e no from East Toronto, who drank, none at all, would C'Nective. - w. - but to the class who snorted that they could Mr. DEROCHE sold no one doubted the take s glue when the re aired it, sndknew I l i . , ' '. 3313?"? tttthet ttl if the Home I when they had had 'iis',i'il,l.l These persons 1 l l Si L ( m I I e . T . ' ' ' T ', "itti'tT,'tR1. i. 0315:: id,il 'lrf iii Ttrg',,ht,tlt'/ec"t""e" 0921;202:3252: , s . . _ had been introduced, though it was not yet the man who sold he was firm in his determio a ' IP to the public 'xeution. He believed nation took his glass when he chose, and , l if 'y?.Uher retn.sit should follow from it, the lot it alone when he chose. Persona did not \ it " I tpt,bh"itoxtrie,1, of opinion by incubated tbecome d.tttp.k.ard? all at once. The lift, , i ' toms of "uyte, the drinking cus- crept or.t.i.n.tidioutslg. it was f"I',1'l'dif tl, dnetive of " eggnt'good' I"'",',., o gill th gthiti,,t'h, "gg nirvana n1: men; , E . ' would not abolish the evil: but i: would all? no liquor yahould be manufactured or i i mhigate it. It was not the drunkerd alone a sold. It eheuld only be used for chemical, l ' , L that suffered, it wee his unfortunate roletives medial"), and mechanical purposes. It was r , tthtgide lgill would progeot as wells; said incerteiu cases physicians ordered the l I if 0 In a. in" . ' i . . . . ' 0. I Bill wee that it would can: 'tttuse,'. if"? Splntuous llanI'l, and la the re cues _ ht / , . i tween. man "a his wife, and that all 'll, nought it oughtto be used. It wee a l ' . , ,. I legislstlon tint tended to crate ill feeling in]?! at ehould not be used as s tg/att . , ', , between husbsud and wife should be dia. Tl: g,lt',gatr,2,lt,f, i!"t tg't,lgl; I A l y, ' i . coureged, Reunite agreed with that, but ll,',',',),",,',',','."' e was nemusiug spin ' I l y a he naked if F . " a \ersge. The liquor tradio might be,- I A i any poster dimculty could be looked th t f th t , i , crested between s man end his wife then 1l'ollfs"l'lh may"; gm Gi e Fig.6; ' I ',) . I rust which wee crested b the vice of drink. le' fd . , e f f/il, b L'l,'f,'i th : i l , l - T mg. It we: and it would divest smsn of t 0 3pm, /dd'l"ioi 1'h'liTJi,'eSl',,. 'll i f 0 1 1 -. his manhood tosubjcct him to interdiction iii" 'Ile',',') , oo flf, 1l'gl'llllllirt,' F "--. h ' l '5 fl ' But could s mmwho had becouieenhebitusl fin-{Es en idegmniKE Wu?" 'Ill yougw 1d 'l I l , (/, I drunksrd become my lower in his own he" .. b 6:3,; 11"l rs: ¢frth eyila ht'lh i f, ( esteem? The object of this Bill was not to "£3120 L',r'lllel'if,h',l 'lllfllt no slice: it, ' I l " creates dilliculty between run end wife vinees B tth R told tu?ld . T,; (i ' l , e but to restore the husband to hU right )',fi'l'idlu,h'f(iuThlt'; gt'd,T.T/",u7t I MN l ' reason and bring shout e roconcilietion with the were tr kin thit it ',o,,',h"l1'd' uncon- f i l J , i » his wife. Tho member for Eat Tomato had I stititionnl 'dlt', a? and that it w I ower I ' " . i i f tstated that the "to of liquors for medical and reserved to the 'iroiiiiiUi' Pal-[Mons If r l r , V l mechanical purposes was beneliciel, bat this that were the one the would hsve to l . - 'fs,') 'ii, i i ' Bill did not interfere with that use. He had lete where the could yThe would U,1ft, T' ( ' ' ' also mud that he did ubt wish to interfere I lop on the 'd'l,flte {it the deedl tree end ',r,',,' "3- ' with those who did not drink to excess. The do whet the could in order to ymake the (i' yi; ie. li, . Bill did not interfere with that class. Look- country whsyt it ought to be. He wished to ' _ 'i' V a y" i, e I ' ing at this Bill from the high point M benevo- sdduce one argument in favour of the passing ' I 't " ai . b lance. the good of our fellow-men. he believed of this measure which had not been sdverted I , ea I l 1 , _ that if the Bill became law it would be to. Every genthsmanirittmt House knew' i" 'ii) i -. sgrcet boon to the peoplcof this Province. every person in the country knew that I Si , h 0 -' It would serve to create throughout this there were persons in the co'untry , , ' ' ' lsr.d toetrlthier Public caution-ht upon this who Were destroying their substances " , ' . [ "by?" ; it would show the prople of Ontario by drinking them swsy. It was desirable I " y, ' that their representstivcs would do whet to introduce into this country I system and ' , , thty 909" to "like at one of. the grtutest topaess low which would revent the con- l It exile that affected the body politic. tinui'ince of that acid of 511.1%. The hon. . " l , -Mr. CALV N . g . p Per gent mien instencc caseeinw ich the bends , "' e , "a. a, w ise. on: iuteti.y:'; l ,'di', $113320; of families had rendered t.hei.r homoewretchg I i ' j the property of tho habitual drunksrd. hut ed te.ttl .mtroduccd poverty into their beams ' : 0 I , " l he thought there would be some dif1icult in by dissipetion, where men had squandered "0': it" i l ': [ pro, in g s men an hahitaal drunksrd. U31" on their pereonel and resl_eetete for the purpose ,_ H I ' . I: 3' his island he had effectually stain ed out of gratifying their crevmgs for liquor. If they , ' i lit P ' , ' i intoxication, in fact he had there Bl force were interested m one thing more than __ r} l , regulstione with regard to the sale of liquor l another, it WM the fact that thom who PTI .. 1 i w" ' 1 that udedfocttml1 "m 1 growing up from tonderyeara to mmhoodsnd l. 5. v' i . y pod out drunkenness, a . and temperance now reigned eupreme. libs I womanhood should be educated and 21st,f, , ' , J, , saw a men with . bo'tle of liquor inhis pocket l as far " they could be nnd brought up nu ' ' I . he (Mr. can») Wen up to him end took it . u."' Pet,? asy.1, happy ie!hstryse of ttefamilr . ll 1 out of m. pocket and broke it. (Hour h oar.) Circle. The Bill before the Hove, if passed, il t 3 And he thought if the House could carry would protect those, homes, save "tatin from il, . 0 l ': out . law .0 stringent they would soon being squandered, and children from being . L .. . 0 i ' . observe . beneficlsl change in the country. I scattered over the world before they should. . . I (liver. beer. and hughter.) Men in the, I If the machinery of the Bill was not quite T I i , . I habit of drinking had come to him without , correct, he urged them to pu! together after t 3 I r property of my description, . few years . o, its second reading and refer it to n eomrmt- ' , _ , but now they were hap y and ui'rTdllt'. I too which would perfect the machinery, and , It we. forty veers nines tl had tested stroug- make it such a Bill as would prove a. lilese- _ _ " - [ drink. and there he trtottd . monument 75 ing to thousandsirs this country. (Bear,hear.) 1 rr yam 01% Frag ht tetht of tempe- Mr,GRAN0Etsa'tdthomern1carsotthatHottte _ I v' _ 23:; be Ltr song"?! r if,,',',',, 'l'fl will: yer-apiece; tit',' {with purpose ofdnrgmot- r y » :1:de gurgbggegegggfigggg-grfii'wg i?lilii,?ii 05231;, Maurizi- 121082003; v . _ uTtoN--m e run . . . . q ' . ' "in. They vying-o now gnawing, with a no. or'itfuy.,tt ,ept'hir Jut1"at',t,tdtpts l l 0 ' Cdie1c,"'t'tun'tig', cel £801.13? 31:33:; country, Ttitil, tit 1,'1,tti't)l" Itend Elsie" l l ' , in: I miter an CBO a ton Irons} WM sre. , _ i neglect 11;! oil',',',',)',.',',',,?, " "it prevent fore the duty. of the 1Ioutso to legislate in the Ft F ' I mg it rom T." P!"!", t 3 woria, direction which must prove benatieial to the 0 _ they WWW not, lots doing their duty. (troar, country. The hon. gentlemen compared the l '0 " ' c,,, heat-l "all .thrys rig'vtiliatr. expressed number of deaths which had resultodthrough J _.; his intention of going or t 0 l . m the use M spirituous liqueurs to those " '? Mr. FARRWHL, after alluding tothe resulting from ordinary diseases. They I tse' unporUuceof this and kindred questions, could not_prevcnt the manufacture of slco- l . _ - said there wee a unanimity of opinion that hol, but if they prevented the sale there J, something abould be done to lessen the evil would be m: necessity for the mtsnufaebure, , i re aultio from tho consumption of strong and the deurb1osy..ur.?y1d, consequently, be ." . [a' . drinks, but tin re was th d'sfhrrona, of opinion s ruck by the prohibition of. the sale. He 0 T _ , as to what that something should be. The conic-angled that they had a..right to to..ulls r t, whole of the people in the country held a? pridlblb the sale of strong liquors. iyi/.l.t.ro. _ e _ rF their hands aghast, in View "I the stretch. _ . an It', the coi'iItentmn that this proh.ib.iti.on '.' ' " . (.3, misery and dost tutlon ex_ist- o materia y eifcct the commercial in- l ' 5 J tl ' d . r vi , of the time lost ""9" of the Province, he held that the _ 'i/i tE mg "an . 'luiJd' practice. There WON tradio wee demoralizing and debssiug. After a",