.. V _ p h w _ j, ,. V a; '. _..llllllllllllllllllllll! C , [l.lll!, .' M. , s. no mad. He thought the ft,tllt this w,',::!, r.'i),/' p "i ' J . . of manic-ti an , 00"! ? I Iteehi, f the "W" of the t,l,'ii',igsg, "in tho utlhtt, ,......i the Bpe ', strong rink,he expanded upon 8 . . . ',,7,Ll let tmassofthe communi- that would accrue mm the total prohibition p tion of has" The hon. gtatletet of the sale of alcohol. I',;,, (Ileana. Bill 1)le tho, habitdnl I Mr. CLARKE (Norfolk), thought the re. i",gettf, upon the no ground as . man of marks of several of the preceding trpesk1sra unsound mind. But the habitual drunkard were not to the point. The Bill was .sdilor w" not a. man of sound hind. . It had been the prohibition of the sale of liquor, but for stated that this Bill m . violation of the the protection of those who had become so ri hts of person and property. But . man degraded and helpless as to require their at- . hid no moral oriogt1 right to be}. drunkard, tation. The Bill was more than a step in no moral or legal right to ruin In. ,riie and the right direction, and ho trusted it would children. The object of this Bill was to ttlt" be allowed to P". to ' cytmit?rt. ".eaid tvim; those evils as far as it was Jimmie throw a mantle of salvation, if he might '0 'or such menus to do Bo. He on. trst?.od ' upon all classes oiepenons in the the rinciplo of thia Bilito be the interdic- moo. and he maintain thst the IY.1l tt,",lf,l drunliards who were, In 'J,",',t'Sri'f,'l was tb vital "mi-w to the people of this of their habits. wasting and. "in?" ennd portion of the Province. their property and injuring their WiVel on Mr. ammonia aid that, in view ot the i-hildren. That princwle was ' tg'1/"iti many petitions sent into the [loose on the ciyle. There was not f '/il'ie with, many tsubject of prohibition, it 're. impossible to 1fcuso why htd.npt been am is ro orty [ let the session pass over without members imam...' m w.hic.h men po"W."g ti; ',Cii'lf, l giving attention to the matter, But " the had been Premdi Ill the ,ttetit'h r aired same time the House must be careful of the this Pcll "forte -P"P who 3'01 to l at. it took, so that no harm should be done there habits, and who lit consume?" the ir my; modem! loot through haatr Bittitsu' waiting Uoir y.roverty tsud Wiggins;- _ There were many different views 1','h"l4 wives and children. They fl1,1/,sh',', temperance men as to tho best Trut to carts! tine, to entertain any "roh'fi'll'., , In"? the lkiuor We evil. and mm amuter howl to protect. the feruilics 'll it that required the closed Wny- There and, persons. It, had, been "l i were several ardent advocates of unparauoo n, would be a great evil to allow a T/lf/li' lo ) in the House, but still they took diifar. take apogitiniiof antagonism to her bin. 'ev'. l cut views on this muttur " well " But. the law provided that already: and it , on others. The hon. member for would not be right ii she was not allowed . South Ontario, who had always boon a warm that. Let my one go into our Police Ceres "pm? of prohibition, opposed . Bill . and he won1diind, constantly, cases requiring few hours previous of a fognate tt,igittii, that . wife should appear against her hue. one to out "In" at he An 101: hind. No member o the House would wish to put med on it because uAl not I l: to take away that proteetiou from a wife. _ mammattersof detallthpt werein it, ttey?. But this was very inadequate prawn"; ', he apprtyed of tho prmmple of t',z,e"lfli', it gave no promtion to the property by while, thoth the Bt.li now l',t','f. which she and her children ought to be "ie House was, in the otinl.or,t of fl"'?,':"'; Slli ported. It had been "id um this ml was r tleman, "NEE in.piinoiie, rt . "'02" 1 not: remedy for the evil of intamirraade support t l) iiidgay.pt o m w; f . It did mt claimtobo that. It olairnisdmsm" I infahible in a matter like that no: idol: i ly to deal with one Oh" of evils, and avery the Home. and the p.e.trat otbr08 ou no l iirrmida'o1s class. No one denied the exercised)" dealing "lb it. 1e,',y,t,Loe l, magnitude a the mils of iatranmsranoe, ref ',tlai,tPt the two ours 'fl it every one knew how ve great they were. " m en. touched upon, t'lhd, E Reference had been mail! to the very large was this, Twat. under our Mira "h t proportion of the evils alliicting society . it was provided that a man sbou o.w I. In!" ose {mil inteni \erance. It was not A be liked with hU WWW under eer.Uin ptr. l merelyr members ot rhmpcranco organizi ; atrictioms, and ty' Bill mid": ffey,tt'i,',r,'i' tions that made these calculations, ; judges ; i 3 Wins innovationpn this right. It l t',"ll who were not members of tom rsnce organi- , t1etinysrt.to an habitual drunkard Ith ll rations, wardens of gear "t'l'lrlllfl'dltre,rdti . F ' . 5118 decillon Wtut left to Em" " tau.i 'fl 'll and the Superintendents of Lunatic Asyluma, : any one'elso, Ind who might be prep 'et and every other class who had the means of ' in his views, like many "WONG "in"??? 'udging, all unite in testif ing that three- men were. He had heard th men say t a l lourihs of the crime, Jfjl,'lllQuf of the la. he had the power he wyl.ti have every mem- nacy, thrtxsfourtha of the vice, of the ber of the Legislature indicted beoauw they I wrdtohedttasa, sin and poverty that existed ' did not Paar I'. temperance law: that 'lr/t ', were owing to this evil of intemperance. ' sented the feeling ot I uamber ot "m" " ' o. Seeing. then that the evil was so very formid- , cates of tcanperanfe. Be (the speaker) be. ab'e the should favour any measure that . licved that the efforts that had been made to would 1'lld'l'd it. It was not "ffittiant to decrease the evil offocss of drinking hol say that the éetails of this measure were not _ . ' not been without. good. rxuyley and as they ought to M. "No doubt it we the country was rapidly "mung In Ye asound ttiittritetotaUttmt if the principle 031150 M temperance, lo that he lid. not th.iyk of a Bill was a proved of it might safely be there was: any necessity fo,r.tht,ytP1ytioe received by do» who desired its details of the Bill of the member for btormont. If l amended. In opposing . former Bill, they such n law as that was panned. . man m .hu l on his side of the House diirered from the ' sound mind could u INN"Med from'hsvmg ' other side as to what the principle was. ' control of his own yrnpertyf ed it there I But in this case the principle of interdicting '1' . were occasion for a Bill of y.yt,ieptrtltt, i a druniiard who was wasting his property , it should be introduced by the Gpvormett., ' was aged principle, and if the details of He hadnot heard a Sing 0 member of the this Bi were not adapted to carry out its Govcrnment expre" "l optnioa ou tht sub- principle, there was no reason why they ject; and they were, ho supposed. go1ug to should not support the Bill, though at the teat the feelings of the Home. and (why the same time theylmight desire the details to ma'ority. So crude and ill-digesteda Bill he be amended. It had been said that there had never seen, and if allow'odto become law would not be many instances in which 3 it would produce wrong. Feelings ot Ite; advantage would be taken of the Bill, but _ .. envy and malice would be evoked. T P' it waste be remembered that with reqsrd ' ' was no provision made in the Bill regarding to . law of this kind its asffae.ta , . what the course of procedure should be would not be felt merely in those l where tho'futy nought'to be interdictod " cases which came under its operation. The _ on mum dructcard did appear before the very existence of the law would prevent a judge within the eight days provided In the large amount of evil. A man knowing that Act~vvlretlier the judge was to hear thocase q if he persevered in his habits of drinking he and make his order, as if the man did not ap- would be brou ht under the operation of this , pear at all. It seemed to be the Object of _ manure mung thereb be prevented from ; some legal gentlemen in the House to get as going so far as to render an application of much business settled by the Court of Chan. l the measure necessary. m thought the . oery as possible. I f ey could get cases Bill also one which on ht to receive the sup- _ into that court they were happy. He hoped port of the House, an: if its details were not the Government would ask the gentleman so perfect as they should be there would be , who had introduced the Bill to withdraw it, an o portunity to amend them. m was for thef idea of leaving: it within fl',2,ix,'t I decidedly in favour of the Bill. (Chasm) I tion 0 one man to intermine wie or t e . . 'r',',tS brought bolero him was an habitual l Em gm with" mad . second time. 1i in ard or not was wrong. It compelled a f r. ETRI NE I.tymstl. that thoAil1 ba wife to appear against her husband, and this re crrod to . Select ' Committee, consisting." I mane 0 its moat objectionable features. Mama. linden, 1.ytyesil, Striker, Calvin, I He trusted that the Bill would not be pressed ' 1?erocU, Clarke (Welhngzon), Grange, Snot 5 this senior), but that thine would 11't tlt',',':, anger. and the moyer.-- emoti- , togive it roster oonsi oration. e id not It m i , PA'. _ ask that its should be withdrawn altogether, l no TRAN" Oh' Tu" 3 l but merely post ed till next "on. Mt Mr. MACDONALD moved the. second F that ture woulme th better opportunity reading of the Bill to amend the Registration ri . _ given for considering it. of Titles (Ontario)! Aft in so ft, a; Ci','?": k', _ . . certain rtionso t ocouut o e s. e '_' Attr..Mknel NOW " "id he w" 'y, . explains: that this Bill hail been laid over , '3 " '11le to tadopt the m-.tio_tt trf in. l . or the decision of the Government as to 's L--.--------.-