t H T _ " 7a.. s. ..""t . "te _ -* _r" Ly_. (V 1"- " I . r"T' '_ ire' the tea,eityi2,ttldir maul .. " Aiterreo'ess. .. . "r " ' F" my _ i,i,jiitUltgttttht ttgt/tp/tgr t CANADA LA1Lrl1iiD,0R1ilorT? ' . _ _ 'q.WWr" (v'r' totheiaet that he (in. Richards) had not, . )- .PANL . rem-bod he to Mom principle- a other- On motion of Mr. BETEUNE, the Bill to ot hi. me had doats, amend the Act passed in . the 22nd year at Hon. w. RICHARDS again interrupted Bee upresent Majesty's reign. cap. 133, and to say that he did not Tltd." the member intlt ed. " An Act to incorporate the tor East'rcronto as his] er. Canada Landed Credit Company, and to not. Mr. PARDEE said that in hwy. extend the S',',',',": with"? .upott the aid nine cases out of enehnndced he always Company, '7" re "900tt tune. trend _iiiHit'hg',ty,ts mu; for It',', . INSECTIVOROUS BIRDS. 2'dll' inatltution irlliflrll'Alt". It that Mr. ChARKI} (Wellington), moved! a sec- institution was an exponent a the principles l and readingot Bill for the protection o insec- hsldby them. thean anotherprinting insti- txverous birds It-field to agriculture. . "on on "new which "I In "poet Mr. BEACON moved an amendment stri- olthniewn of the hon mum-n opposite. king out the provision of the mil which sad "he ,raoatutied ,rttiihiMmtitutiodtt'T I "noted that the gun or ride of tur'" were with theirs. a, to tU usstien under l, shooting these birds should be forte . .' ducussio' n it pared to (him that a The amendment was lost on a division, man of straw Ihad been put tt which and the Billwas after further amendment _ , they were called upon to Ll't down. reported tttho Committee. m had watched the arguments of the BALLOT- ge?t1or.nayt from Niagara,' and he did =, . not think there was much difference in their Mr. CLARKE (Wellington), .eottid the . views. Behad admitted that when a member l second reading of the Bill to prov1de for tak- of the House resigned his seat in the Home, a 1 ing votes by ballot at elections of members . reasonable time we: allowed him before he l, ot the! Legislative Assembly ot Ontario. m I took the next mp. b said that' t"t',r,iett,,Ct"'ld'1lt the. ballot Hon. Mr, RICHARDS said the hon. n. _ was one of the plan o e e armp . ' I tlemsn was attributing lengutge to Eli form. It had been adopted by many which he had not used. What he said wee other countries,- includlfllig several of that if a member of the Government had. the British Panlnces. . 1PelAht! gone to his oomtituenor seeking election. the Ballot box would be introduced a. the ind had been defeated, a reasonable time same time as the extension of the franchise should mellowed himto seek reelection. proposed by the Commissioner ot Public But he never said that it . Miniater thought Works. his read extracts from the press of proper to resi his seat in the House and both parties speaking of the corruption indicated tho-"5:; that he intended to'retire , which existed at elections. Ills opmlon was from public life so far " thu House w" ', that much of the corruption arose Lid.or..G.e concerned, that he, having taken his! open vote system through bribgrly and intimi- decisive step, should be allowed any fur. lation. The ?ill, he mtroduc was found- ther time to decide wUt he waa ed 'ld 'tf lawsdlln forced in 2tltrl, ttttg; . todo;hec h "an . tr'ainwere ey 1 war Wt grea mghe would 1-3;: s ready decided success. The hay:tem he .paopozeld was not l . . pure y secret P was came on . y e use i "at Bei,, a',',fN5lii,,giedrdltt,a'tt,ei','. by iai7iiiii'c to! a numbered tickets-n cor. t em and w". elected to the Henson of Corn responding n river being recorded in the none "were in just as good a position as p_orl:bofrk., the returning offi 'lk "g b" my mom qrho nought It." cti " These clerks being sworn to secrecy. e a vent- entlem . . . . age of this system was that whereas a voter fl, ell were in a osltlon to be reelected . . . . if they wanted to. E', believed it had been . voted Without .pubhcity. " vote could, "coded by the atrlmt lawyera that the Cos. '; should necessity an", be traced. 93m Bill would not prevent them fromseek- , Mr. _WO0D said it was acknowledged mg reelection after being elected to the i , theoretically that the people should be un- Commons. That bei the 0.", they were biased " elections by an; intluenoe except . entitled to a 1u',1l'ltu' gm. before taking _ their political feelings; an how bestto secure the next atop, That next atsp might have the desirable end was a most important sub- bee reelection. What did the find to be , icct. In England the ballot system was as the facts? Mr. Blhheheard of his election yetmerely an experiment. In the Awe for South Bruce in the second week in tralian co onies the sytstcrn had been in September. Immediately after that he de- for?" about trts1ro P!" and W" 'patched m. resignation. claimedtt: have (on? away'mth tIta and . . . . even m canvass or vo e sum of idfalgdP"--"" did not resign his seat 3 all the evidence was that it was a vast im- no. Mr. mango agretsd with the pm. i gitieJe'r1rrgrtlepot'rt 'Jgtlla 2tfitt, Inter that it era- the bounden duty of Mr a class of voters hithertop unknown in this Blake's colles es to withhold his resigns: country or in En land The cunt " tron till Mr. Bike arrived, In order that his lust as near the vger e .of fhuf,'lll tf,,'r, as '.xel.1e.n.er might have his advice in forming as it pcssibl could I: and l u rage his Cabinet. On the whole, he thought vision wereymadc iiih all "to" some pro- there was no constitutional principle in. their votes accordin to thvo 'lg will cast I volted, and that t' 't object of this iiii'iiidii, judgment we" g','il',f, th I, "t of th.sir was t do a 1.ittlutntyre to Messrs Blake nu, ',',I'i'l,',tr'i,' before th: 83:5.- 330511" iii', Jl'ld 13193111". and gun, It possible, a little 'eetaigit,te,tyy.,t so inlportnnt thatthe re- . am {My of it should not be allowed to Arr.. 13AM" charged the Government test with a private member. No doubt the with being a coalition. and with being uudor gentleman who had bronrrht this me the dictation of Tuv. Gumtt m In rtod down had framed his itiiiGiig b t h Mure tho motion, and addressed the Boom", a turned he did not ex ct .ll't'l'f,', u. h'r,t considerable length of time on sub'ects on He (Mr W )would ','gu,', thpasamto Mr. "le imJOVant to the matter boilers the missioner ii Public Works. thzt by; Com- 2tlt {Elna over his old catalogue of charges posed to the fancy franchise which £135: " I e oovernment. weed under the present voting law. He was hilt, PRINCE thought this resolution was In favour of a system ot secret voti . m "t1'ig1'1Trd; helium at"; .gc,t','h1, we" on . w f .. irgthatitwaanottokfur. globe tshould have all": te'iett2htit,'At ther urged this session. 0 " I xecn we Councillor at the some ti l i M B . l h . . . me that ; r. OULTBEE said there had bee i 'el,Sa1tea."sigm'tion as a member of the t,Tgl,t,t" country tor such an i393: l ItUin c o'al k nt Sing" The hon. member for Brant Anon: G ' I'hro, tgtdvttlth,tt'td tt bribery in the . J" oner . . l , It . this mMter be dupo.e d of givfhsgestvd that He (Mr. B l knew hom State/ff,?',',',',: Mr. CAMEllox_ No: . " . thing of thn hall's-true. but that it was ' lat it tsk it a course. " ' . 'r,',1lr, gy.nem1 on both aides. (nghterJ m. ' AoeVtytireyoonlh.t..e1prNiiitesr H u RE1'UitN8 can)? tttttthte, United States. 1 on. r. CROOKS laid oUlio mm 0'00, and when it 1 Copr of the Public Ii,u',,"l,'l',', megabit: . LII,', all?" "in?" of that ggat't Th. _ Hon. Mr. PARDEE laid on the table 11 ply t'2dtt 2fl'r,',t, m med "W 'ei"grtt't,t and Orders in Council ',','l'l,'ettu. I it. m 'l'lJ,ttl'lllr, the mgmllxi-d {Wrist sci" hment of additional Normal mtggéfm should be introduced by the Also-A statement of u... Ue . ' second andthird . num . of first, . Mr. RYKERT said he had heard a ru- i, 1872, Iii the right"? tet, It!" in ttate this measure had come fromoneof i . " fiudtoobtainautiiioatd, P " who '??e1flr't"t'a't,'? and as he saw Mr. no. 3 I. ll All d . e s name.on the back of the l 1" Council r"lildiiTl't'll'l 'Gil 1tgU"d,ti', in gin?" Wheeling! the Australian law ', I' The Home then rose n " (Image. called th convm of the tact. He ' . . . . e nttention of the Government _ , 7 I ' tofttt fact that all such important mum , _--------------, __ - -______-.-a_._...u..._.___, d