( _ - .- . t "in wi"'-, 'idilll8u0fEtFh'rlllll8 r _ r a ---_--- ' 'f a "t "ltill nlltllitllW-HENiit 1E8ilitlii, . Mono", Feb. IO, tl _ ., PETITIONS. Mr. Memdith--Peuiott of the City Calm- ' d1 of e,ttiutJt,t toe theutabhshraeet claNonnai oolintheCityclLondon- " Hon. Mr. Scott tOtt-V-audition of Len Young and oturcot Ottawa, praying that the Act prayed tor by the City Coun- cd of Ottawgtcwiden Broad-street. may in" _ Mr. We11r-Petition of the Township Council ot Brant, praying that the Act to i authorize the County Council of Bruce to l "no certain railway bonuses, may not l Wd'. 1 .. l Mr.. WelU-Petition ol the Township *Councll of Brant, praying for certain amend- _ments oi the Registry Act. it Mr. Merxsdith-Potition oi the School Board of London, prayingtor certain amend. menu to the School Act. .ht, 122i-iPtlt',t of the School Board a n, or certain amendments to alto School Aot. Mr. Mod . --Puitlon of the Munici a1 Council of. the Countiiof ngin, praying lel, the Credit Valley ailwa may be con- structed to the town of St. {lacuna . . Mr. J. tr. Wilson-Petition of the Maui. 'ipal Council of the County of Elgin, praying for the establishment of a Normal School in the town of St. Thomas. My MoU-County Council of Carleton, praying for certain amendments to the Re- gistry Act. The petition of the Town Council of St. Thomas, praying that the charter of the Credit Valley Railway may be extended to A the town of " Thomas. l Mr. Deaaorr--Tho Village Council of Ren. , frew, praying that an Act may pass to legal- I ira certain by laws respecting the Canada Central Railway 00. Mr. J. B. Wilson. ~County Council of Elgin, praying for certain amendmente to the Begin-try Act. Mr. McCaul ---Tomtahip Council of mu. ingham, respecting Municipal Loan Fund. Mr. Craig, (Ruaae11)---Couaty Council of Carleton, praying for certain amendments to the School Act. * Mr. ssxtom-Countt Council of Went- worth, rcapecting County Gaol; Mr. Boulthea.--0otutty Council of York, to prevent the destruction of forests in Oa. tario. Mr. Wood, ivietoria)-rssboo1 Board of Lindsay, praying for certain amendments of the School Act. Mr. Wells -'rowmship Council of Green- ook, praying that the Act to authorise the County Council of Bruce to assume certain railway bonuses may not pace. Mr. well-Township Council of Cer- rick, praying that the Act authorising the County Council of Bruce to asanme certain railway bonueea may not pace. Mr. Hodgina -iif,?i'J'tr Council of Elgin, respecting the Mnnici Loan Fund; Mr. Oliver. --0f Archiha"'l Kirk and others, of West Oxford, praying toe certain amend- ' menu to the School Act. Mr. Welu.---To-hip Council of Brant, praying that the Treasurer of Ontario do not de ver over certain debentures to the l Wellington, Grey, 3 Bruce Railway Cont. pony. Two petitions respecting liquors. SECOND RE ADINGS. .' The following Bills were read a ice 1 timec-- Mr. COYNE-To incorporate the town ti Brampton. Mr. DFIAC0N--N authorize the Law So- ciety qt Ontario to admit William Robert White as a Bartistermt.law. Hon. Mr. Myorr-Relui . Church, Ottawa. " to Wrist CONSOLIDATION OF THE STATUTE LAW. My. MEREDITH asked whether it the intention. of the Government 1uUlld 5:393" flu-3):: to ttttg a measure to lol" e or e conaoidationof the eneral btatute Law of the Province of Ontario.