.' L' I, C", "w 1 ' iM "C.ffT', ', . , ., T . N - " a " , _ , E L%2EEME _ .r', ' M -- a. -., r...:'I_-1~."7- Ml - -~~;.,:_I m. I. a _ , -. . "_ 1 _ - . " .- 1t8le)gti2p,iiuikti; ,tstidta'"aNliN 'tNitMB. q , MRT.,? a. momma. I . ' - new under 11tft.tCi)FiFi'it,'jas'l,Tdt ' _ "e " PB, 1BtiEi7, ae 'lh'aTl'd 2'gettt'tt,t ttts - ' l a up. . an "We view at then. . .f,'-'v tr'rfr5r's1'i,yi11. 22g,t,tfeat'2g1 the aura t.tNll v ' . . . ttttttet of m'mhthat . '*-""T'*{'i" .' eaohvthenameaofthoreportenaud aurni:l._'lt-'~ i, WPIthue view: a to King..." . I', .. paid." eaoh- add all other upon-ea iGc/"rt4E!llil1 ; ' 11totd.eetiG ttt the 'ttokietet lama-dun t / . curred in ' ol the commit-flew _ ' 'ltatittiug2Etiiii would be media T . ot the J'kfllNl'ldik Committee. "c-??i8,,!al , I' tanner Aogt illtt 'ttlt btrymt wut the . Mn RYKER'I' laid he would like to know ' 1. "1,5. g . . fore m. to the ttttmtl hurrah. We there. . . on what authority the money had been pawl . _ / " , '. . . I clarin ' and "i;l'l',lfl'lfl'l"ih,'ht', an Att. {10' ' The pay at the reporter-- had not been tlf, I. '_'., . F, , l',") (£th of the first 'C'i'l'l,St"' Juanilloi: gig-reed by him an Chairman an waa ma! . l .. q , . Et 1p panin the . . . , canoe. ' . .7' , f . I l . iiit'i,'iiiii! b.3333]: t'h,tl','),Y tt "of. MoKELLAR did not ace any ebleo- i '?l'i, , g . mud. "ated in the . a , ' . ' I . me goes further, and by Jlti't'tu','eA,' Mr. MACDONALD called attention to the _ / "53 t ' enact "That the chime, rights nnd inter ,' futthat acme of the lrtterl presented to tho V . I . l ' at! of the grandchildren of the teetator "a I i Conimlttee were not pttblialud " , / .1 i , "Itchy extinguished attd determined; and I Mr. LAUDER raid that the information "'. 'i, l ' t eaaul Actaud the deed.* Juan]. A, "a I noted toe bythe never would be ItiN in T . ' , I . .0 by egnstmod an if the one grandchildren the public aocmmtu. The reports hit - Non V . I. l l 3 th . , V030 ot full age, and executing distributed very rparingly. , 4. 'ii , . traid indtature, PM thereby gnawing. Mr. SINCLAIR anidthut he wanted more l ' '7 . l r "ugmng' and "rleaairg to the raid children detailedlnformatiou than the Public Accouutl . IW of, ~ _ if iii 'ttttttr, y,V fright; claims, or interact (are. ' rr t ll I . nun-u. ' t, . . ',1.,', t l , for the that time lulu: #:1131333 tte f " 4r. WOOD (Brant) raid thetdonbtleu. _ t ll: r p ' 1 I the 'udrjeabiiitt' ot any proposed Statute, l i. tho the custom, copies of the report ttsd _ f. _ l ti ' deem it right to h.v. it and, I been sent to each newspaper oiliae in the . t. , ll , understood that the Act aubmicted 1 country. He thought that the expense he: r l i kt P. them distinctly take. away eor- been properly incurred, and that no one had $1 tam valuable right from one clan of been overpaid. . ' 1.3" I r PM". and trunnion such rights to another The motion thenpalled. ' . t t . 'd olam; that it debate tho hithikto undoubted I SCHOOL LANDS . it i l if t . V right of a teetator to dirpoee of his property . , l i (l. i , I in a reasonable and lawful manner to each Mr. SCOTT tc' my) aeked what action they Ir, , g . iT . memben. of hie family at he tho t proper. intend to take in cues where the settlers on $l l rr , l. The poaerle reeult of the prop-mum» may School lands are unable to pay f or them, or , T l . l C, - TtN he the total loea ff a valueble mete, which. where such lenda have been faced on inapeo _ ' , l , , -..I" but for in operation, would vent in Inch of lion to be iii-rim in quality, and not Worth . 1 , ' I F that? a 'i"d,'ttty,i'it, an may Itg",t2i: Lhe price for which originally sold. 'i, f R i . . ' an esta '- I ppteet.tt '1 " lion. Mr soon raid that at resent l _:.' 7 , qtlticls no ItDe of Ye h"je.tr ' turierou can what the Government proposed doingpwus to l l l ( l f _ , te,t','gu'e,t hill dUpoiitiim of hia ttetatet remit one-fifth of the original purchase . I , '3' K.' . y "7' 6ttt the may of Legisla- ' money where the lunda have been returned k . mi ' an alteration. It should atatt be borne Mt . . b the valuatore neof inferior ualit and as _ 1 V mind that part of the estate in in England, I Ilu',', bee ld q . y, rt -t ', . . ' g n so at a higher rate _ ' there some of PM iafant grandchildren of _ than they were worth Until tome "rttli 0 ' , t,"ta.ttr Bro domiciled, and t ttrt) 'm others t ment was made With bower Canada it well" I I l l l l. domiciled in the Iroited Statue, and that a -. . k i l " ' ' 'a. 'o_. . . . I holmpowible to carry out any other rabu _ . , , . buy SellLJl quantum they arise whether tho His own o inion was that we ehould, at att f [ , a 1ipC,?tied,tn'ti'o1 'ttl"': t 'l'inglandl , ba early duy,<l)eal with I mvor Canada as to her l l q l i ' test,» who are I, "f"",,',',"'"),,":, 'lt I share of these lands no as to enable us to do 3 i i I ' y . . , what in fair better than we can now A i P { wholly uuwurrantebhs by their tidueitry ' great deal of embarrassment now note in , fs" ' " 1ouucm, not mercly "e to ouch portion l the cube of two townsbi "in aton side , Bi l l 4' ' 4 ot the estate in the oountry of thodomarile of f each ther no b ir, u SI )dliph 3.5 d l ' q 5 y, _ at? children Y1.o rceide in Ihgla.ud, but " to 3 the (:her 'i'dl2'eli1'.frf,J,,n ling? iii (liliduavult l l l ' 5 _ . . . D l t . bl " . ' . ' . tigteportwn otit ahso whieh m m this Pro. 1 that the people who had gone in ten years l % j Ir, j, F, , ' ' , 1 years ago to Grey and Bruce, and settled on FF i." l 1 id . r . Ivy,. t y.".?,'.-."",';", OJ. inferior lauds, should be relieved rue re. 4 C, . , l I. J, , ' . rg J G. him mm; C. , , i Auctions on the Crown lands had been on a l l l .. Jorty H 1Lc.srtrv,C.J., C. P. ' much more liberal scale than orvo.titth of the _ . lk' , . T1ailttcdrti,ttut dissented from the inter. . original purchase money. With regard to _ . Il I , pretallon put upon the Goodhue Estate Act the school lands there was another didicalty Il. it rr I (34 Vie, o. 99) by the majority of the J udgoa . about them, namely, that in the an} irity oi " g; 3 . of the Court of Appeals. He neverthele " cunt-e the parties who took them up are still , ! " ' agreca entirely with tho views expressed in living on than, and that it is impossible to , ' ' , the foregoing paper. cancel such sales. the original agreement "i ll _ I ' J, G. Sumner. i has to be carried out in its entirety. l , , _ On motion of the Honourable Attorney- l [he share of Ontario in those school ' V . ' i r' General Mount, seconded by the Honourib-e l lends .wou)d, he . 'stu, depend "PM u ', . LN l' Mr. Crooks, it was ordered that the foregoing I the ratio of population in excess of Quebec. . . , f Ilcportbe entered on the Journals of my. , l'heland fund hadto he considered as Well LI f . l Home. l as chhargcb for i,',"l5l'i',iT,1,1/; and the result A ' e"; F, ' T , ' ' want at Mono a eit er to in away on- f , . V - ' , BINTIBG COMMITTEES Juu'PORr. tirely its portion of the laud, or8 giver-.1 to the . L' , l Mr. CLARKE (Wellington) presented the sottleru thereon much leer justice then to t" '/ ' i eighth report of the Printing Committee, re. 'hoees, living on the 1hown lands. It Wat' r _ ' commending the printing of return: and sta. very bard to make the People of the country . ', ' tinticn in reference to various public iastita. believe that there should be thin diaeriatiG. r I . tions. - tion between the two aorta of land: He t i, l _ Mr. WUUD (Blunt) drew Ittentlm ts the was quite prepared to recommend that We I ' . l F Get that a paper connected With the Agri. should rr,tit,vot'i,t "te,2t' "9:" ft',', ttot Iill , t cultural College at Munico, which had been ' thamast wn wer ("a , Wt u re erenco I , unit to the Commissioner of Public Worka to these lands. Man, of the settlers W?" , _ we. not amongst the other paper-e, , utterly unable to pay the arreare_due. when l l 11 Mr. MCKELLAR raid that th . i in aome one: went back for mtaen years I. i _ on. . . one I The land, would, many of them,lf put to . r . . van a copy guitar; the office, taken from a . , the hammer, bring the price for which they " i ' 'i . "WWW" a? . W" ntmtr "I" ttt s 1 were originally Bold, batit would plainly be " : i "d hiatin any c "I 'apo. . l l a monstrous injustice to do " He hoped ' . . M I Mr. wopD. raid that u borrowed it from I i that at some future time they might have an i _ ' the Commissioner himself. and afterward. i unofiie.Ul discussion with the gentlemen l _ l , I 1,. one of the reporterl for the prone got it in I 3 forming the Government of Quebec. which , ' ', l - order to on" .tt. and in that war it had pro- , would lead to something being done which i l hably been WM . ' would bcnc4it tho settlers. In the mebn- I Bon. Mr. Huh: ELLA" traid that it "Oh time the measure of relief which he had be- _ r , , war the can. it had amped hie attention, ; fore mentioned would be given Linda wttion , I , I g bat he would see that the original document, had been sold for 5200, would be reduced to . l T, . it whole, wee brought down 3160 per acre. u' i, i' I I BILL INTRODUCED. ', CROWN L AN 93. , I rF All , r . Mr. MoNE--Bii1 to "reel the Act for Mr. econ (Gre ) asked what len th of ' l ' Il, " the "Mm". of aptritmiture, horticul- time for payment. mid what term: 'lf pay- l I , tare, erta. and manufactureu. meat, 'tht: {Berra to aettlere on Crown i ' . l 'e 0031' or PROTON commune Un u w l I we en impeded. and the _ : f] ' . rice of which the Government intends to 5 " ' [ Mr. SINCLAIR moved for Inherent of Eeduoo. J, f , . l _ Hon. Mr. M3Orr anewered that as to . it El time there WI. no restriction at resent It ' . . f - won, of centre, very desirable that many of , . or; , , _ tutustt'Msrneuti should be closed up within 'p ' . . It the present ear. but the Government was '; V "i- r'ri: - ".i' .4: I ' ' revered to insist upon even that being 3 _ li " r' E l