"V v ". 1r,lililr, w' , - I": " .J' 'l . Y? Cr rf F Tf. V h 7' / "> A " I. V. _ T _ Motion and: m. -- "-- - .- . _ P, ', 't/r, we _ _ 7 ment has enabled the Imnbererto ush his Ia' q I . , F is; gratin: of the taint, Lt Mean an. . 'tl' l ". ' 19*; "st _ , enterprise further and further up 'tUl2Sl'l, "not Eli, _ l . t ordered the tale 'thgh Go'u'nment w. . ' tlt, A it is mainly In consequence of the trade in if..." Bl?, I .. b' "Won The inatm . 'r.'ght for the / (j. "N' ' timber that the bank: of the river are so fast f 'ci,t.3a8 F) 3'63. were that he wa. an". gtmm to Mr. "lt ..rr' frling up with inhabitants. The wants of 1 ',."&gjff;" ' I'd ' his and Parry E d and proceed to Mun. .- l . the lumbermen afford to the former a ready ' "2.11;; v, ' nation as far as Praoti Home sn ennui. market for his produce at high prices, and 1 "F's-n ' Ilil bug" desoibed in the It of the timber present a great encouragement for location " . - ' Il". Sl 'i' «g? m . View 80 mama! notice, wherever good land occurs; while this has (iM g, _ i ' tire value for timh. r g their coupara- been found in "tiieient abundance to estab- 1' . ' the: told that the any?" He was far. lith. many thriVing settlements in localities [ F e ii " nho rt that he w e or onamlmticn was Whmh.'but for the timber trade, might have . . a ; ", t Mean..." " "qttimd to ooyie been overlooked for some time to come. fj il [ whole kn tory It frl1'ihtr,eht of u. t, Pte. ftt'hyr"etr.eso.a.mtshhthetr, producing . "a 2 to e, from tomato and 'd'l'l,fl,W2trgt enough for their own statewide; lat Gal. ' .. _ a a My "labor best]... was tttrms ',T.L'."8 thing'io spare, may ultimately constitute a fey}. 'r' I was rather entertaining bread I: ra " back country of considerable importance to ", st?,,' , , account of what he saw. Tho iiiiiri Itl, the wasprrity of those points at the mouth of l i: ' ' '"P. "nothing like thin t One 'i'o,T2'l.i,"li,'d the river conveniently situated for supplying . and to contain a Iota! . Cliifi; the wants of its iolrsbitaata, and Montreal iM VII not no good, in "other tl1'"i,ff, w" l :38 the principal of these, no! hereafter find t "hung, in another there '" oorue' the Vslhys of the Ottawa an its tributaries . y . go: on the way side, nnd so _ of removal benefit in assisting tosugport the 1 t _was the information furnished e, remmcnco the has attained amongt e Cities _ _ . '. , ' intending be"... at the eleventh hour B. of Blltlbll North America." Looking back " l q the Mustoka sale. He was not tipdiug faul: I .113 the time when that report was written, in _ . with this " the Government had spent 1840, it might be said that that gentleman . r " ' twelve month. they could not have got moon spoke with a prophetic eye. Nothing had I KN, better mformatuui. [is merely cited this contributed to make Montreal the important I "you tor the pupae. of comparison The place it was more than the trade of the Ot. l ha. member for Lincoln had seen tit to cari- tows Valli y. Ho could name haiku-dozen " 1 "use to some extent the map produced " : villages in that territory then, which were C . the sale. I: showed where the berths Were new flou,ishir:g towns. Pembroke was new . ' V 1 end the 11%" ral information was to be found an important place, though " the date of Sir ' ' In the blue boots. The present Governmgnt William Logan's report it was in the midst . é ' - gave three months' not," of the sale. B Ja'a of an unlicrnsed territory held by the Gov- ' " were running to that territory all that time eminent; Ilenfrnw was scarcely in exxstence; _ -a boat twice a week. Any lumberman Arnpxinr was nut known, bat it was now a l " desiring to inspect the territory had ample thriving and important place. That was the /' opportunity ot learning uite as much " he position of all these towns now. and there i . could have learned had tho time been longer. would be like progress in the Lake Huron ' ' He frankly ovufeaned that had they given dislr'ct in tWrnty years to come. and the' longer time he doubted if the price would neoplc thr re would point to the fact that the - have been quits) a. llrge. Take another importance of that ttaii,tq; dated back _ . - opmpisrirrut The late sale was attended by iron: 1872. Time Would be cuddling ty- .. about 200 people, and the purchasers num. . lages spring up along tho French River. Bis. f bend about ro, and most of turn: tory would repeat itsell, and the natural f l, were nun who for the first ti mo order of things must take place. The hon- t entered the trade. m had previouslv curable member for Lincoln referredto the k", " T showrd that there were " present 98 or loo course taken by the late Government in con- l l I , littentiatts in the Ottawa territory. of motion with the sale in the Muskoka terri. , l they 08 only four purchased at the late sale, tory, but he did not then any that the Oppo. _ l . and tho Ft four h 'ught only tsmall quantities. sition censured the policy of the Gave"!- I '. , The gilt than the lumber trade was then went in placina that section nude? Ji- " l wearing prohattlyiattuced nerrmontoemb.srk l cease. If his (the speaker's) recollection , , . inthis why enterprise. But the Muskokn ', served him right, Tme GLOBE totrk the l i i territory was divided intoti0 berths, and of ground that embarrassment woull arise be. . i I T these ti4 passed into the hands of four gen- tweon the.ncttlern and the lumbermen. u. 3 l i' Il, thsmetr-, Coos Brothers bought 33 ; Dodds, cause many of the townships had been in the i' l l ' 19 ; Ratnuell, t, ; and ""-"""""-, 7. free grant lists, and werle then slettled 1190:! l - Mr. 1lYKKl'sp--rIoe man . Bad the sale taken pm WW". 1 WOt1 2 . tlemen purchased at the last aid): these gen have been all the better. The motion beio'." l 2 , the Home was the tirat that had been di. _ Hon. Mr biOTP thought only Cook teeted at the head of the Department of' . Brothrrs and Rathwcll, but the papers t Crown Indy but the more people were _ . would show that. But that did not affect educated iii' intelligent the more would f ' , the comparison he was making. Tho new. . they understand whore the true interest! of l . ment he had made was a sullicient re'utation the country lay. Honourable gentlemen , ' . of the 1I16tLugrttvtt that had been made in I from thewesteru section and the frontier por- ', "_-r' . r certain yuar.t'r" that the late rule ticnn of the Province, whose constituencies , . r was in the interests of the lutnbortnoa, l bad no immediate interest in the Wild lands. . . y In regard to the policy of placing those tlm. , must feel that in ten or twenty years, when ' her berth: in the'markot, he would say that the population will have doubled or treblod , I he was mwnl, guided by the desire that that and when the ant of government would in. . in motion of the country should be opened for crease in a 1ikimanmsr, the revenue oould / r , nettle me nt as early an practicable. During i not proportiortt'tlt increase on the balls laid . the last twelve or tifteen years efforts to in- l down in the British North America Act. . ' dnce retllrment had failed, although the Tho subject must be appreciated from a reve- " . i land was held " a. nominal price-tummy one point of View, and if so the general con- ' , ' cents an acre During those years not more clusion would be similar to his own. There than two thousand acres had been taken up was no antagonism between the settler and F , f for settlement. That afforded evidence that the lumbermw. and the rights of each i the 3-star in force during that period ,had did not ooufliot. The object of -. " I (silt to populate the country. As it was . the Government was to induce the 7 . i) desirable that new places should be found mobsters of bortha in the Lake I for emipranta from other lands who were l Il',,",',',',', district to make lumber and sell it to constantly coming here, and that the sons the United States. There was, of course. . of our farmers should notgo abroad to seek erect differenoo in the relative value of 5 for land, it was a matter of ttty to provide square timber and of sawn lumber. The one, _ .. ', ' a section of country upon w lob they could we. an important branch of industry ivinq t nettle. The rrsources of the Lake Su rior employment ton large body of men all the .. I territory tef In", been tl;'2u'lt"2'l year round, imiting settlement and giving 3 _ ' would be still more deVeloped in a few years employ ment to railways and nteamern in the ", l It was therefore of the highest importance i wa of freight while 'square timber was that settlement should be induced in that 'ltltdl down the river to Quebec. and the section. Sun-o November laat only two matia hands engaged in its trans ortation dismissed . ", had been received there, and a! yet the ter. until it "as time tonend £91" to the woods . ritory was almost unknown, only.to the trap again. The fact was that the duty on "in" " per and the Indian. By the policy inaugr. timber was gre.tl less than on lop, and he 1 . rated he hoped that 'o?.?. tlurrt woull might announce that it was his intention to _ . . '4'; be three or four millions . t.?rthrl submit for the consideration of the Govern- Illlttjt in all thom, arts ot civilization I men: the question of increasing the duty on . Illlliil which formed a basis of a new country. "a" me timber. He proposed to . . , IB, What had been done In the Saguenay, tit 'Qld th: duty from one and a quar- . is? Maurice. and Ottawa districts was an lllns ter cents . cubic foot to two _ , tration of what could be dorys in tht Lalv, cents, for the present year, and that would ' '.t Huron country. For the information or apply to the timber lyingin Quebec port _ . the Home tn, Tyo) I"; an textract from . also. Contracts had not been made in Ea. T I ' report trude by h" " tl.litult Logan, who was rope which would be affected by the increase . , "iwgcized by . "mm." m the o '.1 world gtot duty. He estimated that this change of duty I merely ?'.' " dieur.w.io.edro1.ohriyt, hut " th would add to the rewnue between seventy Il In" S)! hi4" .attoiorututt m all branches of and eighty thousand dollars, which would u, practical sconce: -" On the Ottawa the I», the expenses of the House. and perhaps w' l irccuptrttoro of the lumbercr and the fartmsr some of the Departments of the Government rr hare been a grott. encouragement to out, The mode of calculation was by the ' _ a Theibr r; and, while the advance ot settle- / Elmo foot, so that nothing was _ ,J M _ . N