iftll8umlllli8F ONTARIO T -' 'sl l in: m------------ in». It'll) Ithll0httigf--KtMlll 8399!. --i--- Moxnn, 17th Feb.. 1873. , he Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. , , ' LEAVE, or ABSENCE. " 1 On motion of Mr. MEREDITH leave MI, thence for one week was granted to Mr. Bouhbee. PRIVATE BILLS. : Bill to incorporate the Cornish Silver Hin- g: Company of Canada was read a third e. Billto incorporate the Carpe River Ln. provement Company of Thunder Bay was, passed through Committee. The following Bills were read a second 1hntv.-. l Bill to incorporate the Lyn General Manu- , l lecturing Company. . l ': Bill to incorporate the Prince Edward Canny Railwq Company. Billtoremove ecrtsia doubts as to the powers of the proprietors of the Toronto Street Railway, and to incor- porate them and others under the i name of " The Toronto Street Railway Cora. ' pany," and for other purposes. Bill to revive and amend the Act incor- i poreting the Preequ' lslo and Belmont Hail i way Company i, A0tl1cULTL'llsi, COLLEGE. Mr SCOTT ((brey) naked if it is the inten- tion of the Cvovr.rutneut h pron-ed with the erection of the A c;rieultttrtd Colley, and other buildings nu the ground purchase: d by the late Government, at Mia1ieo in that put. pose. Attorney-G r "ml \lOWA'l' said the policy of the "ovUrttttrH1r, in reference to thc Agri cultural Cull ge w val t be anuo uvenl to the Home silently. I I' "HATE "Us CS'MMIITEE. ' On motion of IV. FRASER, Mr. "Pd. i KER we; added to til; Standing Committee on Private bum. {I'AVERN AND 5:10P LICENSE Aio'. Mr. FARE Ahc'l.L moved for the appoint ment of a Ski! on (juror-utter, into the working of the Ta, (In iut,s' mop License Act of 1868. and into the hu si..:', at tlie Liquor Tratiis of the Prosiuce, tue and Committee to have power to tcurl for pr tuotis and pspcra. Mr. GAMER "i said that he hardly un derati od what o"ject was sought for by this molu-ion. ll there were any complaints in reference to the working of the License Act it would be proper to enquire into the cancer, bat on as there was some deinite ch'ect to he gained he did not see why a; Select Commune should be formed and eople pat to unnecessary trouble in attend- ing upon them. If the honourable member for Soutn Ontario thouvht he could tind oat anything through a Committee of Enquiry that membere of the House did not already know on the subject of iutaatpsraaee, of course it would be all tight to appoint such a0orutuittee; but he did not see that any more iuiornution could be gained than was dready poastssed. Any means which could be devised to check intenuperatteo would be received as a great boon, but he thought it would not be judicial" to trouble people tut. necessarily. Mr. FAREWELL said that his honour- able friend wiehcd to know if any com laints had been made in referenceto the Eiquor License Act. Why, what was the meaning of those petitions from about fifty thousand . lo puecnted to the House in respect to Elle presgn'r. law 2 Those persons were ask. Ing the Legislature to take the matter into consideration for the purpose of ascertaining if something could not be done to place the liquor traffie on a better basis. so that the terrible r:sults tlowing therefrom mightbe shied. It was a subject ot the very big est importance, and it was for the . purpose of getting fuller information that e lad asked for a Select. Com- mittee, the members of which should hear the evidence of persons from various _ parts of the country, and connected with .. various branches of industry, so that the Led -----, M, '4'