[EOISLATUBE OF Mnillt ------_----- 1 I"- l - ' o a I tit'rfiil.il "lll.lNirillT-lifttlill tE&"slilf1 ------+--- iWm"srmsr, Feb. 19. The SPEAKER took tho chair at three dunk. PETITIOSS. b.' r. 'ruituirn--Frorn John Montgomery, 1.5 1'1;.'1£.-I.1, '11) 11.3 fur a cutam 22.21::'433. for: . Sr. iiJytteitlr- From the Township Coun- l I 111 cf S,ul 1?atsslope,pras mg§hstaalfl le.'?,: l {as}. be unmd to the North ttidmg ox lath l m: "gietration purposes. ', Mr. 1itwe-rrran Thomas Fairbairn, .1 1 ..g, of Sandwich East, praymg that "id Tcu., ship may not be mndud. T Rune Bere th'lvepotitinna pre'retrteeby va- v1.1.4 tiwmrcrsprapirr.,' furtise pmsagv of a I'rcr.bit.y 1.11pm; Uris. Tur, Llr'olki,'t" ANI) K152153111}. Wi TA HDS. T': 1' s; T" " K1111 2:1'::1!..CJ the 1113111; tlc,', Um H.111 had menial {run the .1118: f-d ap- tr. istcit, to it quire mm and rcpr'rt 01: 125mm t;"d., the. ir up; us In the can; of B." (No I". 1, for the P\10 of the ratat- of 2'1;1;:\1.i..12 b,aitt, 3:er 11:11.03; ducts vac i, I 1.133(th f.'thrr, to 3111'"an tha tral,, ol (ID ( co Inn's in (ha 'Ps, (lm p11";- rt; c. J. J. , ..": {Anni ', 'rye r. {"115 v.1 l 1",". cal 1,.- 111. C1545. i, : IDU: - C (:1111:'.:'?!"'. 17thl',/s.rsr's. 1 'iin 1:=n'.:x:;.md. lo V'hnrt), "1111 mint .1. . p L ot' tre 5.4 \1.':"! l nuns cf 1.1"; ccr'; J t 1... . crmr.ttrtVio.uss L-r.-o lccuiru-cett, r.» T -; i- n4" 'c to aw 1:31:21: 111251;: f'.'i ,1 LE, ', .' 1.31:1: 1'1113' w, Ll, In'.'; I." M. r.:.," I te 'w' 110' 1.1'l_"1)£ 'rs,. Arco-rl/o' or." '1 111'? I l. {Lin 7'1. ii' In at 114.2 'rt. n17. m.) 11.14.: i 1.~',:\'(~ I"; (h, 1'.) trrrl tln ll iira o' E |.'('. Cr' .-!~r.::11e:w-;, .111'1fitncr'; tis." i, " , I t :<_.:..1!-1. , m tt c ' ("are of tin cai; 1 11.511". \'1a31301311 113111.) pal, ina- 1:1:11'1 L as thi: Cr, mt of Ch'xtrrry, on 1115.!1 119.11, or I ". ('t C't of 1'omtt, 'tt In v, uni r t'co t'ro,"a. (l'et:'diit's, mud thLJ prawn Lt tr 1 Raw Ca, Cu-' o,',:. tl., IV::,:'.. f f "was "Y n'):_'~1 , purw "', ttot),., Numb lu' Vee.' "is, c'tvrr,sr 'i2 (('fu. l In tlr)., ("5). 12, 83C {M}. on?" ,', Hu- n "MS (5 th,, inn! 5' ts brs 1511,1114! tcvulc 1w ...r-a'u that. 211:1; ML 31.1 :-.'.~'m ', hum J' _ tin-i1. as. i l, J H SPR, "Hi1", C, l s, H. til'y. .._\~;. VJ). l 'ri-isr,1"."s"o PM). 1:73. l "Sir, Jy ttrreuoe to Kil (No 213) r.' i kmpr :1, 1r.itt,uan lit-Lute 115.1. fur-v'rlu'i i to rm " 3m, 1 hr. 1' tho hstnoc, c, rep rm I u r the "Junnptlvn cf tho lluc.ourub'i,e, tn: l ingpslatn C Ashram); t 'Cr at ly" 1m: c~2mu1ttd with {my ot my t ltotly in div, "no mo [ii-\n1iAr15' tilt-:1 h I crrs.ider the "tweet of "trusts." Wa? an) of 'psuirnt.hat the Pvtitic.n curl Bill rorerrat i to. fommdcd " you to mo, do Int al't"ord 1