in,,,,,,.,.,,::,?,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:::,,,,,, I'. i, ugh." in meer mtimhesd in Mm..." Pttut1a'"P. or tcr ever standcnnncteu ot ma . ' toth-tee in which he should perform inUmy which should attach to a mm Min 1 l l hi dug... bad Ins-sly attempted to take away hr, {pol I Mr. RICHARDS "pay! the o1dstorr rc-pntativvn. Cumin! to the 'u1lnuot before, I that th. 1hamnuiottoeiit 0'00 Lsnda nu sho house, lro cri'iuiwl the spunk of tin. . I would" at thallium and aided hon mmbor for East Toronto, anl comm 1 that it" not and that he Inn-l "wind ecl by moving in axm-ndmeut to the proposed "3,". Hon "ninth-Premier than!" mmrxlmcnt of Mr. Wood (Victoria): That "an coals rebu- given propuly for this Fume approves of the Polic.? ohm union dun " Quebec. Bo gun new 0mm Linda Department, set. forth in tha , that homunculu- (bl-Moot» inn.- 1 reg-inflow of the Dopnrtmcnt m ale in 1369, '8t,,1 this ohm . that. the C.cartuiaitrncr of Crown Landry. bu on. It. MOWAT I." In W "rreued I fora granting nay licenses for new timber J "'3: t. h . the mode 'rs 'he. honour/do me n' berths i/t unanrveycd tnrritory, shall as tar lcr for Niagara in c': l?"'; to tho coal-"N. t1yrthttb'"'iput'tetf"ti," fci'"t1T, n ', er ot Crown suds. n tho trnr, "we . , ' & ' . . . : We 'P? no 'rttauiosr of truth in tho-w $25,552:"2m:'12:::::;h§amngateét , mint which had bun mvlo that so largo A t te -. {her berth: bat i'hii"d'iirirviu, " ' n. m n .1 " a: $3,009 lull hum: 91M t, It L." "IL' I ' . ' . , ml , tts innuJuE'e- ttncu,rl for l--rvi'~-8 to tlw ' "f crow.n..riPty.m,ay alum euchltnvnlup ' .'ru.ltcttt r; n A naming could be In m: ri. to l". axxlez-lvxdql P't it: mauydtuf'nr 9"?!" jittttrmr ttatt lu n-r-nnw, m Ch" mom'w- fr. il', Ir,. mV. t:!rinltu'.r,'"y.'r., an _ L9, tanner yivvr.c. h: l (gum, indirect?" that the c, m, 'crlls o.r lamb, Wlittt1 at"; off, 321'; all 713.? wisdom 1' l": i I,,. 313 iullvmuc: d in tafle.cficc the berth" in ttiryocid tmrri', 1i,e,.'y-ejy)i he or , nun: K)" hf iimir licgumn by "rss,'," of "bred. in" f'nlnul, and Ilu-n,' ~l~' re,",): ' . , any isobar-mum uhirh ch tr, h,v,rrttrs'sl. ty "ptr in alnhlvu'at has tlil'.", C' in! Q iixed V . ,} pet-irate h ,d previoae!y had with tho lam. MIL-l: \muatuug, a. 911 ..'; at}. tfl pl LC?! and tG he-hm P. It le i. not hm n pens-ruled dump; Im, 'J "I; " cnyd.itionm mm: 1?? a?" 0131.26", I th- tu1atc, was until had inn nu an; I? tj/if",-,':',;','.:,",",:':,:,") $13311 1::de t,11 , . I E, t" l ' . a) , . W F. tJ),",': hesr.) Non., u tho nhmmm" .lmvlv "minimum hum 1,l!2)"./)',,1'i"d"y, ' " "him tho m ml»: for Niauara by: l" tW. tO ' " " L' mid tio Comrnineioure bad hem ennui I, 'he busts of thm "N. . _ " a prev? v.3 tune Wu: l-urahnwra at th, Mr. C \ItlERON and he hon. mzmlmr f, r 'l new! pale, and ty y-'nclu4 thus tru'ou. Knuth Brunt md In: re 1: In Oldd' uhet hr, , 1imrtrintitonvstlvtthetiatborhts'dttvtho,o mnvul his Nuenémwt; and. (poled frout l human-mu was a hull» diminished in Mts.t. . __ . i . )nlnc,_uvl the are 72.. itiott that the ado was Mr. "TOD rid he had not spoken on the m their interest V" tdt,tt'"thvr "Harmon! amufzmcnt oi the number for Smtlr 'rc. l (New, luau A n fur. use to that whine, i tail. I , ll caicre, nus nut only" t'ircl.r irromlun ta Mr ('A'JERUN said the hon. gentlenan , lhc "tn-mo" "dull tho H.o: until? t't/ticiio' had and" twice after replying io slr. , . "W." Ulnar, by") Wood's rnuzulcs ms: eating hm). VH9 Wettt ', i tti. Mt. $030 l"l'.rt "sarked an}: it wut m- on to my thtst tire amuulmtnt pragnaed gave i co1iitrsslyity'cy rayciiv;a'vr0i1utohtd.t,k ttia to the Uomn ismmq of Crown Lm is In my: 'fpsg.ti"uci? .t.a'r. u" .'.'oo as th- hon. ii.i.y,,i. to all all tm ramming timber lads Mt tin c, tiirpra had put min, fre Ln t'mught country. CV"? ptAl Wes l .2. In?) Elks of ' Mr. RICHARD-l trritlcUed, the toracr th,, l!'n'sa. "In smelled with v. lt st i speck ofthe mcmistrfcSorttlt Brant, NH] l:..) Lvl " '.1 "" ""'""" ovi-ir-. l'cis I ma. thatitwaa i-ecwnsMe-at with his Inner . " Gvr, l "vstiv.'co 'rr,oatleu,rvt 1:11 tu.'. utterances Heewtrv:t.dthrs policy of the . l, than?! to tr.o srl',', v- kg 7133," c, 11.3mm I late. Governm ttt m'h th.. coarse pursued by avian: flu i. All; to "high rcr.cnw had 111911"! t _ sr,ini,t.tuti u. l-un;-1£e, tryu.O hc Ht it ra'Acra Puri. Mr. LAUDER. rr~ntexvlul that the sale um- me tn In»: up in pu'uliv. Ctdida, wa£ o1mosioto to 11;" country, thongh th: i Fall-(5,313. 'rt the 1.1:! Lwnuzy H.119 he: hrl i G:rirranent might 2-: a majority ot the will rat.- ') A pun-31.2 t indiruiud in tuc Hm botany)": it. l "L" m a" - J, 5'3" " .'i.r-ullrrr.:t'.y PH"M i r." FRASER made some remarks with cpleumfl 01;. , '23.: t Ly tire P'wpln' of but rm- , pf": nee to tho position ot tlte member for I _ I W: m- l.," l. l vtyo .sctrio.", w. an Ill l , W De, P. , I f..),.;'".,'.,'.','.' I'""", tl ""1"" h,.rprr,ussa tit I . Mr y1'y't LAIR tcferr'uv2 to d remark l a . _cr . "' .Vrurt'.,xr "a sk -. ' "4 a l ;;f";;:",' 53;..9, ',),f:t';','.,i/'," hug: if 3'31: ofthe mc/uber for It. A Corouto, said he an ' H. t, 1 . il, ' ». fr, "rr-wl "sir.',' a" ll"): IO l rolv.ri:,re who her too amendment (ma ar.d. tt 1:2; p i'. .1 1:1- it, "f his. Wm JG, j'. m3: ptuble to tho Gov, rnzm'l': or 'not. cu, I., a. 1} t. It, -.. x l 1 wizk a L, 1' -_, mull}, lay Ind not consu'tul we Government im hr,' v.'-- l. , i .. y: - - l tqt-rt "her in co,rsented to "iontl the arrtcttP 1' ". F. , 1,il .. 1.. yt lb; y J. mt" ll! lt ci er-tt t ".- J. s'st I ("In :. '.2- . "" '.' {11 p. i l, .1 s'.," a LII'.,",.".?',, J: N", Ml ItlrTf l", J, Hank-J. his a?!) pvition l nlvu :'a' a, t, .'. 11 t, be "P .~.,-.3, te, ... J t l u n;ly to my my whet tor S,ath (immune, rr-yi' urrrt f """t " U14»: "1'"th "Al; N. Tht llul'lFO tl ca divi lul ugmn Mr. H. P. I mam ._ ", M" t .. a-t,;t).u Ht Hr Wand) mncmlmeun, which was oarrissd-- t 4111: V. (10.32. l'l.;~r¢: was no Pecc, tit 't ire/t i l use (33, hays 5. I A,"'.;, "." .' l r. ' l"""':""' of "if '1' 'l IH" I MM- Mess". B .r'acr, Enter. Bonl. asitt) Lo tp. yc M, l? 'P '" "rvrirvr":miy "1"'"".' ter, Caldwell Cameron, Christ e, . ttrt Pty: um", i, L l;"-.l'.l:1t _ 4 ..1 _ Clarke, (Norfolk), Claim (Welling. "Th" r-ricrtt.ius.set'o'mra 1" "~34"- tor-), Clemens, Code, Coa1r, Coty, _ _ Eu: .r4. r".' y putlrlai l l l tho, tt hnii, st.ut,io t l'm'g ""15an Chr, "H. Crosby, Irdros. ,0 f ' t all-um. Ill'rttj- " "is, tro t'rrtt Inf" Fawn", l"ugnsm:, Finlayson, Frazer, Gib. 2 In palm H}. 'ry .leifl '! ,rstri'y!t'crl by Irs t . bong, ctiturn,'ici:oid, Haw, Graham, Guest, " f H-umalwnr- .vf. y" he mx-I/s.'": _ _rr,t mu , llnmiltcn. Haney. Hmrriug'on, Hojgins, . f sh Dglzl'v La): taxman, (iluu. hay) l twuder, Macdoritth1, Mediollar, McKim, I 'tr. Puts? ",:on may. on Me. l,vrs'rt' . Mchx'x, Molina, Moredith. Merrick, 'rv,trc".pcutst,stl I .is an: Ht. he, ', l v. l, 'ya, l Monk, Mancini. Mowat, Oliver. ' Par. Ci l 5?. l dee, Paxton, Prince, Robinson, Rskart, Cc-u'., "rt, "111213;, R..- 1i"t l Scott .. (Grey), foot". (potawnl, Sex- Merizltth, u nah Bum. mast: Mull-r. . Hon, Fiindair, Smith, Snetmngor. seyey . ' ', (hares, IN iir,tns it'Vhs, is), idii/i,%' I a sully" Tooley. Ettt.ermirty. \thh, l 1urrirt-rt,t'o,', 3,, (and l'. . f ,-'-_.'.-:.J 'IC,. "3311mm: (rte.rten', lelmmn (H'nmllyon), " V I b), Mel-10-15. d ' ' . also". Woin (Br nt) Word (Vlotorui- ', I Nars--W,.z..i.cirA. C: og/'ou ' . 'Ot l " ',, die, 31d;..;} .3. G-ss, S ii"ioe '(itit,ri',,U?,a,,i, 1?an --Metrutr. Calria, Duroclm, Gums, r l Hui. t,t h 1m tsx1arke( Wcl'.ra:',tonhb'prinpr, Mel al, l cad-5. , l Well, Gummy, HUN", l".::'uami, u 7," Tho amendment mu t'sirdore do:licad ' ; Williams (Bandit-ml, thigh", MGR": called. Dal-nun, Ohf'T- 1'it.'sort, Scum-r, WWW. Hr. "YKERT moral his B cowl rcaolu. " "5.11.0113 3tc,'-") l, I'm-"W 'list, "Vow! ior: That no r,eenso Lou. (lobar on thst , (,,1y,'ty,iti, cy-e-oil, UlullJJ Ci off-ll", Hunk, wihl land. of this Province thalt be granted . . lilluf; 30-", C' Willa]; u'ood (Maul), Prirtre, ( x, t pt ,shat i. require) t I aotusl settlement Ptyrus, "WW" P, Uattuwortr'a, ShGlair. and GrhtodlteoettstseeqA m) tail to o ' 0' in I' a; '.. gr r.'|:m:r_r, llvrinhtrlu. l'rt-Lniqxv: m4 Council misting to the 'suns has been nb- r . , ale, 1iaU yell, ll '.rrst, 5:02: (Gray), mint-d to the than: " ite stamina. "tuirr01c.aeli), Moutil.--50. M W000 (I) , " movyl in aruend '.> -.'L~-.1. .v r. r:- -. . bile murmur!» ha; helium Lam-oi uncut: That tho Gyvcryaupt havmg un- ' " . 'iiiiiixiiJiiiem.uttttatittvitra'orttyxty M r. TI LOD (Orivuih rose to more matter Ave territory now mic." license, And here's t. ' amendment. knowing to the 'miiAuatioa iiiUiiifiriUriJeLuiiGatGinuatiy?/ J.'/rolrn f,ul 1't',tho,y1,eaYr, tot Suit Toronto, the Government to put any new terntol'y that he (593." "PM and "3911884 his we an under lcceme for mun yam. to come. except PP?" this q'set 'ee,',"'" tbat, " his wheels in Inch qusntiiiea as shall ba re-nnirad for ' hid been greased ' ho.ottayot.tgcd him h "an! ttt'demcnl, ', ml p.oGovaraursut, hos you: to A single "mi! of iaeoafeteuto ing "go announced its intention ts br ng P yu twfo Iplcohce, all t? prays hia ban down at the text "Minn a manure f tl . _- .. _ . t .