"e"'--'""""'-'-'-'-""""-'"'"""""'"""....- "Ollmmg the '.q)n. " ' , ..- . V l 9tt to public and. and A 211.";13 'ttt and club 'drthtg therein regitlont tor mun mugs-IM- manor, this Hons-s "'th of tho iiotio tho lunonnuoi in to- 'M of the timber hmitl. and this embn'ly. lg ug om, Aut oi Parliament tho various Sn. tunes, 1nd.tttl" 'sud W's'nhliuu in the man- Wlixot 'pt the Cruwa jam]: Li tho woo1a I and in"?! trt th" public domain, . '; Aim- acme rcautia from Ur. [Xylem Dr. BOUTTER moved in mi _ . " _ tniittiintt to 'd,',', "when. "(Phat whxle this Home pproven of the pohoy of plaein n l li coma " ti . ' g m 7 " "mute! Olly! country Mt advance of atrt. , . , . or thy Pumoff 0' promoting "ttla. t m" .'f,: and 'Art the Home npprovu ot the l , Ttrc nhonl hitherto in (one of not gracing been." for new timber berth: in the unsur- uyed territory until the .eetiona of the country when such berths nro ta be mowed hnvo'boon surveyed no far an praotioabt, And rcqnmd by no public interest; yet in the opinion of thu Home no "flieieat muon tan boon waned for placing under license two thnnund squro mile- o the wild lands of this. Province " n time at urin- gepcy In the men's! market, nod with " oveef1orrintt hum. than My no.!-' than 12,500 nqnm miles. a quantity quite ndoqnnb to meet the ruminant. of an country for n numbetof "an, uni which afford! ample room lot mummy w un- m annulment Inning been put the vote t vu loot. Yeas IT, my. M. I Yrust-Meatms 1tooerr,Cntrilt, Cannon, I Code, Corby. Forgnnon. Gtrord, Grange, l Human, Lauder, unodonnld. Mellon. . Heidi?!» Harlot, Bond. Bgurt. Ind Too- ' "r-I . l . _ tass-ar-, M B: -r, 0.14de tdl,tliTifiii'riNiaiiiW, 'l!i51kiil2,'li,1t, an). Clonal. Ottah, Orig' Gurl, MOM". My. Deacon. We, m "gen. Fink}. any, Fraser, (LU-ans, Gibson, "-I-W. in"? o (hunt. llawy. Harriop,too. tlsila'i tr. .r, u:. MIKrllnr. Meliio, Mal o 'd, tr,rtlc,xlrstt 62-2 Mow: t, Oliver, l'aur,rrot, Paxton I'r'nnr, Robin non, Scan (tirc:) mutt (0Ma ~a). So - t u Finchir. Saudi, Suctsiuu- P. V, ring , Strike r, Wauerurorth, Wehb Wim VIP' ( D 1 - lam), Wiilitrnv (Han. lton), war-J, Word a . a. t), Wood iViotori ".--rrt. , Mr. NCLF'ID then worm] in am?trrm'.'t' to Mr W: o 'n m;.endu out] Th .2; tho C ' n- l minim" h 'r ante-d to this don 'tt that " In I the opinion of the Govornment t "t -n v m of the extent ot whim now uw.'we lice-we, Md huh-fur: ofrrrol 'L' 1?:.'nso, n t 11-. addition thereto will be necessary Ar . urn-- time. and this House approve. ' of t a pmicy thus indie nod, nnd d mm it unwisn to disturb t m pranks thut has olways hitherto proven- d of lot ring the mhjcct tn the ' vngnmont t ho " ver- no: in Donne? i This same. meat hnving been put, ' Mr CAMERON raid the" were llu my I huh, and in was duulnrwl ctrriv.1 that". toeoly. Tht main ry"tfoa. " thus om'.'rl tcl "a: ole." (awed not." uomly. TIs Human then mlimmnet! at 2.1."- l ta. m------------- NOTIUES Ol' norms. Mr Cavcerou-uht Friday noxt-Addnw : l. "I a copy ci LEI,- iLdce in Funnel p "ad . an the 29:11 day of June. 1572, an»! ur.».wg the mic of timber on lands on we nu h shr re ot L: Li: my ti r, at an; L' his '1'1' tC.. o. 5, Fm! a copy s.' the advt.tibcarenf, or n1 {in to the rnirrc. cf such order at Council. , 3 For a stct.rrtvett shew. iry when raid m- tice "as. that poi: in rl. It the On! yr 0 h " " 2, a: d the NI: " cf any other new pipers in l wrich tro: mm" Wit." pu'nlmhm'.. Email M' mm 1 the tia'." of the tirst pe'listi In ia (-1.5 my". h. For a cl y n' "I " 932' Fw'in mv.',." t ' cc, SIM-1:" In r," 1 P. i 'z-t'w rt to pvrv'sct 's' 33nd, t r tr lsr m 11:. l, at"?! :t, "l i2) 2; c'. (MM: in Cntr ci', t, .12.; "ir.'nt'-.cryunc. tiiciitlnet.tcshcd's 1:"' 'd. rco,u,rt.ryin ( Hm ari/ic;?sicc. 1.'.s than: c," tlr, aoy'stc.cr' i, tls. se,'ieofyur:'syc', h.» :1 " mut paid, a." I": ('nie of -cur.xiu. out 1.1.:- sub: G. 'Icpaxt of the auxvcynr o mp'ny'd to Irv m: tie town-Lips of Mal: -, Crooks. all ', lander. Mr itodg'w1--11y when the "otirct in in th. IT white of the Whom on Hill No. 19, Ct ' toitt4t Municipal Irttrtitutiouy, he will m 's) to "rtrul chute 333 by inaortiw': rim-r ths, ,sorda "van-wt of such rates" in line! w "520 ",5 tlu, tulloaittg,t " 2:2" sway regu- Fte the number of pm:- ugerim l J irtriied ID cabs. carriages omnibus", run. rail _ um. and other vehicle, plying, in hire Within. l l tuft tr.auioiirarity." . - _..-.-,-.-------