- -."-e- - - l [EBISLATURE IF llllTAlllll t ----i---- film nlltWEgr--4Etltllill 3m. f m--------- Tnunsnai', Feb. 20, 'TheBPEAKER took the chsir at three o'clock. PETITIONS. The following petitions were pr-tttdr-- Mr. Cneneron--mt Robert Jordan end others ' ulso, of James B Bonsteari and other-also, of P. I Bendelsri, oil of P010!- to, in Ge,",,',', of the Act prsyed tor. by the city of oronto. relotive to the sppointaseut of sn Assessment Commissioner. Mr. TNu-ot the Town Clerk of Waik- erton, for oertsin nmendmente to the A9991" mart Act. Also-Of the Township Council of otrdino, paying that the Ant to euthon. , the county or Bruce to essume certain rsiiwey ' bonuses my not puss. l Also-0f the msnsgers of the Girls' Home, praying for aid. Mr. MoMantm--Of the Township Council of Mono, respecting the distribution of the Surplus Fund. . Seven petitions in favour of s prohibitory liquor lair. ESTATE BILL. ' Mr. SPEAKER informed the Home, the: the Clerk hsd received from the Judges up- 'pointed to inquire into and report on Erato Bills, their report in the one of the Bill to vent certain lends in J oeeph Whitehead . and Margaret Whitehead, his wife. . The report was then read by the Clerk, .4 follomc-L 050000: mu, Feb. 19, 1873. The undersigned, to whom, with other Judges of the Superior Courts of Low and Equity, commissions hove been issued to 1 I portin tisptct tosny Estate Bills or peti- V tione for Estate Bills which may be sub. mittcd to the legislative Assembly of Onta- rio, have the honour to state in reference to the Estate Bill, that it is reacouoble and pro- per that the said Bill do pace. '1 The undersigned, however, think it proper to call the intention of the Legislative " selnlly to the importance of requiring the some strict proof of the free will and consent of Mrs. Whitehead as the low requires on the conveyance by a mnvried woman of her real oetote, end they report es shove, "emu ing that such proof hos been already or will be enacted. J. G. Srmoue, C. tr. H. SIRGNG, v.0. On motion of Attorney General M0 WAT, seconded by Hon Mr. CROOKS, it was ordered tttsat the reportbe entered on the Journals of this Home. ANTI-LIQUOR. COMMITTEE. Mr. FAREWELL movedi that the htecial Committee eppointe to enquire into the norlriug of the Tovern arid I Shop License Ac: be empowered to enquire into and report upon the best meene of sup pressing the use of intoxicating liquors " s , beverage. Curried. 1 1hiMIG'R.tTI0N 80tm.erirls. i Hon. Mr. MCKELLAR introduced l Bill i to provide for the atabiishment of immigra- l, tion aid societies in Ontario. PRIVATE BILL PRACTICE. ' Dir. MrDONALD moved 'thst on a tu. i ture day the House go into Commitwe to . consider the following resolution r-"That , it is contrary to the law nnd - of Par. !isment, that sny member of this House should be permitted to engage, either by himself or any partner, in the management of Private Bille before this House, or any Committee thereof. for my pecuniary re- ward to be received by such member or by any person standing in any relation of legal profueionol pnrtnership with him." in makis g this motion he wished it to be under. stood that he did not wish to mfl,xtt upon soy memberof the House. He madnnextFaot from Mr. Mili'e pas? on Rsiiway Reform in the Canadian orally, which he held , supported his View of the matter. He nd- 1 verted to a cue that come up in the British i Parliament in 1837, in which n motion lim- ttar to his had bun page-ed to the Home , of Commons, and read e opinions of load. , um members of the Commons thereon, Tile _ _ . ---,