151s source a reversed-"In order to ' man u o" and . , , encourage the exploration and settlement M ttu1udthr/t,',,1td t',tdti'sr, ,; " l of this M region the Coentrsualon" "304 services. Take for instance the Department _ l 1 0 _ the sum 01832500. The different roads in of Ed tion. The Chi " . r . . nos 0 uperintendrnt had t "nreet u ,rhieh "m Toto V" "trad wottld made strong representations to the Govern- 7 tm more in"! "W to the [louse when ment, whic they could not accede to with. , they came ttAtt consideration ot tho "ti. ' out further consideration. In his communi- , "Pl" P detail, In mgyd te the ,reat "oo cation he stated in very forcible and truth, ') two, itwould beacon that itqraaprx?p1teed fsl langua the posxtion of the offi-) to extend the leading colonisation roads into in his apartment; and he summer; r l the north and north-geeky ttsrritorr, In the , iced his conclueione in these wordy-:1 i tiirectiugt of Lake hymns. For that "o. "In. badeeommtr,darirpeta1tot1ys pubuo' '. I ti ~u 351.8(4) was aske In the east section l service, and unjust to individuals, to keep l, wr [ l it was imposed to extend the roads running the remuneration of competent, faithful i ', l l weste: ly from the Ottawa and northerly trout men in the public service down to the [will I , I the Bay of Quinte, for which the Commia- of starvation." Aotingtqton theseooneldeis. if tri, n1! dskesil 835,000. And for it"gltg; time. the Government sew fit to increase poses he asked 827.000: rushing atot for slightly the salaries ot the very 'sftiotUtt I oohtizotica1 roads M $146,300, beiuganexoese masters and mistresses who had char e of I ovor'estyc: rof8b'6,59i. For theadmiuistretion the Model School, and in doing so the gov- V _ of justice. he inked this year $'232.490, which eminent had merely brought up those sele- _ was an excess over last year of 83t,283. In ries to the amount at which they were some the details wouldbc found an itemcl 830,000. two years since. Ot course, as each _ which appeared for the tint time. It was item came up, hon. members could have I . for the payment ot witnesses who were the opportunity for explanation, but ( forced to sttendln connection with criminal he might mention that in making a cases. Bo that the total amount fur this ser- slight advance in some salaries the Govern , ' vice, if th.t item were deducted, would he went had not undertaken that step without a in excess of last year only $1,285. The next weighing carefully each case and the grounds , item of expenditure was public (buildings, for such increase. In closing this statement [ for which he asked $46ti,4 ti, a decrease of , he might be allowed to cell the attention of ', $56,438 For public works ho asked i hon. members to two general statements 8132 977, an increase of $9,200. For asy- I which to his mind demonstrated the cursor. . lums there "as an increase of $lti,9ti, which l, dinary progress which this Province was arose from the maintenance at the Blind and 1 making in all directions. If hon. members Deaf and Dumb Institutes of children who would refer to tho position which Ontario hedto u supported " the public expense. and Quebec now occupied in regard to the For education there was an increase ot ".eptrlta in the dillerent banking institutions ' 848,106. that amount was not ao large as which might be said 1,titt to these ' I the amount which the Chief 8uparintpiidO Provinces they would tind t at these , i of Education asked for, which would have delimit; had doubled since IE7. in 18oz I made the lemme nearly $80,000. it up the deposits were $29,500, and m 1572 they' . pcarcdto him that the relation between the had increased to 858,200. In other. words , amount contributed by the Governmentend i the cash resources of the ceinmunuy had i"' the amount raise-lby local taxation should be i doubled in five years. Bat the touta I" , maintained. It would appear from the Chief ; discounts given by the ban" would all W Superintendent's statement that the amount more clearly the iiserests.ot trade generally ooeitributed by the Government about one- in 1567 the smoont of (laments and loaug tenth theainount raised by local taxation. given by the bruiksuu Ontario aul Qaeboo l The increase last year in the amount raise-1 wee sku00, while in 1872 the amount hid i iromloeal sources for educational purposes iaerdaaelitdtl07,200, showing that in lli'e wee some '200.000. For Agriculture and years the volume of trade turl d rubled. t . Arts the increase this year si860il0. Pot But what would furnish data even more 1 ' immigration there was thi-lerue increase of "atiisiactcry than that F" a gtatetmsat of $55,524, the details of which would in found the expenditure on railways. He had e y in the estimates. For hospitals and charities statement showing the y.noryd of Punoy. there was the snail inciceso of $920. For c! pended on railways within the Proviaoo of literary and scientific institutions the amount Ontario. prcpsred by Mr. Mela-worth. tha ( remained the same. For the School of minim engineer of the Public Works De. Practical Science there was an increase l pertinent. Thu statement showed that l ot Sl,800. For tusfortweu and unproridcs T from the bet July, 1867, to the let of i expenses the amount remained no any. l January, lti73, there lied been cm- I " last year. For Crown Land expendi- _ situated. or were in course of. construc- ; ture there was an increase cl 384,085 tine, 1,4similesof railway,the, estimatedoost l A large portion of this excess or.» from of which amounted to upwards of $3.),000; ', special services, namely, dolining tho bound- 000. The amount actually 'rrieryh1i,.ti,tyy '; evyline between Ontario and Quebec, nad the lat of July, Is67, was $l8,910,34l, I between Ontario and the Dominion, The" leaving still to be expended §16,63l,718. - was also the amount of $1,000 remixed in _ Hon. members would see by this "element I order to determine (within questions pending that the country had received in addition to '. , with reference to tho claims of the "who" its fixed wealt ' in the shape of permanent l, ! Bey Company to lands on the Lake Superior; impruvcintmu--imirry6menU of the highest ' 87.5,00o was asked in order to mun. an, value to the comrniutitr--aa actual expendi- l l l tyd.t,'lt between the timber berths and true of nearly $19,000,000. t e Yuwa domain; s12,000 was animal for Mr LhUIJER--Doeis that statement in- l l 'l,1','g,Tgcf, the North Shore trt Lake clade the amount of municipal bonuses? . , . _ ' ith was chargeable against the - t l limit holdus and would be taming} to the Mon Mr. CROOKS said these statements i, "canny. A new item appeared which included all the meney applied to railways . ', armed to him to be . move in from all sources. of that large . , ' the right direction. So far, notwithstanding amount expended on railways the Govern. I the (hormone undeveloped mineral wealth M went contributed less than $100,000. In F l this Province, nothing ad been done to col. other words our policy of giving a small ' l lict any information as to the extent and amount in aid of railways had encouraged , , , r ubeh e value of these vast mineral re- the building of railways to such an extent , is i sonms_ t4,0.00.iray asked foe the exploration that the actual payment lay the Government , gr 1 and mineralogical ourvcy north of Lake of less than $40000) an the promise of s, bummer. JP, sum of $5,000 wee asked to about two millions had led to the actual ex- i' be returned to the municipalities in roe act penditure of nearly $l9,00M00, with a con- of their share of timber out on road alibw. templated expenditure of over $16,000,000 . He.. be th.at, although the amount asked more. All these roads are balm " is enter- , fer this sear P respect oi Crown lends Ber. pxim- I . I'tff W" ttt "00- of the amount Mr. LAUDER ~Who did that! 1 asked for last veer, yet that e . . , ' -. w" for objects" which would box ma lion. Mr. CLOQKS said he would , ' L greet advantage to the Province rt,', 1 be sorry to deprive any . hon. mem- l 'l , whole excess was ttu 084 Thee". . do i be! of 'the credit due him for tak, f ' ' of the principal point; which at' I,',',',',,"':,'. 3. "T. an enlightened View of the course I I peamdtohhh desirable that he "dl,'f,'ht " l which this Provmce ought to. pursue. In , the attention sit hon who" to tt ask making these statements he did not for one i Mr. RYKERT wished the h on. T moment assume to throw the slightest impu. ,' 2 before proceeding further to e lawman taken upon the former Government, or upon , amount of "4,279 for iiiiiiG 2,1ttr the any honourable member of this House. He Ben w. Cit00k g "W. em ' l merely wished to point out for the satisfac- asked inaccordunoe with th t ttttttt W" tion of the House and the country that for f and bytINCommiseiour 'li pdttleit. very small contribution on the part. of this when they came to the item his he: 'ld and Province we had secured the expenditure of would give the fullest information. The e . ttrly 819,000,000, and that m ot?n.t.ttetiort _ connection with civil " t, th tlt with our proposed further. contribution, ttmn ellight increases; Tladle,. I'? amounting to about two millions in all, we . ot tho otfioes" connectsd with t'd,U"d',','l1 expect a. further expenditure of $16,000,000. Departments, The actual increase L' Tdll These railways were all in course of construc- oaee was she'll in the eeu'uietes, ":1 tion, anu largt 1portions .of many of them had _ _ "ight location to hon. members that the . , been complete ' For instance, the quede l crease the Government recommended to til: Southern Railway had cost seven millions, Bone; we. "U small indeed in com is ' l and received nothing from the Government. pa r on ; The Canada Air Line got nothing from the LBo,itunetat, and the cost of it we: three