"'-"-'-'--"'""'""""'".ee'e"'""""""'MBime'"""'""" i a - .'o¢himsslliu Bit Tm though'he nd. I Entree: ':,','.T),i,'a't He referred tea M. '. l _. " T a mitted that "fer-wards that bank did re- l _ mis " the hon. reuurer had made in 'l - I eeive in deposit $150,000. reference to the woods and forests account. ' Bon. Mr. CROOKS "id that tbtt "(mm Hon. Mr. cuoorcs explained that the ' . (tlit','t,lftel'ii?i; tir/tlt find mum" tl,1t,1,eget iii " tgtuihe"d1l'lt l ' . Accounts o 8 yo y e e 3 Mr. CAMIFRON said that it was because Administration. ' I tgg1thttget"S,1ti,fulrtcut Mr. RYK ERT, in continuing, said a gets': . y .. outcry was raised against the estimates a. the unment. Thomoome derived from there Sandtiold Macdonald Government lint the gt2itt'tth',g'rdh2pt,S' tdur; estimates this year were half a million condemnedb the House (Cries of " Noy , larger than those presented by any preceding ' " y . ' ' .mvemment. This eat Increase was due to' I nub) Ite could: tQt'tgt,ttrtt that the careless and "£1"! expenditure of the I sucwas ease,or ee'ectrotere- V . . Government. There was an increase iid t,h1tugttf,,g'fht tlee/thte,,':'.' I every Department but one, namely, the Dei, sent of the Legislature. Contrarytoprecedent t parhuent ot I.mpuurum. H.' alluded to it; the osthnateahadbeen resented totheliouse I _ ointment Winch appeared m Che GLOBE" f . p . 'hich announced that the surplus amounted I atthe same time that the Treasurer dehv- " ' . . . . cred his speech on the financial state ot the to $4pt00.000, whilst it was only something Province, and there was aomethinvy like half over 33.000.000/H° "and it It yu.' hoaeat of . million more required than wag tnstiaastod tho hon. Treasurer to allow test statement for the public service last year. The schemes ' to go "peed/ttr!: " I foran agricultural college and aeentral pri. Hon. Mr. GllOleo I never saw that son were proud" in; very slowly. It tho late statement. I Administration ha remained in power there Mr. KYKERT thought, inasmuch M I would haves m . college in full oeteti.oa the hon. Treasurer was a diligent reader of I before now, instead of a site for " being the newspapers, that this w s aaomewhat ', hunted in some out of the way place. In the amomalous circumstance. All. Treasurer Crown Lamu DOWN": and in tatst in had spoken about the present prosperity of . "My branch of the oivil.'go-nerrtt, an ia. the country, but it hon. gentlemen went on - was wanted. He went on to refer to apegding so much as they had during the "NinW of "larioa of BtMnlt ot the ottl.' twelve months, direct taxation would elals, which he did not condemn, it such in- We to be resorted to, for the surplus would crease had been necessary in the interest of men be wiped awayfand he did not think ta,rtht'Tt'i,. Tho f,'gJgftlit/ 1?. they could ever rely upon receiving 'ttid I er . " ft no "W P" " v nue from the Municipal Loan Fun $918111? "£33,113 trl'" ilo in? in: rite: the settlement ot that fund took place. l . . . Mr. PRINCE, in answer to the statement , ir1ity alt," no? ot,',,, tu 'tt _of tho hon. mem.ter tor 1aooln tlut no I I a time when this Province would , charge of e,rep,!..t,e had been brought , have a Treasurer who would have to work against £10 amigo" MaoriIeE'tz'ld e,'Jglt . . . - ment, gas; remyt . P a ',2dt,'ht', "it. Tpg/g,',,' meal)? of what was said eastwardan Belleville, Brock- I the country if not matches. Thea it would ville, "ul m some of the r'gt','J,'.QW,lt ' I he found hai; hon. gentlemen had been "We ssatqrort tham Who sapporttu. aagh- ' carrying on the alfaira of the country with or) Waa there not corruption in that.' such economy " they claimed. .At the (Bur, hear) prtpertittts " "m." .rftr mytyreieularlr Mr. LAUDEB cautioned the hon. Trea- l of th do 1 he E .0 some e tar s in t stimtes. surer .ot to be too "nguipe as to the re- Hen. Mr. CROOKS moved that the mes- oeipt. from the Crown Lands At the l sage of his Excellency, and the Estimates, be m6 the 8andiield Macdonald Government I 't'g',,'h,.'o the Committee of Supp'y. Was in T% an 1i"ti'o'U',," str "ll 1 ,2." for the re nation o e pr ce I _ It being six o'clock, the House row. public lands, and people were advised net to 1 , , . ' ' ' nuke any further parents, as the lands F I Itll A Ha I" MN. * mild be r-evalued. account of this the ' After recess, receipt: 'ge the solders of land: walla lnot ' . . t th . . tratien e to _ i The. follomng Bills won commuted to by tl,',',",',,',',',',,'.",', 'Ltr,','t'l',2'd'J, funny more l Gingham" of the Whole and "and tor third petrnts had been zoned from the Crown I rxadirrpy--- Lands Otiice than usual. But tho revenue in Mr. Williams (Durham) -To in rest certain this unmet would soon come to an end, and and: in the Tru.tees of the Congregation of he we d not have the item of $150,090 to ' the Presbyterian Church of Canada in con- put forward in two years'gtime. The ordinary nrction with the Church of Scotland, " Port tgltt, of; tt Cam 1tt,1, Ollioe jaunt? Hope. astray 290 er. no revenue rem a Mr. Ardagh --To amend the Act intituled, 1"tt,t', School 11ml!" tel, [th' " An Act to incorporate the Town of Cot. m gems, tr ll S eergyooa ' {101111) _ lingwood," andto doling the boundaries of 'of'" ceaM, an t " 8236, would 9 said Town wiped out altogether. In three years,' at Mr Bethun T authoria th C rts or any rate, the receipts from there sources I oiicii 'r1n,'dl,'.ra'l'd','n' Pl ' an?! (30;: . Would be reduced to a very small sum The . ' . SM, . u-ery only item that would be at all permanent in I for Ontario, to y1.r.ni..t Iittbert. Wardrop " an the Crown Lands Ofh'eo was that of timber I Attorney and 8oiieitor therein. licenses. All other sources of revenue would I S ' . I is. case trltocrcther, became tho free grant s s- W30ND . Ith ADrm tern had him introduced. To raise the niil- f . Tho following Bills were read a second lion dollars annually that the Commissioner time:-- had woken of, ft must be by taxing the in. Mr. Tooley-To enable the London Free- 'liQ,T/uti",, "32":3'33 sad "it"? unfdor E lease Land . . g F, in or a or :23"?Ld the ted,' 'tiththdtlee, it 2was taken out of the woods. The and Permanent investment Society, t, 1Je.teryrtjtssitytor had said that it he amalgtuntrtas with tho Agricultural Inveat- wished ' he could double the dues. merit Society and Savings Bank. #10 all]??? as . 2t,Tg.'nil't a', Scout")! . - ' mwrc thepeopitrnreremaetrte tone " h? 2',tit lot',')',',"? :33 tt oh,'.',,",""',,' Crown Lands Department, that the present C l Company to dive the E": Aux 2gntu,'t't:,',nt2, ',tl'eti'J,1','f1 of the Crown 'A , . an e was " in vance of the management 'tit/itil/ff,")) 1ttu2Nttgle,it, of previous yeari, but at the some time he the tics h' Middlcse Lambton and turned him uogr to pat into practice the 'fl'd'd'." x, intention of hc; or; the dues on timber. In . t in ertimatee e oLuid that there was laced 2,htttttii." ineorporatc the Toronto at the disposal iGIrG7o"i of the Rev? Hor- Ioc on. , rocks Cocks the mgr of $7,360 of the people's Mr. E. B. Wood-Farther to amend the I money. Now there were very strange Act inooqorating the Norfolk Railway I ruinous ttt',oat about this portstm"dnd it had Gmpanr. been reported tint tho Gemini» gear of Pals. Mr. Wiisotr-dttspecCrtg the Caaada I he Works had employed Mr. 4 an to go to T Southern Railwav Company. J sand ft It, up T'ttltr guitea'ashing I a . one . "as e .39 re on I THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT. I ponies must not be paid out of the _ ' On the resumption of the debate on the I 2yuf, th tnti,T,,,/fltf"'t"g,nlti,rg Budget, ' man Mr C o . . ocks was, at in the face of th t Mr. RYKEPST was somewhat surprised to statc ment he placed 2 his disposal so large": find that the hon. Treasurer should think it sum of money and the allowance of four wath his while to take a lia " the Govern- lit-lists a day for travelling "pennies, in must of the late Mr. Santlli d Maodenald. eluding Sundays. This man Cocks had said Rahal spokenpi that Government in every at a public meeting in England that one :11.ch but he could not point aims of our pcoplc--the Roman Catholics- h a MIT,", on the part of that l loveru- In") a set of ragtuuttilitus The Commissioner - I would show anything like ex- Wd go downto Bcllcvillo and make tern.