'll' pxgsgdogo'xcfiofio'm'fdagdfimfim ll - .. . J J. -, "Ari,- I' __ . ' Bhoiid tixarater for th _ for thit' they _ ""' ." ". mum" otal1ptsroo to h M" . .. -r ' F . ', licenuenynem there t',e,t'gre,,egoot the redeem" hue been nude. w on tht, T '. , . 7 'informati _.. _ venue .. . ',F l "r. . and t1t'i',ttxaiioi'dt'tt,',, the (1g'ittpi','h,t,',' t J, 2tttt" menu!" agreed to be pald f tt glare w" 'tttnity,','"')),,)',')')":,',', wu 5 5. Tho tmouut of Eduction f . . h ll 1 "in: tttlt,', mug» tnd. that "512313;: l or Peet, respectively, or prittaipal . "a no timber " mull ll that district more I I'; The PM" it Which the leveral Iota w . of that himse" _ , FM ocalae proof I T "d by the Government Iiut act m ' m howev banal") vmtod the diatriet. I T, Copier ofall Ord . , p Pr. that the timber will? lo "If": before 'fill"; (, ing Mid reduction. on m C'oanai1 "tTeetr thereto . . my itt e vane. 11 ' H . " ' . . tt "I: ttel" 1:53 8:32;?- tell"' tll l t:ei'ir,ir,a,'.,iii,siti?, 2te 11131:" hon. friend h .. .. loulh... . . . . satnovatot S,' t2iut2,t ',y"il','t,"' the 1dllg i 33313??? a: ?e,te, involved. It Wm"?! 'Jar. per lore Amt; . tho payment of b clctU or I/lt/h', fat of ten or twelve . knight up ii, that te1fttt,ui't).cil: Wats i , i7iiiiii'GirtuiG eggga'ft): ',lh' Dgeplrtment was at oft'.". iii'";";",";',. 9 e _ r..Sytt) ' He pointed in detail the 0mm tt Weeks. . i,e)tthtttti,u"ttlli ',iii,riiii'ii?'/ "tTI, W" for this Ihould be 2f,'ll'i2 t" 1115!), Bud that 50s. i n t 'i CAMERON thought the bulk would tirn In hCtt"hs., It,art, recorntnertG, I 'dll ful'" tie"! He prosesdtd to had bun Tiip, . "ery few apptiosttous to th I" tr 133110 of the circular for the ',t,gtitn1'p"tt;"stil;t1/p.' 'ttft' 2al'dU, 2:13;??? bbythhim when C1rat, there was timber he er, 'nere b 't . y 0 course take . . thoueht thi yyt1se present Column") ' n 'it tt 5:12:03; Jl" If: moo? the 'S1i1CLt'1,'1 grggclzt tet?'" tho 323%,, "stat/pt', y": andurtaiul . " en pry undesirable, il Own. .2 tothtms tig1n'iJg,t1)rCh1'r",', ed Irritating . Il.o.n: Mr. M30TT pointed out that ' the (ion, ' t Mter "lliag the lands individual sale would have t , Mary . . ument had placed them (I . in the book hi . 0 " examined her lioemo. An an er tun. I, W ieh would iavol '0 any claw: be: ttg f, , fr',',',,',','-,',',","",,',',," mous amount of labour. ' an ttnor. 'ji ' ' . use si M . " . C',.',",',!"' ($21.: igtlfhoka "galvanic: Jgstrufif land: JefR.e,it'i t,i1,lt had heard .of t'fr'itg,i'jet"i'g'2'rcrl' vo been par" had been reduced to " c- 1:" new: which , . .., ' u token, "gunmen . contended th I on; ff, bl. m ttieil2hg, had given 1ieeruraa over l op wholesale redszzio::f t,u"eli'c,'f for the iii, call-id T,ytl',t .,ltd, "Gait-ken out ttt'. I tstood WM being made, which he under. c, I' g an a iti . . . . t'ig,yf; "ie, it" right over tho 8:30: It tgzil; 2::nrgczéx tho Home rose. worth Alllf,'l' 'rd'T, timbor on tho land Mr DE Iel,t v t the land Wmlu'vgc isotTsc.tAt party ttolditrt Well ' k cot.; thought they might jot as i fume mu: 1,elt'pe,r,1,i,iteif/i1l.e" was not a? rgs,1ltt',t,c.iottd,"f, "I; books in the Crown m glad to"trrina dow' tl l tle would lhu " it men ' an or the return in tho would have "it, ll, 1.f l" rs, when they 'else. t IR'! (lemded- 1.t would iavolve . "was the (e/ge,",',.""'"" Till',,',,', tully dis. of tiigtritultitl" tefpy?""ii'",yo)r'lri.i' . t . ' . . , . v . w for 'tit,l,'efi2e,f filled,') the price paid 1t,1tieo,iy'o"ibl" to We?" tho return ot) "Ti: ' price paid for timbor be. 8uperior with the Mr ilYKE Tr . grabberi Ono hang gtttt, ma tale has vote iii 2fJ,5fg,d i'l"'Ji,'t",itr.e,.i,','t' might n tut d for tt (ob " tt man had th 1 n 1 " pleseod bag it addition iiiiG", . mm, milo I d . ou dbo an unprecedented co ' ' . would hav to o, n m lt WM no ex urea to take, l Btunut the 0 pt . l ' _ cum that the rat , l when the ttgat, duos. He LI a?" v.o1yru1yyr,yyl ttUtrat,h11ot'l"ti, la. ' We" bought 'll'W, had. on lake Sn gig: right to the Information, use 1'1 B that tho iimbasr w"fame expretm J',',lrifi'd', Mr. .Mai.AreL said thet in all the L, ttt-eootuvssbe lyryod, and thoroforo reduction tut had come und ' .eavtot 1 when; d . ennoiujnstiooin la . tho Commissioner h 1 t er his nomcs u " been". lf p "my!" e tl W leted fairly and h leagues of the Con . 0 on?" the ar ts y. He thought it would be . . _ oa- with not takine \ml.98ionor of rorrn Lad. tho interests of the country if 1,r,','el1f,.iucii,at1, to land, of the Pa upy luterost in the timb asked for "a granted ex--e t em Urwatlon minionen to g,", 'LT','," Jt Jevinst the Cont? settled claims were 'il'ngii2,1' go far as the t amied , . . " ' . "2t.tlt2l; Gnome", " was Iiifor. Mr. Ith KE,'IT That is all wo want . r. COTI' ui Mr. Moy . l that guy one had Priv&tdoh:nwu ty.rt Munro instance iL'wl'ng NI aUlod attesttj?tt to an oarantrsr that would to.rmation ot . bl (In la "11 .IC t-he {Sane quality of land had . pate' the Orderi c "eye hm to Intici. iere 5 " atquito ditfcrentpriees b dif . deuce that tho.- sung. One good ovn- . y ter:',',',',,,,.',',"),)"')',,')';,. Mr. Lowis 'velid',f an; let,: had not been ($01-31 a: [the tglinornt valued 1tfjtt','l1,t,,f/1' tti13i.,'Jtt. tutottter Va no ' 6!!! n . . ' a to .te my g"i,attl 3:3:"9d am 230-038 'attiUitti'gtrtttt,d' his 'lpieie,,'1'a,1l,1i'., 9 Superior not m a "in cold cu doinvhild g . e ',ommistuoner would Le, of the tiinbcr ind bee are than '25,000 asro,q th g My it he Placed Momma: ' n 1 " . Grumman . " qnppm "'if, Tll,' an acre. so d uer the otter Be behevcdmfh: t,"it,T",t? tsdjoiniug r. L) J 7 . . are _ r2,tdiihvdil eontcudod that it the $301.3?" tu1der the Presentgegag in th u. _ ': m m r1 " th . 't10tterB. He th of "11ng t2: $23332: 512211;?3 to his 1:23-3:12 b0::"t::3 ttfe; 32:14: involve 1110:2181}? Mr. OLIVE" . ' . ' practical tea 1 l WM worth. Yo . said the tir . . tt t 00uld fo low fr . was .. m with ' , N om it. tion Erratic? I never nude "er312: o ah"g:tl'di .MVKI'JLLAR Enid that' one of Council lt d ym Jer till after the ir,i1?/i ." mak 'd,2,v"'t of the (immanent l a we" publitshsd u a ttt " 0" reduction: sud h Wat' to l The motio '. claims settled a ' "9 the old l PC , a was then ennui. the evidence that a wa8 "lighted to hear .3 ora' HOPE IND RICE I, M: 'd Cl tt ' tr "t Perth and other g,'etid,"edt"'t Grey, RUM) . '" u L." the Government throw in tll' to hn_d Wm: My W11 . _ of meu Landswuo g . e commlulonor Gfiii, IonhEAst (Darhas) tivy/ttl ioi' they had conttlhkd /',,t."'T, out the pOliuy . Port Hope tag Pt amount for which 'id yrLsyehopcsl iiiUTnc, 1 three or ioar 1:01de th Lice Lsku (have! It 8 have theirbatents u . AY settle" would 1t12',2"fttyt,ti,','1too/ the late 'ie,1g:', tilcrt,t, i'i,iCirii'ii7,ut t',1rh',i,ettlatrrt', tite dition of Bale, 'l', own of Uobourg. the em; bu done more to settle the , P power they N and the 17:15:;de amnunt [Hid on M . than their Plbdeccssopq h d b aims of.sertltre ttesaltso g ,cotmt hve prcvi! _ y, " done dunm tb revenu. dtrrived b. ' "Moment of the b run years. be com 1 . t f, e from the aaid y the townof Gabon, ecu. .made agiuust the U pltutt .hali ever We m " Ifwl sum. tho date P lg tpcuxnc case hodleeet - ottttt1ttgiitotMtr-n0 3 . . . . planned . . 0 pur- . , Fs. ' tmade-and u d _; m cromteetion with thigh: position of matters 'i1rcge'tt'"t'c,"t,t',. thntvght lt would thet:,' oad. in t the let VHS _ me , Tht motion was carried. _ guild Im of was; 1tttt :{nd 1"t',fe1ts they t v \ I' uh . Wt t r .. ' . Cl OWN, (,LERGY, AND UP tUlf " I','.", a???) P tuy Fo're , U . . ' h SLHOOL LAMB, were (new i..( m") comm?" that there . r Mr. RYKFRI' thc Gwen 'mi/,l.fdicil! the indtt1iteoce of - . 2t, ing--- 4 moral for a. return show it would he ii"rii1 'si.rl.y bf.' appealed to, but 'r' l. The an" f . . vt.rul ",,','fi,,t2i,"f" gguitmo to as TV out a E/l': . reginctiom have "f,gll townships in wlroh mafwmr, as; Minister elfd that the Com- ,9 , principal or imam on made, in either tit an inherent right to a k odthe. Crovyn, had Ei".', or Grammars "due uponme Ul . othatdshnp i , tb It uctmns Mt CtMW8 . . 1871. wool lands lines aha"??? to teduea cw r,"gptl in: (,.1lii"Ji'ti",'eus') thing _ A. 2. ' in Tive a, 1 t 0 Rut out regard ti . no unto olouch reduction iittLSt,ri2ih1,tt""ht by .emu "We: C s. . return Womd be égC'llctIizchuf Judgment the _ . atoin m. _ ' tt no good a . grettca1 t w genera} reduction, but is