Mr"""--"""""'""'-"""'"'"-'"""""'"'"'"-'"'--'---" - - - the valuation ' eo y of the Order the. Crown hide Department. m "had Er/re e . ',.,f'cegifd other ttIll',',',,',,",",':':',,',' the Ad evaded hm ll ot the only means within Ya 1 undo r which the reduction wee mule. PN er to find on the "foot of that practice, ' . 0 I 1 hi '3COTT' said that there would be though. of entree, on .hononreble gentlemen L'ry: , . . . ' a information re- were ewere,there wee notonecese in twenty . no.o.ioetion to gw10g " which could be found from which it could be our" econ that the firm of Richards & Smith meet ' . T he motion m- '9'"! to. , have had 13. greet death of t"t,ttit, i't'e,t t ( h' . ' exam, with the partition ewon te eocoe- Fe???' IN P'NlPO add kin eion to etete else that theheedof the De. Nr. OLli ER moved eh P" as it tme t had in no we eon ht to bri , V ' . f all Orders in Council pat in . . y g ml! Ai' Ist. Curio " "t f J l d the about the invesrtuattontlu'o1thelth? speaker) . pr, hurl Let's": the -oth dayDo "my 1'l an had made; but be m found the 1:3th to gto, day otwecemtrer, , ', I the" eye. which he referred indexed in the gene . _ relating tolotn or 'roy"'""."", or par hi? 't rel register of letters received from Messrs. [ or parte of ce"ie"c,ee1..lf.', "htctlT $3,, RiehirO& Smith, as follow t--Woharda& , P ipovuge. '2cil. S'hosv.ity', w "and it Smith, Nov. 8, '67, S. W. l 6, 10 Missouri; . . , Urdu or Orders were published" not; bl! ' do , Jen. 21, Iota in Nepon; Felt 6, " to ' pubkirhed, tho date and Platte 9f lu" {pumi- water Iota 2, l end 4 Ottawa; Msreh 10, N. onion. 3rd Thc, date of appbceltron or 0 Main re, per R., S S ' petition, 49 an d 53 purchaser ot any or all ot such etc, eonccs- in 3, RD. lined, GienogLtvtlidav:t enclosed; ( Joni, or parts of och lots or concessions r5: March w, as to plan of Woodstock; April 1, . ferrul to ambush Urdu or Orders in 1','lull'lt, _ for John Cote, " 22i, B. l 20, 6 Yonge l .egrther one the name or names 2.;qu . July 10, " to work on Eclce Lake; Sept. ll, l aiiuGiiiuaaduodateutpaym'"t'n tt or enclosing teams tor Wm. Mather. 48, fl, ttse ittutio. and 5, D. K, Bentiriek; December-£4, ft. I was mated t,atteralsrict dia, I Mu. Mclut re, apptiestioq or pa at or i t' "Eff" cn h commons, 38?:lMatddajoucloeinfieulgeyor'e ( r'), , . ' , N t ccrtiticetee an otter" eerie , ", , ep- 1 v» Plti't ATE "ILL [LALI'ILFL plication for copy at part grim of Merl- 1 Mr. Mocdrmeld'e reeolutinn bore; January 22, for Mrs, o utyre, wigh , l , I aT,0g1g1,'t,t 'ind Law and Usage of_l'erlia' $19 20 account, 38, 4 Disturb». Februery S7, l ; ' inert wee reeumod by for Mal. McKilegorfi, Iii/ed',','!, u; l k g is I I l ' 'D . (.knelm A ri , or M "core": . . " w. ty,e,.l'S,?l,' 'hghuld ttot/ttny".',',, Gltnelgi Agril 29, application with Liidwit I with tle anll'o o e re c: ti for G Robins cnchmiue eurvcvor's ccrLiti- l, would liketo ere . law made proven rug 1 t '0» ri €ilh~'nu- i'rJiii 2i) enclosing i "mm a legal gamma": wlso I',",. TEE-ii 1 1:33:32" h.' i) unit). it .I. 3.11 Cordon ; I ' of the Home "om 03:;de h', LT,',', the i Jun; ti,advice,23, ll Sullivan. June 8,for do. I "whom That le',',?,?.',' 222, I"; do at . 1 'iron 9 3Glenelg; Aug. ls, enclosing two l , i.te,.ti,eeeo0ht, 5?" lh .1". mp": meme. feomhl deli. Robins, 23, 35ulli- I regtstra" of. y our tt, Mt tr be nd ted veil . Oct 18 for copies ll l l, 5 Dalhousie; l . mu why annular rule should not, . op l :1. "ro i' who smith" for patent N with reference tirthe membersoflerliement. I".." 1, r , or , ","iii, C. J,', . ( _ . ' . h 1., lilails , Awil -l, for A, , It would be intbeintereet ofthecount.) 'r', . - . . Q . ' " t , l .. , i . lee that such a rule with so t. of Department, tloo, J, .ptnliee g; . and M the Pro 'iQ."" 'll ',, luded b m-w- and six others. There were six packages vi should be adoptc . th com, . y u n. .m mm by and chroma liicbanli it l IDP f" amendment sl'.', that it/tmil'),",' 'ld t Yuri-ilk lie (the speaker) read tho following 'Otto as foiioaw.- Th." l 'fllrf, fell httus addressed it . the firm of Richrris & . that "y number oi the Home. . * are LI t h t tll . i' nntniaaiorwr of Crown after be permitted teenage, either by Inn. .7 art] " O'tli err yt _." of en order triii, the "lt or any partner. In the. management of y,""" l. T "a c [1" iii I 't,irri'..'C.'. auy Private Bills before this Home or any (hanr,isriocs lung y o one o no e. a . corvmittce the roof, or any pu'0tt. ' " , uien reward to be received by such Tomxro. April 0, l899. m. niber or any partner thereof." B. at. J, I'yuursylsy, Mr, WOOD mend in amendment to the Uotr1missiotter Crown Lands, "vtrrdment that all the words after "that t' Drc: glint On lot 9.3 N. o, R ' 01mg", nu the annulment be etruck out. and the al'uuta be" ago an application we made m'l wing otrstitottd '. -" That tsuch mcut. for purchase of above lot, and ell papers re. m" "t this 1longe no are ot the 11oy' letiugto eeme tiled With the Crown IAnds ",'rt, , shall "it bo of "WWI on "N' Mo m Department. The applicant is desirous of :U'Y Bill pending NEW" this Henson hrs ing your decision in the matter as soon Mr. AllDAtili (inched the original mo. as. possible, as tho matter has been Binding tit n. . a lag time. . Mr. CAMEh-IX spoke in fsvourof tltr. Yours truly, ' ambition. because the principle involved RICHARDS l sun-u. was r ne uhieh should be adopted. ItMcrriog i to his own conduct of having, when Provis _-..-.-.. - , vial Secretory, (hf-udcd enetorioue criminal, Toxzomu, July " IVA). 'he apt nkcr defended it, saying that he saw Ros, J. [in "Anne, no Heron why he, as a member of the legal Uomruiheioner Crown Linda. profusion, should not here takert.thy course "EM: Sn: --0n lot 9.3, Concession Gig. he Cid. heayvy ouoxiot" 9ys per' l neig, e1; "iiil1iciiioii for purchase of above "Oul'y might have bccn to ye. flvrdently Pot has been before the Dvar'causnt for ovor honourable gent'emen and their fruude had a year. goal greet attention to the propricties on . . tint occul- n, but he thought propriety The parties are very anxious to hear your would he more regarded by not allowing dteuio,tin, the matter, and you v'oult1.a'psauy petncrs ct legal gentlemen in this Home oblige Dy paying some as soon as possible having control of any business before it. Your, truly, 3.1121110 HARDS was in favour of the reso- l RICHARDS & snug. lotion, " he thouth that there should be no i "m- . i charlie given for members of this House ',, Iutht--l do order the sale made to i ttt tlet "RING!" I in "If POUND]! which Allen Cameron of the above west let o 3, , might give Pum to t.shar.get' of their being Glenelg. becancelled, and that eime be re ', f :n'luinced unduly in business before the turned by the Crown, and that it be sold to 'vl 3 tbarso. He (ionivd the statement made one Mal, McKinnon, tho oeeupant, or his as. I rum ions occasion by the member for South isignie, at 82, oath. Bluce, that he (the speaker's) legal partner , "4 Iti0UMtD8 had bran concerned in e ceee coming before I ' . . . l' ' the Crown Lands Dcpartment, and he £30- Corrunigsiotvx. . ecertrd to 0le the oircrmetence. r. Toronto, April, 21, '70. ', Rall merely yt,tl to hu common law 1ftrraGnmnuaioner so careful es the hon. ;" l .800". Mceere. . iehareU fr Smith. y them member for Niagara had been, it was strange i ' to pet the afriuvi? the firatitent lor him to say that he knew nothing of his L; to the Drputment and obtained them. The partner's practice in connection with the f, letter t1nittet,1 to wt" written by . clark and Department, and it but argued for his blunt- , . i not entered into the letter book lie denjisd use to an extent that was almost incredible; v that Mr.8rnith 'T.," WWW before him but stall he would believe the hon. gentle. whrlet he wee in ofhoe, m thought it .'"r man if he declared that he knew nothing of . ' tlv.rt I" i tnyHyy Irrai"at 94m" hie partner's transaction in these meteors. . u l me man in the Province this wee one, Me m... aker) repudiatod the ' that the i rtsd he oould not "M119 'slightest ienpropritrty hon. 'le'll'lht'd had been iniluoneed, in his in the matter. decisions by time means, but still he , ' Mr. WELLS "in that he accepted the thought ho le11 and ttenough to 'htyy . hon member for Niagara's explanation, but that his perincre 1?"th connected with any. earns time the whole purpose of my, Departmsntnl business ud. been con ' gentleman's epeecli was to ehow that the ried on " l very considerable ex "creation "(and to '3. en isolated one. tent, end fromjrhet he had learned it was m, was sorry, therefore. that bed sin oat " everrdsy occurrence. been brought up tonight, it wee Mr. 1tMWARD8--T1te honouraltlofrnsrn V medium tender ground; he would her for South Bruce cannot ehow a single eowetate there were ottttgeqettittatarttsrta in contested one in which Mr. Smith our hp- !hwh the tinn d Riohnrdl & Smith had peered before me. beenecneereed in hoeineee mind with