LEGISLAT ; UREOFONTARIO | nuvomemmmmomenmiiffmmecmmmemmense 3ECOND PARLIAMENT--SECONO SESSISH, _--~------<(f@Gm--_--_____. Tuozsoay, Fob, 25, The SPEAKER to k the chair at 3 o'clock. OFFICIAL RETURNS. For, Mr. SCOTT brought down returns of all lands sold by the Government, between the Jst of December, 1871, and the present time, to members of this House, or to any Bum or companry of which any member was & partner; including mineral locations and licenses to cut timber on Crown Lands, also ronewals of such licenses. THIRD READINGS. The following Bills were read a third time and passed :---- Bill to incorporate the Lyn Genoral Manu-- facturing Company. Bill to incorporate the Y orkville Loop Ling Railway Company. Bill to amend the Act consolidating the debt of the town of Ingersoll. Fill to legalize and coufirm a survey made by Charles Ravkin, Provincial Land Sar:-- veyor, of certain lots in the fourth concession ot the Townsuip of Colchester. Bill to amend the Act intituled, " An Act to authorize and empower the Canada Com-- pany to divert the River Aux Sables, and to drain lands in the townships of McGillivray, Bueanquet, and Stepbh6n, in the Counties of Middlesex, Lembton, and Huron. Bill to incorporate the Toronto Fucl As-- sociation,. Bill respecting the Canadla Southern Nail-- way Company. INEBRIATE ASYLUM, Hon, Mr raARDEE rose to move that the House go into Committee to consider a reso-- lution granting a sum of money for the es-- tablishment of a hospital for the reclamation and cure of babitual drunkards, In making the motion the hon. gentloman said that be-- fore asking the House for this grant it was necessary, for the proper a;;;l)'reciaeion of the subject, that be should make some general explanations, -- The question of intemperance bad already occupied the attention of the House to a conside--able extent daring the present 'ression, as well as that of a larga number of persons in the community. \Wue. ther or not that arose from the fact that intem-- rance was on the increase or that ths pub Ez mind was more interested in the matter, the fact was true at all events, Daring the resent sitting of the Legislature several Bills had been introduced with the view of reducing the evils arising from intemperauce The member for North © Norfolk had brought in a measure to prohibit thae sale of intoxicat-- ing liquors altogethor as a beverage. Who-- ther the House bad the powoer to pass a measure of that kind or not, it was not his province to discues at the dpfesent time. The member for Stormont had a Bill, not for the probibition of tha liquor traffic, but to pre