l8;nayl,5£"' , t F""s Yr:.va.--Ardagh, Calvln, fitpet't fir,2: 30110153 or MOTION l, , ('mi Russell), Ferguson. t or , e . , - - h. ii',"',',?,),',",',',' Lauder. Macdonald, M61311". Mr. J'tl',',tl 0,031 '2g,t1gridg,td),t, Merrick. Monteith. Rykert, Scott (MW). drettt 2u'T2,'ll'd the Dominion Gave" , Tooley, Williams tDurtiam.)--i8. 21r'd'l' the Lieat..Govtstnor of Ontario, I NAVS --Barur. Baxter. Bethune, Boult. 'df, ee'ing tho disallowanco of any Acts of bee, Clarke (Norfolk), Clarke (Wellington). thep Legislature of the Province, or the re. ' Clemens, Cook, Craig (Glens-fry), brooks. l Bl of any Acts (of this Legislature, on the ' Crrsbr, Dawson, Dsaeon, Deroeho, Farewell, p0mm]. that these Acts were unconsti- P'inlasson. Fraser, Gibbons, Gibson, GOV, igiyitional. 'i' Graham, Guest. Haney. Harrington, Rod. I M Ill. B Wo il--. Address for . return y :inr, McCall, McKellor, Mclasod, "OMNNU- r: tho-names of the Townships or the "' Mrnk, Mowat, Oliver, Pardee, Patterson, ehowmg in each Township in which re it mime, Prince, Read, .Roblnaon. Scott yt,t',tlol"ld taken place Tttttter the Acts of It (mum). Sexton. Sinclair, Smith, Suet- , (legion; 13-0 and the per oentage on the ringer. Springer. Striker, _Watterworth, l IS"? tl' 'rh'i','L', mono-v whether principal , With, Wells, Williams (Hamilton). Wilson, , ', impisht 32*. allowed to, each Townrhip or , Wood (Victoria-b- 52. i l (h iaitisinn of Too nship; and whether the i In replyto n- CAMERON, ',, said redyet.icn ia irii'tf"ibst"hi 'ttttu'. . Hon. Mr. 1'A:".DEE said he would have i '. AI land! as up q 0 ' '8 no obiection to bringing down the estimates In reference to putting tho Orillia Asylum in . repair for the purpose of an iuebriate insti- ', ", ruticu. , I, The original resolution was then carried. l, Yeas, 53; BOSS, 17. Trus.--Barber, Baxter, Bethune. Boult. l bee, Clarke (Norfolk,) Clarke (Wellington) ' Clluiens, Grok, Craig (Giengarry), Crooks, lrcsby, Dawson, Deroche, Farewell, Fin. lag son, Fraser, Gibbons, Gow, Graham Grange, Guest, Hamilton, Haney, Harring- l .ton. Hedgins, McKellar, Mekim, McLeod, i Mchlanus, Monk, Mowat, Oliver, Pardoo, 5, , Patterson, Paxton, Prince, Read, Robinson, '; \'cott, (Ottawa). Sexton, Sinclair, Smith, . Snetsinger. Springer. Striker, Watterworth, , We bb, Wells, Williams (Durham) Wil- "s, liams (Hamilton) Wilson, Wood (Victoria l 's 10ss---Ardogtp, Calvin, Cameron, Corby, T Craig, (Russell) Deacon, Ferguson, Gifford, Lancer, McCall. Macdonald, Meridith, . Merrick, Monteith, Scott (Grey), Toour--18. _ e l The House then went into Committee on ', i) . the resolution-- Mr. Hodgius in the chair. , " I f It was adopted without amendment, and the l report of the Committee received by the tht, . l House. / i CENTRAL PRISON. S F i On motion of Attorney-General Mowat the House went into Committee on the resolution N l :especting the contract between the Canada . N Car Co. and the Government for the labour I 'st'- l of the prisoners in the Central Prison, Mr. l Hodglns in the Chair. t j Mr. CAMERON moved that the second 'N) ) dance of the contract be amended by strik- . l lug outlthe word "prisoners" and iuaortiaetho S l words "as many prisoners as may be from ' l mime to time in the said prison." _ ' i l , Attorney-General MOWAT observod that ts l I there could beato risk to the Government _ l l, In tlttaranteeatrallr' prisoners, as it Was pro- 2%e, 'i, t ' liable that double that number would be in t el [ ', he prison. ', The amendment was declared lost, \ _ t Mr. Cameron . timstiug that he would I "iwide the lt,',,',',",,' upon it when _ rho Speaker was in the chair. Mr. i ' 1 Cameron also announced that he would move y , . an amendment with respect to damages. i! , , The Committee then rear and reported the c' I resolution. meme HEALTH. ta, Os motion of AtbtnmetrC"sneral MO WAT, ,t _ the House went into Committee on the Kill A t "sir' cting the Public Health, Mr. Hodgins _"2iy I 'n the chair. The Bill was reported withaus "sc, \B amendment and iixod for a third reading L l, Attorney-General MOWAT moved that , the House adjourn. t Mr CAMERON asked when they would have the Municipal Loan Fund scheme. Attorney-General MOWAT said he could not say anything more delinite than he hsd I already atatnl. He would bring the scheme ' don n as soon as he possibly could r The House then adjourned at 12:l.5. l ----+ - - tr