>21 '2] tiS" o an event. the provision. of the Bullhead only apply to dtiia, though he did not use i "l meat necessity for the manure " alt. i Mr. McCALL dig ttot think tho Bill mu all"! for. It woul to pnjudloinl to publto acacia if it should ind he bu! heard no complaints calling got such a manure. He hoped tho Bill would be withdrawn. Mr. WOOD Bmnt r" liaebhgl to (the It, tto,'Ehhtd,el'i l or his lotion in the nutter. It me e in. that m0 muons in this cit sud other when were kept evoke con'innelly at night, nnsble to Jr,' upon from the inoeisnat use ot the nln e It the W were run with moderation end Minion within the large towns there would be'no neoeesity Mr the yblstle He held that if e ooesaisUekble por- tion. of the community -p¢rsons of soilentery habit-tms rally disturbed in their men tal Moms, "their heelth "irtsred by the l none ot the whistle, and l is comm not be shown that such noise sue sbulutely or autonomy necessary, there shoull he legit. lotion on the subject. In New York law motives were not permitted to enter the city, and in Baton, it they were pevmitted, it at: under stringent regulations. He bad on idea tut even the rsilwey companies themselves would be glsd ot on excuse to do aw " wha the whistle, for it was en much a nuisance to them " to other people. He approved of the principle of the Bill. Mr. MACDONALD sell that if the rail. , way companies wished to do only with the I 1 Mantle they could (low without my Act of _ Parliament being posted on the suoject. lie 5 approved of the suggestion of the hon. unm- ber for Grenville, t " municipsl councils bo ellowed to tote sotion in the matter if they ell! tit. Mr. MONTEITU saw no necessity for the Bill People as n tale liked to hear the railway whistle. Mr. BOULTBEE humorouu't; renurxou l that he would approve of the Bill. if. it l""'." vided for the "restraining of siusiUr mu. ' an en. . . Mr. BETHUNE said that he did not at i first contemplate to "tend the operations of I the Bill to town. and Villngea, but.he had , received compleinu from prune- m mm l plncce. lie would ask the House to opprove 1 of the princivle of the Bill. end then lle would mow that it be Inferred." n onrutrtit _ tee to: tho pmpoco at enquiring how in the , _ "chef "to Item trumpet mightbe dhpenlod _ mt ' The motion tor tho second reading of it. Bill we- lost on a division. PROPERTY oy RELlGIOUS INSTITU- TIONS. Mr. McLEOD moved the second readmg of the Bill Impeding the pro arty of religi- . mu institutions in Ontario, 'ltlf2 van-growl '; iaaiaGiiia in 6ktar'ui, which was agreed . to, and the Bill wu referred to I Specie! Committoe to report thereon. CENTRAL PRISON. Bon. Mr. MOWAT moved that the report of the Committee on the recolution respect- ing the contract between the Canada Csr Cumpeny and the er/ee', (gr the labour - ., . 7 -. 2- AL- D'ntn- .'Illll in n. ornament renaming themselvel liuble to u penalty it they con il not furnieh 215 t2tt on st my time to the Complay, aside- tting themselvel to a grout dial of expense Eula nutter, sud he would therefore move I that the report be referredbuokwthe Corn ssit. I tee. with instruction- to strike out the words " 216 prisoner-I at least" in tho amend penguin» sud inserting in lieu thereof the _ T word- "as many perwne u there may be from time to time in the said prinon." l Attorneylleneml MOWAT said they , antieipatf11 having to enter into n contact of this kind, and the? contseuytrsnUy uncer- a telnet! what number 0 orimin-ls they could l rely upon applying. The number of 215 wu decided upon a one that could be re- lied upon in any event, and no the number I that would constantly be within the prison 1 The oontrnct would not commence until the let July, 181t. He asked if it wu not fur more renewable thnt the Government should hove entered into thin stipulation than that the Compwy would have taken the whole of the risk- it there should be nor-of the underttking. The mutter b. wt! within . n u - ['Ann-Amnn _ in: not in of tie prisoner. in the Contra l'mon he re- mind. Mr. CAMERON wu opposed to the Gov- ornament tendering __ thong-dye! 191su to u 'll'n'llt2tiir an??? "33mm bu} not in way within the control of the Lompugy, :23! the Company aired that tb stipulation of this kind mom be mule. T221 hon gentleman had unwanted ',te'tg mung: . tics one gtt to show y. ., ',',t't,','f'd,"li tom be supplied. l (He. _ _ . _-...-, Manlhlns Riven It" iiaGU had on E'tie_an€id Prison be ro- hamoroq-{y fem trked an V" "r; -_ . _ seven! ocoatons given sh- r ut. the n: of He 53in, whisk sutt'wiently demonutFLtcd that thin uumher of criminal: would be forthcom- ing, and he did not deem it neat-nary to " peat them. " had been intimated tint the percentnge of the criminals unab'e to work Wunld be too luge to allow ot the Govern- _. u A .ee "nut hat he found, from irercePgt or we mum..-" ---"" v Wunld be too luge to allow ot the Govern- nu at meeting the IP ntract,bat he found, from . -l.g.0. hm! been had on UIUIUU, unann- "v... _ vet - . - rington, 'iiii'GG,' McKellnr, Mekiat, Ma. Lid, McRae, Monk, Mount. Oliver. Portico, Pattenron, Paxton, Scott (Ottawa). Sexton, Sincloir, Smith. Striker, Webb, Williams, (Durham). Williams (Hamilton), Wilson, Wood mum-43. The original motion was then ctrricd. QUEEN'S COUNSEL. On motion of Hon. Mr Mq.hrA,,1',,tlit' on Down Us Hum --. ___"-- Home Went Into Committee on the Bt11 re. '.'rtitetet', appointment of Queen's Counsel .LMr. odgiua in the chair. Mr. CAMERON moved that the words "waa" and "is" in the firat line of the tint clause be struck out and the words "shall bo" inserted in lieu tin reef ', dud tho that the following words he added to the clause: _o And alt letter- patent heretofore issued, of the Hunt-Gover- uor uppouting Queen's Counsel. are hereby ('onlilund end. nude valid ." the: Hon. Mr NOW AT said ihat the objection he had to the motion made by the honourable l member for Stuth Leeds in reference to the iaw end. usage of Parliament was that it longht to ailirat a prinoiple which had not been tho usage of i'arlisrnent. With refer- ence to the mutter which the Bill new butore the Home emhncei, he contended that the Lieut Governor had the new: as e matter of JnatitutioW kw lf right to appoint Que: " Gounod, and there wee nothing un. eta stitutioosl, nothing objectionable. in tau House deduiug that th at power Itil exist. The matter seemed to him perfectly piain By the Constitutional Act we had the ad- ministration of iotiee within our jurisdic- tion, "the control over the Crown lead: and other nutter: which must be nominated under the Queen's name. What hueineu u u more Queen's hueineee than the edminis- tration of justice? for the theory of such conned ma thet they more eppoinwd to do the Queen's business. All this Goqtsraruett? bed entire jurildietion -~Vel' the edminie i truiion of justice, it would be stung _ . . ___L n..- nrnt'Al' ta .0 Gave put the I hush tlou rein 1 Act uu more Queen! Duuwcuu u.-- v__ _ Notion of justice? for the theory of such conned wan that they more oppointed to do the Queen's business. All this Government but entire jurifdiotiY Not the mimick- tradon of justice, it would be strenge inded if they had not the power to NV point Queen'l Counsel. The gower mun emt in those who had chnge o the Mata" mtwion of justice. It was hot at ell nieces. any to "some, in order to msintoin the propriety of this declaration, that the Do. unnmn Government hell not also the power of Appointing Queen's Counsel Under our l nah tn the power which belonged to the - A '- than"! an divide-i here- as Mun the power wnwn um. Government in England wu d put belonged to the Dominion the: Local Governments. Part, Maine" wu done under Dani Hun and put under Iooal jurh refetrodjn tettion 124 of 1:30.. Act. That chum provide Governor might appoint named therein, and we" might "duo tppoint oth, and van divided here- Dominion and m. to an. Part of the 51130115 nder Dominion jur'udiw Iooal jurindiotion. He 24 of the bontederat'vur" provided that the Limit "' appoint certain otthsttrtt we" on mummy: In:I JiiGr ,a trNitittt D IMFU T words letter- Gover- l bushy .ject'mn arable t to the iriiisy " I a