The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1873, p. 5

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To e h. F e ol eorraRal C femenrant o es mme t y ts yR uoo "» likeans A~ . iCB /4 oamegt €2.. m ts C + P tg iz _ es :o ___-- AGEMENT OF A LIBERAL A . |pwabmat e e s t C * ud E. §2 C Ts ISTRATION pMLC y t ts * ~Leaving these figures to speak for them-- |. _ _ | ; OF $1,479,556 36. There 3 | s 4 l 9 §". 4 oR ------ selves, we fext come to the calculations of |._______ _ _ was $660,000 more invested with interest 33| ; * ns 3. M k receipts and expenditure for the current | ______-- e $ _ _ accruing upon it ; $180,005 40 more 1 car. which nro as follows:-- | y erd § [ morey in hand waiting to bo in-- *) :; im hiod ~ smon ul e e + ; $206,7 -- Cash in RADO...........000 000000 y | io 4stA es ::. fledl / 1104 94 M l.)eo.n added Interest on Iuvestments...... 200,000 00 ce + / «W the value of the public buildings, and \Crown Lands, inclndinf bal-- e y #372,786, as we have already seen, to the o ances on account of late . _ > M pae . > Railway Fund. In short, the vory first s Dnl.en......S...I.)._.a......'.i.......i;ll,OOO,OOO 00 f J §¥ year that the affairs of the country passed ':z;'::;:"" ab, , onl oc ." 1 089. 900 00 D) 15 o '{v: § into new hacds, ths Government managed Sundry othe'r SOurces.......... '397,500 00 |: * ie *h | § to accumunlate an amount equal to hali i ced v ~/ t l the surplus of which the Macdonald cabi-- 6 Wibininsedioacosrpmemen tnanmmmessmmmtcramereerecy oo :z $3,000,391 34 ; 1 Se: net boasted so loudly, whoen, at the end of roprpArTo® or 1861 anp 1871, compam» »y ®1uo. he Estimates, amount-- ~-- $ four years, they ventured to make the TORAL DISTRICTS wimmIX Tihi® rresex®r unuits [1. To this we miy CR b original Railray Fund appropriation, an1 (1879). . |an Insbriate Asytum. I is went to the country with " Surplus" as & | annual charge of" R ' their one cry and recammendation. ELECTORAL Territorial _ Population,. g ed to the Railway } And, be it remembered, that both in Districrs, Suporficies, _------*+------. £ Jt would leave a sur-- A [ | 1872 and 1873 Treasurers Mackonzie and i Fovines of Outasio, _ Auneres, + A80L; > 1E & [150,000 to be added || Crooks have respectively had to accopt W880X s aa 0 es se 60 «06e 450,004 85911 88,607 1 y invested. Butthat 4 & s 2 20,76 26, 50 | the legacies of their predecessors ms to | _ Euy snn Site done Sutol | [ery dollar voted for public works in progress or provided for. LAMDLOM, .e e ++ + g_l_tl).tr»j}' }3;33 -;l,vg't ]l onization Roads, and } ' This million and a half of what in round | _ ['Siyidu.l.UUL smse suso sosr0 1 fhetsoover were to be : a es 10 * s auty's ~ | ligures was added to assots in 1872, was | WoyMiWin\on C592 109] 0 20 1 pour, . To that case, | s , i N ong T 99 19 25,005 & NJ saved over and above an expenditureas | . }i Ninden) 21 toit . [b onl 1 hme for the distribe: + = 224,526 _ 13,992 37 large as any that had occurred since Con gouth Nortok es SHAiS IbMe dhQQ [ Ne should, on.the.31¢t federation. But we shall be told that South Oxford ...... _ $29,16% _ 21,676 _ 23,678 1 )t all our obligations, -- ' this is partly owing to the sales | NuthOdoticcc; $0 K6 $hile Sifus 1 ty worth close upon | | of timber berths in November last. Tl..{l'p orEast brant . 105,640 y ie e 1 lollars, reserved the | «ldimand ........ _ 228,8 142 9 u42 4 f Just $300,000 in the whole amounat _\.-'.z.ckd,.......... .;M'ag ]f'zl»}?- 1'*;,1;%: } »ropriated under the | Weand.......0 0000 4 20( 20,026 '.'",L: * s | is due to that cause, neithor more Nivamal c QL522 0 4,470 0 2608 1 Act, and stHll have c eirls. ) 307,00L -- IS,i91 . 20,078 1 s i. mor less, the purchasers' notes of hzn.i ;.:Il;l'lt'l;'ll'lv 'Q'IZ{Q} x' 11 {:7:? '1,'5;,?,; 1 :3:{ 1 vash invested at inter-- | being beld over as park of the PESIME 0 inmilemninen. C'RR) 1fi Wifle : ,, 1873. In 1871, too, there wore sales of south Huron...... 2586307 . 17M0A -- $)Q)¢ | folg certain that, evon P limits to the amount of $118,000, and 'Nl;'(l'i:,lllll'al:(:: VVV. §3 N6 25862 1 late of Crown Lands f $200,000 can, as a South Bruce ...... 427,018 18550 81,992 1 . | therefore only soms $200, » RKorth Bruce....... . 621,141 .n'm l'l1|'as3' } xceeded, a consider-- | matter of comparison, be deducted as not | :':;m :;m\: + mneats ]u:'.é-' $ S¥n? 1| all former occasions | belovuging to the ordinary accruals of ths Fouth w .ttmlw 220 jlaus sds 20 > 1 |bondod at the end of | 0 wLerIO0 .. .. £2, °04 w e j year. & .'Igt: w\.. !iu'.gu-n & 2-;;).3-'.':) 1}1:1?1 3;'1& 1' ry, 1871, Mr, Wood ! + a Jentre Wellington .. _ 250,i% °0 al l ; It has been said,mgainthat the belanco |/ | NomP wouinhton conoue ledet . 19000 1 Oue for (hist 764" At u* | Fout Ir@y ...0..}+ *56, 6b «4 T0d .'-'.. 2 % £ y > ' wes due to tl:; 503'}:' '"e':'entf z;:lfo:':a ' | v..'hz ):I,y: '_'.:;7_ '.:21'}; 113;31'12" ";;la 3 l' ? t,a.,ble, e 'tl:: uml: lay eanctioned by the yotes 0 nc dd ipiiiqaseis:ils.:." Sss . Sprour ecale anh T8 : | But that will apply to provious years juast | | if"'g'L","fi nonol pamm o qren 1ome 1 L0bg444, leaving at | as forcibly. -- In 1871 Mr. Troasurer Wood 1) _ [ REMIN Aimove .. _.__ -- sonols | 1974 moo 1 ted surplus on the | | took appropriations to the amount of' North fimcos «... «> "W:,'» 881 "has d Bat, as we hav.e 4 | 82 581,500 07, and the expenditure in | Coith York......... w# Tt um 1 |TO per cent. of his 4 * e » # ve y % 4 44 +) 9 k # ape o9 ) | W ort YOPBL.A .++ 9 :60 1 ) that year was $1,816,806 78, or )ust_'.' Fast '-i-"kdb?c}""'. "f,}'f}, 11%'67106' 12 0,3(55.". j ttherefon; had an 1 ' per cent. of the sum voted. In 1872, r'.?csith'rm;": it v'oe r9usl 15000 1 bt year of seven or l f Mr. Mackenzie -- took appropriations Lentro FOLORLQ.. »/% ja _ 1698 _ *%%4 * bud dollars. If the F amounting to $2,312,033 52 and spont | g 1 nm-on;r(,-l-;a..;.'.m'. '1",)endl, as ho did last LA ) aw ie Seuth Ontarto...... . 478 19 912 Mer s x $ sl 847,9:'6 i, Or lu." 80 por cent, On | bor\l\tfinu\flouu\. }4'.".'!0&' 21,684 "'"g" A }]L of his .pprogrh | th; other hand, the amount spont on | west Purh®To...... 20880 10 #4 1S2l{ ]w the end of 1873 to ' * in Fest Durharp....... _ 207;885 18,}8 yr is | Public Works out of the appr.vprmio:.m 3euth :-'"fi{"'?"""' T,_'(';:,xt:"xj x;_.'.{z\: }i.:-}!'g {lrplua not $200,000 | 4 kE SOHiG 8165,000 less in 1872 than in !;'(;r:'h l\l(lunlll:;ulmr bal, 512 c ace y¥A 1)00. If, there.fore, 1871. But, if that further sum be de-- ues Aotfiritier. 170,881 18842 175 !'woere to distribute | ' hz . SH hing lik Pstn e es {~ so4 002 _ 26,.611 _ 21758 lon of their imvested | ducted, we still find that somothing like wewtasrsigh. niame Ihit 1116 1 9F :4 + $1,100,000 r: mains as a proof of the thrift rast Peterborough. . 1,4:3,-=;:; 15 ues W l municipalities, we i H lace Edwar 248,180 , 86 20, )30 ies 1 f and energy of the new Administration, priuc« d u::;:; d $ HHT Iam 1 very rospectablé in é M se tiestions ... 250,010 17,030 23539% l)ng our annual re-- | | We have on a former occasion polated Nuith Hastings.... 12170801 19188 | 16.607 1° 3 iJ 'of 60 OM 7 out that a very large proportion of the l\.«lulni.;;'..'.l......... "\.:«'J(l'?'t:g ;';:(I)g 32';;-:;" l.mate.n the people 0o P | Audt PM L a kn w e ++ wA uh *4 ¥ | total increase in the year resulted from t-,('_,,;',».m-......... 26,008 if"%inz 10 n {wation \ 1 "NnQSLOU .. .22 i+ ++ ++ 1,0 0. 494 p the Crown Lands Depirtment. Irrespec-- Sotik 14006.. .. ... atoast T Pig ;'3:1;}: i . | tive of the sales in November last, nots | . | Lrodutic ces ji0i0) 18e . 1W7 1 I | withstanding the liberal spirit with w}uch | North |.e;:l.u §05 ces ang 1531 14900 1 ' all parties have been treated, Mrc. Scott | Pundstcise.. ... ,%',71& ol 11'{.'31 | | succeeded in raising the rovenuo from Te ol ,/.... ... (dor000 -- 6.915 D it * j §$717,203 in 1871 to $1,214,545 in 1872. dlengortyccsllll n sooik §;:139; it of 1 , Or if we deduct $300,000 proceeds of | :;-,vé' uce wBk 1PB se & * i OKEAWA . 2 2l k e e e M 10 g 739 1 Sn in pe par it tm on dopnems | (Poplady . fig figP T9 | ' : * gaw on the year in Sris ono GOP en itrey }3(:«':) 'u:wsa 1 of, over $200,000. $oith Renfrew.... whigame | 118600 1688 1 i f 'At the end of 1872 the cash surplus | AIG6NS., ... .. ¥..... £7,000,808 _ _ 4,910 (1 : PaFiD _ 2 4 4 o | lo.. 86 ovt,613 1.%96,001 1,620,851 88 stood as follows:-- > | Pfotals of Ontario.. 66,007,04 h e itc rengea /w f ' A,207,979 32 | --tlkn ; 1 lnventedFur.ds...............S ;297 ; C ¥ 4 Ded he wl u:fi:mt 3'31' e:-:?ll:iredt to g | R o As () meet balance u:xptld o > & x > ilway Aid, Fund......$1,627,214 00 & j T e is | _ o » Leaving a clear un--APPMOPM-- _ __ ) ... , ~« ';l:llgn'vuted surplus 0f...$2,94_ 9.4?;) :32 | ' y To which add cash in Bank.. Jo...ft)_l 34 \ it i v mumers oummen ons o 4?:7;';~g A i surplus 1st $t s ¥" s ~ bepin Sittpe .i l 1. .. . 30,.005,706 6 | :

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