THE INDIA! LANDS. Mr. PRINCE moved that the Hone do (solve itself into a Committee tooorride. he following reaolntion:-" That " is de. .irehle that the management of the Indian ande in Ontario be trauaferred to the Go comment of thin Province, and that Inch stone ahall be taken an would induce that result." In making the motion, the apoaker aid that he would liret of all road a petition which he had mind on the auhject from the County of Beau, which set forth that the Indian reaerve landa there were covered with valuable timber, which wee being reek. leeely dtmtroyM-that the roads were un- cared for, and eome of them impaesxhle There were other petitions that he had re- ceived on the matter, all asking that the Government should take each atopa as would lead to their having control over the land a, not with a View to their aale only and the monev being kept in trust for the In 'ith',',',' that the timber should he preeerved a the roada kept open; also, the lands should pay taxes in aid of the revenue of the country. For these and other rcaeona ho aahed the Home to agree to the resolution. Mr. CROOKS aid tho aubieet which his honournble friend from Esme: had drawn the attention of the Home to woe a very imporo tant one. lie proceeded to dwerlbe the re. lation in which the Government stood to the Indians, nnd pointed out the the Crown n pun-m had the managomem of theeo lands He. thought that settlement and cmliution would be aided by n relonn in the manage- ment of the Indium lands IIs, could not see why tho Crown could not be prevailed upon to give to tho Province the control of the Indian lands in this portion of the country. For he "an sum 311.1: . court» would roeull. 'as ourably to the wlsanccmt at of oivilizo tion. 1Ill0rllllElFanlllt Mr. SCOTT (Grey) said that lost year he Attended I deputotiou to the Indian Deput- meat at Ottawa, and the result of it wee that e peteon use sent to re value the lands on the Indian Penineule end put them " on low a ligttrxs to Reside. He had not eeeu the "pod yet, t he thought at the time that theme we: I diepoeitiou on the part of the Dominion euthontiee to obtain control over the India: undo. Ho trusted that in the diahritmtloe, tho chime of the [adieu Penn-uh and tomhipe to a share of the money would not he ovisr1ookesd. He paid I Mllll nlttlMEliT--4ElMill SESSION. Mr SlNClAll! amid he knew the Indian wire willing to sell their richt in the lend: still held by them for tau-my five cent: an acre. He could not no that the Dominion Government would ham any ohjeetion to make 3 transfer of the m nuagomcnt of the Ontario Govcrumout. He thought a portion of the eurnlua would be welt need in a 'qtur- ing them lande. which could be sold on any term to intending settler; They could be mid for more than they were bought for. An expenditure of $40000 or $50,000 would be eullicient. The correepoudcnos brought down showed that the Department at Ottawa wee willing to entertain a propuitiou from this Government It would be in the in. tenet ot the Province u a whole that these lend- ehould be purebaaed. The Indian Do. partment was not so anxtnus to nettle than land; an this Province would bo. The return was not ea full no he had expected. Some a the information asked for was not given by the Ottawa department. The Indiana had not been on well able to advance them- aelvee u might have been desired. He thought the guerdienehip exercised over them an minore wee keeping them down.__ It they were _olnliged_ .to work tor al, of Eldon; ot Robert Armstrong a! al, of Grktieid; and of David Odin-3y a at, of atton, lover-ll praying tot 00min "no vi out. to tho Bil! now baton the Row t, mad the Act incorporating tha'l'oronto and "pining Mm, Company. their living they would probably get slang in the world both? than they now did tad more in the manner in which it was desirable ttl all Christie would advance thom. TM. Tu t 'tsrur, Feb. 27. The SPEAK ER took the chi: " 3 ouo9. PKWr10sNt3 PRESENTED, Tht following petitions wen than pro- By ME_§1cRag, Pt, Archibdd Cumiolgsoj Eon. Mr. SCOTI said Mr. Hampton hm? boon highly recommended to him " well suitodto the duties to be "signed him. He had beets associated with Major Show. I ' gentleman in whom he had the moat unlim- . wed ooruidunce, and who bod dieohnrfeil his l duties with on integrity which he fa ly " l preuiaUd. Hon. gentlemen should not chin: I that the vnliutiona were too high and st the i me time any that the action of the Gov. ' ornament was tackles. nod ertramgattt. I For the hat five you. . wail had been going up from thin Home that the nettle" ware _ Jain mound down. and tint the policy of mime" to the Cotmniaaioner of Crown I for thar one with which he lunged tho Indian lands, and trusted that the reso- lution of the hon. member for Essex would meet with the approval of the than. The resolution wan then carried. THIRD READINGS. The follgwing Bills were read . third time Mi. Bethune-Bill to mend the Upperc... " Jurors Act " " to provide for the psy- ment of Speculum". Mr. FrLcr-Biit to provide for the IU. eovcry of Costa in uLdvfcndod notions of Ejectment. - Sr. Irraarr--Bil1 to compel by Iuhpu-nt the attendance of Witness" before Arbitra. Mr. McDonald-Bill to uncut! the Act paused in the thirtrtirat you of the reign of Her Mnjeatv Queen Vwmril. and cinptered thirtrosye, in roiermce to Joint Stock Itoad Comémiei. Mr. Bethune-Bill for the proteehion of Eugen! improving laud under Mistake of Title. Mr. Welu--Bi11 lo remove certain doubts as to the powenof the proprietor? of the " mato Street Railway. Incl to incorporate them and other: under the nuns of "The Toronto Sheet Builwny Company," and for other purposes. In running the dobate on the revolution concerning the School Lands of the Province, Mr. Itobimrnrr--Bill to inoroue the Capital Stock of the City of Kingqton Water. Works Company, 3nd to unload tho Act of ineorpo. ration of tho mid Company. Mr. Tooloy --Bill to enable the London Free-hold and Leasehold Land Benoit Bupd. ing Society, and the London Union Savings. Lou: and Permanent Investment 5 'ciety, to amalgam" with the Agricultural Invest- ment Society and Savings Bank. Mr. Wood (Brant)--Rill further to ahead the het Incorporating the Norfolk IUilway (Jammy. Mr. Clarke (NorfolkV-Bilt to authorize the Law Smitty or Untnrio to admit Chub: John Fuller u . Barristerat.Urr. Mr. LAUDER aid that he truated the Commualoner, if he could not adopt the vduntionl made, would, st least. adopt 3 "sale by which some approx}: to tho proper voluationo might be made. flowuver, after whot the Commiuionor had ata'ed yoster city, he would let the nutter stand st present, but he hoped that buforo the House met agnin these matters in referenco to the "shoot lands would be all settled. He thought some of the "In-tors in the North. west were not competent men. Mr. Irsroweli-Bi11 to provide for the per- mum-m establishment of certain side lines in the Township. of Whitby and En: Whitby. Mr. Cameron --. Bill to in :orponto the Toronto Gravel Road and Concrete Company, Mr. FERGUSON said that the valuations in his part of the country Were "together too high, and that the vsluator- ware antic for their antics. He did not, howaver. blame the Government for theme appoiat _ memo, bat those honourable gentleman who had noommuuded them. Mt. In M ANUS took issue with the pr?- viouu weaker that the "labor: in Card. wesli Wore incomputbnt. On the ooutrarr though tho valuations might be a little higtt, the) were uniform, ttad, in the main, cor- rect. Mr. FERGUSON explnined thus ho mount no diueapcct to Mr. Hsmpton in sqyingl what be had in rogtrd to hit valuations, but a: the lame time he did not think he proptsrly underused the dutiu of the cilia: to which he had been appointed. Mr. HUMAN us aid that if Mr Hampton had apported the member for South Simeon in " election he would hive been all right (Hear, hear ) Mr. Hampton had oppose? him (the speaker), but Mill he liked judo. to be done. SCBOUL LANDS.