""g{'fl\i' ¥ j ® ht e e e " in 7 To Rie mos ts PR lb " e P s;,'&t_fih}.} A--g~ase ns C3 ow . > 3 $y _ * . es r@f a $ ;2:101;" g""'"'!'"mr was too close and --_ _ _ _ l"ll'mat useful memberofthe House. In | _ _ _\ _ £% eJ country dide b°h."0¢_i that the wealth of the _ _ f | regard to the resolution he thought thereo _ _ _ ~x > L +5 .8 < Dmmd{t A no% justify it in exacting the ehould be no distinction made between dif-- f~»;_;:j.',;'ir' s e :. belies was tehl:x from the poor settlors, His / ferent lands, but that the scttlers. on each : ';_.".;'j'*;}'f;'.r}g: . be pursued t a g«neroul libarality should | should receive equal benefit., N / ue aby error '::iur T e people, and that if The resolutin of the member for South KK s ' R 4 of too great a fl::;;::' 'h"-'}fii be in the direc-- \ Grey was then withdrawn. Jaes ?i'i"; & f | for Lincoln knew nothing of :hh"'fl.m;m»ar MARRIED WONEN'3 REAL E3STATE h wl 3 $ setfiers who were cutting theie was m , 2 T P Mr. _ C 0 ie perfect wilderne g their ::'y into a he House went into Committee on Mr. 4 ~ § J stituency that ss. He represented a con-- Meridith's Biil to amend an Act ro:-- OJ |. | and it was unf was the flower of the country, #pecting the conveyance of real estate by i $ | pere the loo ;li'" and unjust in him to com. warried women, and to facilitate the convey. C «l | to the ow mlu'cy with which he was familiar, ance of real estate by married women; and 1] C | settlers wore livins Grey and Bruce where the after some discussion the Committee rose and * P E3 ' sums that Wo::iz'gb:nmfmp? year to year oa reported progress. % 1 % . f , M ' | :;obourgr in the city of l':ro:'t:n t'[':: f(k):eufa: | LAW OF EVIDENCE. v Me:'::" Vm""" hc""'"' Lands, such as | _ The House wenrt into Committeo on Mr. be s cl!hpb.ell, bad oughnet, MoDougall, and ! Rykert's Bill to amend the Law of Evi-- (t hold themsely lll;flxment self--respect not to dence, ard after making some amendments 8 ing with sett es bound down by rule in deal-- rose and reported progress, o | f th Loff" bopt fands . She heal C. J. FULLER ( : '.. at D"P"'tmflfl_ ought to be able to exer-- * Te * | ;'; "]!!lfl'bltnr{ will. _ If he wished to oase Mr, MACDONALD proposed an amend. y ) him.: rom all trouble, nothing would give mont to the Bill to authorise the Law Society Tay ",rutcr eat'sfaction and comfort than to to admit Charles John Fuller as a Barrister-- aau n'pfiorder passed by the House ordering at--Law, by which the passage of the prelimi-- | "]'Pe"'.' o reduction, or an order that the pary examination by Mr. Fuller would be | h didu' ;Oll: books should be absolute; but he mado neceesary, ,"(.;0 f':,".'-to to say that amidst the malti-- A dircussiou took place, whish continued B . l[uis's; ie?n(e)r t!': :: 't::z gsztzll:'etumn the Com-- until six o'clock, when the House rose. 1 :s | a delicacy and prudenco "' t;:'l;z":r't ::8": After recess the discussion was resumed. 1 ; _mxt of these valuations, All ho desiced Dr, CLARKE (Norfolk) opposed the } «a to ro--ech l amendment strongly. Mr. Fuller had re | ~ and carr t° t;n.f sentiment of th-- House, ceived high encomiums from eminent legal | ' peame 'to" the feeling that prevailed in gentlemon, and he cou!d not see why there He bi'l:"::j hem regard to tho management. should such determined opposition to the by whick To Hece d shadow fo--th 'P""z{ | Bill, He wasaware that the Law Society wsi(th..nl: t t;. 10 :'l)ts from timber would, | had attempted to put a barrier to this class School ):nd) ing from the Crown, Clorgy or of legislation, but there were exceptional 14 { f | a ods, go up, for many years be-- features in this case, as well as in others || § | jord twenty --five, to a million of dollars, and which had preceded it, and there would be | ' @ p | ?)9' a doliar of 1t from the sottlor,. | no wrony done to any class of the commu-- 14 . | "d ho?onub'o gentlemen forget that there nity by the passage of the Bill. Mr. Fuller | 4 | fv" a jarge fract of country morth of the was a gentleman of high legal standing, who ree graut district which wonld bo a source had worked his way up through early disad-- | of revenue in future? 'Then there wore mil. vantagers, and in all fairness he lhoul(f not be | RL | lions of acres on the north shore of Lake sent back, as it were, to the position of & | ' | . Nuperior, which wou!ld prodacs a revenus for scholar. * * twenty years, at least, to come _ He did not Aft * Fariher Sisousston, In which ' ' see any rcason to fear in tho future Hs Mcosti, Wood (hrant o Pringe. B lroey, | | believed tbn'tho people of the country took $ cuall, Woor ( rand). r{n(.fi, oa 8, ' | a broad and liboral view of the mattor, and ergusor, Cameron, and Ardagh, too part, _. he lnfergmted their desire to be that the the House divided on Mr.l Ma.cdo_nd(li_ # | | settler should bo dealt with on the most lib. . amendment, which was lost, there being 50 | . cra' ters. He would be glad to be the _ nays against 16 yeas, and the original motion | h | people's instroment in giving all possible re-- was cacried, i lief to the eettlers. IN COMMULTTEE, Mr. RYKERT admitted ho had char od m + s ; | the henourable gentloman with recklossucss fdhoring file: nlack wore Auopted wad ay, - | l:;l :lth'; violation of the principles of con-- d".?: f'f; Shird. readings : begut c s 4 atitutional gove i * | i | sharged with making a porsonet sbacg nnd Mr. Monteith --To amend the Act intituled | | i4 ' him. He thought no gentleman had bgen !* An Act to ir'ycm'pnrat(? the ['or'i;. Dover and } | ' | attacked more by the pnblic press for his Lake Huron Halway Company, aud to ex-- -- } || R recklees expenditure than tfiat gentle-- tfnd the powers cocferred upon the said 4 | man, and perbaps not without cause. Company. ' | He complained that some gentlemen could Mr, Hodgins----To incorporate the Canada % I | have the run of the Crown Lands Dapart-- Congregational Missionary Society. * ment ard search through the lettors for years Mr, Wells To incorporate the Toronto | f l r'nt. A He (Mr. Ry kert) once appliod to that | Opera--house Company. | ; | } ,;(,2:: l:f:;fl'" the copy of an aflidavit, but Hon. Mr. Scott--To incorporate the Beech-- A 5 & wood Cemetery Company of the City of b | _ BHon, Mr SCOTT eaid the hon. gentleman Uttawa. f | got tho copy of the aflidavit the next morn-- Mr. Scott, (Grey)--To enable the Trusteos a k | g < w mly s * § t of Knox Church, in Owen Sound, to sell cor-- f l}'r..R\ KERT said he did recoive it the tain church property. -- 4 hat kissi E '?(.:tw ;:;.8;:::::: g, but he saw that kissing Hon. Mr. Crooks--To amend the Act res-- t , Hon. Mr. SCOTT said th pocting the Toronto Magdalon Asylum. | t f gwa:-'.. .u"tr;ho hon mam' " 3 y Sbmae Mr. Bethuno--To authorize the Cobourg, f ; in.. membor for South Bruce Peterborough, & M ra _ Railway and 1 bad obtained the information he had, but he I ie OO ie( : Ap . MLAHO rky, n | [J 'mplained of it immedtately af | Miring Company to extend their line of ; * o n modiately afte: wards. railway, and for other purposes. Nr. WELLS siid he got the information y o | 4| from the General Registry without the STRATFORD AND LA'KE HURON | T knowlodge of the Commissionor of CGCirown RALLWAY, j 4 £ Lavds, _ _ _ e On motion of Mr. MONTELTH the Bill to | Mr. RYKEIT thought this showed that consolidate and amend the Act incorporating | h the bon member for South Bracs had a freer the Siratford ard Huron Railway Company, § run of the Dopartment than ho (Mr. Rykert) and the Acts renewing and amonding the f Nei? same, was read a aecond time, and ordered | i X'r. SEXTON, in reply to & personal ro-- for a third reading to--morrow. ' 8t mark made by the proceding speaker, s«id j IrRPNX | k' that although he might g'v) lfome 'every @Urmy'd CoUNSEL Fridsy or Saturday he had work to do thero, Hon, Mr. MmO WAT moved the third read-- > h ard perhsps the hovourable gen'tleman had ing of the Bill respecting the appointment of f uot. In regard to the assertion that he got Queen's Counsel. | E' as much as ho was worth for the time spont Mr. M. C. CAMERON moved the samo | s bere, perbaps the member for Lincoln got amendment which he proposed when the more than he was worth. That gentleman Bill was in Committee, viz , that the words 3J}) / was continually dealing in buncombe resola. «* shall be lawful" bo substituted for * was tions instead of discussing the legitim ato and is lawful'"' in the second paragraph, and 3 . buriness of the Sersion, adding to the clause the following :--* And 4 Mr. BOULTBEE said that the last speakor all letters patept heretofore issued-- by the | had talked about buncombe resolations, but Lieuténant-- Governor _ appointing Queon's £" he did not say anything about the mat. Coupgel are horeby contirmed and made K -- ter before the House. _ Speaking for him-- | valid." 4 self, he thought he was as good a worker as | \ _ Mr. MACDONALD mpfoma the amend-- : J : the member for South Wentworth, but not ment, nyins that ho did not believe the [ y so good as the member for Lincoln, who, Lieutenant--Governor hod power to app:l}nfi : M3 i from his knowledge of Parliamentary prac-- | Queen's Counsel, and the original motion 'i Praa | tice and constant attendance in committeos, 4 . C l o i esn c mt e aancas S