----_---- Ktlllllll "gtyattiT--KtBllll SESSIOI -----e----- annr. Feb. 28. . The Speaker took the choir st 3 o'eiook. PETITIONS PRESENTED. The following paitions were presented c--- Mr. Baxter-Nun G. o. Bowler "d others, of Kingston, for eertein nine ad, m's to the Medical Act; also, from wr, B. Johnson and others, of Toronto, to the some effect. Mr. Croft-From David R.otmttr and others, of Markham, for certun amend- mente to the Act to smend the Act incor- porating the T, h N. R. Co. Mr. Willinrns (Hsuilton) - From the Township Councich Bentl-uc'n paying that the Act to amend tl 't Act "err"','?,,',","., the W., a. a B. R. Do. my p; uso, mm Thomas Flood and other» of ' fenby, to , the some offeot; Ilse, from th _ ownslnp i Council of Glenelg, to the name t: " . i Mr. Rohinson--frrorn ti "on. "card of i Kingston, for oortain amudmeute to the i School Act. l Mr. f'2,"ri,-i2ttt, Mrs. Msry Baldwin , and her six snghters, of Toronto. paying I tint, in eorttddeiation of the serucee of the late Col C. J, Baldwin. on annual cum be awarded to the petitioners by way of a pension. BILL INTRODUCED. Hon. Mr. CROOKS introduced n Bill re- specting the po-itim of the Whitby and Port Perry Reilway 00. under the hot relating to nilwe) s. THIRD READINGS. The following Biils were read a third time and passed I-- . Mr, Bethune-Por the protection of per. Ions improving lnnd under mistake of title. Mr. Clarke (Norlalk)--To authorize the Law Society ot Ontario to admit Cherie- John Fuller " n barriater.at.lmr. Mr. Cameron-To incorporate the Toronta Growl Rand and Concrete Company. Mr. Monteitli-To nmend the Act inti. tulul "An Act to incorporate the Port Dover and Lake Huron Ilsilwny Compmy," and to extend tho powers conferred upon the and Company. Mr. "origins -Td incorporate the Camila Congregational Missionnry Society. 7 Mr. Wells-To incorporate the Toronto Opera Home Company. t Hun Mr Scott Toiaoorporau the Bceoh- , wood Cemetery Company ot the city of Ot- f tawa. i, Mr. Scott (Clrey)--To rumble the trustees i of Knox Church, in Owen Sound, to cell can I tnin church property. t Hon. Mr. Croou--To smend tho Act re. I 'psotlng the Toronto Mngdnlen Asylum. Mr. Bethuno--To authorize the CobJurg. Peterborough end Humor. Railway and Mining Connpsny to extend their line of rail. 5 wny, and for other purpose; ' EXTENSION or TEE FRANCHISE. ! The order for the second rending of the i Bill to extend the frnnohise for the election l, of members of the Legielntive Assembly i hnving been called by the Clerk, 7 Hon. Mr. NICK ELLAI'. suit! that in the meantime that order would stand. Mr. CAMERON wished to know what the Government intended to do with that Bill. Hon. Mr. MCKELLAR did not know tint such A question was altogether 3 proper one. Mr. CAMERON thought it wu, and if he could get no other Inswer than what the , Commusimer vouohaaied, he would take the mtimtiounl remedy And move thst the