The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1873, p. 4

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_ " member for East Toronto had been carried. _ ul "*When that gentleman was a member of o' i. _ Mr. GRANGE said that for ovu{ petition $e*" Government he had spoken warmly of ths . m Te y " presented to the House for the establishment neceesity of establishing institutions for the 4@ of this asylum ten had been presented for blind and the deaf and dumb, and other un f the passage of a prohibitory liquor law. The fortunate classes of the soople. The con. ' Govemmw:h had not ye': oxp;ouo:l' thoir sideration of expenso did not trouble him views wi reapect the visa-- in 'counection with those institutions, and gility of dpunng a prohibitory law. he (Mr.lWillism;) held that the eghbmuh- ' I o restrain drunkeuvness it was nocessary to ment of an inebriate asylum was equall | c;x!t off .thho{ nupplielf. He u:ltahncet'l' l1;lw needed, SCY )} f efforts made for the frecing of the Abys-- . SCOTT (G i 1 ; sinian prisoners, and said that the same rale % .ex:d sl?y' .;Fagin?t)ht:l?n:(:'i':umi 'i':n()c}v:); | .1 would make it comrplnory on us to relieveo Sound or some country place where a site ' f } some of our fellow "i:l .,ec;llh-om tthe chains could be had free. | of intemperance. The killing of Scott in ¢ s Manitoba caused a great change in the com-- littihl CR{llg (?1;1?83".73 ':fif he was a | , plexion of this House, and yet the House | | i 1");011'":? t BHP ::" fic of some hon-- : stood idly by and saw thousands of persons sexrf.di:l, fiz l;fi?.':: pr:ten:i?:s' to!{)eoil;';l; | | | mlefi by druukenness, He was opposed to temperance advocate, but he considered that i the establishment of asylams of the kind b ntl ho 'had.. difri | proposed, while at the same time the (i> L. 8"'] emel:'o',' ng m'Hmmg the whole | verpment wore aiding, abstting, and licons-- LebkIOns N8 . ouse with their L. ing tho drunkensess which they pro-- :,'hmli';;":';'ml::'l':i'."',:? f:ll': p.peiet(i'h",bwen | ) | posed to cure. | M n Fill. . 6 omkon by op-- Mr. HAMILTON wished to explain the f,:;: nf'i? ;: 3"]: orl.i:h:h&ufi: :nl;i?i{ga:}ie CA vote which ho was about to give. Hde had t-uu'ons were placed in the eastern part of | | v'«',tulthfor gh}(:t.n:;cudmfllxt o't;hMl'-'l : .:::oron the Province; but wherever the Government | the oner ¥/g roanse ho INOUA ndbgie> might see fit to place it he would support its , periment should be tried first on a small establishment Lcnuso as 'one who was | scale, Uo did not think it had been proved apricus to geo the temp'ennce cause promot-- | | that the institution would be productive of ed, he believed it might, if proper})y oon: . | | practical r_es.ulu suflicient to ]u.auf_y so lnrgo du'cted, do a great deal of to the un. ' an expepditure, {ilolmng this view he would fortunate class of drunk: Ho would , vote tor the amendment Wl i i take th 8 ibility of voti t t ! Mr. MONK observed that gentlemen lost t;r:o meo;eth':??;i.t: go;u: h.ngh:gu}lg: u'li: | right of the fact that, even if the institution if in a fow years it was found that the | was not succeasful, the expenditure would institution was not a success, or was not be lost, They would still have the pro-- +oo expensive, costing more than the benefit | perty, which vymfld realize the amount ex-- would warrant, the property and the build-- : pended upon it. ing would be thore to turn to use as an edu-- | | | Mr. TOOLEY thought the price of the catiounal institution or some other purpose. | ? land that it was proposed to buy was exces-- He boped the people of the country would | | #ive. The price paid for the sito of the Lon-- approve of the action of the Goverament in l | don Lunatie Alyll(lm was $75 an acre, an(} it the matter. | | was complained of as excessive by the late Tw | | Upposition. _ Now it was propooccf to give Mr. W ELLSY reforred to the report of the | 6 j Inspector of Prisons, which abowed thas out | | $240 an acre for the land at Hamilton. He f 2 no had entered 4 A was decidedly in favour of the principle of of 244 persons wire Cu inebriate \ 5 i institutions in the United States 184 wore dis. | the Bill, but he was opposed to going to so d wi h { thei T \ great an expense, and would, therefore, voto charged with great hopes of their pormanens | against that Bill, improvement. 'The expenee of $38,929 in-- | Mr. WILLIAMS (Hamilton) wished to curred lxln keepwgb them in opernm)*nzz&; * s : more than met by income--some $2, ;'b:: %:('l'b:;d. ?fimfi t:xethoburvatxo:dl | more. He thought these facts wore enough : e e abont: sho PrODo® | to convince bon, gentleren of the utility of nt[o).e ,Tbn; nIt).h v:- <An.e llelecbed in 1864 for | euch institutions. a Deaf an mb um. At that tim forty--six acres of it weri to have been boulgh: Mr. SINCLAIR seaid that there was no for g.'_\0,000, while now the Government could class in the community who contributed get ninety--three acres for $22,000. The site | more to the revenue of the country than the adjoined the city, and was a very do-- drurkards, for some of them drauk nearly a ;i:alf»le '.i'm for th:dpnrpolo. The hon. mem-- all the money :he!y; l;:iL '::d t:l'xo;ef&re 'i( evgr r for Toronto had stated that another site an experiment sho' ic enefit bad (been offered near Hamilton for a less | apy class it was for them. Before tho Gov-- | sum, but he would say that the gentleman | eroment brought down their measures it was who had made that offer was ons of those supposed that the{ were well considered, but | wfh(;) bad li%nod the petition in 1864 in favour even then he wo\; d not support t'll"m ""'he'" | of the purchase of 46 acres of the proposed he was convinced in his own mind that they ; ' site for $30 000. prope | were degirable, As a supporter of the Go-- } Mr. TOOLEY--I am not findiog fault |\ vermment ho was able to say that he tho-- A with the site, but I understood you to say roughly ]b';{i"}'rd that 'a)n 'u(:ebrhte asylam \ that another site could j was nceded. Thoe member for South Braat | less, 'hiuhe:::. e?;ou;uyb':;]';:i'l:ll:.d for $7,000 bad taken a contrary view of the matter, ' | _ Mr. WILLIAM3 said he had 1 but be (the speaker) could tell him that, . | Such Statement. ® made no ;):lly_ thgi(tgor_ d.);'lxg : gcu't!leman' ex';p:e:xl;ed & | F im bis Gestre suc an institatlon { | | .t:th' CA::EROI{ said he had mado a should be erected, for ho wished to place in 1 ement of that kind. it a near and dear friend. Hoe (the sposker} | ; l(,(L)h' WILLIAMhs said that that site was , was cnnvin;'.ed that the asylum would do | | acres, about throe miles and a half below good in reclaiming unfortunate persons who $ the city, near th« race course, The momeout would otherwise be given up permanently to the Inspector saw it he said it would not do tho gratilication of debuos appeotites; and He (Mr. Williams) thought the CGovernment be thought that some of the temperance could rot have made a better seleotion in the members of the House were not acting con-- h | l[:: (;Vi::" th&l}dthe b::u" chosen. A good deal sistcntly in opposing the measure. f ' EoA d been said about the, location of this . A division was then taken on the amend-- | | bn.xldmp, and _ some _ hon. _ gentle-- aent, which was lost, Yeas, 12; nays, 38. -- l.nutxfinbad gno It:ut _of their way to have a YrAs.--Meesrs. Boulter, Cameron, Code, ¢ | lurplilgd at the h::nlton. b He; c ut To" Corby, Peacon, G""'%'o Hamilton, MoCall, ; rol ki hon. member for East To. Macdonald, Soott (Groy), Tooley, Wood 8 bd:: get(.l x;g this oonrso,d because he had (Brant)-- 12. f b » an axe--grindi G \' | that was not Mcuh'{;";;f p'.':::a"':';:; Navs --Mesers. Barber, Baxtor, Bethune, f , < the conduct of Hamilton towards them. The Calowell, Uhristic, Clarke (Norfolk#, Cook, | member for Leeda had had a good doal to ooo esnt t h on n( eeat o wroass He would just remind that hon. gentloman Harrington, Hodgins, McKellar, McKin, ; that when ho ran his election ho did not Mclgod, Meridith. Mouk, Montelbie Mo "Alr ' bave to runm round the city and beg for a :) fi'deo,fiPut.on, Prince, Read, Scott (Ot-- f f recommendation. He did not have to got 44 &'::&t"nuclur" » Swnahmger,. Springer, Striker, any gentloman to endorse his position before will ,_ Wells, Williams (Datham), he appeared beforo the electors. Thoe hon 38 (Hamilton), Wood (Victoria.) , , member for Leeds could scarcely say asmuch, -Tli iginal + C | With regard to the claims of Hamilton to this 6 original motion was then chrridd. institution, they did not ask it as a favour. The hour of six o'clock having arrived, the They never asked favours from any Ciovern:-- House rose. .:'xe:t',nor h::lo:k the Hous; either. 'The posi-- Aiter recees, * ul \ i en since be was a member of j ® & freo the House was never to ask for lnyt;':g Th ?RI'TATE pILLS. o ¥ .. for Hamilion that the city was not e following Bills were agreod to in Com« e . justly entitled to. That city was the _ 2 Bs _ _| second in the Province, and he heli i o e We aberporte the Ontling _ ______| that it offered advantages for this institution Golf and Alives W inieg Prs _ $ __| which could not be sur I i sny. other . _ Mr, Dawsou--To amaigamate the Nasrey 3 locality in Ontar io. He was surprised at the ' course taken by his hon. friend from Brant. k ks _ & § e . s a lt :

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