, r", T - v" y __- . i, V V "31.5 ." *s" """'1"iawT)illlll / "%itai now existed. There were certain _ ' _. rights which were recognized in courbof l Utl8lJmlllliirtlllmilllt 1iir,andoertithatrhitttywhitlt-. cognised in court of "agony. There were 9 ___.__. remedies to be obtsi in the one court which could not be obtained in the other. BEND nllutElir-4ltMll8 Stm. That we of "in! was It; Mom , quence of the great 'NP" oft ecominon I I --e- law practice at one paged, tS't,riugt2o. , ji I miti ate that rigour y con 0 equiv. Mitt BAT, d rcn 8, Im. Th:I8 present measure was designed to make The Speakertsoh the cheir at! o'clock. the courts of law and equity, as in as pos. pmnoxg elble. auxiliary to one another respectively, . . for the more speedy, convenient, end ink The fotitmine [initial 'ram FMMP' pensive administration of justice in every Mr. Pm.of tho Township Council o caee. It happened that occasionally than "M"; nino M Jeg-ia lt Fm!" "d "a t,'tee,t'gee'id #3533333 tlt ltd gm" 2ttfdt,'t 'tttrue,', Sign." the jurisdiction in the case was to be ', "0:... 'Ll 'tll'.',,,"',,') tt,'l',t'ifdhl',' "it: had inthe court of law or the court of eguity , forcsrtain amendments to the Act now -and it was MM" that ouoh ' oubt te: the House to amend the Act inc .p. should be removed. It was the duty of the panting the Toronto sad Nipiseing Railway ', Government tos if will". "in litigants, Company. T l from going from one court to another, and . thus relieve than from additional expense. Mr. Clarke twu1.uttrttyo-ot tu 8ohool n was only occasionally, however, that thst Board of More, praying for certain amend- difhultr arose, and he did not recall, during acetate the Aot now before the House to his own practice, a single instance where a omtaolidato the Huh School Iam. - had taken his case to the wreng court. There were four petitions respecting . Anevil that occurred much more frequently pmhibitory liquor law. - from courts of law not being competent , to do entire judce between litigants in oer- BILLS INTRODUCED. - tein cases. Formerly no equitable matter Hon. Mr. cnooxs introduced a Bill on- could be duh rid: in law, aid the only w I ituled "An Act to amend the Act respecting arr of! 'lt put! '13,"? fd Lt,'") In the l 1 ' " e anoe res aia roceed. . em "a shop mm . lug-in the 'o1'd',1"a' law, Tint had been Ml SCOTT 6Irty.) inhodnoed 3 Bill pro" remedied to some extent, but to some extent viding for the making of double tracks on only. It had in... (imam that . pug, who :now roads, whee sued in law land claimed a good equit-t. . ale dofmcscou set itupittaooarto . ENQQIRY law, but the judges held that that could . My BYKERT msquimd, y..hr.toth9a con- only u done when it was an absolute, per- cening the Ferris Estate Bill introduced by petuel, and unconditional ttar to tho plain- him In JIM" had tteen heard ol tiil's demand. Cree frequently fsirose hml The SPEAKER said the Bill was sent to F Flick - ttturs it "m"! to l,, . it the Judges on the let of February, and their tit" {Court of Chencery, tr/AS' It,', "I" report would p robahly bo forthcoming. 1:2:lnity.or ",hu'r,u',','U'l two 1',ho,'2dll PRIVATE BILLS. _ arose from the court:| being "painted, hand . a t . . , the question was ow to rem t use 2iht,tei'..'ly Bills wer read . third time I evils. . One Ptatrdy J"lllfld 'r" the entire funon ot the courts of Mr. Boulter--To incorporate the Gatling .law and equity; but there were serious didi. Gold and silver Mining Company. -', with); in tt wsl'yi orbs: tt the meesure wean inte ttoe won , e oug t, meet the 111.3523 ith i? thttttt tt oft',',,',', diffieultr. It must be remembered that the i Institu d to d th A m" "m. judges in both courts were perfectly familiar E in th target! Tll'] ' t.' "at 11:33PM". with the present system, as well as the law- , g o ores tum w at? sers, and tointreduoe an entirely new a s- i IN COMMITTEE. tut w'ould go attendantI with considerable I . . idiots ty an expense t was therefore do. maths: 'thit'tdi1? agvt'i1"2fit sirsble to make as few changes " might be l third 'UL',' .-- e u ' n or consistent with the object involved. The gs. . Bill was eubsteutially the same a: that Ar. fy.tham-r,.'ro inoorporuo the Trent i brought forward by the present Lord Chau- V alley Railway Company. i cellar at the time the matter was under its. l Mr. Meredith --ro amend an Act intitcled, l veatigstion in England, when the queeticn of " An Act to incorporate the London, Huron the fusion of the courts of law end equity end Bruce, Railway Company," end an Act l was considered. The effect of absolv- irtitulcd, 46 An Act respecting the London, fusion would be to change the whole pm Enron and Bruce Railway Company, end to tice for the sake of avoiding diftieuttiag which extend the powers confound upon the said very unfrv quently arose, and to bring that Company, and for other purposes." about would require an immune amount of SECOND RE 1' WW I time end labour. The Commission in New A ' _ " York, which was appointed there for the The following Bills were read a second I purpose of bringing about ouch fusion. was . time ..- l at Hark fort:d number cigars, and in Eng- Mr. 0iirer--Repeptrng the Fair Ground Un there beeueev commissions who . . had been em lo ed ears in the some work. . gum ortg',rc,'d," f,?tt',uttf2u Polio l The 'ltf,2"dl'd,',%' W,', set about a similar - . scheme, but they informed the then Attor- Ar. rite,rett-r'r,t amend the Act in- ney-Generel that it would take a long tit?Ud, An Agt to Woman" the Broak- time to perfect it, and that two ,rilk, and Westport Raiitear' Conway." of the judges would have to be .Mr. Cameron-To incorporate the uu relieved from their work to do so. Simone Junction Railway Company. a: thought no lswyle; ll,i°ere would1 any: " t cure stern we in: rov an . CONVEYANCE off REAL 135"" BY etituting fir it thelawof Ne: Your.y He MARRIED WOMEN. had no doubt, however, that in Refined On motion of Mr. MEREDITH, the Home thers ,rould t: tttlt fth't our.» h " went into Committee of the Whole on the PM; Ittiil :3de the" "gum; Bill to amend the Act respecting the oonvey- ' Mt has ."1, Ill',' . a" h 21t Nh slice of real estate by married women, and us ere, or ' sample "t, wo Mbrm to facilitate the conveyance of real estate by as . guido in 'ttia matter. home 'mm"" married women, "a reported the Bill with. had been made in alterations in the Common out amendment. haw PracedursbA'ct, so as to gable te,",,,',", , , w w to crime ni in matters: II THE BETTER ADMIN IM BATION " u had examined than zheme so far as it was J tuWChl. prepared, and he thought it would_add by its . The Arrtn'sTY-tH.ilNrili'Ar" in new "ttttsh/tgrits";?))'),':"."' tl mg the second ret.reg . of the PII was more cumbrous, though, at the same _ for the Better Administration of J ultras bun it was . scheme which would be . in the Courts of Ontario. said that this mes. me;- of amel r tin the common law reo- ,' a" was u" in the 'ttur ot fusion of the ties. The 'A",'i'l,'l'lf who was then Alttcr- . a . ' y . l . onfyaMenuitrietru?ro.vinoo3.h.oyr.ls . neyCeneral, introduced a Bill with svisw l g t did no:hfnvnlve absolute fusion, which it to fusion. m had examined that Bill also an . . ' , I" Jd'.',':,' at gmsmyf ht!" flg'ig',t,'ht which was more near the Chancery practice, '. if F measure of the kind .- 'lit',',' d it and would serve more ed'ectually that class i . "mpeetaatto . now no I '"' ofceses than nny other but it made such i . consider how it would work edicsl . th ' l . ' having "km to the state of things I changeein_ e common aw P""Y" l that he did not think that it would be "hr t i---,-..,