2idttuuaP, 1It 'ii '," h. a'r'LFF n .. pereletin . _ ' ' l texee to.ohli vo peyum (t'l,."htfl'liifthi'tt"""""* the better After lone further di . . '" toe uceeenon the dense The (intimation of vote-e in eitiee wee "duood been 8500 went to $400. "We 100. providlng for the election by the e IM . . . "opt? 0 eyore in oitim end towne,wee lu. Contain" pueed oleneee down to No. M2 with tight unendmente. and then rose and. "por progress, axing leeve to sit new: tomorrow. ADJOURNMENT. .Auomtc;pty1 MOWAT moved the adjournment ot the Home, end "id that on Thundny, or perhaps Walnoedey, he would be ehle to do ewey with tho noxiety under which the hon. gentlemen (Mr. Comer-on) wee hbooring in reepoot to the Municipsl Loan Fond when". Mr. CAMERON eleo reminded, be Attor- ney-Genoa! of the romieoe Sue by the' Goyevnment about hringing down further "awn-den in Council. end I further School . than thet now tatorrs the House. which wee motel, e ooniolidatioa of the law: now in existence. Mr. MCCALL spoke of the Agriealtural Penn eohuno. ' ADDRESS TO THE GOVERNOR-GENE RAL. On motion of AttomarFyrral MOWAT, e Committee compoeed of Monte. Cumber- lend, Gifford, Monk, end Rodgine, wee ep- pointed to prooeed to Ottewe to preeent to hie Excellency the Governor-Genet" in per- sooturaddrxap-1trrthes 30min the only portion of the Sudan. The Home then adjourned et 11:25 pm. --_---- NOTICE OF MOTION. AttornerA1era1 1Eorrat--On Wednesday next-That for the remeinder of thin eeeelon, when thie Home tttr on Friday. It eheli etend adiourn till Seturdey " one a the clock in the efternoon, on which dar there shall be no evening sitting, and the on eech day of the sitting of the House throughout the temeinder of the eeeei'oe, execpting Mondeye, Government onion dull hue precedence. . teeeeLereeeee.